This Friday, I will be hosting another livestream for our recent update, Season 8! I'll be fighting my way through the Battlezone, answering your questions, and giving out prizes* during the show.
Tune in this Friday, November 22nd, from 5PM to 6PM PST (click here to view in your timezone) to watch and for a chance to win prizes!
*To be eligible to win, you only need to be logged in to Twitch and chat the keyword that we'll ask players to post (in addition to saying it verbally, we'll post it in chat so you can copy and paste it) right before each giveaway.
On the one hand, after the last Livestream, I actually joined Twitch specifically to take active part in these, to be able to ask questions and enter the drawings and such, so I am pleased another one is taking place so soon...
But on the other hand, I'm among those who can't get in-game, so - I know it's not meant this way, but still - it feels a little like I'm being taunted by something I can't have... I'm not blaming you or the Dev Team, Brandon, I know it happens, but it's still frustrating...
On another hand, however, you did mention that a possible fix to that problem was undergoing in-house testing, so it might, if we're really lucky, get rolled out as part of this Thursday's maintenance/patch, which would mean the livestream would just whet my appetite and then I could get into the game afterwards...
And yes, I know that would make me some kind of three-handed freak of nature. Heh.
So, besides the obvious Starter Packs, any idea what the prizes might be yet?
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
On the one hand, after the last Livestream, I actually joined Twitch specifically to take active part in these, to be able to ask questions and enter the drawings and such, so I am pleased another one is taking place so soon...
But on the other hand, I'm among those who can't get in-game, so - I know it's not meant this way, but still - it feels a little like I'm being taunted by something I can't have... I'm not blaming you or the Dev Team, Brandon, I know it happens, but it's still frustrating...
On another hand, however, you did mention that a possible fix to that problem was undergoing in-house testing, so it might, if we're really lucky, get rolled out as part of this Thursday's maintenance/patch, which would mean the livestream would just whet my appetite and then I could get into the game afterwards...
And yes, I know that would make me some kind of three-handed freak of nature. Heh.
So, besides the obvious Starter Packs, any idea what the prizes might be yet?
Fix is coming and should be in game by then. I will be watching.
Request: I want during a battle with the Viriosaurus Rex for Branflakes to walk his guy up to it and yell at it, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?" and than bust out some anime song while he and the group with him kick it's aft back to the Mezosoic Era!
Can you please give away a mirror 2150s outfit? I want it so bad I could die (Ok, not enough to pay 5.50 for in game glam that could be spent on lockbox keys, but whatever)
"I am a travelor of both time and space to be where I have been"
This is at 01:00 GMT for me. There is no way i'm getting out of bed to play a game of STO. Hopefully you do another one soon at a more reasonable time for us gamers across the pond
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Yeah please next time think about the europeans as well because this timing is after(or around depends on your timezone) midnight and i think a lot of people are sleeping in that time period.
I will try and vary up the timeslots (and have since the last one), but to be honest, the timezone is always going to be inconvenient for some of our players
The last one was at noon PST, and it was too early in the day for some players because they were still at work or school. This one is at 5pm PST and it's too late for some players because it's late at night for them.
I plan on doing Livestreams much more often, and will continue to vary up the times, but it will unfortunately always be inconvenient for at least some players due to timezones, other commitments, etc.
Thanks for understanding and know that I will continue to switch up the timeslots as often as possible so everyone has a chance to tune in live (Remember! The recorded version should be available right after the stream finishes).
Out of curiousity, is this Battlezone Livestream partially in response to people wanting you to finish the Battlezone and fight the boss during the Season 8 Preview Livestream?
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
I do seriously want to see Branflakes walk up to the Viriosaurus Rex with just a bat'leth and yell at it "Who the hell do you think I am!" and proceed to beat it with that bat'leth (probably won't happen but would be awesome if he did beat one with said weapon,the KDF would go nuts).
I will try and vary up the timeslots (and have since the last one), but to be honest, the timezone is always going to be inconvenient for some of our players
The last one was at noon PST, and it was too early in the day for some players because they were still at work or school. This one is at 5pm PST and it's too late for some players because it's late at night for them.
I plan on doing Livestreams much more often, and will continue to vary up the times, but it will unfortunately always be inconvenient for at least some players due to timezones, other commitments, etc.
Thanks for understanding and know that I will continue to switch up the timeslots as often as possible so everyone has a chance to tune in live (Remember! The recorded version should be available right after the stream finishes).
Brandon =/\=
Yea i completely understand why it is hard to make at the right time but i wanted to say only that you must prioritize, you can stream for 2 completely different timezones without much problem i think (if you have free time), for example i think after America, Europe is the biggest continent for playing Star Trek Online.
Only thing i want to say if you are streaming in the early afternoon in America/USA we can see it in the early night in Europe(The time difference is around 7-10 hours so if you stream at 1:00 PM we can watch at 8-11 PM.).
Just please think about this and then i think you can "reach" the most views.
Yea i completely understand why it is hard to make at the right time but i wanted to say only that you must prioritize, you can stream for 2 completely different timezones without much problem i think (if you have free time), for example i think after America, Europe is the biggest continent for playing Star Trek Online.
Only thing i want to say if you are streaming in the early afternoon in America/USA we can see it in the early night in Europe(The time difference is around 7-10 hours so if you stream at 1:00 PM we can watch at 8-11 PM.).
Just please think about this and then i think you can "reach" the most views.
Did you not even read his last post?
" Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
Just a little over an hour remaining until the Livestream...
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Ok who was trolling Brandon with the fire extinguishers and the disco balls? Brandon was doing his best to avoid them I see - switching zones - then having his rep window cover the screen - really people grow up just a bit!!
I was not trying to call anyone out specifically - just wondering:rolleyes:
Those people should watch the playback and see just how distracting the behaviour is for the viewers. Anyways Brandon nice job of the run and nice job ignoring the distractions without showing any irritation:eek:
I was there watching the Livestream and in the Chat (but not in the game - 18897741)...
I could deal with the lag, I could deal with the video sometimes jumping and skipping, but when BranFlakes was trying to show off the Dyson Rep System, who or whatever was making all that noise was definately ruining part of the fun of it all. I don't know about anyone else, but it was so loud that it was actually giving me a headache...
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Awesome! I wish I'd been able to make it, but I was watching Thor 2 in celebration of getting a free ride to college at the time.
Long story.
Point is, you do a great job running an entertaining infomercial despite the trolls, and I have to say that the Sphere is my new favorite expansion. It's worth dying all those times to get the easy dilithium.
Ok who was trolling Brandon with the fire extinguishers and the disco balls? Brandon was doing his best to avoid them I see - switching zones - then having his rep window cover the screen - really people grow up just a bit!!
It's just dancing and having a good time isn't it? That's why they made those disco balls right? Only seems logical folks would want to dance with a dev. Why would you not want to showcase disco dancing in a war zone to prospective players? It's not immersion breaking is it? /sarcasm off
I didn't do this, would never do this, but am somewhat glad somebody else did to show how out of place and annoying being forced to dance in STO is.
On the whole, glad you're making these videos, and I did actually pick up a helpful bit of info. I'm also liking the 350 marks = 5 commendations assignment. Good work there, frees me up to enjoy multiple areas of the game.
I SHALL, be there!!!
Honestly, BranFlakes, I'm torn...
On the one hand, after the last Livestream, I actually joined Twitch specifically to take active part in these, to be able to ask questions and enter the drawings and such, so I am pleased another one is taking place so soon...
But on the other hand, I'm among those who can't get in-game, so - I know it's not meant this way, but still - it feels a little like I'm being taunted by something I can't have... I'm not blaming you or the Dev Team, Brandon, I know it happens, but it's still frustrating...
On another hand, however, you did mention that a possible fix to that problem was undergoing in-house testing, so it might, if we're really lucky, get rolled out as part of this Thursday's maintenance/patch, which would mean the livestream would just whet my appetite and then I could get into the game afterwards...
And yes, I know that would make me some kind of three-handed freak of nature. Heh.
So, besides the obvious Starter Packs, any idea what the prizes might be yet?
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Fix is coming and should be in game by then. I will be watching.
Request: I want during a battle with the Viriosaurus Rex for Branflakes to walk his guy up to it and yell at it, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?" and than bust out some anime song while he and the group with him kick it's aft back to the Mezosoic Era!
Although on second thoughts; 1am? Yeah, no thanks. That's too early/late for my blood.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
The last one was at noon PST, and it was too early in the day for some players because they were still at work or school. This one is at 5pm PST and it's too late for some players because it's late at night for them.
I plan on doing Livestreams much more often, and will continue to vary up the times, but it will unfortunately always be inconvenient for at least some players due to timezones, other commitments, etc.
Thanks for understanding and know that I will continue to switch up the timeslots as often as possible so everyone has a chance to tune in live (Remember! The recorded version should be available right after the stream finishes).
Brandon =/\=
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Yea i completely understand why it is hard to make at the right time but i wanted to say only that you must prioritize, you can stream for 2 completely different timezones without much problem i think (if you have free time), for example i think after America, Europe is the biggest continent for playing Star Trek Online.
Only thing i want to say if you are streaming in the early afternoon in America/USA we can see it in the early night in Europe(The time difference is around 7-10 hours so if you stream at 1:00 PM we can watch at 8-11 PM.).
Just please think about this and then i think you can "reach" the most views.
*waves hand* "You want to give away Lifetime Subscriptions..."
Er...sorry, got my sci fi faves mixed up. But do it anyway, please.
You know he might have a life outside of his job and might like to relax on the weekends...
Just saying...
Did you not even read his last post?
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
My livestream starts in just about 1 hour! I hope you join me
Brandon =/\=
Brandon =/\=
Those people should watch the playback and see just how distracting the behaviour is for the viewers. Anyways Brandon nice job of the run and nice job ignoring the distractions without showing any irritation:eek:
I could deal with the lag, I could deal with the video sometimes jumping and skipping, but when BranFlakes was trying to show off the Dyson Rep System, who or whatever was making all that noise was definately ruining part of the fun of it all. I don't know about anyone else, but it was so loud that it was actually giving me a headache...
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Awesome! I wish I'd been able to make it, but I was watching Thor 2 in celebration of getting a free ride to college at the time.
Long story.
Point is, you do a great job running an entertaining infomercial despite the trolls, and I have to say that the Sphere is my new favorite expansion. It's worth dying all those times to get the easy dilithium.
Your sincerely,
It's just dancing and having a good time isn't it? That's why they made those disco balls right? Only seems logical folks would want to dance with a dev. Why would you not want to showcase disco dancing in a war zone to prospective players? It's not immersion breaking is it? /sarcasm off
I didn't do this, would never do this, but am somewhat glad somebody else did to show how out of place and annoying being forced to dance in STO is.
On the whole, glad you're making these videos, and I did actually pick up a helpful bit of info. I'm also liking the 350 marks = 5 commendations assignment. Good work there, frees me up to enjoy multiple areas of the game.