iPvP TournamentThis Christmas season Turkish RP Heroes has decided to host one of our International PvP Tournaments. For almost two years now the members of Turkish RP Heroes and formerly Turk Istiklal Filosu have gathered together to play, learn, and enjoy the game that we all play, Star Trek Online. It has been our consistent mission statement to bring together people of all backgrounds in an effort to accomplish these goals. That is why we are running this tournament.Rules:
- Matches will last 15 minutes or until a score of 15 is reached. If a score of 15 is not reached within the 15 minute time limit the team with the most kills will be declared victorious. In the event of a tie the match will be extended until the next kill is scored.
- No boarding parties.
- No EMP burst.
Turkish RP Heroes will not be fielding a team for this tournament as we are the hosts.
To sign up please put your @handle . team captain @handle and or fleet name on this topic. We will contact team captains regarding their team members. keine TRH-flotte Mitglieder teilnehmen werden, wie wir sind Gastgeber
Registriere Dich fur iPVP Turnier mit Team-Kapitan @ / Flotte Namen oder Teamnamen
die Regeln sind:
- Die Spiele werden 15 Minuten dauern oder so lange bis das erste Team 15 Kills erreicht hat. Sollte das max. Limit von 15 Kills nicht innerhalb der vorgegeben Zeit erreicht werden, gewinnt das Team das die meisten Kills w?hrend der Spielzeit erzielt hat. Im Falle eines Punktegleichstand wird das Spiel solange verl?ngert, ein Team den ersten Kill erzielt. Dieser wird folglich zum Sieger ernannt.
- kein EMP burst
- keine Enterkommandos
- kein hozenvromfropenn
please start matches from the bottom of the map Congrats to the -DISORDERLY PANDAS- Winners of the first IPVP Tournament ! Thank you everyone for the awesome turn out ! Looking forward to the Next one
Final Score ->> http://oi44.tinypic.com/2127see.jpg
I wish you all good luck and much fun in the tournament
What a load of copy-n-pasted multi-colour'd spiel, Sleeper lol
-Aquitaine985 , Lag Industries.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Elite Defense Stovokor
I would like to sign up I'll get a pug team together
Team name
Crazy Gypsy TRIBBLE With Guns That Save Christmas...YA Lets Get It On
~The Eleventh Order~
11thOrder Youtube
(Kidding, but might be a concern)
This was, quite literally, my very first thought when I saw this thread. Even when I'm on the winning team, I take no pleasure in fighting with or against multi-TIF stacks. None, whatsoever.
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
We may bring more than one team. Not sure yet.
Serena@IvanTom, House of Beautiful Orions
Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
Team Captain will be @davesisko most likely, but I have to speak with him first.
I will see if we can get our five-man available for this.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Well, since I do not have a ready-made group, I guess I will keep myself in reserve for anybody who wants to form a random group
@pokersmith1, I will be flying a tac fleet somraw.
Elite Defense Stovokor
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
We will put together a team of people who sign up as individuals.
Sorry I haven't been around lately guys. But I'm glad to see you are taking advantage of this. I"m sure it should be alot of fun. So best wishes Snog, Zelda and to everyone participating. Stay Warm and Happy Holidays.
-Captain Tripwire-
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
I hope you folks all come support my tournament in January
We want to participate.
It's a shame there's no 'spectator' mode in the game.
Thanks and best regards,
Pyro (@carbonblack)
We miss you, bud. Get back on soon.
Well, technically a player may enter "spectator mode" by simply joining in the last 3 slots on a private queue. Using a cloaked ship at maximum auxiliary to perfect stealth the ship and naming it R.R.W./I.K.S. Spectator Mode just on the off chance a science vessel detects the ship.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Well this guy is a noob, but he does make good videos :P
Elite Defense Stovokor
One of these.
Team: Omega-Flotte
@wiggles247 or @ogreslayer.
1st Alpha Quadrant Team Captain: @jero1116
Alt.Contact(me): @adamcallahan