Okay, I wanted to get some input on this. I have a spare tac doff, so I'm going to set her up as my beam boat tac doff. Here's the build I'm planning on tweaking everything to.
My skill tree sucks, and I don't have any good devices other that the SFM. I can't afford to fix the skill tree, and I have no idea where to get the nifty things a lot of you have outside of Red Matter Capacitor, and I can't afford that...
I do use the cloak, but if need be, I could stand to lose it, I am working on getting the consoles from the Nukara and Rommie rep, but that is slow going. I just need more marks...
Eventually, I want Mk XII Fleet versions of the Neutronium Alloy consoles, and I do want to replace the Phaser Relays with the Fleet Spire consoles.
I hate to finally make the move to Aux2Bat, but I'm starting to hit a wall with what I have, at around 5K dps according to the parsers some friends of mine use. I know I can do better, is dropping torps in favor of beams and APB the way to go here?
I am limited in parts I can buy, I'm slowly building money, at about 3 mil at the moment, with the 10 mil cap still in place, all my Dil is going towards Rep stuff, and I have a hard time getting it outside of the Dyson Battlezone, and I have a hard time getting groups to run with. I need groups, because I can't solo anything yet.
Looking forward to what you guys have to say!
Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
So... budget build, non aux2bat? That what you after?
Sticking with phasers for the lance? Or going rom plasma for double lance shenangins?
What kind of budget would you be on? Just the 3m you have now or?
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
3 techs, marion, reversed polarity fabrication doff and 1 of your choice
Here ya go. Always use eptw. Choose between epte/epts based on traveling or taking fire
Subspace jumper for the "surprise mothaFer" move that's always fun on a dread, nukara console for the acc boost. I tampered with the skill tree a bit but it's not too bad.
Build's looking pretty good
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
For a Gal-X build, IMO you're restricted to one very finite layout. I ended up using the Gal-X for a while but it wasn't all that much better than the free Assault Cruiser (which shares a boff setup and a console setup with the gal-x).
Your best bet is to use EPTS to boost your tanking (resist% increase) and EPTW to boost your damage output (damage% increase). Chain those two together nonstop. For weapons you need phaser type beam arrays in all slots except for one if you want to run the KCB in an aft slot.
You can run A2Bats to reduce cooldowns or just use a couple DCE doffs for EPT cooldowns and a couple beam special attack cooldown EWO doffs, but reducing the cooldown on your tactical attack skills will increase your damage output. You only get a few, so you have to use them faster.
Eng: cloak, fleet RCS (+resist all), borg, plasmonic leec if you can, another fleet RCS if not
Sci: blue field gen XI x2 is nice, your choice
Tac: 3x Phaser consoles of highest mark you can get. MUST BE PHASER, because lance is phaser. Then you need to run all phaser beam arrays to benefit from this.
Boff slots:
Tac ens: TT1
Tac lt: FAW1 / BO2
Eng cmdr: ET1 / A2Bat1 / EPTS3 / DEM3
Eng lt cmdr: EPTW1 / A2Bat1 / RSP
Sci lt: PH1 / HE2
Use FAW nonstop until you get in position for the phaser lance. Then stop firing all weapons, hit BO, any buffs you can, and go for max spike damage. If you're still firing your BAs they'll take the BO and your damage won't be as high as if the lance took it.
Alternate non-A2Bat:
Tac ens: TT1
Tac lt: FAW1 / BO2
Eng cmdr: ET1 / A2SIF1 / EPTS3 / DEM3
Eng lt cmdr: EPTW1 / A2Damp1 / RSP
Sci lt: PH1 / HE2
With no A2Bat you can use aux powers like A2Sif for fast hull heals, and A2Damp for better turn rate and kinetic resist (good for turning whales and tanking damage, respectively -- you can also get a doff for nice damage resistance boost with A2Damp). Fly it the same way -- use FAW as much as possible and use the BO for phaser lance.
There are several skill variations I can think of that I've played with off the top of my head, but here's a very basic rundown.
This is what I've got before-hand: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=ussscimitarev_4626
It's done me fairly well, for it's flaws. I can tough out everything save for a direct assault. If a Cube of any kind decides I have to die, I die. Nothing I can do about that.
@Dahminus: We may have, but honestly, I'm really looking forward to your input here. I highly respect you as a ship builder. As to what I'm looking for, I am leading towards economy a bit. Getting EC is a very slow process for me. I got really luck once and got a console out of a lockbox worth 1.5Mil EC, and that sent me on a high note for earning EC after that. I've only managed to double it since I got sold that console around christmas.
I appreciate the input so far, my biggest struggles have always been with Boff powers. I wanted to give Aux2Bat a shot, because I'd like to learn how to use it and understand it better. That, and see if I can get my DPS to a more respectable number. I know it'll never reach JHDC levels, but I want to see if I can make mine a respectable beam boat that also happens to have a lance and cloak.
I do have a JHDC, but that's another story for another thread.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
The core ability of aux2bat builds is auxiliary to battery.
Auxiliary to battery takes a chunk of your auxiliary power and converts it into equal amounts of weapons, shields and engine. Which is kinda decent...but not amazing to say the least.
The supplemental doffs are where you get the zomg AMAZING power from. These doffs are Technicians. These reduce the cool downs of your bridge officer abilities by 10% per very rare doff on activation of auxiliary to battery. You may stack 3 doffs for a total of 30% reduction, but you can get by fine with just 2.
The deal with cool downs is that there are two of them, let's call them hard and soft. Your soft cool down appears when you activate an ability, a thin white line starts spinning in a clockwise fashion until it makes a lap and you can use the ability again.
The hard (global) cool down is when you have a duplicate ability. Another thin white line will appear. But it will be horizontal and slowly drop to the bottom of the ability before you can use it.
Let's take cannon scatter volley as an example...when you first use it, a 30 second cool down will begin, this is the soft clock. You duplicate/second copy of cannon scatter volley will also begin counting down from its hard/global horizontal line cool down...but it is only 15 seconds.
What auxiliary to battery does is chips away at the soft cool down of boff abilities until it reaches the global cool down. Thus turning the clock into the horizontal line or soft to hard or regular cool down to global cool down.
Things to note is that auxiliary to battery only takes the current time left on a boff ability into consideration. If the cool down has 100 seconds left will take 10/20/30 seconds off depending on how many very rare doffs you have. If the same ability is at 10 seconds, au2bat will only take 1/2/3 seconds off depending on how many very rare doffs you have.
Another thing to note is that the difference between the global cool down and the normal cooldown is the amount of time you can strip off. Using cannon scatter volley again, the regular cool down is 30 secs, while the global cool down is 15. The difference of 15 seconds is the amount of time you can take off.
You can never reduce the global cool down.
The global cool down begin counting down upon activation of an ability...this means you will always wait the global before activating the cool down.
Aux2bat murders your auxiliary. So sci skills will be less effective. A aux battery can counter this somewhat.
Ya...that's about it for the breakdown of aux2bat. best thing to do is to try it. It can be a game changer for people unaware of how the cool downs work in game.
Ya I copy/paste my own stuff...it's a lot of explanation to do.
As for ec farming...how many lvl 50s do you have and are you farming the foundry for drops?
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
I used to EC farm to the limit daily before S8, but since then, the EC farming bug/nerf, it's hard to want to di it since I'm barely getting a third out of what I used to get. I should do it more, I have a favorite mission and map, too.
One more thing, as to the build. Stick with 4 beam arrays up front? I have a purple Mk XII Phaser DBB in my bank I could slot in, would that help, or is it just a waste when a regular Beam Array would be better?
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
*facepalm* I have two Lvl 50 toons. A third is almost there. Level 48.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
I haven't looked at elite phaser in a while, I think the proc was horrible and it doesn't measure up without the mods that advanced phaser would bring.
Speaking of which, you should be gunning for crtd mods and crth consoles
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
Acc mods for advanced antiproton weapons because there's only dmgx3 crtd/hx1
All other weapons should be going for the fleet advanced dmgx2 crtdx2 or non fleet crtdx3
The spire consoles you want are the crth or locator ones as they are way off balances compared to the crtd ones
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Well, Fleet weapons do have Acc x2 Dmg x2,thats all I really use anymore,but one question,what do you think of the build I supplied?
Swap the experimental proton weapon for another beam array could add the bio neural infusion circuits or a Tachyonkinetic converter.
Skill tree has points in projectiles yet no there are no torps slotted, I assume that wasn't altered by you
Edit: you didn't include doffs
Also, other fleet weapons may have accx2 but they also have crtdx2. Antiprotons only have crth/dx1. (atleast I think that's right)...
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
No,they have Acc x2 Dmg x2 AP beam arrays...use them as my alternate build,the reason I have the Expiermental and proton is the 3% Crit Chance you get for the 2 piece,I have torp skills in case he wants to fly another ship,and I personaly prefer the 33% resistance with EPTS3 than the Oh **** button of RSP,I play with Rage quite a bit and know he cant afford either Lobi consoles.
Why not have your cake and eat it too?
Use epts1 and rock a 20%. **** hits the fan, pop an rsp and refill.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
:eek: Not you!
Gal-X go phaser or go home. No point in using it if you are not going to utilize the lane at all, if it was a console id say, bah go wherever.
But thats all i really have to say on the matter.
No point in using the ship if you arent going to use it to the full extent of its power. Like equiping torps with no skill in it or having skill in torps and never using them.
Sorry thats just my outrageous opinion, consider me a doddering old fool everyone usually thinks im wrong anyways
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Lt Tac: TT1, AP:B1
En Tac: FAW1
Cmd Eng: EPtS1, Aux2SIF1, EPtW3, EWP3
LtCmd Eng: EPtS1, RSP1, EPtW3
Lt Sci: HE1, TSS2
This set up allows you to cycle two copies of eptw and epts to get 100% up-time without any duty officers. This is one of those times where excessive engineering stations are an asset. You also have good survivability with Aux2SIF and HE1 for hull heals and TSS2 and RSP1 to keep the shields up. EWP for a snare if needed. All around its pretty solid.
You will still need two purple conn officers with tactical team cool down since you've only got one copy of that.
You should eventually move to Aux2Bat though if you want to maximize your build for damage output.
Regarding stacking all your weapons with crtD, that's not necessarily a good idea. You want more frequent crits as well. Most people have way more CrtD than they do CrtH, so you generally benefit way more from upping your CrtH modifiers.
There are some other things that help too. For example: accuracy and energy weapons specialization. APA can give you +2/20 CrtH/D. Tractor beam locks a target to zero defense if I recall; It stops all motion, and hitting a target you've tractored will increase your chances to crit it. But let's just look at the basics of weapons modifiers and leave boff skills to be icing on the cake.
For accuracy, keep in mind you can have 10% accuracy traits on your character that transfer over to any ship you have. You can have accolades that give % bonus, or even certain doffs that might affect it (?). I think one of the rep tiers also grants +10%. Then there's the Nukara console with +10% accuracy for beams. There's plenty of sources to get more accuracy and they can translate into more damage.
Here's a brief summary of how accuracy works:
Let's make some comparisons, but first we need a hypothetical baseline with which to compare. Let's create a person...
Now every [acc] weapon modifier is a +10% accuracy bonus. So getting just 30% [i.e. accx3] more accuracy than a target's defense will grant you 2.86% crtH and 11.55% crtD.
Training full points in Accuracy will grant +15% more accuracy on top of anything else. Let's assume you have +35% base accuracy. I'm assuming full accuracy skill points, accurate trait, and another random 10% bonus (i.e. rep, etc).
You start with 2.5% crtH if I'm not mistaken as default. You can get some traits that might boost this but I'm not sure which ones and whether they're ground or space etc. You can also get boffs, you can get consoles (borg, zero point, etc) and boosts from other areas. Let's assume you have 1 superior rom boff for +2 crtH. Let's assume you have (base+en.weap.spec+console+boff) +9% crtH.
I've read somewhere that you start with 50% crtD. I'm not sure of too many things that give CrtD bonuses but there are some. Let's assume you have (base+en.weap.spec+random10%bonus) 85% crtD
Summary: Let's assume our baseline is +35% accuracy, +9% crtH, +85% crtD
35% accuracy becomes 3.24/12.95 crtH/D so that's 12.24 crtH and 97.95 crtD standard. See how I'm just adding the calculator from the above link to the base to get comparison?
Weapons mods:
[acc] [crth] [crtd] comes out to +18.12/133.45 (crth/crtd)
[acc]x2 [crth] comes out to +18.68/115.7
[acc] [crth]x2 comes out to +20.12/113.45
[acc] [crtd]x2 comes out to +16.12/153.45
[crth]x2 [crtd] comes out to +16.24/117.95
[crtd]x2 [crth] comes to +14.24/137.95
[acc]x3 comes out to +17.17/117.65
[crth]x3 comes to +18.24/97.95
[crtd]x3 comes to +12.24/157.95
(I have bolded the 3 best choices IMO)
This is simply adding the +2 and +20 bonuses to the [acc] crth/d bonuses and adding the baseline of 12.24/97.95. I know this is all hypothetical and there are other modifiers, but this is just a baseline average player to compare the weapons modifiers.
From this we can see that [acc] [crth]x2 is the best combo for crit chance. crtd is okay but you're losing a lot of crth for only a minor gain in crtd when you could use [acc] [crtd]x2.
So loading weapons with only crtd is a pretty poor choice. ACC is a very useful modifier because it grants both crth and crtd when you have the proper skill spec.
You want my opinion? After doing the math I'd go for [acc] [crth]x2 because I think critting MORE is better than critting HARDER. You can't crit harder if you never crit. However, if you want the best balance, I think that [acc] [crth] [crtd] gives good middle ground crtd with really good crtH.
You also have spire consoles now that add +1.6 crth or +8 crtd. Let's assume you have 3 (avg) all of one type. That's either +4.8 crth OR +24 crtd.
[acc] [crth] [crtd] [crth consoles] = +22.92/133.45
[acc] [crth] [crtd] [crtd consoles] = +18.12/157.45
[acc] [crth]x2 [crth consoles] = +24.92/113.45
[acc] [crth]x2 [crtd consoles] = +20.12/157.45
[acc] [crtd]x2 [crth consoles] = +20.92/153.45
[acc] [crtd]x2 [crtd consoles] = +16.12/177.45
Probably the best mix of high crth with still decent crtd comes from [acc] [crth]x2 [crtd consoles] (+20.12/157.45). I'd suggest going that route.
***DISCLAIMER: Yes my math may be total BS and totally wrong, but just as a comparison example of the different mods I think it's a decent if not good comparison tool. Take it for what it's worth, an opinion that I hope is informed enough to help get some more damage out of your weapons choice.***
From this thread
The 1:10 ratio is the rule of thumb, with crth consoles being 1:5 to crtds. Crtd mods are the most logical choice.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
It does NOT mean you should stock a 1:10 ratio of them in that order.
I'll have to look at that page later. It's not working with my web browser where I am now.
1 sry for mi english
if yuo are with limited resources you can get the techs doff from the cat in the academy (cost dilithium) acording to your lvl in engeniering* also can use any white or green if yuo already have (not the best , but rarely it help in the reload times "im currently using a white and a green in my galaxy retro") .
Also can train your BOFF in any emergency power to X DEM3 WP3 for free . u can find me in game in the channel srs- galaxy or send me a ingame mail or a PM to Ras Al Ghul@ehgato im in game for 1 hr or 2 hr in the nite* time zone -5.
Right now I'm running dual Aux2Bat, all beams, with the Experimental Proton weapon. This thing feels stronger than ever. I miss torps, but beaming at everything... I've added roughly 2k to my DPS with this ship so far, and this is with three green tech doffs.
Dahminus, I would dearly love those lobi consoles you mentioned, but Input is right, those are out of my range. I'm barely at 50 Lobi, and this stuff ain't easy to come by. If nothing else, I'll try to keep grinding EC, and buy a Master Key now and then, but it's going to be a long while before I can get those, as awesome as they may be and however much I want them, lol.
I need to run more parsed ESTF's but so far, it's looking pretty good. Still open to refining it, too.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
I have no idea how to get it to come up for me.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
Very Very Very carefully. It also takes forever and you have to check back if the needed mission is missing, AND some of the missions for that chain dont even show up there!:eek:
Aside from that i think* mattjohns is one of the leading experts on getting a Gal-X to do serious hurt.
*Thinking is not something i normally do and should be viewed distrustfully
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!