Naz because while he knows PvE is laughably easy for the most part he doesn't belittle and laugh at the records people are setting; he doesn't dismiss what someone who only PvE's says just because they don't PvP either and is willing to help others, you can also put forward Mimey, Antonio, Ultimatum, Scurry, Virusdancer and maybe a few more I'm forgetting including yourself drk for that too; Naz did make the PvP concerns posts monthly from what I remember so that's why he's a lil bit ahead for PvP.
And yes, that was one big sentence with libral use of semicolons and commas for breathing
I like anyone with witty, yet inoffensive, smack-talk. Thissler comes to mind.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
I can not name just one person. So I will just say I admire the helpfulness I have seen in many within the community, given even when they have been made to be the villian by those who dislike PVP.
If I had to narrow it down to one person... Virus for his sheer knowledge of the game mechanics I've yet to find a mechanics question he's answered "I don't know" (Still working on it though :P) Bit of a shame he used it 7000th post to resign from our little corner of the forums so he'll never read this
I would have to say sargon even though he does not play the game any more he was the one who had the most impact on geting the comunity together. His ideas still are used today.
Snog and Zelda for their willingness to help me raise my game to the next level by offering as much advice and practice as anybody could expect. Renim for taking the time to PM me after pug matches we'd double-healed offering some tricks of the healing trade. Mimey, Hilbert, and Drunk for offering resources that benefit the entire PvP community from novice to vet.
For me at the moment it has to be Kax. The person behind Kax is just fun and has nothing but fun. Even when the flaming and trolling starts Kax just sails through it as if it did not exist and continues to have fun !
I think Kax has done more than most lately when it comes to PUG's and promoting the PvP scene as fun to new PvP'ers!
Kripto (optimakrip) because he is one of the best and most talented players I know - in damage dealing with his romulan and fed tac as well as in debuffing or healing with his science; and because he takes the game serious but not too serious and has a great sense of humour.
Asgaard (Gokor) because he is one of the best damage dealers, an awesome target caller and one of the most relaxed and helpful players I have met.
Sirlaw because he also is one of the best damage dealers in game, always relaxed and very polite - just a perfect team player.
Parker because I admire his incredible abilities in target calling - I am sure he is one of the best players in doing so; he always keeps calm, can be very funny and knows almost everything about the PvP game (builds, equipment etc.).
I stop here but could continue because I haven't mentioned great damage dealers like Gizmo (what an awesome black humour he has), Matija (awesome in his science too etc.), Hannibal (perfect target caller too etc.) or Edna (awesome in doing damage and as a healer, one of the most humorous player I know). I am very sure I have forgotten several players - besides those alrdy mentioned in this thread.
I think the spirit of what you asking is more "what are the traits" that lead to you respecting other players. For me
Sportsmanship... there are few of us that really excel here. I know you where not going for naming names but to name names... Keg(Mr Yak) Steve hale Crustymac These guys always stood out to me as guys that no matter how crazy or frustrating a match was. (situations where I know I have been guilty of being a poor sport, likely when I was teamed with the above nice guys I singled out as well lol) they never where. Its a mind set not that many of us can claim at all times... most of are mostly good sports, when people really embody sportsmanship it stands out.
"Humble Students" I have been fortunate and befriended many of these people. I have also been fortunate enough to have a chance to play with some of the best players in the game. (imo at least) This is a trait that is very common with them. They are almost always the first people to ask each other questions... to admit when they do not understand and to go about learning what they don't know. I hope I do this myself... and I know at times I have had to kick myself and say listen and learn buddy. lol
"Creative thinkers" To me this doesn't just mean just building crazy odd builds that no one has or had ever thought about. To me it means just looking at every little thing and tweaking things in new and unexpected ways. I know plenty of insanely good players that are in builds almost identical to other great players... yet they put there spin on it. We can all rattle off 4 or 5 players we consider to be great creative players... I swear though the guys that really embody this one... people that know them would recognize there play style even if they are in the "cookie cutter of the month".... well often its because it was these folks experimental play that turned X or Y into the flavor.
I believe the idea of the thread wasn't to name names so I won't name more. I think though if we all think about the players we believe to be the best in the game... most of them will fit to a great extent the 3 I listed.
I mean in the PVP community there are many names that when they get said, you have a level of respect for them, weither it's Thissler, DDIS, Mai-Kai, Naz, Qaw, or even your self, Drk, they have done so much for the community in the past, or presently that you can't help but to either respect or even like them as friends.
And we also can't forget the Dev community as well.. Borticus has been very helpful, to just name one of the many devs that have been coming in here from time to time to try and maybe even pull back the curtian on some of the less known in game mechanics that have also been of great help to some of those I named above.
I guess for me there isn't really one specific individual that I respect, but many, and for different reasons. And that List might be too long, and might not be worth trying to accomplish because I would absolutely forget some one.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I think the spirit of what you asking is more "what are the traits" that lead to you respecting other players. For me
Sportsmanship... there are few of us that really excel here. I know you where not going for naming names but to name names... Keg(Mr Yak) Steve hale Crustymac These guys always stood out to me as guys that no matter how crazy or frustrating a match was. (situations where I know I have been guilty of being a poor sport, likely when I was teamed with the above nice guys I singled out as well lol) they never where. Its a mind set not that many of us can claim at all times... most of are mostly good sports, when people really embody sportsmanship it stands out.
"Humble Students" I have been fortunate and befriended many of these people. I have also been fortunate enough to have a chance to play with some of the best players in the game. (imo at least) This is a trait that is very common with them. They are almost always the first people to ask each other questions... to admit when they do not understand and to go about learning what they don't know. I hope I do this myself... and I know at times I have had to kick myself and say listen and learn buddy. lol
"Creative thinkers" To me this doesn't just mean just building crazy odd builds that no one has or had ever thought about. To me it means just looking at every little thing and tweaking things in new and unexpected ways. I know plenty of insanely good players that are in builds almost identical to other great players... yet they put there spin on it. We can all rattle off 4 or 5 players we consider to be great creative players... I swear though the guys that really embody this one... people that know them would recognize there play style even if they are in the "cookie cutter of the month".... well often its because it was these folks experimental play that turned X or Y into the flavor.
I believe the idea of the thread wasn't to name names so I won't name more. I think though if we all think about the players we believe to be the best in the game... most of them will fit to a great extent the 3 I listed.
You read me well Ant.
Yes, I'm interested in the "traits", and "mindset" of what makes these people so awesome to play with.
I busy with something which asks players to reflect on their actions and attitudes in regards to PvP.
Has his faults like anyone else (gives up a bit too easily) but all in all, a good egg to have in the basket
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] @Aquitaine985 Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre. 2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Saxfire, for being the inspiration behind my scimitar build and pointing me towards the elite side of pve. The desire to outperform and improve (modify to better fit my playstyle) upon a build he showed me months ago is entirely responsible for scimitar Barbie.
Naz for setting an example at .. Well a lot of things. Mainly showing me how a team should be led in a match. I have a long way to go here still but one day I might match
ash, for always being there to watch my back.... And keeping my ego in check.
Without these players I would just be a competent pug in your matches and nothing more.
Hank for taking a chance on a total newbie (me) and showing me teamplay. And for trusting me enough to bring me into some of the toughest matchups in premade play.
Shift for pushing me to be more than a medic-Wells player. And for giving me the foundation for improved communication in teamplay.
Without that experience I wouldn't be half the player I am.
Minimax for being the one-man wtfpwn force that he is. He made insane burst cool before all of the cool kids who run it now. No one hits as hard he does. And you can't help but smile at some of those silly vapes he's pulled off.
Drunk for fighting for Cruisers as long as he has. Even when people were going for Escorts, he would find some new wrinkle to introduce more life into them. Most Cruisers out there have his build fingerprints on them.
virusdancer for his breakdowns of game mechanics, especially stealth mechanics.
I'm going to add a few more things that stand out for me.
There are the teachers and the build sharers: For me that has been Husanak, Bob the Yak, Thissler, and Big Red Jedi. All have taken the time and gone the extra mile to answer my questions, and offer assistance. I would also add to this category, anyone who has a stickied post in the forums or are linked in those posts, and anyone that offers build advice on the forums. There is a ton of helpful information in those posts, and a lot of time spent making them available.
There are the mechanics, number-crunchers, and chart makers. I'm thinking of those that test systems and report the numbers; crunch numbers and report the results; the chart-makers that give us ship charts, tribble breeding charts, damage charts, and the like; and the mechanics that give us such goodies as skill planners, DOff assignment spreadsheets, and log parsers.
There are the community leaders such as Sargon and Dark Frontiers, and those that take the time to organize events and teach boot camp.
There are the great players that become targets and suffer abuse, while never giving in to bad sportsmanship. The two that come to mind are Hale and Lura.
Then there are the braggers and know-it-alls who usually end up whining constantly. I won't name any and would like to forget them, but they do indeed stand out.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
@f4tamy | Sad Pandas
And yes, that was one big sentence with libral use of semicolons and commas for breathing
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
He built a dedicated website to builds viable in PvP. and gave us a leaderboard that gives us something to compare/balance our matches
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Which reminds me, come back Gorn!!!
House of Beautiful Orions
Mini, because of his crazy antics.
The Renim, because he's the Renim.
I think Kax has done more than most lately when it comes to PUG's and promoting the PvP scene as fun to new PvP'ers!
BattleKax 4eva !
Gorn no longer plays?!? Now I feel bad for all those invites I had to decline due to real life getting in the way
Asgaard (Gokor) because he is one of the best damage dealers, an awesome target caller and one of the most relaxed and helpful players I have met.
Sirlaw because he also is one of the best damage dealers in game, always relaxed and very polite - just a perfect team player.
Parker because I admire his incredible abilities in target calling - I am sure he is one of the best players in doing so; he always keeps calm, can be very funny and knows almost everything about the PvP game (builds, equipment etc.).
I stop here but could continue because I haven't mentioned great damage dealers like Gizmo (what an awesome black humour he has), Matija (awesome in his science too etc.), Hannibal (perfect target caller too etc.) or Edna (awesome in doing damage and as a healer, one of the most humorous player I know). I am very sure I have forgotten several players - besides those alrdy mentioned in this thread.
Sportsmanship... there are few of us that really excel here. I know you where not going for naming names but to name names... Keg(Mr Yak) Steve hale Crustymac These guys always stood out to me as guys that no matter how crazy or frustrating a match was. (situations where I know I have been guilty of being a poor sport, likely when I was teamed with the above nice guys I singled out as well lol) they never where. Its a mind set not that many of us can claim at all times... most of are mostly good sports, when people really embody sportsmanship it stands out.
"Humble Students" I have been fortunate and befriended many of these people. I have also been fortunate enough to have a chance to play with some of the best players in the game. (imo at least) This is a trait that is very common with them. They are almost always the first people to ask each other questions... to admit when they do not understand and to go about learning what they don't know. I hope I do this myself... and I know at times I have had to kick myself and say listen and learn buddy. lol
"Creative thinkers" To me this doesn't just mean just building crazy odd builds that no one has or had ever thought about. To me it means just looking at every little thing and tweaking things in new and unexpected ways. I know plenty of insanely good players that are in builds almost identical to other great players... yet they put there spin on it. We can all rattle off 4 or 5 players we consider to be great creative players... I swear though the guys that really embody this one... people that know them would recognize there play style even if they are in the "cookie cutter of the month".... well often its because it was these folks experimental play that turned X or Y into the flavor.
I believe the idea of the thread wasn't to name names so I won't name more. I think though if we all think about the players we believe to be the best in the game... most of them will fit to a great extent the 3 I listed.
I mean in the PVP community there are many names that when they get said, you have a level of respect for them, weither it's Thissler, DDIS, Mai-Kai, Naz, Qaw, or even your self, Drk, they have done so much for the community in the past, or presently that you can't help but to either respect or even like them as friends.
And we also can't forget the Dev community as well.. Borticus has been very helpful, to just name one of the many devs that have been coming in here from time to time to try and maybe even pull back the curtian on some of the less known in game mechanics that have also been of great help to some of those I named above.
I guess for me there isn't really one specific individual that I respect, but many, and for different reasons. And that List might be too long, and might not be worth trying to accomplish because I would absolutely forget some one.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
You read me well Ant.
Yes, I'm interested in the "traits", and "mindset" of what makes these people so awesome to play with.
I busy with something which asks players to reflect on their actions and attitudes in regards to PvP.
Sometimes icons can brighten the way.
Has his faults like anyone else (gives up a bit too easily) but all in all, a good egg to have in the basket
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
I love Zebb more now :P
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Thanks mate thats means alot!
Naz for setting an example at .. Well a lot of things. Mainly showing me how a team should be led in a match. I have a long way to go here still but one day I might match
ash, for always being there to watch my back.... And keeping my ego in check.
Without these players I would just be a competent pug in your matches and nothing more.
Shift for pushing me to be more than a medic-Wells player. And for giving me the foundation for improved communication in teamplay.
Without that experience I wouldn't be half the player I am.
Minimax for being the one-man wtfpwn force that he is. He made insane burst cool before all of the cool kids who run it now. No one hits as hard he does. And you can't help but smile at some of those silly vapes he's pulled off.
Drunk for fighting for Cruisers as long as he has. Even when people were going for Escorts, he would find some new wrinkle to introduce more life into them. Most Cruisers out there have his build fingerprints on them.
virusdancer for his breakdowns of game mechanics, especially stealth mechanics.
Yup, I miss Gornie.
There are the teachers and the build sharers: For me that has been Husanak, Bob the Yak, Thissler, and Big Red Jedi. All have taken the time and gone the extra mile to answer my questions, and offer assistance. I would also add to this category, anyone who has a stickied post in the forums or are linked in those posts, and anyone that offers build advice on the forums. There is a ton of helpful information in those posts, and a lot of time spent making them available.
There are the mechanics, number-crunchers, and chart makers. I'm thinking of those that test systems and report the numbers; crunch numbers and report the results; the chart-makers that give us ship charts, tribble breeding charts, damage charts, and the like; and the mechanics that give us such goodies as skill planners, DOff assignment spreadsheets, and log parsers.
There are the community leaders such as Sargon and Dark Frontiers, and those that take the time to organize events and teach boot camp.
There are the great players that become targets and suffer abuse, while never giving in to bad sportsmanship. The two that come to mind are Hale and Lura.
Then there are the braggers and know-it-alls who usually end up whining constantly. I won't name any and would like to forget them, but they do indeed stand out.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman