I logged in with my KDF, and went into winder wonderland.
The second i got there i saw
this issue...
And no, this can't be a hardware issue...
Anybody else getting something like this?
same thing seems to be happening with my other character as well. Smaller graphic distortions are being carried over into other locations as well. For example, distorted text, menu graphics around the minimap are not loading...etc
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Mine Trap Supporter
The second issue just started ten minutes ago. The little image icons for weapons, armour, rewards, even the buttons to make guns or armour visible or not are missing. The icons seem to be random... some appear, but most don't.
Was wondering if anyone else is experiencing these issues and if they're known or not?
Yes this is known but there is as yet no solution to it - and it is very frustrating as the devs and forum mods have given little to no feedback about it. The only thing they have done is move the thread from the graphics and sound issues to the general PC thread
Anyway the whole thread is linked below, if you can add anything please do as it may provide a clue as to solving the issue.
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