Imagine flying in a ship crewed with Fleetmates instead of AI BOffs, or even letting your crew fly while you "fix the warp core" (some sort of mini game that results in performance buffs or fixing debuffs). Maybe even fly a fighter around your carrier in the heat of battle!
Not sure exactly how all the stations would work, but I can see the overall setup being used for, instead of PvP, Fleet v Fleet actions.
On player in the Captain's chair, then conn (maybe leave that for the captain?), one or two tac officers targeting and firing, eng and sci officers, too...
I think, aside from the overall obvious question of how to code this into the game, I think the biggest challenge would be making each station interesting enough that people won't all want to play one slot while leaving another totally unmanned.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
That would be an element of my personal ideal Trek game. But sadly, a lot of people think that not enough players would want to be actual 'subbordinates' to others in a mere game. Might be why those 'orders' the faction leaders give you are just suggestions. =p
SWG had that with the bigger multiplayer ships. It was pretty glorious,
One pilot, one runnign the ops stations, player maned turrets, people could run around the ships interior to fix broken stuff during combat and all that. And you could transport people from one planet to another.
If I remember right, that's something like one of the proposals for a Star Trek Online game long before STO game out. The argument I had against it back then is the same as I have now - I suspect the majority of people want to be captains, not crew, you'd have to be on the same time as others, and just who would decide where the ship goes?
Well games out there ARE trying this. Arche Age for example is doing this with oceanic ships. It apparently works for them. Why not STO?
I can't say I don't want to play as a BOFF, though I'd be content with just switching out my capt for one of my own BOFFs, like how we switch ships out. Though the powers system might have to be overhauled, if that were to be implimented.
Well, you can quasi-realize many of those scenarios via the foundry if you're creative enough.
What you're asking for, though, is difficult to make possible in an MMO situation where people will be constantly leaving and joining the game world. Bluntly, I don't think it would fit within what STO is as a game.
I think the closest interpretation of what you're after would be Artemis.
Perhaps a slightly longer/more interpersonal/less action-based game along those lines would be MUSH.
Cryptic already said they thought about it before the game was released, and came to the conclusion people prefer to be the Captain, than a guy pushing buttons all days in engineering.
I think you could make this fun, and I even put forward a pitch for this when someone did a for fun thread that asked "if you could remake STO, how would you do it?" But this is not that game, and it is unlikely to become that game.
Remember this, the more radical a change you propose, the less likely it is to happen. That doesn't mean don't post the idea, just means don't get your hopes up.
While I like the idea, an issue of player time comes to mind. You have some players that are on set days with set times, and some that come on every once in a there could be times when you're on this community ship all by yourself. A fix could be where you are in control of your own ship but once in game you can request and therefore be temporarily reassigned to another players ship as part of there crew, once logged out and back in the game would reset it to you being in charge of your own ship again.
Remember this, the more radical a change you propose, the less likely it is to happen. That doesn't mean don't post the idea, just means don't get your hopes up.
I am not proposing this as "Fly-around-as-an-Engineer-all-the-time-forever-and-ever-amen", I think to work it needs to be as radical as having another PvP or PvE mission to queue up for. Not very radical at all, on the game-changing scale. Players could completely ignore it if they want. On the other hand, some people would really enjoy this. I know I would, and I bet the RP crowd would be on this like white on rice.
I think the more "radical" part of this proposal may be making he game engine work. As I don't code for a living, I have no idea. Then again, it could be as simple as making a slot open to players, not just BOffs.
As far as getting my hopes up, I am familiar enough with online forums to know my idea won't even be considered. In fact, I was really expecting more responses along the lines of "Are you kidding??? The devs have too many bugs to fix as it is!!!" The number of positive responses tells me I'm not alone in wishing for this, so I will continue to dream... and maybe someday...
Seems fitting to talk about dreams on this MLK Holiday. At least his dream sems to be coming true.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
I could see it as a mission where we get demoted. I could see it as a game where every player is a crack Elite Forces commander in charge of a shuttle/fighter (and this is how I'd probably design an MMO; it limits some cool things off for the player but has huge advantages in terms of the world/setting). Replace starbases with ships, fleets with crews, and ships with shuttles/fighters.
I could also see the option being presented to choose to play one of your own bridge officers on the ground.
Actually I could see something like this added in a since, I would like to see some missions that incorporate ship interiors instead of them being just RP places, they could make end game sfs that tweak and modify based on the leaders ship interior where different things need to be done inside the ship. Of course the requires the dens to make complete interiors for the bridge only interiors some ships have (like my adapted battle cruiser)
There's already a game coming down the Pike called Star Citizen that will be employing this.
Well you can have NPCs manning your weapons or actual players if the ship is big enough.
I think STOL could learn a thing or two tum-de-dum.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Like the Idea of a version like it maybe Cryptic and PWE consider it as well ?
Who knows I think next to STO it would be great but it would look like Elite Force 1 version and when you rank up you would get access to the bridge eventually right.
1. Star Trek Elite Force Online
2. Star Trek Tour of Duty
3. Star Trek From ensign to Captain
Hell I don't know a name for it do you how they would call it next to Star Trek Online.
And I would definitely play it if it would be there would you ???
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Here's how you get people to want to sit in stations other than captain:
First, this assumes that this is a queueable event. You get station-specific experience for finishing the assignment. You can then go spend your Tac XP on upping your skill level on, let's say "Energy Weapons Proficiency." Need to get your Eng toon up in level to train your Eng BOffs in a skill nut already speced out? You can earn more by queuing up for an Eng slot.
Maybe what I'm suggeting is offering Tooo Much Powaah. Instead of earning skills, maybe just a temporary buff?
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
I guess for situation where friends or fleet mates aren't available, a random que system that determines who is captain just like it determines who is team leader could work. If the ship cannot fill with enough players, than the spots would go to boff's that are controlled by either the captain or their equivalent career type player (example eng boff controlled by eng player, sci boff controlled by sci player, tac boff controlled by tac player).
The key to beating competition isn't imitation, it's innovation.
You made a weak argument.
Well it's a dog eat dog world. STOL better come up with something or lose dollars to competitors.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
If this was an unknown IP, or brand new IP it could work, but this is Star Trek, majority want to sit in the chair.
I personally wouldn't mind either, I prefer more immersion in games, and not baby sitting poor AI's all day. I also enjoy teamwork with real challenges, not baby sitting AI's all day with poor challenges.
I personally wouldn't mind either, I prefer more immersion in games, and not baby sitting poor AI's all day. I also enjoy teamwork with real challenges, not baby sitting AI's all day with poor challenges.
I have to disagree. A lot of people don't.
However, I like having and flying my own ship.
In space you essentially play "the ship"=the entire crew.
On away missions; THATS another topic entirely. There we should be able to use BOs.
Beside the little fact that it is against canon Starfleet protocol in the first place that the Captains lead aways teams, its just ridiculous.
They force us to be Admirals, wich is a desktop job, but then we do not sent our crew into a hazardous environment, no. With 5 ships and up to 10.000 federation personal in orbit the 5 flag officers beam down and handle the mission alone.... really?
I want to handle the away missions as the first officer, or tactical officer or the medical officer and only on occasion the captains goes down himself.
So until such a feature isn't in the game in ANY WAY (beside only using aliens and "Recreate" bridge officers of the same gender in different costume slots^^), this is IMO not a Star Trek game.
Gosh I don't! I keep trying to kill mine. I send them on one person crusades on the paradise city map. Or trying to make them fall off cliffs, I do that enhancer thing on the bridge to see if I can spawn a kdf or ghost guy then hide behind consoles and watch them fight it.
I am not proposing this as "Fly-around-as-an-Engineer-all-the-time-forever-and-ever-amen", I think to work it needs to be as radical as having another PvP or PvE mission to queue up for. Not very radical at all, on the game-changing scale. Players could completely ignore it if they want. On the other hand, some people would really enjoy this. I know I would, and I bet the RP crowd would be on this like white on rice.
That is how I could see this working make it a multiplayer mission that people que up for and it could be really fun.
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
I think this is a really cool idea. As far as everyone wanting to be captain, that is true, but at the same time Star Fleet captains are not exactly despotic overlords. You could give chief science officer, chief engineer etc etc a lot of complete control over their own stuff.
I think this is a really cool idea. As far as everyone wanting to be captain, that is true, but at the same time Star Fleet captains are not exactly despotic overlords. You could give chief science officer, chief engineer etc etc a lot of complete control over their own stuff.
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One pilot, one runnign the ops stations, player maned turrets, people could run around the ships interior to fix broken stuff during combat and all that. And you could transport people from one planet to another.
I can't say I don't want to play as a BOFF, though I'd be content with just switching out my capt for one of my own BOFFs, like how we switch ships out. Though the powers system might have to be overhauled, if that were to be implimented.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
What you're asking for, though, is difficult to make possible in an MMO situation where people will be constantly leaving and joining the game world. Bluntly, I don't think it would fit within what STO is as a game.
I think the closest interpretation of what you're after would be Artemis.
Perhaps a slightly longer/more interpersonal/less action-based game along those lines would be MUSH.
Honestly, I agree.
Remember this, the more radical a change you propose, the less likely it is to happen. That doesn't mean don't post the idea, just means don't get your hopes up.
I'm talking Death Star level.
I think the more "radical" part of this proposal may be making he game engine work. As I don't code for a living, I have no idea. Then again, it could be as simple as making a slot open to players, not just BOffs.
As far as getting my hopes up, I am familiar enough with online forums to know my idea won't even be considered. In fact, I was really expecting more responses along the lines of "Are you kidding??? The devs have too many bugs to fix as it is!!!" The number of positive responses tells me I'm not alone in wishing for this, so I will continue to dream... and maybe someday...
Seems fitting to talk about dreams on this MLK Holiday. At least his dream sems to be coming true.
I could see it as a mission where we get demoted. I could see it as a game where every player is a crack Elite Forces commander in charge of a shuttle/fighter (and this is how I'd probably design an MMO; it limits some cool things off for the player but has huge advantages in terms of the world/setting). Replace starbases with ships, fleets with crews, and ships with shuttles/fighters.
I could also see the option being presented to choose to play one of your own bridge officers on the ground.
I agree, it would be more powerful, but more because of the talents and abilities of the players rather than the "Death Starriness" of it.
This seems a good time as any:
Well you can have NPCs manning your weapons or actual players if the ship is big enough.
I think STOL could learn a thing or two tum-de-dum.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
The key to beating competition isn't imitation, it's innovation.
You made a weak argument.
Who knows I think next to STO it would be great but it would look like Elite Force 1 version and when you rank up you would get access to the bridge eventually right.
1. Star Trek Elite Force Online
2. Star Trek Tour of Duty
3. Star Trek From ensign to Captain
Hell I don't know a name for it do you how they would call it next to Star Trek Online.
And I would definitely play it if it would be there would you ???
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
First, this assumes that this is a queueable event. You get station-specific experience for finishing the assignment. You can then go spend your Tac XP on upping your skill level on, let's say "Energy Weapons Proficiency." Need to get your Eng toon up in level to train your Eng BOffs in a skill nut already speced out? You can earn more by queuing up for an Eng slot.
Maybe what I'm suggeting is offering Tooo Much Powaah. Instead of earning skills, maybe just a temporary buff?
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Well it's a dog eat dog world. STOL better come up with something or lose dollars to competitors.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I personally wouldn't mind either, I prefer more immersion in games, and not baby sitting poor AI's all day. I also enjoy teamwork with real challenges, not baby sitting AI's all day with poor challenges.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I have to disagree. A lot of people don't.
However, I like having and flying my own ship.
In space you essentially play "the ship"=the entire crew.
On away missions; THATS another topic entirely. There we should be able to use BOs.
Beside the little fact that it is against canon Starfleet protocol in the first place that the Captains lead aways teams, its just ridiculous.
They force us to be Admirals, wich is a desktop job, but then we do not sent our crew into a hazardous environment, no. With 5 ships and up to 10.000 federation personal in orbit the 5 flag officers beam down and handle the mission alone.... really?
I want to handle the away missions as the first officer, or tactical officer or the medical officer and only on occasion the captains goes down himself.
So until such a feature isn't in the game in ANY WAY (beside only using aliens and "Recreate" bridge officers of the same gender in different costume slots^^), this is IMO not a Star Trek game.
That is how I could see this working make it a multiplayer mission that people que up for and it could be really fun.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Ohh really