amongst the trolls and guys who wish to just help you out along the way, there lies.....
how you apply yourself to the game. how you use the tools at your disposal to accomplish the task at hand.
there are players who will troll you for being a "noob"... there are players who will extend the olive branch of assistance to guide you on your path to end game solace.
the verterans are here, to do both.
prepare your thickest skin.... the line between piloting and build is ever so thin as it will contribute to your performance in PVP.
seek guidance, open your mind. there is world for you to explore. make friends. make enemies. there are lines to be drawn.
Special shout out to those who "extend the olive branch". I've seen a lot of this lately in the various, in-game PvP chat channels and the forums, so thank you to those helping your fellow players.
For me, I love the competition of PVP but lack the time to play on most days that I am online.
Gear, ships or experience does not matter to me, only time.
Give me a toothpick, loin cloth and a foe to battle plus time and I will happily join the fray.
Um, thank you for dropping your wisdom nuggets on us. IIRC you've left this game and come back like three times in as many months. Why do I care?
It may not be th OP's reason but when you play to PvP and see so much of the imbalance and overall purpose of the game flushed towards PvE and P2W stuff it can get frustrating. There are many vets here that took hiatuses for a month or two or six because the frustration level in the PvP community was at a boil and there was a lot of vitriol that had crept in. I left for 6 months on my last hiatus and I am playing catch up but I still ask the the vets I know on the OPvP channel about the current cycle of skills that are optimal along with builds. I will not be playing a FaW build at least not on my primary toon. I can say this not much has changed about the game since I left from a broken mechanics side and overall poor implementation of things. When I took my hiatus 6 months ago FaW had issues, I comeback and FaW has more issues. PvP is supposed to be the hardest part of this game but it has been eroded to a distraction where only the die hard hang and FotM builders venture into until the next flavor is elevated to king.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
I think really this is not just true of PvP. A good player is a good player, the only difference is the experience of the player.
Take the recent "PvE heroes" who tore up the queues with something different. They were rough around the edges for PvP but top of their game PvE, however with experience came tweaks and now they're a force to be reckoned with in PvP in their own right.
I say we call him Hitler. Get that down and over fast so productivity can ensue
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] @Aquitaine985 Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre. 2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
amongst the trolls and guys who wish to just help you out along the way, there lies.....
how you apply yourself to the game. how you use the tools at your disposal to accomplish the task at hand.
there are players who will troll you for being a "noob"... there are players who will extend the olive branch of assistance to guide you on your path to end game solace.
the verterans are here, to do both.
prepare your thickest skin.... the line between piloting and build is ever so thin as it will contribute to your performance in PVP.
seek guidance, open your mind. there is world for you to explore. make friends. make enemies. there are lines to be drawn.
and as always....
have fun kill bad guys.
Dude, when we first met on the forums you stole my socks, my Gloria Gaynor CD's, and my heart.
You can keep the socks. :P
PS: Steve Hale drops cake. But ONLY one Elite. :mad:
Having cut my gaming teeth on miniature and counter based games (including Star Fleet Battles) in the late 80s, the idea that PVP should be seen as something challenging and special is, well, odd. Before we had much in the way of AIs, all you could do was play against others. Of course the fact that you had to actually speak to your opponent, look them in the eyes, pushed for a level of civility that the online environment does not require.
The fact that posts like this are necessary is sad. The fact that playing against another human being is held up as something mystical... is disturbing.
Having cut my gaming teeth on miniature and counter based games (including Star Fleet Battles) in the late 80s, the idea that PVP should be seen as something challenging and special is, well, odd. Before we had much in the way of AIs, all you could do was play against others. Of course the fact that you had to actually speak to your opponent, look them in the eyes, pushed for a level of civility that the online environment does not require.
The fact that posts like this are necessary is sad. The fact that playing against another human being is held up as something mystical... is disturbing.
i know where your coming from man. and agree.
it is sad the state of gaming these days. i too remember playing table top rpgs and those were the days...but anyway...
with as simple as this game's AI is, you have to search for some the way of human players. this turns a lot of people off because they get blowed up. and another person did it! but but....i have just blown thru 40 hrs of storyline and didnt die at!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
i took some time off to play several other games...turns out...all the same. this one just has the skin i like wrapped around my i came back.
man, i tell ya....there is way more civility in our community than not. and i wouldnt go as far as saying its mystical...but....something special...maybe.
have fun kill bad guys
edit: zomg! where did you get a lego klingon????????
Having cut my gaming teeth on miniature and counter based games (including Star Fleet Battles) in the late 80s, the idea that PVP should be seen as something challenging and special is, well, odd. Before we had much in the way of AIs, all you could do was play against others. Of course the fact that you had to actually speak to your opponent, look them in the eyes, pushed for a level of civility that the online environment does not require.
The fact that posts like this are necessary is sad. The fact that playing against another human being is held up as something mystical... is disturbing.
i dont understand these pvp haters, or how they can say they are gamers with a strait face. gaming is supposed to be harder and more interactive then watching tv. gaming is not something your supposed to do to wind down, its something that should wind up and take your best, all your attention. the catering to this non gameplay is truly a shame, its so clear that this was meant to be a pvp based game, sci ships and sci captains anyone? but instead all we continue to get is more slop dumped in the trof, across the entire gaming industry, because thats what these casuals want, as they sink deeper into their couch wile the 'game' they are playing gets closer and closer to playing itself for them.
and now anyone that puts any effort into their game is a try hard, power gameing egomaniac. when we que up, we arent going into a preschool and trampling children, you came to the fight club, so dont complain when a player isnt delicate, and doing his best not to hurt your feelings
i dont understand these pvp haters, or how they can say they are gamers with a strait face. gaming is supposed to be harder and more interactive then watching tv. gaming is not something your supposed to do to wind down, its something that should wind up and take your best, all your attention. the catering to this non gameplay is truly a shame, its so clear that this was meant to be a pvp based game, sci ships and sci captains anyone? but instead all we continue to get is more slop dumped in the trof, across the entire gaming industry, because thats what these casuals want, as they sink deeper into their couch wile the 'game' they are playing gets closer and closer to playing itself for them.
and now anyone that puts any effort into their game is a try hard, power gameing egomaniac. when we que up, we arent going into a preschool and trampling children, you came to the fight club, so dont complain when a player isnt delicate, and doing his best not to hurt your feelings
I think you misunderstand where they're coming from. Go down to your local boxing gym/martial arts centre and say you're ready to have some fights. Then watch as the top player/sensei comes over and whoops you over and over and over. They might give you some tips in between and it makes a bit of a difference but not so much as they are on a level far above you're own. That's what people have a problem with in games...or at least I really hope that is it otherwise *shudders* we're in for bad times in gaming.
When I used to PvP this was very different to what it was now, it required less to be serviceable and a little bit less to be competitive, skill meant more. I had fun in the queues, then all of a sudden you hit the premade 3 times in a row and it became apparent you were going to keep hitting them unless you took a break for a few hours. I'm not playing at that level and to be honest I don't really want to invest in that too much. I'm not saying its bad they are playing at that level but it's not good for the most/more experienced players to pounce and destroy the newbies.
In other words, I'm happy sparring at the purple belt level, please don't send me up against the 7th level black belt, it's not fun for either of us.
Speaking of which, I once was privy to my friend who was 3rd level black belt in judo being asked by our ju-jitsu sensei to punch him and really go for it. Now the ju-jitsu sense I is pushing on pension age and my friend was in his 20s so I thought my friend would really end up hitting him. Couldn't have been more wrong, I saw the punch go out, I couldn't even see sensei block, he just was too fast and I saw the look of utter pain on my friends face. He then continued showing the move and gently threw my friend onto the floor.
2 days later I saw my friend and his arm was in a bandage all the way from wrist to bicep, I asked to see it and a good 6inches around where the block happened had turned black, just pitch black from bruising. It looked like it was going necrotic, fortunately it wasn't. No point in the story but I just felt like sharing.
a pug is not a mountain temple full of shaolin monks. if there was simply more people willing to get over their insecurities or willing to tune out the anti pvp noise machine the ques would be full of people at their own skill level, and the premades and anyone decked out in the best stuff would become more and more of a minority. the only thing that can save pvp, and to make it mainstream, is for people to change that negative, defeatist attitude, and make a half hearted attempt to learn what to actually do. any player could do it, the guides out there couldn't spell it out any clearer.
Never said it was a shaolin temple, times have moved on from idealised vision, they tend to be in normal gyms now. The point is whatever you choose to participate in against other people it is not good to be at mismatched skill levels.
Sure if more people are around there is less mismatching but it's back to the boxing club scenario. If the only people there are pros that don't hold their punches and always go all in, new people stop going. You can tell them to suck it up, man up, whatever but it doesn't change the fact that it is more hostile to newcomers than accepting.
One of the reasons people prefer PvE in this game is because they won't get complained at for using every advantage they have, not that they need it but look at all the threads recently. Almost all of them can be traced back to one event that rocked the PvP community and that was when some PvE max dps guys tore up the queues and annihilated even seasoned veteran PvPers.
From that point on the community has seen this as a problem, we've had numerous threads complaining about various parts, the scimitar, aux2batt, FAW, overcapping, beams in general, DEM, being Romulan etc etc. I've seen the hostility to them in not only the forums but in your OPvP channels which are meant to be welcoming. Not everyone is like that but I have seen the same people throwing this abuse around coming onto the forums and either being made out to be pillars of the community or trying to say they encourage new players. This does make the community in general look bad.
There are many ways to apply yourself in this game, many aspects of it. A thick skin gets you farther than most but at some point even that fails you and you realise there are better uses of your time. Look at the recent departure of VD, I dare say he's going to come back but for the moment he's choosing to talk to people who will listen...well, sorta listen.
It is probably worth saying before anybody gets the wrong idea that both DDIS and Horizon along with other notable people have been helpful and constructive on the forums. I have not met them in game but they have good healthy attitudes and encourage new players.
a pug is not a mountain temple full of shaolin monks. if there was simply more people willing to get over their insecurities or willing to tune out the anti pvp noise machine the ques would be full of people at their own skill level, and the premades and anyone decked out in the best stuff would become more and more of a minority. the only thing that can save pvp, and to make it mainstream, is for people to change that negative, defeatist attitude, and make a half hearted attempt to learn what to actually do. any player could do it, the guides out there couldn't spell it out any clearer.
Careful you might hurt the feelings of the PVE community with those thinking aloud views
Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
- Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
i could strip off my doffs, purple and beyond purple gear, and go into pvp and still be able to put up a decent fight and have fun. gear and stuff shouldn't be to much of a problem for pve'ers, if all they do is pve, chances are they are grinding out the best stuff, and dont split their time with pvp like we do.its always tough for new players though, but if your willing to dump $50 into lockbox keys, you should have enough EC for all the doffs and gear and dilithum you need for fleet gear. thats how much a game costs anyway, it shouldn't be that hard for a new player to rationalize.
to pvp they just need to see what a decent looking pvp build looks like, set up a bunch of keybinds, and go play a bit. my thread has everything you need to set all that up with the least amount of effort. just keep your expectations of dominating everyone like you always do to npcs low, you are not guarantied to win, like you are everywhere else in game. subscribe to opvp and td and just listen, dont even have to talk at first. a lot of us in opvp are a bunch of know it alls that love an opportunity to show off their knowledge when questions get asked, oh and be helpful too
I am sorry but PvP is the most humbling part of the game. Like Horizon said going through 40 hours fo the game without dying reinforces ones self image of gamer awesomeness. So PVE hero Joe flies into Kerrat or an arena PVP and gets waxed 10 times now his once untarnished image is destroyed he has three thoughts, so and so is cheating, something is wrong with the game, PvP sux. It hardly occurs to him that he sux in pVp.
PvE in this game is a joke. I just finished the New Romulus mission in the lava flows solos, no bridge crew because I did not have enviro suits for them. yes I died a minimally spec tac capt with no real gear. But I solo'd the whole lava part of the mission with only help from sec escorts.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Thanks to one and all for turning yet another thread about PvP into an Us vs. Them fight. I especially like the part where those with overexposed overly tender feelings piled on in support of whoever led the charge on their viewpoint.
All of this is really becoming irritating because both sides have the same argument.
No matter how they dress it up.
"We are right and They are stupid."
Like a lot of people, I play this game for my own entertainment. Not anyone else's. You want to PvE? Fine. Go and do so. You like PvP? Great. Have a good time.
Me? I'm gonna play the parts I like and leave alone the parts I don't like. Notice I did not state which parts those are. Nor do I intend to in the future.
Because I play STO the way I want to and for my own entertainment. Not yours. Snide remarks and cheap shots in public are easy for the small minded. Both sides of this overblown partisan nerd rage have far far too many small minds willing to type first, then think.
All this butthurt from proponents of both sides is wasting time and making both sides look very very bad to the Community at large. You, know the rest of us who mostly just read the forums?
This bickering and tossing snide remarks back and forth in public makes me ashamed to tell people I play this game and am a part of this Community. If Y'all's goal was to simply drive people away from STO, I'd have to say after reading this and other PvP vs. PvE threads Y'all are doing a very fine job of it.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
It's just about us all accepting that PVE in this game is silly easy. You don't agree there? I thought even hardcore PVE doods thought that. Am I wrong?
I'm proud of those uber crazy PVE guys spanking STFs in 3 minutes. That is crazy. But, you can only do so much damage in a certain amount of time in a certain pattern so many times before it becomes utter dull repetition. At least, as you said... For my enjoyment.
My thread is about embracing the challenge. And laying the smack down on some Rudy poo PVP troll candy a**es.
Don't let people discourage you. Keep your head up. Fight the flames with an extinguisher not more flames.
Oh I thought it was about doing that in general even if it was doing crazy things like 2 minute STFs. Learning to be better and applying yourself to what you enjoy.
Oh I thought it was about doing that in general even if it was doing crazy things like 2 minute STFs. Learning to be better and applying yourself to what you enjoy.
Of course man.
Man do I love pounding thru STFs with the elite guys. Make me look like a noob lol.
But I never see those guys in the pVp queues. I bet a lot of them would be great.
Yet as this is the pVp forums, and that's my thing, I like to steer players towards it as a great end game option.
All of this is really becoming irritating because both sides have the same argument.
No matter how they dress it up.
"We are right and They are stupid."
Both "sides" are right. And both are stupid. We tend to become so focused when defending a point that we fail to recognize any merit to an opposing view. People are crazy.
man, i tell ya....there is way more civility in our community than not. and i wouldnt go as far as saying its mystical...but....something special...maybe.
have fun kill bad guys
edit: zomg! where did you get a lego klingon????????
Civility and friendliness are always important - but STO PVP does not have a monopoly on them.
The Klingon is one of Kre-O's ST: Into Darkness range of pseudo-lego figures. A squad of them is a completely inappropriate amount of fun .
Both "sides" are right. And both are stupid. We tend to become so focused when defending a point that we fail to recognize any merit to an opposing view. People are crazy.
QFT. My concern is that a lot of the pro- (and indeed anti-) PVP debate leans into suggesting that other people are inferior human beings because they do / don't PVP. This is to assign vastly inflated importance to STO - an activity which should fail the classic economics "opportunity cost" test for anything except being fun.
Could have fooled me from the tone and the language in most of the posts on this topic throughout these forums. I am willing to bet a month's pay I'm not the only STO player who thinks this way.
It's just about us all accepting that PVE in this game is silly easy. You don't agree there? I thought even hardcore PVE doods thought that. Am I wrong?
Even when it is undercover or expressed humorously, the Us. vs Them is still there.
Don't let people discourage you. Keep your head up. Fight the flames with an extinguisher not more flames.
"Discouraged" does not describe what I am thinking on this topic. "Disgust", "Ennui". These are much more accurate.
I think I'd have an easier time getting Democrats and Republicans to cooperate and participate in an intelligent discourse than I would the small minded zealots on both sides of this PvE vs. PvP topic. Lookee here! Alleged Star Trek fans behaving worse than politicians. Never thought I'd see this day. Again, I am willing to bet a month's pay I'm not the only STO player who thinks this way.
At this point, the only things I really want from the small minded zealots on both sides is for them to stop shouting and pointing fingers and attempting to score points off each other in public here. Makes these forums a damned unpleasant place to visit some days. Doesn't enhance the game experience one damned bit for anyone, so it makes these forums a fail more often than not. And neither side flinging snide remarks is making themselves look attractive to newer players or people with a different view.
Oh, I forgot. PvE vs. PvP isn't about attracting new people. It's all about who is right and who is stupid.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
i could strip off my doffs, purple and beyond purple gear, and go into pvp and still be able to put up a decent fight and have fun. gear and stuff shouldn't be to much of a problem for pve'ers, if all they do is pve, chances are they are grinding out the best stuff, and dont split their time with pvp like we do.its always tough for new players though, but if your willing to dump $50 into lockbox keys, you should have enough EC for all the doffs and gear and dilithum you need for fleet gear. thats how much a game costs anyway, it shouldn't be that hard for a new player to rationalize.
to pvp they just need to see what a decent looking pvp build looks like, set up a bunch of keybinds, and go play a bit. my thread has everything you need to set all that up with the least amount of effort. just keep your expectations of dominating everyone like you always do to npcs low, you are not guarantied to win, like you are everywhere else in game. subscribe to opvp and td and just listen, dont even have to talk at first. a lot of us in opvp are a bunch of know it alls that love an opportunity to show off their knowledge when questions get asked, oh and be helpful too
Im tempted to PvP randomly with all white gear/no doffs and rainbow setups/mixed up screwy boff power.
Just do it totally wrong, and then wait for when I kill someone who then cries about power creep, aux to hax, OP romulans, moar crit, Y U NO STAND STILL, cheese, blahblahblah
No matter what you do man, someone is gonna qq just because they lost.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Oh, I forgot. PvE vs. PvP isn't about attracting new people. It's all about who is right and who is stupid.
Dude are you reading the same things the rest of us are ?
I don't recall seeing anyone calling people that enjoy pve in STO stupid. Where did you see that ?
I did see some folks mention that THEY find PvE in this game to be far to easy. If you find the pve in this game hard, that's cool man sorry we hurt your feelings. For the record yes People that mainly pvp and people that mainly pve on a high level find the PvE content to mostly be a joke. That isn't a dig at any player... its a dig at the people that create the content. Perhaps your a dev incognito or something. Honestly though even that isn't really a dig at the devs. They have been instructed to make there game as easy to pick up for people entering the game as possible.
The issue I think a few people have been trying to raise is this. The devs have created a game that is pretty easy to play... most people level to 50 never experiencing the 15 second respawn window, or they see it 1-2 times in days of game play. So yes when they get to PvP where the stuff your shooting at thinks before it shoots back... yes it is jarring to many new players to realize they are going to be seeing that respawn window 3-8 times in a match. Even experienced players can become blind to simple numbers... when we first started running TD matches it was a shock for some people to realize they where GOING to die every single match, or we where just going to juggle the teams until they did. lol
IN any event you seem invested in the argument you would like to invent here... relax man. We all play PvE although sure many of us prefer good pvp when we can get it. Horizon is simply trying to set some expectations for new players... that yes becoming competent in PvP takes work... and a humble nature. Every player gets humbled when they start PvPing in any new game... its the nature of gaming. Come in humble to start with and you progress much faster. See ya in game.
Keep up the great teamwork!
Brandon =/\=
For me, I love the competition of PVP but lack the time to play on most days that I am online.
Gear, ships or experience does not matter to me, only time.
Give me a toothpick, loin cloth and a foe to battle plus time and I will happily join the fray.
It may not be th OP's reason but when you play to PvP and see so much of the imbalance and overall purpose of the game flushed towards PvE and P2W stuff it can get frustrating. There are many vets here that took hiatuses for a month or two or six because the frustration level in the PvP community was at a boil and there was a lot of vitriol that had crept in. I left for 6 months on my last hiatus and I am playing catch up but I still ask the the vets I know on the OPvP channel about the current cycle of skills that are optimal along with builds. I will not be playing a FaW build at least not on my primary toon. I can say this not much has changed about the game since I left from a broken mechanics side and overall poor implementation of things. When I took my hiatus 6 months ago FaW had issues, I comeback and FaW has more issues. PvP is supposed to be the hardest part of this game but it has been eroded to a distraction where only the die hard hang and FotM builders venture into until the next flavor is elevated to king.
Take the recent "PvE heroes" who tore up the queues with something different. They were rough around the edges for PvP but top of their game PvE, however with experience came tweaks and now they're a force to be reckoned with in PvP in their own right.
This is true in all aspects of the game.
TL/DR: See my sig.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Nice post. That should be included as part of an in-game tutorial.
Hmm lets see....
I play this game to pvp. That basically defines it
Elite Defense Stovokor
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Dude, when we first met on the forums you stole my socks, my Gloria Gaynor CD's, and my heart.
You can keep the socks. :P
PS: Steve Hale drops cake. But ONLY one Elite. :mad:
Cheers and happy flying!
Having cut my gaming teeth on miniature and counter based games (including Star Fleet Battles) in the late 80s, the idea that PVP should be seen as something challenging and special is, well, odd. Before we had much in the way of AIs, all you could do was play against others. Of course the fact that you had to actually speak to your opponent, look them in the eyes, pushed for a level of civility that the online environment does not require.
The fact that posts like this are necessary is sad. The fact that playing against another human being is held up as something mystical... is disturbing.
i know where your coming from man. and agree.
it is sad the state of gaming these days. i too remember playing table top rpgs and those were the days...but anyway...
with as simple as this game's AI is, you have to search for some the way of human players. this turns a lot of people off because they get blowed up. and another person did it! but but....i have just blown thru 40 hrs of storyline and didnt die at!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
i took some time off to play several other games...turns out...all the same. this one just has the skin i like wrapped around my i came back.
man, i tell ya....there is way more civility in our community than not. and i wouldnt go as far as saying its mystical...but....something special...maybe.
have fun kill bad guys
edit: zomg! where did you get a lego klingon????????
i dont understand these pvp haters, or how they can say they are gamers with a strait face. gaming is supposed to be harder and more interactive then watching tv. gaming is not something your supposed to do to wind down, its something that should wind up and take your best, all your attention. the catering to this non gameplay is truly a shame, its so clear that this was meant to be a pvp based game, sci ships and sci captains anyone? but instead all we continue to get is more slop dumped in the trof, across the entire gaming industry, because thats what these casuals want, as they sink deeper into their couch wile the 'game' they are playing gets closer and closer to playing itself for them.
and now anyone that puts any effort into their game is a try hard, power gameing egomaniac. when we que up, we arent going into a preschool and trampling children, you came to the fight club, so dont complain when a player isnt delicate, and doing his best not to hurt your feelings
I think you misunderstand where they're coming from. Go down to your local boxing gym/martial arts centre and say you're ready to have some fights. Then watch as the top player/sensei comes over and whoops you over and over and over. They might give you some tips in between and it makes a bit of a difference but not so much as they are on a level far above you're own. That's what people have a problem with in games...or at least I really hope that is it otherwise *shudders* we're in for bad times in gaming.
When I used to PvP this was very different to what it was now, it required less to be serviceable and a little bit less to be competitive, skill meant more. I had fun in the queues, then all of a sudden you hit the premade 3 times in a row and it became apparent you were going to keep hitting them unless you took a break for a few hours. I'm not playing at that level and to be honest I don't really want to invest in that too much. I'm not saying its bad they are playing at that level but it's not good for the most/more experienced players to pounce and destroy the newbies.
In other words, I'm happy sparring at the purple belt level, please don't send me up against the 7th level black belt, it's not fun for either of us.
Speaking of which, I once was privy to my friend who was 3rd level black belt in judo being asked by our ju-jitsu sensei to punch him and really go for it. Now the ju-jitsu sense I is pushing on pension age and my friend was in his 20s so I thought my friend would really end up hitting him. Couldn't have been more wrong, I saw the punch go out, I couldn't even see sensei block, he just was too fast and I saw the look of utter pain on my friends face. He then continued showing the move and gently threw my friend onto the floor.
2 days later I saw my friend and his arm was in a bandage all the way from wrist to bicep, I asked to see it and a good 6inches around where the block happened had turned black, just pitch black from bruising. It looked like it was going necrotic, fortunately it wasn't. No point in the story but I just felt like sharing.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Sure if more people are around there is less mismatching but it's back to the boxing club scenario. If the only people there are pros that don't hold their punches and always go all in, new people stop going. You can tell them to suck it up, man up, whatever but it doesn't change the fact that it is more hostile to newcomers than accepting.
One of the reasons people prefer PvE in this game is because they won't get complained at for using every advantage they have, not that they need it but look at all the threads recently. Almost all of them can be traced back to one event that rocked the PvP community and that was when some PvE max dps guys tore up the queues and annihilated even seasoned veteran PvPers.
From that point on the community has seen this as a problem, we've had numerous threads complaining about various parts, the scimitar, aux2batt, FAW, overcapping, beams in general, DEM, being Romulan etc etc. I've seen the hostility to them in not only the forums but in your OPvP channels which are meant to be welcoming. Not everyone is like that but I have seen the same people throwing this abuse around coming onto the forums and either being made out to be pillars of the community or trying to say they encourage new players. This does make the community in general look bad.
There are many ways to apply yourself in this game, many aspects of it. A thick skin gets you farther than most but at some point even that fails you and you realise there are better uses of your time. Look at the recent departure of VD, I dare say he's going to come back but for the moment he's choosing to talk to people who will listen...well, sorta listen.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Careful you might hurt the feelings of the PVE community with those thinking aloud views
- Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
to pvp they just need to see what a decent looking pvp build looks like, set up a bunch of keybinds, and go play a bit. my thread has everything you need to set all that up with the least amount of effort. just keep your expectations of dominating everyone like you always do to npcs low, you are not guarantied to win, like you are everywhere else in game. subscribe to opvp and td and just listen, dont even have to talk at first. a lot of us in opvp are a bunch of know it alls that love an opportunity to show off their knowledge when questions get asked, oh and be helpful too
PvE in this game is a joke. I just finished the New Romulus mission in the lava flows solos, no bridge crew because I did not have enviro suits for them. yes I died a minimally spec tac capt with no real gear. But I solo'd the whole lava part of the mission with only help from sec escorts.
All of this is really becoming irritating because both sides have the same argument.
No matter how they dress it up.
"We are right and They are stupid."
Like a lot of people, I play this game for my own entertainment. Not anyone else's. You want to PvE? Fine. Go and do so. You like PvP? Great. Have a good time.
Me? I'm gonna play the parts I like and leave alone the parts I don't like. Notice I did not state which parts those are. Nor do I intend to in the future.
Because I play STO the way I want to and for my own entertainment. Not yours. Snide remarks and cheap shots in public are easy for the small minded. Both sides of this overblown partisan nerd rage have far far too many small minds willing to type first, then think.
All this butthurt from proponents of both sides is wasting time and making both sides look very very bad to the Community at large. You, know the rest of us who mostly just read the forums?
This bickering and tossing snide remarks back and forth in public makes me ashamed to tell people I play this game and am a part of this Community. If Y'all's goal was to simply drive people away from STO, I'd have to say after reading this and other PvP vs. PvE threads Y'all are doing a very fine job of it.
It's not an us vs them thing guys.
It's just about us all accepting that PVE in this game is silly easy. You don't agree there? I thought even hardcore PVE doods thought that. Am I wrong?
I'm proud of those uber crazy PVE guys spanking STFs in 3 minutes. That is crazy. But, you can only do so much damage in a certain amount of time in a certain pattern so many times before it becomes utter dull repetition. At least, as you said... For my enjoyment.
My thread is about embracing the challenge. And laying the smack down on some Rudy poo PVP troll candy a**es.
Don't let people discourage you. Keep your head up. Fight the flames with an extinguisher not more flames.
And have fun kill bad guys.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Of course man.
Man do I love pounding thru STFs with the elite guys. Make me look like a noob lol.
But I never see those guys in the pVp queues. I bet a lot of them would be great.
Yet as this is the pVp forums, and that's my thing, I like to steer players towards it as a great end game option.
Both "sides" are right. And both are stupid. We tend to become so focused when defending a point that we fail to recognize any merit to an opposing view. People are crazy.
Civility and friendliness are always important - but STO PVP does not have a monopoly on them.
The Klingon is one of Kre-O's ST: Into Darkness range of pseudo-lego figures. A squad of them is a completely inappropriate amount of fun
QFT. My concern is that a lot of the pro- (and indeed anti-) PVP debate leans into suggesting that other people are inferior human beings because they do / don't PVP. This is to assign vastly inflated importance to STO - an activity which should fail the classic economics "opportunity cost" test for anything except being fun.
Even when it is undercover or expressed humorously, the Us. vs Them is still there.
More Us. vs. Them.
"Discouraged" does not describe what I am thinking on this topic. "Disgust", "Ennui". These are much more accurate.
I think I'd have an easier time getting Democrats and Republicans to cooperate and participate in an intelligent discourse than I would the small minded zealots on both sides of this PvE vs. PvP topic. Lookee here! Alleged Star Trek fans behaving worse than politicians. Never thought I'd see this day. Again, I am willing to bet a month's pay I'm not the only STO player who thinks this way.
At this point, the only things I really want from the small minded zealots on both sides is for them to stop shouting and pointing fingers and attempting to score points off each other in public here. Makes these forums a damned unpleasant place to visit some days. Doesn't enhance the game experience one damned bit for anyone, so it makes these forums a fail more often than not. And neither side flinging snide remarks is making themselves look attractive to newer players or people with a different view.
Oh, I forgot. PvE vs. PvP isn't about attracting new people. It's all about who is right and who is stupid.
Im tempted to PvP randomly with all white gear/no doffs and rainbow setups/mixed up screwy boff power.
Just do it totally wrong, and then wait for when I kill someone who then cries about power creep, aux to hax, OP romulans, moar crit, Y U NO STAND STILL, cheese, blahblahblah
No matter what you do man, someone is gonna qq just because they lost.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Dude are you reading the same things the rest of us are ?
I don't recall seeing anyone calling people that enjoy pve in STO stupid. Where did you see that ?
I did see some folks mention that THEY find PvE in this game to be far to easy. If you find the pve in this game hard, that's cool man sorry we hurt your feelings. For the record yes People that mainly pvp and people that mainly pve on a high level find the PvE content to mostly be a joke. That isn't a dig at any player... its a dig at the people that create the content. Perhaps your a dev incognito or something. Honestly though even that isn't really a dig at the devs. They have been instructed to make there game as easy to pick up for people entering the game as possible.
The issue I think a few people have been trying to raise is this. The devs have created a game that is pretty easy to play... most people level to 50 never experiencing the 15 second respawn window, or they see it 1-2 times in days of game play. So yes when they get to PvP where the stuff your shooting at thinks before it shoots back... yes it is jarring to many new players to realize they are going to be seeing that respawn window 3-8 times in a match. Even experienced players can become blind to simple numbers... when we first started running TD matches it was a shock for some people to realize they where GOING to die every single match, or we where just going to juggle the teams until they did. lol
IN any event you seem invested in the argument you would like to invent here... relax man. We all play PvE although sure many of us prefer good pvp when we can get it. Horizon is simply trying to set some expectations for new players... that yes becoming competent in PvP takes work... and a humble nature. Every player gets humbled when they start PvPing in any new game... its the nature of gaming. Come in humble to start with and you progress much faster. See ya in game.