Unstoppable Captain - choose no help (no swarmers or beams)
Explosion Investigator - look around when in EV suit crossing over (?)
Tuvok's Support - don't let Tuvok go unconscious.
Beam Dodger - don't get hit by big beams in the 'pit'
Celebration Year 4 - complete the mission
Qmendated - complete the mission
- Swarmer Tactician
- Defensive Beam Tactician
The unstoppable captain one also has complementary ones for the beam and swarmer methods (need to repeat the FE twice, of course)
- Dyson EV Suit Collector
Collect all three EV suits (needs repeats)
- Shadow Hugger
Do not get fried in the Sun Window room (does not always occur, sometimes you go the side that you have to defend cooper from the swarmers with the console bit)
I was hoping to discover one from outing Cooper earlier on (the chat options seem to result in different room order outcomes and how the story plays out somewhat) but so far nothing, even when you accuse him of being a spy.
Looks like I need to pick up the Icarus one, though, myself. I didnt think that would be one, I actually tried to fly into the sun thinking that would give ya something like bumpin or leap of faith, but nah, just dead.
General Accolades:
Celebration: Year Four! 100p - Successfully helped Tuvok in the Dyson Sphere
Qmendated 10p - Completing the Anniversary Episode or Party Patrol each day will provide you a Qmendation.
Story Accolades:
Beam Dodger 10p - Avoid being hit by the defensive beams in, ?A Step Between Stars.?
Defensive Beam Tactitian 10p - Choose to activate the defensive beams in, ?A Step Between Stars.?
Dyson EV Suit Collector 10p - Obtain all 3 types of Dyson EV suits.
Dyson Sphere Puzzle Solver 10p - Complete the activation puzzle in ?A Step Between Stars? without any mistakes.
Explosion Investigator 10p - Fly through the epicenter of the station hallway explosion in, ?A Step Between Stars.?
Icarus 2.0 10p - Avoid having your ship damaged by the sun in, ?A Step Between Stars.?
Shadow Hugger 10p - Avoid being burnt by the sun while activating safety protocols in, ?A Step Between Stars.?
Swarmer Tactitian 10p - Choose to activate the swarmer defenses in ?A Step Between Stars.?
The Unstoppable Captain 10p - Choose to activate no defense in, ?A Step Between Stars.?
Tuvok's Support 10p - Prevent Tuvok from being knocked unconscious in, ?A Step Between Stars.?
Tomorrow we'll go hunting for new accolades in the revamped episodes.
Efficient Swarmer Exterminator - Get this one by beating the swarmers trying to stop Cooper from activating the console in less than one minute (basically he has to get the door open in 60 seconds or less)
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Efficient Swarmer Exterminator - Get this one by beating the swarmers trying to stop Cooper from activating the console in less than one minute (basically he has to get the door open in 60 seconds or less)
I like confirmation, I just did it under 60 seconds and didn't get it.
I started counting as soon as the Bar started and I'm always getting 60 seconds by the second one is clickable. Really wish they give more time or let you know you are under the timer.
I got all 3 EV suits and I dont think I got the accolade. not as far as I can see.
Also the 60 seconds one is a bit harsh. Not only do you have to have put luck in getting the room, but even with some really solid gear I've yet to do that room in 60 seconds. little leeway there would be nice.
I can't seem to find 'explosion investigator'. Is it the charge you set off (shouldn't be because I flew through the explosion I triggered) or is it somewhere else you have to fly through with your suit? I tried to follow the path of the ruptured tube but nothing...
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
I can't seem to find 'explosion investigator'. Is it the charge you set off (shouldn't be because I flew through the explosion I triggered) or is it somewhere else you have to fly through with your suit? I tried to follow the path of the ruptured tube but nothing...
You have to fly through the first part of debris from where the explosion was.
You have to fly through the first part of debris from where the explosion was.
I can't find it. The explosion I set off?
Edit: nevermind, found it! Thx for the help.
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
I started counting as soon as the Bar started and I'm always getting 60 seconds by the second one is clickable. Really wish they give more time or let you know you are under the timer.
Same here - the accolade might be broken (would not be the first time) ... it doesn't even show up in my unfinished accolade listing ...
Same here - the accolade might be broken (would not be the first time) ... it doesn't even show up in my unfinished accolade listing ...
nah its not broken, got it on 2 chars already
and many many accolades doesnt show in unfinished accolade list
this have nothing to say at all
i got it ->
first came into room, moved to the first console, shot the first wave down
clicked 1st console, moved to the 2nd console, shot 2nd wave down
clicked 2nd console, killed 3rd wave, done
I started counting as soon as the Bar started and I'm always getting 60 seconds by the second one is clickable. Really wish they give more time or let you know you are under the timer.
Tac is easy, beam-in reinforcements + shard of possibilities.
Else get a split-beam rifle.
and many many accolades doesnt show in unfinished accolade list
this have nothing to say at all
i got it ->
first came into room, moved to the first console, shot the first wave down
clicked 1st console, moved to the 2nd console, shot 2nd wave down
clicked 2nd console, killed 3rd wave, done
There's definitely something wrong here. I did it in about 45 seconds and didn't get the accolade.
I failed on 3 chars already and I am getting the distinct impression that you need to keep your actions in a specific order - kill swarmer waves first and then activate the consoles.
I started counting as soon as the Bar started and I'm always getting 60 seconds by the second one is clickable. Really wish they give more time or let you know you are under the timer.
Was on normal mode, spammed doffed security team (like 6 of them appeared), used every single power i had on my squad leader kit, and it just happened.
Like i was clicking the consoles every 10 seconds it seemed, it was going REALLY fast.
I did the FE earlier on elite and there is NO WAY to do it on elite in time.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
You should be able to find a full list of the accolades available in you Accolade Menu. Try looking at the unfinished ones.
No, Cryptic is stupid. I've seen before where Accolades are hidden until you at least get a partial completion. Not all Accolades show up on the list!
I got screwed out of the Year 1 Accolade cause I LOOKED for it and didn't see anything. Then got transformed by Q once, and went about my business, then after the Year 1 Celebration I was looking through my Accolades and see "Year 1 Accolade: Get Transformed By Q: 1/5". :mad:
Same for me. I've looked over the list several times, and there are no new incomplete accolades shown. The ones I've completed show up, but nothing incomplete.
Well Ive tried 32 times tonight on my science toon.To get the accolade Efficient Swarmer Exterminator with no luck.Ive tried split beam pulse wave etc.They need to tone it down.
Got Efficient Swarmer Exterminator first time without even knowing it existed.
Did it on a toon with TRIBBLE gear too.
Fabrication Engineers for the win.
Tried to get Efficient Swarmer Exterminator the first two times I got the room, and failed even using all my abilities and killing them as quick as I could. Third time I got the room I said whatever and just shot them normally, and got the achievement...
Just got the efficient swarmer exterminator accolade on my under-geared sci (jem'hadar Mk XI ground set) using the shard of possibilities and ARMING DOCTOR COOPER! :eek:
That guy can shoot!
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
- Swarmer Tactician
- Defensive Beam Tactician
The unstoppable captain one also has complementary ones for the beam and swarmer methods (need to repeat the FE twice, of course)
- Dyson EV Suit Collector
Collect all three EV suits (needs repeats)
- Shadow Hugger
Do not get fried in the Sun Window room (does not always occur, sometimes you go the side that you have to defend cooper from the swarmers with the console bit)
I was hoping to discover one from outing Cooper earlier on (the chat options seem to result in different room order outcomes and how the story plays out somewhat) but so far nothing, even when you accuse him of being a spy.
Looks like I need to pick up the Icarus one, though, myself. I didnt think that would be one, I actually tried to fly into the sun thinking that would give ya something like bumpin or leap of faith, but nah, just dead.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
My character Tsin'xing
Sounds like I got them all except one from when I was trying to fly into the star. haha.
Thatll be easy enough.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Efficient Swarmer Exterminator - Get this one by beating the swarmers trying to stop Cooper from activating the console in less than one minute (basically he has to get the door open in 60 seconds or less)
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
I like confirmation, I just did it under 60 seconds and didn't get it.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
And my I ask how you did it?
I started counting as soon as the Bar started and I'm always getting 60 seconds by the second one is clickable. Really wish they give more time or let you know you are under the timer.
Also the 60 seconds one is a bit harsh. Not only do you have to have put luck in getting the room, but even with some really solid gear I've yet to do that room in 60 seconds. little leeway there would be nice.
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
You have to fly through the first part of debris from where the explosion was.
I can't find it. The explosion I set off?
Edit: nevermind, found it! Thx for the help.
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
Same here - the accolade might be broken (would not be the first time) ... it doesn't even show up in my unfinished accolade listing ...
nah its not broken, got it on 2 chars already
and many many accolades doesnt show in unfinished accolade list
this have nothing to say at all
i got it ->
first came into room, moved to the first console, shot the first wave down
clicked 1st console, moved to the 2nd console, shot 2nd wave down
clicked 2nd console, killed 3rd wave, done
Tac is easy, beam-in reinforcements + shard of possibilities.
Else get a split-beam rifle.
How do you trigger the swarmers?
I failed on 3 chars already and I am getting the distinct impression that you need to keep your actions in a specific order - kill swarmer waves first and then activate the consoles.
Was on normal mode, spammed doffed security team (like 6 of them appeared), used every single power i had on my squad leader kit, and it just happened.
Like i was clicking the consoles every 10 seconds it seemed, it was going REALLY fast.
I did the FE earlier on elite and there is NO WAY to do it on elite in time.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
No, Cryptic is stupid. I've seen before where Accolades are hidden until you at least get a partial completion. Not all Accolades show up on the list!
I got screwed out of the Year 1 Accolade cause I LOOKED for it and didn't see anything. Then got transformed by Q once, and went about my business, then after the Year 1 Celebration I was looking through my Accolades and see "Year 1 Accolade: Get Transformed By Q: 1/5". :mad:
Did it on a toon with TRIBBLE gear too.
Fabrication Engineers for the win.
I've used many Toys to kill the Swarmers as soon as possible.
3x Support Drones/Phaser Turrets/Quantum Mortars, Seeker Drone, Romulan "Support Team", Shard of Possibilities.
It was UNDER one Minute but dont get it.
I am kinda pissed off because:
1) I can't get the other accolade
2) I am sick of protecting that wuss
3)From what I've seen from walkthrough videos, the "burning window room" is much easier/faster
That guy can shoot!
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Clould some here please explain me how I can go to the swarmer room for the "Efficient Swarmer Exterminator"?
I will alway go to the room with the sun window.