During the desert run for Sci Captains, the little task to get to the cave is to get water. After getting the gourd and interacting with the water, the game flashes to the Season 8 intro screen and then back to your toon. Now the toon is in a hole (believe it is a fall thru map since after the event the location is a black square) and you cannot use /stuck to recover. You beam out and go back to the beginning of the desert run and the whole loop just repeats itself. There is no work around since you have to interact with the water and this lead right back to the map hole.
I am not surprised that another FE is bugged after another big update, but this is getting ridiculous... Sci Captain, avoid Coliseum until the techs get this bug resolved.

And I wanted the Rom/Reman Ship Shield....
Taking meat from defeated animal throws you under the map.
Got this bug of Federation side, but probably faction doesn't matter.
*eyes narrow*...Who?
(Dramatic Pause)
Top (Wait for it...) Men
PS This happens for my Klingon tactical officer. I think it's an issue with the cut scene not executing properly.
why do people use that quote when the line implies that you aren't doing anything about it?
Sorry. that one just bugs me. like people who say "flush out" and not "flesh out"
thanks for the bug fix anyway.
Note to self.
1 specific map in a Cryptic special episode breaks, rendering said mission impossible to complete... top men on it very quickly.
1 specific map shared by hundreds of Foundry missions breaks, rendering hundreds of Foundry missions impossible to complete... 7 months pass by without a fix.
Note to self filed in appropriate category.
^ edited.
if you really did say that, i would be like 0.o
since when did a clothes store work for a development team
idk if you guys have it in the USA but we have it here they do clothes for mostly "indie" people etc lol
also please fix this
note: broken for romulan tactical.
You are returned to the map where you exit the tunnel from the Tal Shiar base, but the quest marker is still to enter the cave.
It was a bit irritating, as you have to run through the whole desert again, but there are no hostiles left, so it's only time consuming.
Btw, I completed it with my KDF Eng Orion.
hope this is help to someone
side note
just did mission again with diiferent toon had no issue maybe fixed may not, my "Mine Enemy- open hidden door" bug is still there