So, having played the new content on two characters over the last 6 hours, I have come to a few conclusions already.
1. The new content is quite fun, but lacks challenge for end game geared (tier 5 fleet gear) people. For a single casual player it might be difficult, but not for anyone on a team or well geared for ground content.
2. After getting all the goodies out of the rep, most people are going to go back to grinding ISE and the other STFs instead of staying here. It wont have a lasting replay value, unfortunately.
3. I was quite surprised at the lack of truly glaring game breaking bugs, but some annoyance ones do exist (example being the "Find the lost ship" mission you get early on. The ship either never shows up, or when it does nothing ever attacks it. There are also some geometry issues in both the Storming the Spire and Breach missions, you can get stuck in walls very easily, and often in Spire the NPC Voth Transports will go way inside a landing point, and the only way to hit them is to go in there and get yourself stuck to do so.
4. The new rep progression and sponsorship are top notch.
5. The fleet holdings and everything related look excellent.
So, in closing id like to say that pretty much every piece of content in the new season needs a difficulty increase, maybe 30 percent more damage output or something. I love how they use tons of abilities (APD, GW, and TT among them), but unless youre flying solo, these things are pretty easy guys.
Id also consider doubling the dilithium generation rate in all aspects of the content, else youre going to find this place becoming very quiet after the first couple of weeks due to the Elite Borg STFs still awarding nearly three times the dilithium/hour of anything else in the game.
Thanks for reading.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
So, having played the new content on two characters over the last 6 hours, I have come to a few conclusions already.
1. The new content is quite fun, but lacks challenge for end game geared (tier 5 fleet gear) people. For a single casual player it might be difficult, but not for anyone on a team or well geared for ground content.
2. After getting all the goodies out of the rep, most people are going to go back to grinding ISE and the other STFs instead of staying here. It wont have a lasting replay value, unfortunately..
The more I play it, the more I'm thinking this is supposed to be a new players beginning rep to get their first rep gear, learn the ropes, then begin to grind the STFs and other Rep missions. So it's kind of easy by design, I think.
From Dyson's new players then can move onto the other Rep missions, get gear, then I think they're supposed to END with Elite ISEs and the other ESTFs.
The space aspect of it was simple, I managed to complete both the first time through in PUGs on Elite difficulty. Was this suppose to happen?
After that, went to the ground battlezone and near singlehandedly captured a couple of zones with my 2 BOFFs, used Away Team and one or two summons from Shard of Possibilities for some extra assistance.
I like that for the new rep the contribution includes a 1 hour, 150 contribution rep points with a random box of gear for 20 Dyson Sphere marks.
I can see myself maybe playing one or two of the new PvE queues once a day, but other than that, I don't see myself continuously playing the new content for too long. The novelty would wear off pretty quick.
Faceroll easy ... but also mind numbing boring too. I clocked each mission at about 30 minutes (from queue). Lots of flying around from place to place and corridor to corridor. I am also not that impressed with Dyson visuals. LoR atmospheric assault was much more awe inspiring especially since it was the first time we had a mission like that.
I will give them credit for making the daily project easy to do and not requiring expertise or other inputs. Although the sponsorship project isn't working for me. I also won't be bothering with laser tag dinos.
Overall this is a huge back step compared to LoR. Kind of surprising since they claimed to be bringing in so many new people.
4/10 - mostly for the lack of crashes and server connection issues
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Faceroll easy ... but also mind numbing boring too. I clocked each mission at about 30 minutes (from queue). Lots of flying around from place to place and corridor to corridor. I am also not that impressed with Dyson visuals. LoR atmospheric assault was much more awe inspiring especially since it was the first time we had a mission like that.
I will give them credit for making the daily project easy to do and not requiring expertise or other inputs. Although the sponsorship project isn't working for me. I also won't be bothering with laser tag dinos.
Overall this is a huge back step compared to LoR. Kind of surprising since they claimed to be bringing in so many new people.
4/10 - mostly for the lack of crashes and server connection issues
Well, so far I love season 8. Battlezone is fun and I enjoyed storming the spire.
As far as the difficulty of this update goes, let's face it: no one queues for the really hard STFs or missions anyway. No one does Elite Hive or the elite ground missions. People even avoid the Nukara missions now. Unless you do these missions with your fleet, you're probably not doing them. Balance is tough, but if I was a dev I'd think twice too about designing an STF that's really challenging because it's not going to get played that much.
I think the elite Crystalline mission get difficulty right: you're going to win, but you might die once or twice in the process, and the rewards are sufficient (80 marks during the event) to keep you coming back.
My thoughts on what I was able to mess with from the Beta.. are similar to here.. though I have not yet had the chance to try out the new ground open area. (Wish they had done a Space open area. )
I do like some of the goodies from the new lockbox. Enjoying the new Tractor Beam Reverse Repulsor Doff. I want to shout out "And you fail to realize, that my ship, is dragging YOU!" When ever I use it on PVE ^_^
Also like the new Voth Sci ship. I want the 2nd console for the cloak and FBP capability.
I also want to get my hands on the new Engineer Ground Trait.
I also do like the new Dyson Rep. I am praying they modify the older reps to be more like that one. Makes it eaiser to Run, the grind doesn't feel so bad/expensive, and it might even be a little bit faster being able to run a 20 hour mission and a bunch of 1 hour missions next to it. Which I like.
I still wish they wouldn't rely on the queue system to much and would have more missions like the new space Queue mission where it's a Multi Staged mission that does feel abit difficult even on the non Elite setting. At least until I get used to it/understand it better. ("I Have you now!" moment in the opening lol.. and "Let's blow this thing and go home!" for the end :P)
Otherwise I do look foward to trying everything out in more detail when I have time. But for the more Casual Player it does feel more fun.. But I know after a month or two I'll be bored of it.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Well for me the missions are quite long for only 70 marks top i got on average after 10 runs.
If it wasn't because of the new marks I would rather be farming FM on Fleet Alert, NWS or Crystalline Elite. But as anyone said after everyone gets through their respective T5 rep, those missions are not going to be played anymore.
This should be a little shorter for the amount of marks or increase the number of marks like starbase defense or NWS have for really excellent accomplishments.
Well for me the missions are quite long for only 70 marks top i got on average after 10 runs.
If it wasn't because of the new marks I would rather be farming FM on Fleet Alert, NWS or Crystalline Elite. But as anyone said after everyone gets through their respective T5 rep, those missions are not going to be played anymore.
This should be a little shorter for the amount of marks or increase the number of marks like starbase defense or NWS have for really excellent accomplishments.
Seriously debating not doing it on more then one toon until I max out rep. The sponsorship token works for Dyson also right? I could easily see doing this on one toon and getting enough spare marks to generate it for all others. Would cut their time to get to Tier V in half and also reduce the # of times I need to do those snooze fest missions by 80%.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Haven't had the chance to play yet (still getting my dailies done, work before play), but if its designed with solo players in mind, good. I don't want to need Fleet this or TS to play on my time, my schedule, without having to depend upon the inherently undependable. As to the gear, if they jack it up to balance around the people who build hundred-dollar ships, then the people who can't (or won't) spend that kind of money are kinda stuck aren't they? I mean if, as you say, its not even up to ESTF levels, then that is certainly disappointing, as already ESTFs have had all their fun stripped away by the power creep, but jack things up too much and it would ONLY be fun for coordinated geared-up teams, and thats no fun either.
Saying how 'stable and bug free' you've been, I think ya jinxed it.
The more I play it, the more I'm thinking this is supposed to be a new players beginning rep to get their first rep gear, learn the ropes, then begin to grind the STFs and other Rep missions. So it's kind of easy by design, I think.
From Dyson's new players then can move onto the other Rep missions, get gear, then I think they're supposed to END with Elite ISEs and the other ESTFs.
This is the impression I got, as well.
The Sphere would make a very good beginner's tutorial for the STF's.
Make it MANDATORY at lvl 44, when you get the invite to join the Battle Group.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
As far as the difficulty goes i think they got it right for new players to be able to get in and have some fun. Only thing that nees to change is the more players working a single area needs fewer easy targets and more tough ones per wave. That would ramp up the difficulty but still leave it manageable by new players soloing it.
On tribble when there was fewer in the zone the mobs were more difficult to manage, but on halodeck theres so many people swarming them it is no wonder they are getting steamrolled. I imagine once it calms down and fewer are playing the difficulty will increase but it still needs fewer easy mobs and more tough ones when you get 3+ players taking one location.
For the space zone I think there needs to be more retake attempts so when you take a tower atleast 1 player will be needed to guard it without falling asleep. as it is everyone runs off to the next tower leaving the captured ones exposed. once exposed and another is being taken the Voth move in and start taking it back. There should be a good reason to defend rather than everyone just run off to the next.
After all towers are taken instead of "go here and do this" then "go over there and do that".. lets have the boss fight straight away like ground does it. Go to the Voth side and defend. Once done reset the zone.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
So, having played the new content on two characters over the last 6 hours, I have come to a few conclusions already.
1. The new content is quite fun, but lacks challenge for end game geared (tier 5 fleet gear) people. For a single casual player it might be difficult, but not for anyone on a team or well geared for ground content.
2. After getting all the goodies out of the rep, most people are going to go back to grinding ISE and the other STFs instead of staying here. It wont have a lasting replay value, unfortunately.
3. I was quite surprised at the lack of truly glaring game breaking bugs, but some annoyance ones do exist (example being the "Find the lost ship" mission you get early on. The ship either never shows up, or when it does nothing ever attacks it. There are also some geometry issues in both the Storming the Spire and Breach missions, you can get stuck in walls very easily, and often in Spire the NPC Voth Transports will go way inside a landing point, and the only way to hit them is to go in there and get yourself stuck to do so.
4. The new rep progression and sponsorship are top notch.
5. The fleet holdings and everything related look excellent.
So, in closing id like to say that pretty much every piece of content in the new season needs a difficulty increase, maybe 30 percent more damage output or something. I love how they use tons of abilities (APD, GW, and TT among them), but unless youre flying solo, these things are pretty easy guys.
Id also consider doubling the dilithium generation rate in all aspects of the content, else youre going to find this place becoming very quiet after the first couple of weeks due to the Elite Borg STFs still awarding nearly three times the dilithium/hour of anything else in the game.
Thanks for reading.
I agree except that the dilithium generation on the ground is already VERY high.
The marks and dilithium are on the ground battleground. I racked up 400 marks in 2 hours without trying. I got about half that in the space zone and queues in the two hours prior.
We got some new queued events. They're cool ... but this is the kind of content I feel should be normal content releases.
Another Rep. I don't mind them. Gives me something to do ... but again ... been there, done that.
Another fleet holding ... another been there, done that.
The adventure zones ... again ... been there, done that (although the space one is new, the concept is not.)
I love the new content, I'm grateful for it. It's FUN! That said ... it's nothing new.
The storyline continues to advance, and I wonder if that is what is taking precedence now?
What's on the agenda for season nine? Let's hope they're getting around to revamping crafting or exploration or pvp. To me it feels like the leaders of the development team are pushing forward, forward, forward. I think a lot can be gained (financially and by growing the player base) by expanding on some of the old ideas that have been cast aside.
GREAT job on Season 8. I love it. I just hope the future brings something a bit ... more.
Cryptic said season 8 would focus on end-game, but theres nothing end-game about it. The new PvE queues are the exact same as all the other non-STFs they've added over the years. Matches are comprised mostly of passive progress bars, which makes gear meaningless. And since gear is meaningless, why bother replaying the content more than once? Just do whatever has the highest reward:time ratio because its all the same.
The elite space STFs are still this games "endgame". Nothings changed. Cryptic seriously needs to take a step back and look at how they design content thats meant to be replayed over and over.
Throwing us a bone with the ability to toss alts a booster doesn't fix the fact that we all still have to play the game in order to collect one type of currency that must be paired with other types of currency in order to sit around and wait on a timer every day.
Throwing us a bone with the ability to toss alts a booster doesn't fix the fact that we all still have to play the game in order to collect one type of currency that must be paired with other types of currency in order to sit around and wait on a timer every day.
Rep should be tied to gameplay alone, not timers.
so then the cd only runs while logged in. great idea!
Ideally, we'd earn rep directly for the things we do for marks, such as Tau Dewa Patrol for New Romulus or a Borg STF for Omega, instead of having to do two separate actions.
I agree except that the dilithium generation on the ground is already VERY high.
Not high enough. Blasted Fleet Holdings are draining people dry. And Cryptic doesn't care, because they think it forces us to buy it with Zen. Not everyone is rich.
Throwing us a bone with the ability to toss alts a booster doesn't fix the fact that we all still have to play the game in order to collect one type of currency that must be paired with other types of currency in order to sit around and wait on a timer every day.
so then the cd only runs while logged in. great idea!
I dont think thats what he's asking for...
Rep tied to gameplay is probably like WoWs system. You wear a tabard or you pick which faction you want to champion. Then you go and do dungeons and earn rep points with the faction you are repping. When i play WoW it's because i like running dungeons and raids. If i can get loot, rep, mounts, whatever by running dungeons and raids thats even better. But if i like doing dungeons and raids, but to gain rep i have to go fishing for 1 hour to get mats to turn in to get rep points then thats bad. If i want to gain rep for that faction i have to do activities that i dont enjoy.
I'm loving the new season. It's great fun. Occasionally there were some lags but that was to be expected on launch day. One thing bothered me though.
In the tutorial there were some fantastic real Star Trek moments. But the new content lacks it completely. Flying through the fortress ship was impressive and very entertaining but if I didn't fly a Galaxy-X I would have hardly noticed what game I'm playing. The same on ground. Engaging enemies, bosses and the big T-Rex was so much fun but not for a second this felt like Star Trek.
I was really hoping for some exploration missions inside and maybe even outside of the sphere. I would have loved to fly through those gigantic gates like they did in the TNG episode. Anyways exploration would have been ideal for telling what we already know about the sphere, maybe even flavored with some scientific facts. Though that may still happen in the next FEs.
To quote Picard: " Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers?"
Throwing us a bone with the ability to toss alts a booster doesn't fix the fact that we all still have to play the game in order to collect one type of currency that must be paired with other types of currency in order to sit around and wait on a timer every day.
Rep should be tied to gameplay alone, not timers.
I normaly grind in the weekend for 5 toons, then the week i play how i like.
Dyson join command commendation you only can do 1x every 20 hours so i can't grind for it. Killed my way of play.
I now only will do 1 toon (my max dps'r).
This game was fun but now its a job, tell me when what and how long i must play for my rep/star-base/spire.
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
I normaly grind in the weekend for 5 toons, then the week i play how i like.
Dyson join command commendation you only can do 1x every 20 hours so i can't grind for it. Killed my way of play.
I now only will do 1 toon (my max dps'r). This game was fun but now its a job, tell me when what and how long i must play for my rep/star-base/spire.
SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 15th-year journey
Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
I normaly grind in the weekend for 5 toons, then the week i play how i like.
Dyson join command commendation you only can do 1x every 20 hours so i can't grind for it. Killed my way of play.
I now only will do 1 toon (my max dps'r).
This game was fun but now its a job, tell me when what and how long i must play for my rep/star-base/spire.
hand in 350 marks, and get 5 of those suckers...theres your week sorted.
hand in 350 marks, and get 5 of those suckers...theres your week sorted.
Thats really the one saving grace for the overall rep itself. At least the marks are easy enough to get, to supply oneself for a week of rep pushing. Takes about an hour in the battlezone to net about 200-400 marks, give or take.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
You know I had a very different view of S8 before release. I think most do. I really didn't like the idea of dino's in game. Thought it brought the value of the game down to childish. But to my astonish I really loved the content. It was very enjoyable. So much that I even spent some money on the game since I have to say cryptic really made me change my mind on the season, that I thought id give back to the game and bought me some keys.
Love what they did with the new rep, and also giving us tokens for the other reps for our other characters.. good idea.
Maps are big and fun, honestly, really happy with what I've seen so far.
yea most are gonna go back to the stf grind the new stuff is ok the ai ships using new abilys all cool stuff we will probably see game wide. but you can tell the focus is on the ground combat so yea i don't see much replay in this. just another currency and grind i wont deal with. i do like the fact you can grind a alt off your main
The new stuff seems really awesome and fun. I do think they should try to add one elite lvl stf per season tho. Something that is a challenge to players. Something like NWS or CE per season could start to expand the amount of harder and higher lvl content.
Overall a excellent job on the new season and a lot of fun. Thank you Cryptic for the work you have done on it.
I haven't done much of the space stuff (that is the elite stfs) but the space adventure zone did NOT impress me. It's a major pain maneuvering around in, so unless you're an escort it really highlights the worst parts of playing a cruiser.
The ground is another story. I want to say I love the Battlezone. It's the first time I've actually came close to enjoying ground content, so major kudos for that. Keep ground more like this, with low damage attacks but high damage specials and maybe people won't think its the worst thing in game.
The more I play it, the more I'm thinking this is supposed to be a new players beginning rep to get their first rep gear, learn the ropes, then begin to grind the STFs and other Rep missions. So it's kind of easy by design, I think.
From Dyson's new players then can move onto the other Rep missions, get gear, then I think they're supposed to END with Elite ISEs and the other ESTFs.
The new content is easy.
The space aspect of it was simple, I managed to complete both the first time through in PUGs on Elite difficulty. Was this suppose to happen?
After that, went to the ground battlezone and near singlehandedly captured a couple of zones with my 2 BOFFs, used Away Team and one or two summons from Shard of Possibilities for some extra assistance.
I like that for the new rep the contribution includes a 1 hour, 150 contribution rep points with a random box of gear for 20 Dyson Sphere marks.
I can see myself maybe playing one or two of the new PvE queues once a day, but other than that, I don't see myself continuously playing the new content for too long. The novelty would wear off pretty quick.
I will give them credit for making the daily project easy to do and not requiring expertise or other inputs. Although the sponsorship project isn't working for me. I also won't be bothering with laser tag dinos.
Overall this is a huge back step compared to LoR. Kind of surprising since they claimed to be bringing in so many new people.
4/10 - mostly for the lack of crashes and server connection issues
- Judge Aaron Satie
Season 8 is a very boring upgrade.
As far as the difficulty of this update goes, let's face it: no one queues for the really hard STFs or missions anyway. No one does Elite Hive or the elite ground missions. People even avoid the Nukara missions now. Unless you do these missions with your fleet, you're probably not doing them. Balance is tough, but if I was a dev I'd think twice too about designing an STF that's really challenging because it's not going to get played that much.
I think the elite Crystalline mission get difficulty right: you're going to win, but you might die once or twice in the process, and the rewards are sufficient (80 marks during the event) to keep you coming back.
I do like some of the goodies from the new lockbox. Enjoying the new Tractor Beam Reverse Repulsor Doff. I want to shout out "And you fail to realize, that my ship, is dragging YOU!" When ever I use it on PVE ^_^
Also like the new Voth Sci ship. I want the 2nd console for the cloak and FBP capability.
I also want to get my hands on the new Engineer Ground Trait.
I also do like the new Dyson Rep. I am praying they modify the older reps to be more like that one. Makes it eaiser to Run, the grind doesn't feel so bad/expensive, and it might even be a little bit faster being able to run a 20 hour mission and a bunch of 1 hour missions next to it. Which I like.
I still wish they wouldn't rely on the queue system to much and would have more missions like the new space Queue mission where it's a Multi Staged mission that does feel abit difficult even on the non Elite setting. At least until I get used to it/understand it better. ("I Have you now!" moment in the opening lol.. and "Let's blow this thing and go home!" for the end :P)
Otherwise I do look foward to trying everything out in more detail when I have time. But for the more Casual Player it does feel more fun.. But I know after a month or two I'll be bored of it.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
If it wasn't because of the new marks I would rather be farming FM on Fleet Alert, NWS or Crystalline Elite. But as anyone said after everyone gets through their respective T5 rep, those missions are not going to be played anymore.
This should be a little shorter for the amount of marks or increase the number of marks like starbase defense or NWS have for really excellent accomplishments.
Seriously debating not doing it on more then one toon until I max out rep. The sponsorship token works for Dyson also right? I could easily see doing this on one toon and getting enough spare marks to generate it for all others. Would cut their time to get to Tier V in half and also reduce the # of times I need to do those snooze fest missions by 80%.
- Judge Aaron Satie
Saying how 'stable and bug free' you've been, I think ya jinxed it.
This is the impression I got, as well.
The Sphere would make a very good beginner's tutorial for the STF's.
Make it MANDATORY at lvl 44, when you get the invite to join the Battle Group.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
On tribble when there was fewer in the zone the mobs were more difficult to manage, but on halodeck theres so many people swarming them it is no wonder they are getting steamrolled. I imagine once it calms down and fewer are playing the difficulty will increase but it still needs fewer easy mobs and more tough ones when you get 3+ players taking one location.
For the space zone I think there needs to be more retake attempts so when you take a tower atleast 1 player will be needed to guard it without falling asleep. as it is everyone runs off to the next tower leaving the captured ones exposed. once exposed and another is being taken the Voth move in and start taking it back. There should be a good reason to defend rather than everyone just run off to the next.
After all towers are taken instead of "go here and do this" then "go over there and do that".. lets have the boss fight straight away like ground does it. Go to the Voth side and defend. Once done reset the zone.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
2. Yes the content is way to easy and not enough dillithium.
3. This will be boring really soon as the elite VOTH content is easier than the normal STFs.
4. Easy is only fun for a short time.
I agree except that the dilithium generation on the ground is already VERY high.
The marks and dilithium are on the ground battleground. I racked up 400 marks in 2 hours without trying. I got about half that in the space zone and queues in the two hours prior.
We got some new queued events. They're cool ... but this is the kind of content I feel should be normal content releases.
Another Rep. I don't mind them. Gives me something to do ... but again ... been there, done that.
Another fleet holding ... another been there, done that.
The adventure zones ... again ... been there, done that (although the space one is new, the concept is not.)
I love the new content, I'm grateful for it. It's FUN! That said ... it's nothing new.
The storyline continues to advance, and I wonder if that is what is taking precedence now?
What's on the agenda for season nine? Let's hope they're getting around to revamping crafting or exploration or pvp. To me it feels like the leaders of the development team are pushing forward, forward, forward. I think a lot can be gained (financially and by growing the player base) by expanding on some of the old ideas that have been cast aside.
GREAT job on Season 8. I love it. I just hope the future brings something a bit ... more.
The elite space STFs are still this games "endgame". Nothings changed. Cryptic seriously needs to take a step back and look at how they design content thats meant to be replayed over and over.
Throwing us a bone with the ability to toss alts a booster doesn't fix the fact that we all still have to play the game in order to collect one type of currency that must be paired with other types of currency in order to sit around and wait on a timer every day.
Rep should be tied to gameplay alone, not timers.
equal parts cynical and helpful
so then the cd only runs while logged in. great idea!
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Ideally, we'd earn rep directly for the things we do for marks, such as Tau Dewa Patrol for New Romulus or a Borg STF for Omega, instead of having to do two separate actions.
equal parts cynical and helpful
Not high enough. Blasted Fleet Holdings are draining people dry. And Cryptic doesn't care, because they think it forces us to buy it with Zen. Not everyone is rich.
I dont think thats what he's asking for...
Rep tied to gameplay is probably like WoWs system. You wear a tabard or you pick which faction you want to champion. Then you go and do dungeons and earn rep points with the faction you are repping. When i play WoW it's because i like running dungeons and raids. If i can get loot, rep, mounts, whatever by running dungeons and raids thats even better. But if i like doing dungeons and raids, but to gain rep i have to go fishing for 1 hour to get mats to turn in to get rep points then thats bad. If i want to gain rep for that faction i have to do activities that i dont enjoy.
In the tutorial there were some fantastic real Star Trek moments. But the new content lacks it completely. Flying through the fortress ship was impressive and very entertaining but if I didn't fly a Galaxy-X I would have hardly noticed what game I'm playing. The same on ground. Engaging enemies, bosses and the big T-Rex was so much fun but not for a second this felt like Star Trek.
I was really hoping for some exploration missions inside and maybe even outside of the sphere. I would have loved to fly through those gigantic gates like they did in the TNG episode.
To quote Picard: " Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers?"
I normaly grind in the weekend for 5 toons, then the week i play how i like.
Dyson join command commendation you only can do 1x every 20 hours so i can't grind for it. Killed my way of play.
I now only will do 1 toon (my max dps'r).
This game was fun but now its a job, tell me when what and how long i must play for my rep/star-base/spire.
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
hand in 350 marks, and get 5 of those suckers...theres your week sorted.
Thats really the one saving grace for the overall rep itself. At least the marks are easy enough to get, to supply oneself for a week of rep pushing. Takes about an hour in the battlezone to net about 200-400 marks, give or take.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Love what they did with the new rep, and also giving us tokens for the other reps for our other characters.. good idea.
Maps are big and fun, honestly, really happy with what I've seen so far.
Overall a excellent job on the new season and a lot of fun. Thank you Cryptic for the work you have done on it.
The ground is another story. I want to say I love the Battlezone. It's the first time I've actually came close to enjoying ground content, so major kudos for that. Keep ground more like this, with low damage attacks but high damage specials and maybe people won't think its the worst thing in game.