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ok, where do i start

captinwh0captinwh0 Member Posts: 783 Arc User
edited January 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
i do truly like this game, but its getting to buggy to play. i have vids of almost all of these bugs.

1,when i am re-spawning, transporting or map changing, i end up inside objects, i have vids of all of this.

so far i have re-spawned in a rock, and had to beam out, my teammate was not happy about this.

on earth space dock, i was beamed inside a wall, and couldn't get out.

on the fleet starbase, i was stuck in the turbo-lift wall after changing floors.

2, stuck in a game glitch repeatedly. my team-mate and i had to skip one of the romulan missions, because the horogan wormhole, we were ment to be put in, we got stuck in a headache inducing glitch, we couldn't warp out, because of red alert, loging in and out, didnt help. we got out by challenging each other to a pvp. tryed again and the same thing happend, my teamate and i got stuck again. we have just skipped the mission.

i have video of this too.

my fleet advanced escort, when engaging multi vector, will show the graphic of splitting, and re-joining but i will either stay together, or stay apart. the graphic is seen by both of us.

sometimes, i re-call my other 2 parts, and it shows me splitting again, even tho im already in my separate parts. and every time this happens, im stick with the 3 min cooldown. and this error has cost me marks and dil, on pve.

4, sometimes, my icons loose their graphics, and everything turns white and square. i have a vid for this too. (ground and space)

i have been forced to play pve, and not being able to see my target or my ship stats, like shield and hull, and i have to guess my ability's because the icons have gone.

closing the game and restarting always fixes it

5 my bridge officers randomly disappear from thair stations, sometimes at the beginning of a mission i have to fight with no bridge ability's

6 for myself and others, a member of the away team will decide to stand in the middle of the room and not move, even when we command them to stand somewhere.

7, when in a team and we need to change map, one of us usually gets booted off the server and have to log back in, the there is a prompt to log back in, on safe mode.

sometimes it pays off tho, we have both done missions where we both had our full teams, it was fun.

9 mail icon always flashing green even when i have deleted all mail, and is empty

10, exchange periodicity stops working

this was some time ago but i have also been stuck in the floor halfway between decks.

i shouldn't feel like i am playing the lottery every time i play the game, this is wrong.

my pc

win 7 pro, 32 bit

4.40ghz processer 64 bit (not over-clocked)

4 gig of ram (room for 16)

graphics cards. (primary) Radeon HD 5830 1GB
(secondary) Radeon x1650 pro

2 big S-A-T-A Hard drives

2 screens

Post edited by captinwh0 on


  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    WOW, you're just having some really horrid luck with this.
    I don't know if your PC specs, matter in most, or any of these, as it's more of the server determining where you are, not your client.
    Wish I had some work-arounds or something to help you with, guess you'll just have to keep posting bug reports & pinging Cryptic to your issues.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeah. This is a tough nut. The glitchy graphics could easily be waved off with the explanation; 'It your fawlt...'
    Considering the amount of stuck in a wall, on the other hand is a little bewildering. That shouldn't happen (that often).

    Hrmmf. Have you tried go to canirunit.com to check how you're computer behave vs STO?
    How is your internet. Could there be some weird funky latency issue, that creates confusion in the datafeed between your client and the server, in such a way that yor character is being rendered first, and in the 'wrong place', because the server will push/render the rest of the data afterwards, i.e. Walls etc.

    I assume you don't run any streaming programs in the background... Youtube, torrent, radio, etc.
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Actually, for myself, I HAVE run plenty of "downloader" type programs or browser stuff in the background, and never experienced any of those glitches. Usually, it will just start really slowing down my map changes, my character will respond slowly, or "rubber-band", stuff like that. Haven't run into the original poster's issues at all, while doing that.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have experienced all of these.
    captinwh0 wrote: »

    1,when i am re-spawning, transporting or map changing, i end up inside objects.

    my fleet advanced escort, when engaging multi vector, will show the graphic of splitting, and re-joining but i will either stay together, or stay apart.

    5 my bridge officers randomly disappear from thair stations.

    6 for myself and others, a member of the away team will decide to stand in the middle of the room and not move.

    7, when in a team and we need to change map, one of us usually gets booted off the server and have to log back in.

    9 mail icon always flashing green even when i have deleted all mail, and is empty

    Hear are a few more:

    11 Personalies game settings randomly reset themselves to defaults. I prefer free-cam to follow-cam in space mode but this resets itself several times a week. A fleet mate of mine has the same problem with 'target threatening enemies first' option resetting to default.

    12 Abilities in the power tray like to randomly rearrange themselves. I found a way to help reduce the likelihood of this by filling all empty slots with 'redistribute shields.' I haven't had my abilities rearrange themselves since I started doing this a year or so ago. But just recently the extra shield redistribution abilities filling slots have started disappearing sometimes when I change ships.

    13 The STF accolade bug that has been preventing many players from unlocking their title and costume options since the reputation system was introduced still has not been fixed.

    14 The deflector duty officer that reduces the cool down of tachyon beam, energy syphon, gravity well and tykens rift has been broken since cryptic introduced a patch to remove shared cool downs between these abilities. Bort claimed to have tested this and found that it still worked several months ago. But Bort's test was wrong. This duty officer is very very much broken as has been proven by many many tests done by myself and other players. It only effects gravity well and tykens rift. It never procs for ES or Tach. B.

    15 In game voice chat has been broken since its implementation. When players are disconnected from STO during an STF or similar action they loose access to the voice chat channel until they regroup after the event. New voice chat channels are generated every time a group is formed, this combined with a bug that breaks teams up after missions can swamp the chat box with voice chat channels. The fleet voice channel is also randomly buggy. Most of the time it simply doesn't work. Other times it randomly lets you hear people on their alternate faction alts.
  • summerrenobaumsummerrenobaum Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If you still have the video's pm me with your e-mail address, a storm is brewing.
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Type /stuck in the chat box it should move u when in mission does not allways work hope this helps ive not read the full post as im on my phone waiting for the tv adds to finish
  • captinwh0captinwh0 Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    just woke up, funney enough, i have endless problems with voice chat.

    and my personal game settings go wonky all the time.

    i will youtube the vids when i get the chance. some of the vids are too large to e-mail.

    i know many of these issues are shared. along with the "server not responding" freeze,

    and my friend is having issues activating ground combat abilitys.

    i will have my breakfast and i will post vids
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hmm ok lets see have u thought of uninstall then reinstalling the game ? All so virus can do mad things to this game. e,g i had one that stopped the game from loading. Good frer snti-virus are Avast and malwerebytes hope ur problems get fix soon.
  • captinwh0captinwh0 Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    did that on wormhole glitch, still beamed me back into it.

    vids uploading now.

    there was one prob i forgot, i can complete a mission, beam out, then will have to do it again.

    also pve dosent always give me my marks or dil
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The graphic are still screwed up, if i go to DS9 i get white blocks all over the place, it also the same with places i havent been for a long time but go back to Qo'nos its fine.....?????
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The only thing i can tell you is... live with those bugs. I dont think cryptic will fix em. For the same reason they didnt fix almost all the important bugs in the game. I mean, today, people who plays STO are just trekkie lovers, a regular thinking person after 2 years of bugs and a team that only worries about gaining cash from users, will stop playing asap. But the problem is, STO is the only star trek game that exists, and its hard to stop playing when u know there is no other alternatives out there. But in my case, after seeing so many bugs in 3 months, and read in the forums that there are bugs from 2 years ago still unfixed and other important bugs that seem to be not important for cryptic, but they are essential to fix, of course i will cancel my subscription asap, and i will only play the f2p style xD. Its probably that i will buy zen time by time once per month, but thats it. And maybe not even that.

    I only hope one day, people who plays this game realizes about whats going on, and stop complaining and instead of that, stop playing or paying, to show cryptic their mistakes. But im afraid that will never happen, so, the bugs will be there for eternity. I can asure that, after see how cryptic works.

    Now, the only graphic glitch i have is in Defera, when i use the stealth, my toon is overlaped with the second layer of the floor in the assimilated structures.
  • captinwh0captinwh0 Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    anyone hear evere had to repeat a mission, because the game dosent recognise completion on beam out, or you cant advance because the way is blocked and wont unclear
  • captinwh0captinwh0 Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i hope the fix it soon, i just had a conv with the prophets halfway between 2 floors
  • apathycurveapathycurve Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    captinwh0 wrote: »

    2, stuck in a game glitch repeatedly. my team-mate and i had to skip one of the romulan missions, because the horogan wormhole, we were ment to be put in, we got stuck in a headache inducing glitch, we couldn't warp out, because of red alert, loging in and out, didnt help. we got out by challenging each other to a pvp. tryed again and the same thing happend, my teamate and i got stuck again. we have just skipped the mission.

    4, sometimes, my icons loose their graphics, and everything turns white and square. i have a vid for this too. (ground and space)

    i have been forced to play pve, and not being able to see my target or my ship stats, like shield and hull, and i have to guess my ability's because the icons have gone.

    closing the game and restarting always fixes it

    9 mail icon always flashing green even when i have deleted all mail, and is empty

    10, exchange periodicity stops working


    I've experienced all of those and many, many more. Number 4 happens on a regular basis (like every couple hours -- and yes my drivers are up to date, so don't bother). Number 9 is constant. Number 10 happens intermittently.

    The number of mission-stopping bugs is astoundingly high, both in Season missions and exploration procgen stuff. Voice chat is utterly broken. Many minor bugs which have been around since launch are still there, such as facing the wrong way when you warp into certain sector blocks.

    This game is buggy as an anthill, and it's getting worse by the month. Even by Cryptic's notoriously low standards for quality control, this is getting ridiculous. Here's an idea: STOP all work on Season Nine, the next expansion, basically any additional content and spend 2014 focusing exclusively on bug stomping. Because if this keeps going at the current rate, the game will become too frustrating, people will stop playing, and additional content will be irrelevant.

    Your choice, Cryptic. I strongly encourage you to make the right decision and fix your increasingly broken game.

    EDIT: Even though I've been playing on this account since 2010 and have posted here on several occasions, the forums show me as newly registered. And check this out:

    You last visited: 12-31-1969

    WOW! I was only a year-and-half old when I last posted!

    Even the forums are a buggy mess...

    Fix it, Cryptic. Before we all go find something less frustrating to do with our time and money.
  • starke1701starke1701 Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    12 Abilities in the power tray like to randomly rearrange themselves. I found a way to help reduce the likelihood of this by filling all empty slots with 'redistribute shields.' I haven't had my abilities rearrange themselves since I started doing this a year or so ago. But just recently the extra shield redistribution abilities filling slots have started disappearing sometimes when I change ships.

    Changing ships seems to cause unassigned powers to populate onto the bar. Try assigning powers you don't intent to use (like specific weapons) to the fifth or sixth hotbar. They won't have a hotkey, and shouldn't get reassigned in your way.
    captinwh0 wrote: »
    anyone hear evere had to repeat a mission, because the game dosent recognise completion on beam out, or you cant advance because the way is blocked and wont unclear

    Yeah, the solution is to turn it in once it's complete but before you leave the map. This one's sporadic, and I've no idea what causes it, but it's been around for years.
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