I noticed they are going to have two things that caught my interest. In 15 days the anniversary is coming. And they said they are going to have 1 ship per faction and it's going to be a voth/faction hybrid ship.
I wonder what ships we are going to see here and if they are going to be tactical/engineering, or science.
Second they got a voice actor to reprise a role who we haven't seen in STOL yet. Who do you think it will be? Data? Riker? Janeway?
I wonder who it will be? Anybody have takers on:
1. Which ships are going to be hybrid ships?
2. Who's going to be reprising a role?
What do you all think?
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Not Voth hybrid, Solonae (i.e. Sphere tech) hybrid.
As for the actor, they've kept this one under wraps pretty well so far, so there's only wild speculation to go on, but here are my two wild left-field theories:
1. Tim Russ: Renegades is probably off-limits for licensing, but Russ has put himself behind it quite a bit, and I can see him using an appearance as Tuvok in STO to try and generate interest.
2. Jeri Ryan: The storyline so far hints at a major and possibly recent conflict between the Voth and Borg. There's some easter-egg level evidence of Borg activity in the Sphere, but otherwise their absence is almost conspicuous. An emerging Borg threat would open up a lot of characters for involvement, but Seven has a greater potential here, as she shares the Borg's reverent fascination with Omega, even without any Borg involvement, she has reason to get involved in the Sphere.
Ryan also fits the pattern they used with Dorn and Crosby, where they picked up some extra mileage from the recording session instead of just one mission. The timeline has Seven leaving Starfleet to protest the dismantling of the anti-Borg task force. She could be retconned into Task Force Omega, where she could have a very well earned I-told-you-so on the rest of the quadrant.
A third possibility, combining elements of both theories, is Manu Intiraymi. We already have Icheb in game, he could mesh into an Omega storyline as well as Seven, and his reprisal could also be used to cross-market Renegades.
Not Voth hybrid, Solonae (i.e. Sphere tech) hybrid.
As for the actor, they've kept this one under wraps pretty well so far, so there's only wild speculation to go on, but here are my two wild left-field theories:
1. Tim Russ: Renegades is probably off-limits for licensing, but Russ has put himself behind it quite a bit, and I can see him using an appearance as Tuvok in STO to try and generate interest.
2. Jeri Ryan: The storyline so far hints at a major and possibly recent conflict between the Voth and Borg. There's some easter-egg level evidence of Borg activity in the Sphere, but otherwise their absence is almost conspicuous.
Ryan also fits the pattern they used with Dorn and Crosby, where they picked up some extra mileage from the recording session instead of just one mission. The timeline has Seven leaving Starfleet to protest the dismantling of the anti-Borg task force. She could be retconned into Task Force Omega, where she could have a very well earned I-told-you-so on the rest of the quadrant.
Oops. My bad.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
The episode sounds interesting. They have done a good job with FE, namely Temporal Ambassador and Sphere of Influence. But the ships leave me cold. Once again we get Voth as the center of attention and the canon ships we have asked for are ignored.
At least put them in the c-store with some decent consoles. Of the top of my head:
1. Constellation
2. Dauntless class
3. Klingon Heavy BoP (k'vort)
4. ...
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Doubt it'll be a hybrid of a specific ship so much as Dyson Tech + Faction Tech. I am pleasantly surprised they're making a separate ship for each faction though; I expected it'd just be another Dyson-esque ship like the Obelisk, same for everyone. Glad I'm wrong.
Reprised role would have to be someone where the actor is in STO's budget, a character with reason to be interact with all three factions, and with reason to be personally involved with Dyson Joint Command. Gut feeling says Voyager, either Harry Kim or The Doctor, but thats more impulse than educated guess.
lol...another ship again:eek:,this year i actually wish for a hovercar or hoverbike... so that i can shoot around with it.:D...well...:cool: next year, next year
I wouldn't count out Dauntless, they could cross that schmetic they have of it from the delta qaudrant with Dyson tech to make it viable. I believe its been said the Dauntless is in development.
The Roms and Klingons would likely get a simular ships adjusted for faction.
It is not Icheb since it will be an actor that is bringing their character to STO for the first time and Icheb has been here for years. That means Miral Paris is out as well, but Cryptic can use any Voice Actress for her and that work might be already done since I haven't played one of her missions in a while. My guesses are that if STO is focusing on Voyager, then Jeri Ryan or Roberto Picardo since the Doctor is an EMH and he can live for centuries and Seven of Nine is a former drone so it is not known how quickly former Borg drones age with all those nanites and Borg implants.
My guess is that Geordi LaForge will be showing up in STO. I read that by 2409, Geordi was working on designing new ships for the Federation at the Mars site, so any new hybrid ships using advanced technology should have his fingerprints all over it.
I noticed they are going to have two things that caught my interest. In 15 days the anniversary is coming. And they said they are going to have 1 ship per faction and it's going to be a voth/faction hybrid ship.
I wonder what ships we are going to see here and if they are going to be tactical/engineering, or science.
Second they got a voice actor to reprise a role who we haven't seen in STOL yet. Who do you think it will be? Data? Riker? Janeway?
I wonder who it will be? Anybody have takers on:
1. Which ships are going to be hybrid ships?
2. Who's going to be reprising a role?
What do you all think?
1. it was stated that the faction ships are standard ships with some technologies applied probably to bring them upto standard specification of 2409, that still doesnt discount the const or daunt
2. they mention it was an "actor" and not an actress? so that discounts janeway or 7 of 9 straight out the box unless it was a typo.
a. anyways, considering its pushing on the dyson sphere and voth storyline theres a good chance its someone from voyager who had previous experience dealing with the voth and someone who knew of the borg collective, my money is on Chakotay (Robert Beltran) as hes the only one who has had any real contact with the voth which would make sense plus those run ins with the collective as a member of voyager who knew a lot of details that janeway did and had actualy dealings with them too.
b. it's not entirely out of reach for Forra Gegen (Henry Woronicz) either, someone inside the whole voth/borg party who knew what was going on could advance the storyline a lot more.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
@mirrorchaos, Actor can be used as a Genderless term in some occasions even though Actor and Actress are still commonly used to refer to male and female performers.
@mirrorchaos, Actor can be used as a Genderless term in some occasions even though Actor and Actress are still commonly used to refer to male and female performers.
couldnt care less what the defintion is beyond an actor is male and an actress is female.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The most accepted terminology in the industry has been "actor" for both male and female for years, and STO conformed to that when announcing Denise Crosby. It's particularly big in stage performance, where entire shows have been shut down because the actors' guild blacklists the director over this. They've done everything except actually bite the bullet and start boycotting award shows, because... well, because awards.
I for one am pleased hearing that the new ships will be Hybrids. I don't particularly care about the remaining canon ships, which are all either kitbashes of varying ugliness (Constellation, Yeager, New Orleans etc.), not canonically correct (Dauntless), outside the IP (JJPrise), or, in my opinion, shouldn't even exist (K'Vort aka B'Rel with identity issues).
The most accepted terminology in the industry has been "actor" for both male and female for years, and STO conformed to that when announcing Denise Crosby. It's particularly big in stage performance, where entire shows have been shut down because the actors' guild blacklists the director over this. They've done everything except actually bite the bullet and start boycotting award shows, because... well, because awards.
whenever your finished with the thread side track...
I for one am pleased hearing that the new ships will be Hybrids. I don't particularly care about the remaining canon ships, which are all either kitbashes of varying ugliness (Constellation, Yeager, New Orleans etc.), not canonically correct (Dauntless), outside the IP (JJPrise), or, in my opinion, shouldn't even exist (K'Vort aka B'Rel with identity issues).
i dont think they are hybrids the way you think it means, it will be just a standard ship in the fleet with a few alien modifications to some systems, like it was with voyager and the internal borg tech, that was in essense a hybrid, but looked acted and felt no different then before the tech was added.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
couldnt care less what the defintion is beyond an actor is male and an actress is female.
But that's not the case any more. An "Actor" is any person, male or female, who acts as a profession. Sorry to burst your comfortable little bubble of 1957 with an annoying intrusion of reality.
whenever your finished with the thread side track...
i dont think they are hybrids the way you think it means, it will be just a standard ship in the fleet with a few alien modifications to some systems, like it was with voyager and the internal borg tech, that was in essense a hybrid, but looked acted and felt no different then before the tech was added.
So you mean like how you have a Luna Class and a Fleet Luna class which is a hybrid between the Luna Class and Fleet technology?
So it might be a Dyson Galaxy Class, Dyson Qadun BoP, and Dyson Haapax for example?
They informally called the Tal Shiar ships "hybrid" too, and you have to know that thing used to be a Warbird to notice most of the wings are still under there. Cryptic isn't exactly big on subtlety. At the least, they'll be identifiably factional, but there'll be something definitely "off" about them.
As for the actor, they've kept this one under wraps pretty well so far, so there's only wild speculation to go on, but here are my two wild left-field theories:
1. Tim Russ: Renegades is probably off-limits for licensing, but Russ has put himself behind it quite a bit, and I can see him using an appearance as Tuvok in STO to try and generate interest.
2. Jeri Ryan: The storyline so far hints at a major and possibly recent conflict between the Voth and Borg. There's some easter-egg level evidence of Borg activity in the Sphere, but otherwise their absence is almost conspicuous. An emerging Borg threat would open up a lot of characters for involvement, but Seven has a greater potential here, as she shares the Borg's reverent fascination with Omega, even without any Borg involvement, she has reason to get involved in the Sphere.
Ryan also fits the pattern they used with Dorn and Crosby, where they picked up some extra mileage from the recording session instead of just one mission. The timeline has Seven leaving Starfleet to protest the dismantling of the anti-Borg task force. She could be retconned into Task Force Omega, where she could have a very well earned I-told-you-so on the rest of the quadrant.
A third possibility, combining elements of both theories, is Manu Intiraymi. We already have Icheb in game, he could mesh into an Omega storyline as well as Seven, and his reprisal could also be used to cross-market Renegades.
Oops. My bad.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
At least put them in the c-store with some decent consoles. Of the top of my head:
1. Constellation
2. Dauntless class
3. Klingon Heavy BoP (k'vort)
4. ...
- Judge Aaron Satie
Reprised role would have to be someone where the actor is in STO's budget, a character with reason to be interact with all three factions, and with reason to be personally involved with Dyson Joint Command. Gut feeling says Voyager, either Harry Kim or The Doctor, but thats more impulse than educated guess.
The Roms and Klingons would likely get a simular ships adjusted for faction.
Why are you not rejoicing?
1. it was stated that the faction ships are standard ships with some technologies applied probably to bring them upto standard specification of 2409, that still doesnt discount the const or daunt
2. they mention it was an "actor" and not an actress? so that discounts janeway or 7 of 9 straight out the box unless it was a typo.
a. anyways, considering its pushing on the dyson sphere and voth storyline theres a good chance its someone from voyager who had previous experience dealing with the voth and someone who knew of the borg collective, my money is on Chakotay (Robert Beltran) as hes the only one who has had any real contact with the voth which would make sense plus those run ins with the collective as a member of voyager who knew a lot of details that janeway did and had actualy dealings with them too.
b. it's not entirely out of reach for Forra Gegen (Henry Woronicz) either, someone inside the whole voth/borg party who knew what was going on could advance the storyline a lot more.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
couldnt care less what the defintion is beyond an actor is male and an actress is female.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
whenever your finished with the thread side track...
i dont think they are hybrids the way you think it means, it will be just a standard ship in the fleet with a few alien modifications to some systems, like it was with voyager and the internal borg tech, that was in essense a hybrid, but looked acted and felt no different then before the tech was added.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
But that's not the case any more. An "Actor" is any person, male or female, who acts as a profession. Sorry to burst your comfortable little bubble of 1957 with an annoying intrusion of reality.
So you mean like how you have a Luna Class and a Fleet Luna class which is a hybrid between the Luna Class and Fleet technology?
So it might be a Dyson Galaxy Class, Dyson Qadun BoP, and Dyson Haapax for example?
Interesting thought. I guess we'll see.