Crazy idea came up, I want to record all NCC/NX commissions (that we can get in this thread). I've started a spreadsheet, a real simple one that is, it's already 14.8 megs because I started some numbers, but need to fill in some blanks.
So, with that said, can you post for me:
1) the NCC number
2) is it A, B, C, etc.
3) the ship name
4) ship class/type
5) the captain who commands it
Thanks for the tip ooiue, below is a link to the spreadsheet to date, public anyone can view.
Are you after the ships in game flown by players and/or NPCs?
Or are you trying to build a list of ships from the movies, series, books etc?
Yes, I fly a Dreadnought cruiser. Deal with it.
Vice Admiral Kanril Eleya
USS Andraste NCC-94848 - Fleet Avenger Battle Cruiser
USS Glyrhond NCC-96271-A - Yellowstone Runabout
USS Bajor NCC-97238 - Exploration Cruiser
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
NCC-93170 U.S.S. Noordung, Prometheus class
NCC-93293 U.S.S. Sava, Delta flyer
NCC-93331 U.S.S. Slovenia, Sovereign class
NCC-92911 - U.S.S. Jupiter - Akira Class Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier Retrofit
NCC-92913 - U.S.S. Carthage - Discovery Class Fleet Long-Range Science Vessel Retrofit
Vice Admiral Thakchob
NCC-97012 - U.S.S. Hadrumentum - Odyssey Star Cruiser
NCC-92917 - U.S.S. Caralis - Excelsior Class Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Captain Jessica Ooiue
NCC-92912 - U.S.S. Leptis Magna - Prometheus Class Multi-Vector Advanced Escort
NCC-92910 - U.S.S. Solaris - Nova Class Fleet Science Vessel Retrofit
Commander Grachob
NCC-91914 - U.S.S. Wasp - Defiant Class Tactical Escort Retrofit
Vice Admiral Hakchob
NCC-97011 - U.S.S. Utica - Odyssey Star Cruiser
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
NCC-93154 - USS Victoria - Ambassador class Fleet support cruiser
NCC/NX-93154-A - USS Victoria - Galaxy Class exploration cruiser retrofit and later refitted to a venture class dreadnought cruiser (the NX designation)
NX-97502 - USS Victory - Avenger class Battle cruiser
NCC-91200 - USS Yamato - excelsior class refit advanced heavy cruiser retrofit
Vice Admiral Jonathan Sills:
USS Messier, NCC-93015, Nebula refit (current command)
USS Mendeleev, NCC-92770, Hope-class Research Science Vessel
USS Leo Kanner, NCC-93454, Mirror Reconnaissance Science Vessel
USS Hans Asperger, NCC-93344, Odyssey Star Cruiser
USS Babbage, NCC-92867, Intrepid-class long-range science vessel
USS Alderson, NCC-92824, Ambassador refit
Vice Admiral Sajak:
USS David Drake, NCC-93734, Heavy Escort
USS Haldeman, NCC-93956, Escort
USS Heinlein, NCC-93136, Ambassador refit
USS John Ringo, NCC-93131, Tactical Escort
USS Pournelle, NCC-94238, Ambassador-class support cruiser
(currently commanding Risian Corvette Harlan Ellison)
LCDR Iain Burwell:
USS Vasco da Gama, NCC-93293, Rhode Island refit (current command)
USS DeSoto, NCC-93398, cruiser
USS Balboa, NCC-93044, light cruiser
CDR Malcolm MacDougal:
USS Boadicea, NCC-93352, heavy cruiser (current command)
USS Bougainville, NCC-91613, NX-class light escort
USS Endeavor, NCC-93632, cruiser
USS Ogallala, NCC-92733, light cruiser
USS Orinoco, NCC-93557, Ambassador-class support cruiser
Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Grunt:
USS Ferenginar, NCC-93552, Magellan-class refit (current command)
USS 125th Rule, NCC-93034, Ambassador-class support cruiser
USS Bedford, NCC-92570, Celestial-class exploration cruiser
USS Claymore, NCC-93354, Ambassador refit
USS Fontana, NCC-93724, Rhode Island refit
USS Hephaestus, NCC-93569, heavy cruiser
NCC-92658 USS Beagle Nebula Class Adv Research Vessel Retrofit
NCC-93635 USS Essex-B Advanced Escort (Prometheus Body with Phoenix Saucer) - Current Command
NCC-93761 USS Hermes Intrepid Class Long range science vessel
NCC-93645 USS Jupiter Rhode Island Science vessel refit
NCC-93027 USS Krasny Oktyabr Ambassador Class Support Crusier
NCC-92371 USS Aldrin Yellowstone Runabout
NCC-93589-B USS Corvus Danube Runabout
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Captain Tomas Hawk - NCC-94145-E - USS.Yourktown - Emissary Class
Captain Thaylin Benning - NCC-100002-D - USS.Columbia - Intrepid Class
Captain Semthery Arbur - NCC-112535 - USS.Saratoga - Trident class
Captain Loxx Fiore - NCC-96452 - USS.Mercury - Prometheus Class
- NCC-93996-A USS.Wasp - Thunderchild Class
Captain Christopher Casey Murphy - NCC-93640-C - USS.History - Vesta Class
- NCC-93803-B - USS.Shoe - Luna Class
Lieutenant Nathanael Parker - NCC-93154-A - USS.Vanguard - Rhode Island Class
Why are you collecting these names? Curious.
Anyway, I always wanted to see a NCC registry in the game, for all ships, even though it would be tough to do (lots of work). I think it'd be cool for the gateway.
I might just look for an office doc website where I can upload the spreadsheet to view and post the link later on.
NCC-93019 : U.S.S Guardian : Miranda class Light Cruiser : LtCmdr/Lt/En Naiomi Osaka
NCC-92821 : U.S.S. Little Skye Yu : Thunderchild class Heavy Escort Refit : Cap/Cmdr Naiomi Osaka
NCC-93207 : U.S.S. Skye Yu : Patrol Escort class : VA/RA Naiomi Osaka
NCC/NCV-98712 : I.S.S. Skye Yu : Mobius Temporal Destroyer class : VA Naiomi Osaka
The last one is technically an NCV code rather than a NCC code, but it can be swapped. It also has the I.S.S. prefix instead of U.S.S. as it was the only way to have two ships with the 'same name'.
Skye is my little daughter, who has enough energy to power her namesakes
Yes, I fly a Dreadnought cruiser. Deal with it.
Try Google Spreadsheet under their 'drive' menu, create the spreadsheet and make it viewable by public (but editable, naturally
This way, it also works to update it on the fly on the Internet rather than your hard-drive, so you don't keep having to upload it or copy new info all the time
I use it myself for ship comparison sheets and organising my fleet's events. A very useful tool
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
NCC-91002 - ISS Amelia Pond - Mirror Universe Patrol Escort
NCV-91003 - USS Blaidd Drwg - Wells-class Temporal Science Vessel
NCV-91003 - ISS Blaidd Drwg - Mobius-class Temporal Destroyer
NCC-91004 - USS Concordia - Fleet Assault Cruiser
NCC-91005-C - USS Discovery - Support Cruiser
NCC-91006 - USS Eddard Stark - Breen Chel Grett Warship
NCC-91007 - Filistata - Tholian Recluse Carrier
NCC-91008 - USS Gallifrey - Blockade Runner Escort
NCC-91009 - USS Horizon - Caitian Atrox Carrier
NCC-91010 - USS Independence - Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit
NCC-91011 - USS John J. Sheridan - Elachi S'golth Escort
NCC-91012 - USS Knight - Chimera Destroyer
NCC-91013-A - USS Lexington - Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier
NCC-91014 - USS Merlin - Fleet Aquarius Destroyer
NCC-91015 - USS Nimitz - Fleet Avenger Battle Cruiser
NCC-91016 - Orion Pax - Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier
NX-91017 - USS Pathfinder - Odyssey Star Cruiser
NCC-91018 - USS Queen's Gambit - Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
NCC-91019-D - USS Redemption - Exploration Cruiser Retrofit
NCC-91020-F - USS Saratoga - Odyssey Tactical Star Cruiser
NCC-91021 - USS Trenzalore - Fleet Escort Retrofit
NCC-91023 - Vastra - Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer
NCV-91027 - Zor-El - Aeon-class Timeship
88 - Stingray - Risian Corvette
USS Audacious NCC-91911 Sao Paulo Class Escort
USS Black Elk NCC-91879 Excelsior Class (Refit)
USS Iron Duke NCC-91912 Dreadnought
USS D'Artagnan NCC-91658 Support Cruiser
USS Hourglass NCC-96523 Nebula ASV (Refit)
USS Swiftsure NCC-92241 Sovreign Assault Cruiser
USS Santos NCC-93505 Ambassador SC
USS Serapis NCC-910316 Constitution LC
VADM Talwar
USS Witch Head NCC-92118 Nebula ASV (Refit)
USS Tethys NCC-91684 Recon Science Vessel
USS Gagarin NCC-91961-B Odyssey cruiser
USS Stanley Prusiner NCC-91997 Horizon Science Vessel
USS Erebus NCC-91845 Constitution LC
USS Hotspur NCC-91828 Intrepid LR Science Vessel
USS Soryu NCC-91940 Ambassador SC
LT Sharan
USS Sindhuvir NCC-93056 Constitution LC
(non federation starships)
Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier: Blood for Odin,NCC-93722
Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier Blood for Zues,NCC-93723
Jem'Hadar Attack Ship:Blood for Hades;NCC-93724
Ferengi D'Kora:Rule 34,NCC-93064
Breen Chel Gret Cruiser,Haakon;NCC-92964
Tholian Recluse Carrier,Rock Lobster;NCC-92866
Cardassian Galor Cruiser,Spoons Revenge;NCC-92761
(federation Class)
Multi-Mission Explorer.Vesta Class;U.S.S. Blazing Star;NX-91545
Exploration Cruiser Retrofit,Galaxy Class;U.S.S. Essix;NCC-93435
Fleet Patrol Escort,Maelstrom Class.U.S.S. Gettysburg;NCC-94541-A
Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier,Artimage Class,U.S.S. Independence;NCC-93884-A
Fleet Advanced Escort,Prometheus Class,U.S.S. Iwo Jima;NCC-96266-B
Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit,Defiant Class;U.S.S. Johnston;NX-95625-B
Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit,Soverign Class;U.S.S. Midway;NX-96541-B
Support Cruiser Retrofit,Ambassador Class;U.S.S. Narendra III;NCC-93262
Wells Class Science Vessel;U.S.S. Temporal Two;NCV-93717
Fleet Battle Cruiser,Avenger Class;U.S.S. Ticonderoga;NX-93286
Odyssey Class Tactical Cruiser;U.S.S. Valley Forge;NCC-912491
(Mirror Ships)
Mobuis Class Temporal Destroyer;I.S.S. Temporal Two;NCV-93717
Aeon Timeship.U.S.S. Tempus Duo;NCV-93718
Delta Flyer Class Shuttle,U.S.S. Zavier;NCC-92739
But you misspelled my Sovereign's name. It's Slovenia not Solvenia.
Also here are the game classes that I didn't add:
U.S.S. Slovenia - Assault Cruiser Refit
U.S.S. Noordung - Fleet Advanced Escort
Gotta catch 'em all.
Thanks to yesterday's new mission we can now add:
NCC-91022 - Uther Pendragon - Obelisk Carrier
Well, a few, anyway.
Captain Octavia
NCC 93233 - USS Allegrezza - Excelsior class
Captain sh'Ress
NCC 91002-A - USS Resolute - Odyssey class
AT 93249 - IGS Zabathu - Charal class
Captain Arrhae
NX 93279 - USS Nei'rrh - Defiant class
Captain Berryshine
NCC 92382-B - USS Lyra - Vesta class
Captain Meliss
NCC 93055 - USS Bethune - Olympic class
Vice Admiral Berrianus
NCC 93549 - USS Luna Invictus - Atrox class
The ones listed are the ones I use the most at end level for a particular character.
Captain Iaeger
USS Arizona - Sovereign Class Variant - NX-98400-H
Captain Walter A. Kirk
USS Western Knight - Hephaestus Class Varient - NX-92682-C
Captain Yeager
USS Saf-T-Liner HDX - Federation Dreadnaught (Venture-X variant) - NX-99063
USS Saf-T-Liner C2 - Ambassador Class - NX- 537172
USS Freightliner - Odyssey Class - NCC-240953
ISS School Bus - Sovereign/Imperial Class Variant - NX-121071
USS Blue Bird - Sovereign Class Variant - NX-121071
USS AmTran - Galaxy Class Variant - NX 95212
USS International - Excelsior Class - NCC-93188
USS K.I.T.T. - Odyssey Class - NX-92682
Enforcer Russell H. Kirk
ISS West Virginia - Mobius Class -NCV-200663
ISS Tennessee - Hephaestus Class Variant - NX-161796
ISS Texas - Maelstrom Class - NX-122945
Ambassador Jonathan L. Picard
USS Sea Tiger - Excelsior Class - NX-91101
USS Ten Forward - Galaxy Class Variant - NX-80813-A
Commander C. A. Stone
USS Atlantis - Ambassador Class - NCC-100385
USS Challenger - Excelsior Class - NCC-280186
USS Columbia - Dreadnaught Class (Galaxy-X Variant) NCC-120481
USS Endeavour- Odyssey Class - NCC-199257
USS John F. Kennedy - Intrepid Class - NX-190517-A
USS Quantum Solstice - Hephaestus Class - NX-98405
Vice Admiral Tala Brell. The vessels on her roster:
U.S.S. Azrael, NCC-93146, Centaur Class
U.S.S. Pollux, NCC-92728, Nova Class
U.S.S. De Ruyter, NCC-92580, Akira Class
U.S.S. Tholus, NCC-93194, Intrepid Class
U.S.S. Sisko, NCC-93476, Emissary Class
U.S.S. Ranger, NX-93110, Avenger Class
U.S.S. Moores Creek, NCC-93304, Yellowstone Class
U.S.S. Huggins, NCC-93037, Delta Flyer Shuttlecraft
U.S.S. Glenn, NCC-92944, Type 10 Shuttlecraft
Vice Admiral Taalym Ojhini. The vessels on his roster:
U.S.S. El Dorado, NCC-91482, Shi'Khar Class
U.S.S. Belknap, NCC-93591, Exeter Class
U.S.S. Donitz, NCC-93115, Ambassador Class
U.S.S. Hirayama, NCC-93119, Celestial Class
U.S.S. Appollyon, NCC-93829, Excelsior Class
U.S.S. Audacious, NX-93669, Obelisk Carrier.
Vice Admiral Robert E. Watts (My first and main character): The ships that hosts his flag:
U.S.S. Admiral Ushakov, NCC-93589, Odyssey Class
U.S.S. Anaximander, NCC-93078, Magellan Class
U.S.S. Aranda, NCC-93717, Destiny Class
U.S.S. Arleigh Burke, NCC-93613, Galaxy Class
U.S.S. Cape Fear, NCC-92883, Danube Class Runabout
U.S.S. Cygnus, NCC-93717, Nebula Class
U.S.S. Devonshire, NCC-93633, Ambassador Class
U.S.S. El Cid, NCC-93113, Rhode Island Class
U.S.S. Eldridge, NX-93577, Dervish Class
U.S.S. Federation, NCC-92606, Miranda Class
U.S.S. Fitzgerald, NCC-92966, Steamrunner Class
U.S.S. Francis Crick, NCC-93259, Olympic Class
U.S.S. Gagarin, NCC-93246, Oberth Class
U.S.S. Georges Leygues, NCC-93956, Prometheus Class
U.S.S. Habsburg, NCC-92991, Sovereign Class
U.S.S. J.P. Hanson, NCC-94669, Excelsior Class (Refit)
U.S.S. Liaoning, NX-99, Risa Corvette
U.S.S. North Carolina, NCC-93787, Constitution Class (Refit)
U.S.S. Paul H. Carr, NCC-93279, Sabre Class
U.S.S. Polyphemus, NCC-93774, Thunderchild Class
U.S.S. Ranjit, NX-93109, Sao Paulo Class
U.S.S. Robert E. Lee, NCC-92968, Steamrunner Class (Refit)
U.S.S. Royal Oak, NCC-93100, Vanguard Class
U.S.S. Tranquility, NCC-92692, Sol Class
U.S.S. Tuscarora, NCC-93271, Cheyenne Class
U.S.S. Unificatum, NCC-92944, Galaxy-X Class
U.S.S. Windsor, NX-93058, Majestic Class
U.S.S. Yosemite, NCC-93021, Yellowstone Class Runabout
U.S.S. Cernan, NCC-93921, Type 10 Shuttlecraft
U.S.S. First Rule , NCC-93051, Na'Far Class Shuttle
U.S.S. Rodger Young, NCC-92920, Type 8 Shuttlecraft
My Romulan has a Federation "loaner" Yellowstone Class Runabout, the U.S.S. Acadia. But strangely enough, it has no Starfleet registry number.
NCC-93190-A U.S.S. Pathfinder Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit (Current Command)
NCC-98640 U.S.S. England Ambassador Class Cruiser
NCC-999999 U.S.S. Jadzia Vesta
NCC-940807 U.S.S. Mark Valentine Excelsior Class Cruiser
NCC-93873 U.S.S. Rose Tyler Sovereign Class Cruiser
NCC-93088 U.S.S. Sony Hibernain Class Exploration Cruiser
NX-974211 U.S.S. The Doctor Sao Paulo Escort Retrofit
NCC-93555 U.S.S. Virinat Avenger Class Battle Cruiser
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Jadzia Dren
NCC-921832-D U.S.S. Tian An Men Sovereign Class Cruiser
Vice Admiral Chil'virri
NCC-92872 U.S.S. Coblenz Prometheus Advanced Escort
Vice Admiral Vanellope Von Schweetz
NCC-93163-B U.S.S. Hibernian Avenger Class Battle Cruiser
NX-97656 U.S.S. Alice Luna Class Reconnaissance Science Vessel
Virinat Detachment
Joined: January 2013