When you parse a match, the Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam damage is included with the damage registered by standard Antiproton beam damage. This makes no sense, especially when you consider that Antiproton Dual Beam Banks have their own damage category.
Cryptic, thank you for the new gear. I'm highly impressed. Yes, I understand that you guys are busy but is there any chance you can give the new weapon a unique tag so that its damage shows up under its own class on combat parsers?
I disagree. It's a part of a set which makes it unique. Just like the Romulan hyper-plasma array, the Elachi heavy cannon and the temporal dual beam bank. If it were just like a normal array with the [arc] modifier it would have a normal beam icon, just like the wide angle torpedo launcher has a normal quantum torpedo icon.
Actually, the wide angle quantum torpedo launcher does have a unique icon, but it's only slightly different from the regular icon.
Also, doesn't the 360 antiproton beam array have a lower dps than a standard antiproton beam array? I looked at it, and it appears to do more than a turret, but less than a beam array. Unless it's bugged and not doing enough damage, that's probably intended.
I disagree. It's a part of a set which makes it unique. Just like the Romulan hyper-plasma array, the Elachi heavy cannon and the temporal dual beam bank. If it were just like a normal array with the [arc] modifier it would have a normal beam icon, just like the wide angle torpedo launcher has a normal quantum torpedo icon.
But it is just a normal AP beam array, just because it doesnt have the same icon as a regular beam array doesnt make it not a beam array. And to be honest why should a 360 beam array have the same icon as a 250 degree beam array.
The romulan plasma array fires 2 different energy types plasma and disruptor. The Chroniton fires a unique shot and benefits from antiproton mods. the Elachi heavy cannon is unique because it has the chance to ignore shields and 50% damage resistance.
The 360 AP array is just a normal beam array with an [arc] modifier.
But it is just a normal AP beam array, just because it doesnt have the same icon as a regular beam array doesnt make it not a beam array. And to be honest why should a 360 beam array have the same icon as a 250 degree beam array.
The romulan plasma array fires 2 different energy types plasma and disruptor. The Chroniton fires a unique shot and benefits from antiproton mods. the Elachi heavy cannon is unique because it has the chance to ignore shields and 50% damage resistance.
The 360 AP array is just a normal beam array with an [arc] modifier.
A "normal" 360 antiproton beam array with lower damage output. So technically, yes, it has [Arc] since the added angle means lower damage to compensate.
hey I look at it this way. People have been harping for a 360 degree beam weapon, it comes out and you whine about it?
Jesus just be happy you have a 360 deg beam weapon!
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
hey I look at it this way. People have been harping for a 360 degree beam weapon, it comes out and you whine about it?
Jesus just be happy you have a 360 deg beam weapon!
In my original post I asked for a little change and you think that's whining? What, when you were small and you asked your Mum for some orange juice did she accuse you of whining?
When you parse a match, the Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam damage is included with the damage registered by standard Antiproton beam damage. This makes no sense, especially when you consider that Antiproton Dual Beam Banks have their own damage category.
Cryptic, thank you for the new gear. I'm highly impressed. Yes, I understand that you guys are busy but is there any chance you can give the new weapon a unique tag so that its damage shows up under its own class on combat parsers?
Anyone agree/disagree?
Agree, and to the people that can't read the OP, he doesn't want to change damage, ect but a own damage category in the parse so we can see how it does in a match.
Like most, he wants to compare the beam to the other weapons on his ship.
(I don't know the OP and if im wrong im sorry)
Keybind: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=9355971&postcount=463
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
Agree, and to the people that can't read the OP, he doesn't want to change damage, ect but a own damage category in the parse so we can see how it does in a match.
Like most, he wants to compare the beam to the other weapons on his ship.
(I don't know the OP and if im wrong im sorry)
You are 1,000% correct. The weapon is wonderful how it is. All I want is to be able to see it's damage output on a separate line in a combat parser.
On a separate note, in order to see whether the new weapon is worth replacing a standard array I tried this little test. My current ship has the chrono dual beam, a standard AP array and chroniton torps on front, two AP arrays and the temporal disruption device on rear. I wanted to see whether it would be prudent to replace a rear array with the omni-directional array.
As the omni-directional can't be independently parsed, I took off my AP consoles, replaced the front AP array with a phaser array, one of the rear AP arrays with a plasma array and swapped the last AP array on the rear with the omni-directional. This way I could directly compare the omni-directional with a rear mounted array.
Every parse test I've done has the omni-directional doing more damage than the other rear array. It may have less damage but the [arc] more than makes up for it. If you have an AP beam boat that likes to face forward against an opponent, it's definitely the way to go. If you prefer to broadside AND you're not going to use the special warp core then I'd not use it.
Just curious. If folks wanted these changes, then how come NO feedback on this was seen on the tribble or red shirt forums? Oh wait . . . that's because everyone just wants to PLAY the new stuff and not actually beta test it to give proper feedback DURING the testing phase.
Just curious. If folks wanted these changes, then how come NO feedback on this was seen on the tribble or red shirt forums? Oh wait . . . that's because everyone just wants to PLAY the new stuff and not actually beta test it to give proper feedback DURING the testing phase.
I do agree though - it is a bloody awesome weapon
I'm pretty sure that neither the new mission or the AP beam turret were on Tribble.
In my original post I asked for a little change and you think that's whining? What, when you were small and you asked your Mum for some orange juice did she accuse you of whining?
no, you're making a mountain out of an anthill. Can't you just be happy we now have a 360 degree phaser bank? Hasn't been out what 3 days and people already think it needs fixed?
Yeah that's whining.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
The beam, when slotted with the warp core, grants a 10% bonus to all ap damage. While the omni beam might do a little less damage then a standard beam array the 10% bonus pushes it to near equal, and the 10% buff it gives to all other ap beams on your ship make the minor loss on the omni seem extremely unimportant. Not to menion it is giving more forward firepower as well.
no, you're making a mountain out of an anthill. Can't you just be happy we now have a 360 degree phaser bank? Hasn't been out what 3 days and people already think it needs fixed?
Yeah that's whining.
He politely asked for a quality of life fix, a perfectly reasonable request. *You* are the one being unreasonable here...
The beam, when slotted with the warp core, grants a 10% bonus to all ap damage. While the omni beam might do a little less damage then a standard beam array the 10% bonus pushes it to near equal, and the 10% buff it gives to all other ap beams on your ship make the minor loss on the omni seem extremely unimportant. Not to menion it is giving more forward firepower as well.
I have a Fleet Torkhat that runs an all AP beam build with 2 dual beam banks and two arrays fore and 4 arrays aft. I replaced one aft array with this puppy as well as mounting the companion warp core and saw a 3k DPS increase, overall, with no other changes made. Love it. :P
*STO*Its mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
For those of us that want a 360 degree beam weapon, the idea is to use DBB forward and beam turrets on the rear to get basically a beam-escort layout on something like a science ship or fast cruiser.
I just find it funny how much stronger it is then a turret, bought some MKXII voth turrets for my AP fleet Dhelan for its rear weaps (well X2 already had a cutter) then come to realize the omni beam has around 300 more dps then a turret -.- yeah wasted some EC on 1 too many turrets quickly replaced it with the omni. Sure its not effected by rapid or volley , but it certainly does increase dps on single target.
For those of us that want a 360 degree beam weapon, the idea is to use DBB forward and beam turrets on the rear to get basically a beam-escort layout on something like a science ship or fast cruiser.
Use 3X DBB front. Cutter/Omni/ Maybe Mines or turret? rear there ya go close enough lol
Use 3X DBB front. Cutter/Omni/ Maybe Mines or turret? rear there ya go close enough lol
For ships with a decent turnrate, a nice high damage torpedo is great as a rear slot weapon.
If you have an exceptional turnrate, go for a slow moving high damage torpedo (I use Temporal Disruption Device) because you can launch it point blank in an enemy's face.
Charge at them, cannons/DBB blazing, U-turn and deliver a torpedo, darn away U-turn, guns blazing again just in time for cooldowns.
He brought it and i started throwing it EVERYWHERE. For super funsies. You have to admit its a tad approptiate.....
Oh, i know...for those that were unaware of them its harmless and fun...but they are a plague that slowly eats away the integrity of forum communities. The middle finger ascii is the tip of the 4chanesque iceberg heading our way...
Oh, i know...for those that were unaware of them its harmless and fun...but they are a plague that slowly eats away the integrity of forum communities. The middle finger ascii is the tip of the 4chanesque iceberg heading our way...
Theoretically that wont happen as well say arbitrary number 78% of people on these forums are too lazy to do it, or at least make properly epic things.
Best ive seen so far is the Picard Face palm.
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Also, doesn't the 360 antiproton beam array have a lower dps than a standard antiproton beam array? I looked at it, and it appears to do more than a turret, but less than a beam array. Unless it's bugged and not doing enough damage, that's probably intended.
But it is just a normal AP beam array, just because it doesnt have the same icon as a regular beam array doesnt make it not a beam array. And to be honest why should a 360 beam array have the same icon as a 250 degree beam array.
The romulan plasma array fires 2 different energy types plasma and disruptor. The Chroniton fires a unique shot and benefits from antiproton mods. the Elachi heavy cannon is unique because it has the chance to ignore shields and 50% damage resistance.
The 360 AP array is just a normal beam array with an [arc] modifier.
A "normal" 360 antiproton beam array with lower damage output. So technically, yes, it has [Arc] since the added angle means lower damage to compensate.
Jesus just be happy you have a 360 deg beam weapon!
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
In my original post I asked for a little change and you think that's whining? What, when you were small and you asked your Mum for some orange juice did she accuse you of whining?
Agree, and to the people that can't read the OP, he doesn't want to change damage, ect but a own damage category in the parse so we can see how it does in a match.
Like most, he wants to compare the beam to the other weapons on his ship.
(I don't know the OP and if im wrong im sorry)
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
You are 1,000% correct. The weapon is wonderful how it is. All I want is to be able to see it's damage output on a separate line in a combat parser.
On a separate note, in order to see whether the new weapon is worth replacing a standard array I tried this little test. My current ship has the chrono dual beam, a standard AP array and chroniton torps on front, two AP arrays and the temporal disruption device on rear. I wanted to see whether it would be prudent to replace a rear array with the omni-directional array.
As the omni-directional can't be independently parsed, I took off my AP consoles, replaced the front AP array with a phaser array, one of the rear AP arrays with a plasma array and swapped the last AP array on the rear with the omni-directional. This way I could directly compare the omni-directional with a rear mounted array.
Every parse test I've done has the omni-directional doing more damage than the other rear array. It may have less damage but the [arc] more than makes up for it. If you have an AP beam boat that likes to face forward against an opponent, it's definitely the way to go. If you prefer to broadside AND you're not going to use the special warp core then I'd not use it.
I do agree though - it is a bloody awesome weapon
I'm pretty sure that neither the new mission or the AP beam turret were on Tribble.
no, you're making a mountain out of an anthill. Can't you just be happy we now have a 360 degree phaser bank? Hasn't been out what 3 days and people already think it needs fixed?
Yeah that's whining.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
He politely asked for a quality of life fix, a perfectly reasonable request. *You* are the one being unreasonable here...
I have a Fleet Torkhat that runs an all AP beam build with 2 dual beam banks and two arrays fore and 4 arrays aft. I replaced one aft array with this puppy as well as mounting the companion warp core and saw a 3k DPS increase, overall, with no other changes made. Love it. :P
Man, that was the bummer for me.
For those of us that want a 360 degree beam weapon, the idea is to use DBB forward and beam turrets on the rear to get basically a beam-escort layout on something like a science ship or fast cruiser.
Use 3X DBB front. Cutter/Omni/ Maybe Mines or turret? rear
For ships with a decent turnrate, a nice high damage torpedo is great as a rear slot weapon.
If you have an exceptional turnrate, go for a slow moving high damage torpedo (I use Temporal Disruption Device) because you can launch it point blank in an enemy's face.
Charge at them, cannons/DBB blazing, U-turn and deliver a torpedo, darn away U-turn, guns blazing again just in time for cooldowns.
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I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
He brought it and i started throwing it EVERYWHERE. For super funsies. You have to admit its a tad approptiate.....
And this forum hasnt been super friendly forever, more like barely restrained shennanigans.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Oh, i know...for those that were unaware of them its harmless and fun...but they are a plague that slowly eats away the integrity of forum communities. The middle finger ascii is the tip of the 4chanesque iceberg heading our way...
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Theoretically that wont happen as well say arbitrary number 78% of people on these forums are too lazy to do it, or at least make properly epic things.
Best ive seen so far is the Picard Face palm.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!