Just 1600.00 short now,Donation links are on the first post. And I would appreciate if someone could post the link to this topic in pvp,thetradingchannel and was ty
Well, New Year's is coming up. I really hope things start piling up on the plus side for you and your family (and pets:D), this coming year!
(Yeah, I know it's a little early, lol.) But I wish you guys the best.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
Down to 1275.00 and that was an awesome video, remember to check the original post for links to help out, and if anyone could bump this to keep it up top I would appreciate it
Gettin there electrical work has started but the winter storms are slowing things down,so now I have to pay for the hotel longer,on top of everything else but I'm still 1140.00 short
.so if anyone else wants to donate the links are on the original post
actually i got my fleet defiant out of the cupboard and am going on alphastriking-alphastrikers-hunting ...
sometimes it even works ;D...
and finally got a scimi for my rom but not even got for a first flight. that toon is specced for t'varo and can't fly anything else.... ( i just felt i neeeeed that bloody thing in white for showcases :rolleyes:)
Understandable, I still need to pick a scimi up, down to.needing $950.00 to get me and the family back into the house the blizzard has slowed things down alot
Understandable, I still need to pick a scimi up, down to.needing $950.00 to get me and the family back into the house the blizzard has slowed things down alot
missed u in opvp and 10v10s bro! hope alls well and u return to action shortly
blizzard has slowed things abit had to pay for another week in the hotel and im about $940.00 short of getting everything taken care of to get back in the house
blizzard has slowed things abit had to pay for another week in the hotel and im about $940.00 short of getting everything taken care of to get back in the house
yeah, sounds horrible from what one can see over here on the news .
they also stated that it started to roll back north, so hopefully u'll soon get rid of it.
Gettin close guys thanks for all the help, I'm still 800 USD short of getting back into the house, if you guys could keep this bumped and lost in chat I would appreciate it
(Yeah, I know it's a little early, lol.) But I wish you guys the best.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
happy holidays from the House of Beautiful.
free jkname
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u may check out thisslers vid for u (if not already done;)):
Thank you all,
On another note, glad to hear things are progressing well for you, and hopefully, they continue to do so.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
And glad that things are progressing well.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
.so if anyone else wants to donate the links are on the original post
sometimes it even works ;D...
and finally got a scimi for my rom but not even got for a first flight. that toon is specced for t'varo and can't fly anything else.... ( i just felt i neeeeed that bloody thing in white for showcases :rolleyes:)
missed u in opvp and 10v10s bro! hope alls well and u return to action shortly
yeah, sounds horrible from what one can see over here on the news .
they also stated that it started to roll back north, so hopefully u'll soon get rid of it.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku