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Lifetime Sub Sale?

peewee3695peewee3695 Member Posts: 21 Arc User

Was wondering if there are any plans for a lifetime membership sale, with the release of 8.5? Really keen to get Lifetime Sub, but really can't afford $300.

Post edited by peewee3695 on


  • gnt0000quantagnt0000quanta Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I was wondering the same thing especially since its the anniversary of the game as well on the 2/2. If they have another price reduction on it. My money is spent.
  • nlteshadenlteshade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Yeah same here, as soon as its on sale i will be buying it and have a few friends who say the same
  • tewha7tewha7 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    There comes a point where, in light of sales, your regular price is viewed as insane.

    STO is well past that point. I think the regular price is just costing them money right now.

    I am NOT in a position to buy a lifetime right now, even if it's on sale. But when I am, the regular price will stop me.
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I am also waiting for the next sale, I am guessing mid to end of the year.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • iikkajarviiikkajarvi Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm surprised this hasn't been announced. I'm certainly in a position to purchase the sale price, but I couldn't rationalize the full price.
    Current Server: Mindflayer
    History Class in the Realms: "Elves did it better first. Also, magic was probably involved somehow and maybe gods. Or godly magic. Now go outside so the orcs and bandits have someone to menace."
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The sale price is usually only 20% off, or $240 instead of $300.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • tahnalostahnalos Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    They really should price the subscriptions to based on how long a person has been subscribed to STO. I have been subscribing for almost 700 days, would be nice to get an even bigger discount compared to the 30% discound they usually give.
    Fleet Affiliations:
    FED: Royal Federation Mounted Starfleet: SB3, TAC3, ENG3, SCI3, Win, Int, DOff(T/E/S/B)
    KDF: Parliamentary Klingon Empire: SB2, TAC2, ENG2, SCI2, Win, DOff(T)

    Interested in joining? Please send a PM to @Tahna_Los.
  • captain185captain185 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    There is going to be Season 9 in April, so look for a lifetime sub sale then. Also, it is 33% off or $200.:cool:
    So, I just push the buttons and things blow up? Fascinating...
  • tahnalostahnalos Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    captain185 wrote: »
    There is going to be Season 9 in April, so look for a lifetime sub sale then. Also, it is 33% off or $200.:cool:

    Discount still needs to be more for people who subscribed for a long time. As I have been subscribed for almost 700 days, $200 is still too expensive.
    Fleet Affiliations:
    FED: Royal Federation Mounted Starfleet: SB3, TAC3, ENG3, SCI3, Win, Int, DOff(T/E/S/B)
    KDF: Parliamentary Klingon Empire: SB2, TAC2, ENG2, SCI2, Win, DOff(T)

    Interested in joining? Please send a PM to @Tahna_Los.
  • captain185captain185 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I subbed for a while (over 500 days), and I still had to pay $200 for my LTS. There will be no dice on the further discount. Sorry to bust your bubble.:(
    So, I just push the buttons and things blow up? Fascinating...
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have thought about buying a LTS, but the unplanned server / service outages have caused me to re-examine that train of thought. STO is my 1st MMO that I have played so the concept of online games is still a bit new to me. I suppose the issue is that if the servers are down or there is service issue, then I cannot play the game. That dramatically different from simply buying a game like Skyrim and play it whenever I feel like playing it.

    I am on the fence now, if and when the LTS gets discounted, then I will likely just bite the bullet. For now, I will simply play the game as F2P and purchase Zen from time to time to throw real money at the developers (like this past weekend).
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