As we all know the system crashed yesterday, 1/30.It took all day for them to fix the problem. In the new mission "between The Stars" There are still some issues. I have tried to complete this mission since it was offered yesterday after the system maintance.I have
several completed people. I entered the mission and it worked until the system crashed. only got through the first part. Since them entering the mission it is a black screen. I clicked change people and it worked. however there was no tuvock! I had ot start over.
then black screen and logged off it worked. I got to the next part and black screen again.
I did it in the blackness got to next part and it came on. put on the evior suit and got the back ground but nothing else but total blackness and tried to nav. in that. Got as far as looking for the door locks and got 1 but gave up due to getting stuck on something and could not figure how to get free from it. All the other maps work fine. This leads me to belive that there still some bugs in this. Anybody else having problemo with it?