These forums are consistently a joke with regards to a lot of threads. This is another prime example. Most likely a pvper, upset about the lack of precious pvp content that no one but hardcore few very outspoken individuals, actually give a TRIBBLE about.
Go back to League of Legends.
This is the good old "chicken or the egg" argument. Except in this case, we can go back and determine the PvP came before the players participating in it. If PvP is dead, it is because PvP is bad, not the other way around.
Show me a sustainable MMO on the current market without bugs or some form of a grind mechanic.
I'll be here waiting. Until then, this is just whining.
Not to disagree with you, but I see too many people comparing STO to other MMOs. This is wholly irrelevant. The best car in 1920 was still an inefficient piece of junk by today's standards. Putting aside the fact that nearly all new MMOs follow WoWs highly successful design, saying this one is not broken because another one is worse in some aspect is like saying your house is clean because it only has 2 feet of garbage in every room while your neighbor has 3ft.
^It seems Cryptic seriously doesn't know how to make anything fresh. They keep making the same mistakes, and it is obvious certain things will remain broken until the servers go down--PVP, Ship balance and usefullness, Crafting. S8 will tire quickly and we will be back to the basic grind because Cryptic is just doing it wrong.
Unfortunately, I think you are largely right. However (quote me on this) when profits start plummeting, I believe they will make a last ditch effort to save the game by giving us what we want. But not until the game is nearly outdated and it is too late. Were they to start doing that now, they could extend the life of the game by many years. But since I am not a Dev, my predictions, even if 100% accurate, count for squat.
What was your playing time before it was reduced? So at 10% how many hours are you playing STO now? Why not reduce your forum time as well?
I_see_what_you_did_there.gif, but to answer the legitimate part of that, I was playing more than I care to admit. Not because it was fun, but because I was attempting to keep up with grinding/events/etc. I could have done as much in 1/2 the time were everything not such a headache. I'll just leave it at that.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
It's really no secret. you can go play it on tribble right now.
This is the good old "chicken or the egg" argument. Except in this case, we can go back and determine the PvP came before the players participating in it. If PvP is dead, it is because PvP is bad, not the other way around.
Not to disagree with you, but I see too many people comparing STO to other MMOs. This is wholly irrelevant. The best car in 1920 was still an inefficient piece of junk by today's standards. Putting aside the fact that nearly all new MMOs follow WoWs highly successful design, saying this one is not broken because another one is worse in some aspect is like saying your house is clean because it only has 2 feet of garbage in every room while your neighbor has 3ft.
Unfortunately, I think you are largely right. However (quote me on this) when profits start plummeting, I believe they will make a last ditch effort to save the game by giving us what we want. But not until the game is nearly outdated and it is too late. Were they to start doing that now, they could extend the life of the game by many years. But since I am not a Dev, my predictions, even if 100% accurate, count for squat.
I_see_what_you_did_there.gif, but to answer the legitimate part of that, I was playing more than I care to admit. Not because it was fun, but because I was attempting to keep up with grinding/events/etc. I could have done as much in 1/2 the time were everything not such a headache. I'll just leave it at that.
Yes. The forums are chock full of suggestions and requests that myself and many, many others have presented. A few very general ones include:
-Taking a hiatus from "amazing new content" to focus on improving current systems and fixing borderline game breaking bugs, which are becoming numerous beyond belief.
-Doing something, anything, but SOMETHING about the horrid state PvP is in. Countless ideas have been presented how to do this and one player has already devised a system in his spare time that some players are already using.
-Not just making future grind easier but backtracking and finding ways to make already implemented grind less grindy and cumbersome. (one small tiny example of an improvement (by no means a fix) would be to allow Large Power Cells to stack to 100 vs the current 20)
I could go on and on and elaborate many paragraphs on each of these points and sub-points but this has already been done ad-nauseum on the forums for a long long time. Sure there will be "newer" to mid-experience players that "want" new stuff, but the general concensus is "we" (the people who actually log on every day for many months or years) want something else. So yeah, I personally feel the same old relabeled new content is just a simple money grab with only short term in mind.
TOTALLY AGREED...This is just another useless grinding version of the same for shiny things to keep those newbies occupied for a bit longer...there is NO real juice to it at all...MORE GRINDING I guess is the only business plan model they have :eek:
Nothing changes because Shut up, you get what you get.
You're 100% right.
This game is all "go fetch" for people who arent smart enough to realize it.
Not just that, but realizing it takes time. At first, I would dare say EVERY player is overcome with learning the game and figuring out what is what and how to use it. By the time they realize they are on a wild goose chase, it is usually too late. (By intelligent design or accident?) Take for example Omega Rep. You grind countless STFs, donate absurd amounts of inventory, and generally dedicate your self to getting to T5. For what? For the privledge of buying and grinding even more to obtain gear designed specifically for.... STFs. STFs that you no longer have need to do. I regularly warn newer players of this pitfall and advise them to "just have fun".
ignore that pleb. he is just trolling. probably works for sto. trolls every page that isnt pro sto in every way.
Thank you for that. Even if he is immune to my statement, hopefully others will not be influenced to follow his line of thinking. You see these type of people everywhere on the net but that's another conversation entirely.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
TOTALLY AGREED...This is just another useless grinding version of the same for shiny things to keep those newbies occupied for a bit longer...there is NO real juice to it at all...MORE GRINDING I guess is the only business plan model they have :eek:
youre right.
if they worked on adding fixes instead of grinding this would be a game.
It is probably no secret that I am one of the forums biggest fanboy/apologists
With that said I did find my time on tribble testing somewhat concerning.
It was so different then the rest of two in its open format that I felt a little lost - what to do and where to go as there is no clear direction.
Also I found the Voth ships and ground troops so easy I had to check to see if I was on elite setting or not.
That said I will wait and see - right now there is other stuff to do. My only hope is that my mixed feelings and wanting to get out of there and back 'home' to holodeck that I know and love - was just fear and nervousness of being in an unfamiliar setting.
We shall see Nov 12th - but I still would stay with the game even if season 8 was not coming out so I am not overly worried.
I just wish they would do a big update to one of my favorite parts of the game that does not feel like grinding: the doff system!! There has been no new sector chains added in forever!! I think it is a big mistake for Cryptic to let the doff system languish.
TOTALLY AGREED...This is just another useless grinding version of the same for shiny things to keep those newbies occupied for a bit longer...there is NO real juice to it at all...MORE GRINDING I guess is the only business plan model they have :eek:
Not just that, but realizing it takes time. At first, I would dare say EVERY player is overcome with learning the game and figuring out what is what and how to use it. By the time they realize they are on a wild goose chase, it is usually too late. (By intelligent design or accident?) Take for example Omega Rep. You grind countless STFs, donate absurd amounts of inventory, and generally dedicate your self to getting to T5. For what? For the privledge of buying and grinding even more to obtain gear designed specifically for.... STFs. STFs that you no longer have need to do. I regularly warn newer players of this pitfall and advise them to "just have fun".
Thank you for that. Even if he is immune to my statement, hopefully others will not be influenced to follow his line of thinking. You see these type of people everywhere on the net but that's another conversation entirely.
oh wow, ive never been so disapoint in a game as when i max lel omega. an incredible waste of time. let me tell u, if i was within slapping distance of whoever's idea the rep system was...
i learned not to bother with the rep system.
omega elite borg is the only thing worth playing for me... except when i get stupid and play pvp and forget about power creep.
i used to be a fanboy/ apologist too... then after a while i realized that the joke is on me cuz things dont improve.
devs dont care. reprogramming and fixxing ground is actual work. they dont want to do that. they just want to 3dmodel and write up clutter and call it script. the "fun" stuff.
I wish all these "Season 8 is TRIBBLE this game suxors" threads would disappear for a bit, at least until everyones been able to log into Tribble and actually test the content. We don't even know the full extent of what content we're getting yet people are already bashing it and writing it off. I mean really, talk about complaining for the sake of it.
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i used to be a fanboy/ apologist too... then after a while i realized that the joke is on me cuz things dont improve.
devs dont care. reprogramming and fixxing ground is actual work. they dont want to do that. they just want to 3dmodel and write up clutter and call it script. the "fun" stuff.
Then maybe you were doing it wrong?
I've been here since Open Beta, I see everything as it is, and I'm still in their favor because the game has improved, and is fun imo Space is fun, ground is a little-less-fun-but-still-fun, and the content has steadily improved in storyline since the beginning
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
But fixing things deals with more than just bugs. Besides, a bug that prevents someone from playing might only affect 10 people or a major bug to someone is merely a minor nuisance to others and what some people consider to be a bug is a design feature of the game. Either way, fixing bugs is the same as fixing other things. Every player has their own wish on what should be fixed first. So the devs have to prioritize what needs to be fixed first and how to fix things. They only get suggestions from the forums on what needs to be fixed and how to fix them. They are under no obligation to follow these suggestions.
While I agree on you part about a "wishlist" that varies per player. I can name numerous bugs that affect nearly everyone, yet are only on a few people's "wishlists" because most people don't even know about them. One shining example (and I have many), better yet TWO shining examples are these:
1 - Since LoR(?), the mute/unmute function for channel owners and mods is either under new guideline we don't know of or wholly broken. Bottom line is if I, as a channel owner/mod (some channels have 1000's of members), mute a player for any reason, I am then unable to predictably unmute him. Sometimes it takes days and numerous attempts by multiple admins to get them unmuted. Now while this doesn't sound like a big deal to you, people can get accidentally muted and stuck that way. Which in turn can keep someone from say offering Tuffli access on Public Service, which in turn can cause someone to have to fly to ESD to use the exchange, which in turn can cause lag for everyone on ESD in that zone if said player starts running around spraying balloons. I realize this is an abstract and unlikely scenario, but I'm just trying to show that "unknown" bugs to you might still affect you in ways you don't even know, indirectly.
2 - [this one is a bit complicated so I will simplify] Since S7(?) there is about a 50/50 chance that looking at any ship shield or engine from your inventory will show SHUTTLE stats when hovered over. Not only that, but if that bug is "in effect" for you. Searching the exchange or browsing Rep items will also display improperly, making choosing a correct piece of gear very difficult at best. Now many of us are aware of this and have semi decent work arounds and such, but the vast majority of players have no idea this is going on. This leads to alot of people running around thinking their Ody cruiser has a 33 turn rate or something stupid until they take another look after they actually equip it. Not good game policy to have a large percentage of players misinformed. The trickle down implications only further such frustration in scenarios like PvP where someone thinks they upgraded a shield while in reality they downgraded it. I consider things like these borderline game-breaking and they are more abundant than many people realize.
When I refer to near-game-breaking bugs, I am talking about things like these. Not costume or visual glitches, which are clearly important to others as well. Point is, there are so many bugs out there, it's hard to get people to agree and focus on one or two, so saying "ignore them all" is hardly an acceptable reply. In fact when we DO get a bug fix, it is usually a minor or recently created one. This started as a joke, but it is becoming a reality.
furthermore-I will say actual "game-breaking" bugs are fixed because... well they have to be. no game = no $ rolling in.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
I mean really, talk about complaining for the sake of it.
Not quite .
See , the moment S.8 is out the door , the folks at Cryptic will turn to the next thing on their 'to do' list (I'm guessing the winter event) .
Thus , if we want to lobby for changes , now is the time for it -- even if that lobbying comes in the guise of what you see as complaining .
I'm sorry if this uncomfortable for you and some others , but if you've been here for a while , you'll understand that the "wait and see" attitude does not cut it in this game .
I'm just kidding, i don't hate you. But I have been around since then, and i really have to say that i can see both sides of the fence here. While the game has indeed come a long way since beta, Cryptic has been notoriously bad for making the same mistakes over and over again.
while cryptic CAN make great games, there are often times where they just don't listen to the fans and players at all. There are numerous times where they forums will be talking about why you can't do something in game, but cryptic does anyway, and months later the exact things the forums warned about happen, and cryptic does nothing. The Rep system was a great example.
Other times, they will introduce a system as half finished, and leave it that way. Champions is full of that, and even in sto, we have things like the Character skins that end at the neck in such a terrible way. It even appears in their promotional photos for LoR, and yet they don't really care enough to fix it.
I really like Cryptic games, and i'm really looking forward to (the very non-trek sadly) season 8, but there are more then enough ways they tend to like shooting themselves in the foot. Neverwinter alone is a great sign of everything that's wrong with Cryptic's business model, and to make it worse, they've ignored one of the things they used to do so well, and that's customization. It's really the only thing keeping Champions alive, STO used to have it, but they've been steadily moving away from that as well as Star Trek in general, and NW has it, but not in enough quantity or quality to really make the game worth the money they're overcharging for things.
While i don't really feel that fighting dinosaurs with lasers, or having to grind and pay for all the good gear, is very Star Trek (i.e. it's not, even in the least bit), it still looks like it will be adding some much needed fun to the game, even if it's only for the month or two people will play it before it gets old.
i used to be a fanboy/ apologist too... then after a while i realized that the joke is on me cuz things dont improve.
devs dont care. reprogramming and fixxing ground is actual work. they dont want to do that. they just want to 3dmodel and write up clutter and call it script. the "fun" stuff.
Excellent point. One I haven't brought up in a long time even though it was my original doorway to being unhappy with the state of the game. On one hand you can't blame them for wanting to build maps, design epic looking ships and whatnot. Nor can you be surprised at the new shiny things to buy for profit's sake. HOWEVER, this does not seem to hamper them in the slightest regarding what I call "convenience nerfs". So called "fixes" that serve no purpose but to make our grind even more grindy.
Take the recent foundry changes for example. At one time you had a daily mission to get 1440 dil for a one click foundry. Deemed "too easy" they proceeded to make it a timed deal. This spurred loot harvesting missions to which they replied with loot drop caps. This spurred the click-use exchange for an hour-click which eventually led to the you know what foundry debacle. They fixed that but wait! STILL too easy because click-wait-click still exists. Now legit foundries are borked because time between active maps don't count. I mean come on, time for all this type of stuff (not even mentioning the mail cap disaster) but no time for [real] bugs being fixed at a rate equal to the rate they are introduced?
If they would just choose one side of the fence or another, I'd probably be ok. But every "fix" just makes things harder, rarely if ever better. Sorry, but I can't help notice these things, I only wish the goal was occasionally for them to make something better (as they did with the UI recently), more fun, or easier. Not in the form of new maps, enemies, useless ships and the like. But via an expanded or modernized system to keep up (like DoFFing, inventory, tooltips, BoFFs). More does not always = better.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
As I came to this conclusion on my own, I see no need to join anyone else's peanut gallery.
Oh, and while I'm at it, another worsening beef I have with STO is the way the stressful play (via grinding, confusion, etc) creates a hostile atmosphere. As is quite evident everytime I visit the forums.
That's not STO causing the hostile atmosphere. It's the unusually high proportion of immature and maladjusted personalities. Star Trek has always had its fair share of "fanatics" with a tenuous grip on reality, I see this game as just having attracted that element.
Seriously, if people dislike the game that much - find something else to do with your life.
Is there even any story or missions to season 8 at all, or is it literally just a couple of new reps to grind and a place to do it at?
Only missions were the ones that introduced you to the sphere, and the main storyline is in the cutscenes and bits and pieces here and there from the mini missions and the consoles in the Battlezone.
Only missions were the ones that introduced you to the sphere, and the main storyline is in the cutscenes and bits and pieces here and there from the mini missions and the consoles in the Battlezone.
Minor tweaks to current systems,
"New" Copy-Pasta content (complete with bugs I'm sure),
More grind/rep/whatever you wanna call it,
More power creep items (fleet tac consoles)
No serious bug fixing (quantity or importance)
Nothing made easier or less restrictive
*[do not cite the new rep simplicity, it's still more]
PvP still largely ignored and possibly worse
Guides, tutorials, training? What are those?
I have already reduced my playing time by over 90%. Truth is, there is just very little to do that is any fun. Everything is a time wasting headache.
I agreed with OP!
I started loosing interesting after seasson 5 when STO has to be transformed in to hard core grind,when they transformed STF in to nothing special grind...
Thanks ccp & funcom who making awesome & funy games,I am replaced STO with EVE(resubed my 3 accounts) & TSW!
STO is not bad game it is just not game for me,something for what I have to spend my money & free time.
LoR should to be about rebuilding Romulan Star Empire,liberating Donatra from borg collective ,confronting Sela & madness of Tal Shiar,claiming Vulcan as new romulan homeworld...
Is there even any story or missions to season 8 at all, or is it literally just a couple of new reps to grind and a place to do it at?
there actually is a lot of stuff to find, but it's more like doing Lore hunting than reading story.
Story, yeah that's in the rep cutscenes unfortunately, it's a nice story though.
The setup for the Sphere is that the expeditionary force that was sent into the Sphere following Sphere of Influence was met by the Voth and apparently the Voth are unwilling to negotiate with humanoids. they seem to think that it is beneath them to negotiate with lesser life forms.
Thanks ccp & funcom who making awesome & funy games,I am replaced STO with EVE(resubed my 3 accounts) & TSW!
Yes. I have been playing a little of these games too. They are great in their own ways. If I could make a dream version of STO, it would be to take the Star Trek theme and place it in a world with the vastness and complexities of EVE then add the writing, stories, and characters of The Secret World.
"Star Trek Online is powered by the most abundant resource in the galaxy . . . Gullibility"
there actually is a lot of stuff to find, but it's more like doing Lore hunting than reading story.
Story, yeah that's in the rep cutscenes unfortunately, it's a nice story though.
The setup for the Sphere is that the expeditionary force that was sent into the Sphere following Sphere of Influence was met by the Voth and apparently the Voth are unwilling to negotiate with humanoids. they seem to think that it is beneath them to negotiate with lesser life forms.
Okay, while the new battle grounds are cool (though not very trek at all) there really isn't much to do other than grind, so i've been avoiding it. I guess i might have to break down and go back to just do a little exploring.
It's really no secret. you can go play it on tribble right now.
This is the good old "chicken or the egg" argument. Except in this case, we can go back and determine the PvP came before the players participating in it. If PvP is dead, it is because PvP is bad, not the other way around.
Not to disagree with you, but I see too many people comparing STO to other MMOs. This is wholly irrelevant. The best car in 1920 was still an inefficient piece of junk by today's standards. Putting aside the fact that nearly all new MMOs follow WoWs highly successful design, saying this one is not broken because another one is worse in some aspect is like saying your house is clean because it only has 2 feet of garbage in every room while your neighbor has 3ft.
Unfortunately, I think you are largely right. However (quote me on this) when profits start plummeting, I believe they will make a last ditch effort to save the game by giving us what we want. But not until the game is nearly outdated and it is too late. Were they to start doing that now, they could extend the life of the game by many years. But since I am not a Dev, my predictions, even if 100% accurate, count for squat.
I_see_what_you_did_there.gif, but to answer the legitimate part of that, I was playing more than I care to admit. Not because it was fun, but because I was attempting to keep up with grinding/events/etc. I could have done as much in 1/2 the time were everything not such a headache. I'll just leave it at that.
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
everything you said is
TOTALLY AGREED...This is just another useless grinding version of the same for shiny things to keep those newbies occupied for a bit longer...there is NO real juice to it at all...MORE GRINDING I guess is the only business plan model they have :eek:
Not just that, but realizing it takes time. At first, I would dare say EVERY player is overcome with learning the game and figuring out what is what and how to use it. By the time they realize they are on a wild goose chase, it is usually too late. (By intelligent design or accident?) Take for example Omega Rep. You grind countless STFs, donate absurd amounts of inventory, and generally dedicate your self to getting to T5. For what? For the privledge of buying and grinding even more to obtain gear designed specifically for.... STFs. STFs that you no longer have need to do. I regularly warn newer players of this pitfall and advise them to "just have fun".
Thank you for that. Even if he is immune to my statement, hopefully others will not be influenced to follow his line of thinking. You see these type of people everywhere on the net but that's another conversation entirely.
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
youre right.
if they worked on adding fixes instead of grinding this would be a game.
With that said I did find my time on tribble testing somewhat concerning.
It was so different then the rest of two in its open format that I felt a little lost - what to do and where to go as there is no clear direction.
Also I found the Voth ships and ground troops so easy I had to check to see if I was on elite setting or not.
That said I will wait and see - right now there is other stuff to do. My only hope is that my mixed feelings and wanting to get out of there and back 'home' to holodeck that I know and love - was just fear and nervousness of being in an unfamiliar setting.
We shall see Nov 12th - but I still would stay with the game even if season 8 was not coming out so I am not overly worried.
I just wish they would do a big update to one of my favorite parts of the game that does not feel like grinding: the doff system!! There has been no new sector chains added in forever!! I think it is a big mistake for Cryptic to let the doff system languish.
oh wow, ive never been so disapoint in a game as when i max lel omega. an incredible waste of time. let me tell u, if i was within slapping distance of whoever's idea the rep system was...
i learned not to bother with the rep system.
omega elite borg is the only thing worth playing for me... except when i get stupid and play pvp and forget about power creep.
devs dont care. reprogramming and fixxing ground is actual work. they dont want to do that. they just want to 3dmodel and write up clutter and call it script. the "fun" stuff.
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I've been here since Open Beta, I see everything as it is, and I'm still in their favor because the game has improved, and is fun imo Space is fun, ground is a little-less-fun-but-still-fun, and the content has steadily improved in storyline since the beginning
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
While I agree on you part about a "wishlist" that varies per player. I can name numerous bugs that affect nearly everyone, yet are only on a few people's "wishlists" because most people don't even know about them. One shining example (and I have many), better yet TWO shining examples are these:
1 - Since LoR(?), the mute/unmute function for channel owners and mods is either under new guideline we don't know of or wholly broken. Bottom line is if I, as a channel owner/mod (some channels have 1000's of members), mute a player for any reason, I am then unable to predictably unmute him. Sometimes it takes days and numerous attempts by multiple admins to get them unmuted. Now while this doesn't sound like a big deal to you, people can get accidentally muted and stuck that way. Which in turn can keep someone from say offering Tuffli access on Public Service, which in turn can cause someone to have to fly to ESD to use the exchange, which in turn can cause lag for everyone on ESD in that zone if said player starts running around spraying balloons. I realize this is an abstract and unlikely scenario, but I'm just trying to show that "unknown" bugs to you might still affect you in ways you don't even know, indirectly.
2 - [this one is a bit complicated so I will simplify] Since S7(?) there is about a 50/50 chance that looking at any ship shield or engine from your inventory will show SHUTTLE stats when hovered over. Not only that, but if that bug is "in effect" for you. Searching the exchange or browsing Rep items will also display improperly, making choosing a correct piece of gear very difficult at best. Now many of us are aware of this and have semi decent work arounds and such, but the vast majority of players have no idea this is going on. This leads to alot of people running around thinking their Ody cruiser has a 33 turn rate or something stupid until they take another look after they actually equip it. Not good game policy to have a large percentage of players misinformed. The trickle down implications only further such frustration in scenarios like PvP where someone thinks they upgraded a shield while in reality they downgraded it. I consider things like these borderline game-breaking and they are more abundant than many people realize.
When I refer to near-game-breaking bugs, I am talking about things like these. Not costume or visual glitches, which are clearly important to others as well. Point is, there are so many bugs out there, it's hard to get people to agree and focus on one or two, so saying "ignore them all" is hardly an acceptable reply. In fact when we DO get a bug fix, it is usually a minor or recently created one. This started as a joke, but it is becoming a reality.
furthermore-I will say actual "game-breaking" bugs are fixed because... well they have to be. no game = no $ rolling in.
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
Not quite .
See , the moment S.8 is out the door , the folks at Cryptic will turn to the next thing on their 'to do' list (I'm guessing the winter event) .
Thus , if we want to lobby for changes , now is the time for it -- even if that lobbying comes in the guise of what you see as complaining .
I'm sorry if this uncomfortable for you and some others , but if you've been here for a while , you'll understand that the "wait and see" attitude does not cut it in this game .
PvP is forever!!!! (as long as it isn't broken)
PvE only lasts as long as there is new content.
Cryptic, you will make more money longterm with PvP if you invest and nurture it. Otherwise, you'll be the tired, burned out lap dogs of the PvErs.
sir, you must be from
well i've been here since closed beta...
and i hate you....
I'm just kidding, i don't hate you. But I have been around since then, and i really have to say that i can see both sides of the fence here. While the game has indeed come a long way since beta, Cryptic has been notoriously bad for making the same mistakes over and over again.
while cryptic CAN make great games, there are often times where they just don't listen to the fans and players at all. There are numerous times where they forums will be talking about why you can't do something in game, but cryptic does anyway, and months later the exact things the forums warned about happen, and cryptic does nothing. The Rep system was a great example.
Other times, they will introduce a system as half finished, and leave it that way. Champions is full of that, and even in sto, we have things like the Character skins that end at the neck in such a terrible way. It even appears in their promotional photos for LoR, and yet they don't really care enough to fix it.
I really like Cryptic games, and i'm really looking forward to (the very non-trek sadly) season 8, but there are more then enough ways they tend to like shooting themselves in the foot. Neverwinter alone is a great sign of everything that's wrong with Cryptic's business model, and to make it worse, they've ignored one of the things they used to do so well, and that's customization. It's really the only thing keeping Champions alive, STO used to have it, but they've been steadily moving away from that as well as Star Trek in general, and NW has it, but not in enough quantity or quality to really make the game worth the money they're overcharging for things.
While i don't really feel that fighting dinosaurs with lasers, or having to grind and pay for all the good gear, is very Star Trek (i.e. it's not, even in the least bit), it still looks like it will be adding some much needed fun to the game, even if it's only for the month or two people will play it before it gets old.
Excellent point. One I haven't brought up in a long time even though it was my original doorway to being unhappy with the state of the game. On one hand you can't blame them for wanting to build maps, design epic looking ships and whatnot. Nor can you be surprised at the new shiny things to buy for profit's sake. HOWEVER, this does not seem to hamper them in the slightest regarding what I call "convenience nerfs". So called "fixes" that serve no purpose but to make our grind even more grindy.
Take the recent foundry changes for example. At one time you had a daily mission to get 1440 dil for a one click foundry. Deemed "too easy" they proceeded to make it a timed deal. This spurred loot harvesting missions to which they replied with loot drop caps. This spurred the click-use exchange for an hour-click which eventually led to the you know what foundry debacle. They fixed that but wait! STILL too easy because click-wait-click still exists. Now legit foundries are borked because time between active maps don't count. I mean come on, time for all this type of stuff (not even mentioning the mail cap disaster) but no time for [real] bugs being fixed at a rate equal to the rate they are introduced?
If they would just choose one side of the fence or another, I'd probably be ok. But every "fix" just makes things harder, rarely if ever better. Sorry, but I can't help notice these things, I only wish the goal was occasionally for them to make something better (as they did with the UI recently), more fun, or easier. Not in the form of new maps, enemies, useless ships and the like. But via an expanded or modernized system to keep up (like DoFFing, inventory, tooltips, BoFFs). More does not always = better.
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
That's not STO causing the hostile atmosphere. It's the unusually high proportion of immature and maladjusted personalities. Star Trek has always had its fair share of "fanatics" with a tenuous grip on reality, I see this game as just having attracted that element.
Seriously, if people dislike the game that much - find something else to do with your life.
When you reduce it to 100% can I have your stuff?
Only missions were the ones that introduced you to the sphere, and the main storyline is in the cutscenes and bits and pieces here and there from the mini missions and the consoles in the Battlezone.
That's actually a little disappointing...
I agreed with OP!
I started loosing interesting after seasson 5 when STO has to be transformed in to hard core grind,when they transformed STF in to nothing special grind...
Thanks ccp & funcom who making awesome & funy games,I am replaced STO with EVE(resubed my 3 accounts) & TSW!
STO is not bad game it is just not game for me,something for what I have to spend my money & free time.
Story, yeah that's in the rep cutscenes unfortunately, it's a nice story though.
The setup for the Sphere is that the expeditionary force that was sent into the Sphere following Sphere of Influence was met by the Voth and apparently the Voth are unwilling to negotiate with humanoids. they seem to think that it is beneath them to negotiate with lesser life forms.
My character Tsin'xing
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Yes. I have been playing a little of these games too. They are great in their own ways. If I could make a dream version of STO, it would be to take the Star Trek theme and place it in a world with the vastness and complexities of EVE then add the writing, stories, and characters of The Secret World.
Okay, while the new battle grounds are cool (though not very trek at all) there really isn't much to do other than grind, so i've been avoiding it. I guess i might have to break down and go back to just do a little exploring.