I have a Reputation project, in Task Force Omega, called "Costume Unlock: OMEGA Style 2 that is my active project and is ready to be collected. However, I click "Collect Reward" and get an error, something like "Unable to collected Costume Unlock: OMEGA Style 2. Make sure you have enough room in inventory. You may only collect on unique item."
I believe the last part of that message is accurate because it is possible I already finished that project (I queued the duplicate one while the first one was on its completing timer). However, I can't figure out how cancel the project. Because of this, I can't finish any new Task Force Omega projects in that slot.
Is there any way to cancel or unselect a project that is ready for collection? Please help! Thank you.
I have a Reputation project, in Task Force Omega, called "Costume Unlock: OMEGA Style 2 that is my active project and is ready to be collected. However, I click "Collect Reward" and get an error, something like "Unable to collected Costume Unlock: OMEGA Style 2. Make sure you have enough room in inventory. You may only collect on unique item."
I believe the last part of that message is accurate because it is possible I already finished that project (I queued the duplicate one while the first one was on its completing timer). However, I can't figure out how cancel the project. Because of this, I can't finish any new Task Force Omega projects in that slot.
Is there any way to cancel or unselect a project that is ready for collection? Please help! Thank you.
There should be a Cancel Project button on the Reputation screen, HOWEVER you should check that you have the aforementioned outfit before you cancel the project, as canceling will not refund any Omega Marks, Dilithium, Exp or Provisions used in the project.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
There should be a Cancel Project button on the Reputation screen, HOWEVER you should check that you have the aforementioned outfit before you cancel the project, as canceling will not refund any Omega Marks, Dilithium, Exp or Provisions used in the project.
The Cancel Project button is not there because it is replaced by the "Complete Project" button. The error appears after I click the Complete Project button.
Thank you for your help, but I think I need a bug fix or something from the devs to resolve my issue. *sigh*
There should be a Cancel Project button on the Reputation screen, HOWEVER you should check that you have the aforementioned outfit before you cancel the project, as canceling will not refund any Omega Marks, Dilithium, Exp or Provisions used in the project.
The Cancel Project button is not there because it is replaced by the "Complete Project" button. The error appears after I click the Complete Project button.
Thank you for your help, but I think I need a bug fix or something from the devs to resolve my issue. *sigh*
Thank you.
This bug has been going on for over 2 years I believe and still no fix.
2 years??? are you serious??? cryptic surprises me more and more lol. (well, actually its hard now to be surprised by them in this matter).