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Tribble Updated Today (9/20/13) + Gold & Silver Member Tribble Access Update



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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well I'm not going to cry about being excluded, it's actually given me more gaming time to investigate other games that may be more deserving of my investments.
    Frankly for a while now I've been of the opinion that Tribble is something of a joke, you are supposedly testing in good faith, submitting bug reports and making suggestions hoping for improvements, only to see the same bugs and problems show up on Holodeck unchanged.
    Tribble really doesn't seem to be much more than a sneak peak at (possibly flawed) future content.
    In spite of the fact that many of us "freeloading" silvers have spent more money on the game on in game items than it would have ever costed for a subscription I've had to read complaints from Gold members pissing and moaning about not getting enough perks for their investment, well if they consider paying to test an unfinished product a "perk" or "privilege" they are welcome to it.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    borgcrusherborgcrusher Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    so are you saying that the gold members are going to get advantage over us silver members and they taunt us ***** at us and be complete dickheads because they like tell us whats gonna happen in season 8!
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    blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    so are you saying that the gold members are going to get advantage over us silver members and they taunt us ***** at us and be complete dickheads because they like tell us whats gonna happen in season 8!
    You do realize that you will be able to get to test the season when it comes time for the server to be opened up to all players regardless of if they're gold or not? You should learn to have some patience.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
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    astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Can't say I'm overly impressed with the recent changes. I've tested every season since season 3, and spent far more money on c-store items than I'd care to admit. The only reason I'm not a subscriber at the moment is because my financial situation has changed and I can't afford it right now. Locking out Silver players is a big mistake, not only do you reduce the Tribble player population in turn making it harder to test queued content you run the risk of having even MORE bugs make it to Holodeck when it goes live. Once the open beta begins you only have days left leaving too little time to really make any substantial changes should something big be found (as they often are).

    Also, it's a good thing to have high numbers of players on the server during testing. How many times have Cryptic released new content like a new Season or a FE series and the server grinds to a halt and dies. At least you'd have a chance to optimise the server prior to try and reduce disruption.

    I just find it laughable that as a former gold member and currently silver i was able to access the game changing legacy of Romulus closed beta before it went open beta without being subbed, but for a small update like this one i get locked. I would have thought it more logical to lock me out of lor testing then this one. Not that i regret being invited to the closed beta :D
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    astro2244 wrote: »
    I just find it laughable that as a former gold member and currently silver i was able to access the game changing legacy of Romulus closed beta before it went open beta without being subbed, but for a small update like this one i get locked. I would have thought it more logical to lock me out of lor testing then this one. Not that i regret being invited to the closed beta :D

    I too had a LoR closed beta invite and I'm a silver player.

    I'm sure they have their reasons for requiring gold membership for now.

    I wouldn't exactly call it a season 8 test yet since not everything is on the server yet. Just some things from season 8 are there.

    For now, checking the patch notes makes me curious, though at this time they haven't added anything new or any bug fixes in over a week. :(
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    ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,427 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    astro2244 wrote: »
    I just find it laughable that as a former gold member and currently silver i was able to access the game changing legacy of Romulus closed beta before it went open beta without being subbed, but for a small update like this one i get locked. I would have thought it more logical to lock me out of lor testing then this one. Not that i regret being invited to the closed beta :D

    I just find it laughable that as someone who decided to free load and not pay the subscription fee, and only do the C-Store (which by the way most of the Gold players do as well) you think you're entitled to anything outside of holodeck.

    Listen LoR they invited people I get it. They spent time and resources trying to figure out who to invite to LoR, and if you remember they did it in waves, so if you were lucky you got first wave closed beta, if not you got last wave closed beta or had to simply wait until Open Beta came around.

    Simply put, you just didn't get the invite this time for first wave closed beta. No one has said you won't ever get to test this stuff, if you don't, well you get to play it on live and you'll have to trust the Gold Player.

    If everyone would stop feeling that they are entitled to anything in this game outside of what comes out on holodeck, and be patient and wait for Open Beta on Tribble, then everything would go much smoother.

    TRIBBLE Bells, Season 8 isn't even out on Tribble, and you're whining. Even worse, you have no idea how long Closed Beta is going to be when compared to Open Beta, and you're whining. It's possible that Closed Beta will be only two weeks, and Open Beta a month. You don't know, and you're complaining.

    You don't have to be the first to see the new shiny, and you and I sure a hell aren't entitled to see it at all before it goes live to Holodeck.
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    inkrunnerinkrunner Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    I just find it laughable that as someone who decided to free load and not pay the subscription fee, and only do the C-Store (which by the way most of the Gold players do as well) you think you're entitled to anything outside of holodeck.

    Listen LoR they invited people I get it. They spent time and resources trying to figure out who to invite to LoR, and if you remember they did it in waves, so if you were lucky you got first wave closed beta, if not you got last wave closed beta or had to simply wait until Open Beta came around.

    Simply put, you just didn't get the invite this time for first wave closed beta. No one has said you won't ever get to test this stuff, if you don't, well you get to play it on live and you'll have to trust the Gold Player.

    If everyone would stop feeling that they are entitled to anything in this game outside of what comes out on holodeck, and be patient and wait for Open Beta on Tribble, then everything would go much smoother.

    TRIBBLE Bells, Season 8 isn't even out on Tribble, and you're whining. Even worse, you have no idea how long Closed Beta is going to be when compared to Open Beta, and you're whining. It's possible that Closed Beta will be only two weeks, and Open Beta a month. You don't know, and you're complaining.

    You don't have to be the first to see the new shiny, and you and I sure a hell aren't entitled to see it at all before it goes live to Holodeck.

    TRIBBLE is not a privilege, it is a player operated and Dev controlled environment for feedback, bug testing, and pre-release tweaking.

    It is not a 'preview' server, it is a tool. It also happens to be a tool that works better when more players use it (more feedback given, more bugs found, etc.).

    The absolute last thing I want to happen here is a release that is potmarked with bugs because there weren't enough people testing for them. That's not an attitude of entitlement, that's an attitude of concern.
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    only do the C-Store (which by the way most of the Gold players do as well

    Can you speak for 'most of the Gold players'? I'm just playing!;)

    ((However, if they use the C-Store, they're not 'freeloaders'))
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    inkrunner wrote: »
    TRIBBLE is not a privilege, it is a player operated and Dev controlled environment for feedback, bug testing, and pre-release tweaking.

    It is not a 'preview' server, it is a tool. It also happens to be a tool that works better when more players use it (more feedback given, more bugs found, etc.).

    The absolute last thing I want to happen here is a release that is potmarked with bugs because there weren't enough people testing for them. That's not an attitude of entitlement, that's an attitude of concern.

    Can you speak for 'most of the Gold players'? -->I'm just playing!;)

    ((However, if they use the C-Store, they're not 'freeloaders'))<--

    LMAO Then you should definitely be concerned when season 8 launches. LoR was heavily tested, to the point the servers were so full during the open beta test weekend some players couldn't get on at all and they decided to give the Nukara Tribble to all players. And yet........LoR launched with a LOT of bugs and there are still bugs gone unfixed to this day, many months after its launch.

    Edit: (Arrows are mine at the end of your quote.) Why put that in black text?
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So what was wrong with the queue system? Give the Golds priority access and then allow as many beyond that as will fit on the test server, could the patch be that unstable that they can't allow a high head count?
    The fact is when you have a small testing population that are allowed to operate outside any specific testing criterion, you will have most that will only go to the things they are interested in and much of the content doesn't get tested at all. So if it's not a true testing environment then what is it? A PR stunt, a bone thrown to the masses, not much more.
    It's doubtful that every Gold player is going to avail themselves of their select access, so the actual productive amount of testers is going to be a fraction of what it could be, with dubious results. This kind of thinking is the reason why there are so many bugs in the game many of which have gone unresolved from day one.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    inkrunnerinkrunner Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Edit: (Arrows are mine at the end of your quote.) Why put that in black text?

    Accidental. I had intended to use Dark Red. The 'I'm just kidding' part wasn't supposed to be in another color at all. I was really tired when I posted that.:o (Also, I am worried about Season 8 having lots of bugs. I really wish that, when being realistic about Cryptic, game-breaking bugs weren't almost guaranteed.)

    Back on topic: I'd almost forgotten that Golds get to skip queues! However, does this work the same way on TRIBBLE that it does on HOLODECK?
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    odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sorry if this has been asked a million times or has been answered already, but does this mean that only Gold members will be able to test content from now on? Any info on the usual testing event and reward for Season 8, and will it only be available to subscribers?
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    enoemg wrote: »
    Sorry if this has been asked a million times or has been answered already, but does this mean that only Gold members will be able to test content from now on? Any info on the usual testing event and reward for Season 8, and will it only be available to subscribers?

    From what I've read around here, this is only a temporary thing till Season 8 hits.

    I would imagine that They will have a Season 8 Test Weekend that everybody can participate in, since that has been the norm with most other seasons.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    I just find it laughable that as someone who decided to free load and not pay the subscription fee, and only do the C-Store (which by the way most of the Gold players do as well) you think you're entitled to anything outside of holodeck.

    Listen LoR they invited people I get it. They spent time and resources trying to figure out who to invite to LoR, and if you remember they did it in waves, so if you were lucky you got first wave closed beta, if not you got last wave closed beta or had to simply wait until Open Beta came around.

    Simply put, you just didn't get the invite this time for first wave closed beta. No one has said you won't ever get to test this stuff, if you don't, well you get to play it on live and you'll have to trust the Gold Player.

    If everyone would stop feeling that they are entitled to anything in this game outside of what comes out on holodeck, and be patient and wait for Open Beta on Tribble, then everything would go much smoother.

    TRIBBLE Bells, Season 8 isn't even out on Tribble, and you're whining. Even worse, you have no idea how long Closed Beta is going to be when compared to Open Beta, and you're whining. It's possible that Closed Beta will be only two weeks, and Open Beta a month. You don't know, and you're complaining.

    You don't have to be the first to see the new shiny, and you and I sure a hell aren't entitled to see it at all before it goes live to Holodeck.

    I don't freeload. I was subbed for a long time just up until a little before the legacy beta,

    but I nor any other player in this game answer to you or anyone else that think they have the title of "forum judge" bestowed to them. and can call people freeloaders or question their work ethic.

    I asked a question why they would let someone who had unsubbed recently test out such large material for free I surprised that I was invited, and honored to test it out.
    It was a question of surprise not entitlement. and when I asked about the tribble server this time it was out of anticipation for a upcoming good season.

    So please step off the soapbox and remember this is a game, and when people ask questions you don't understand, just ask what they mean before attacking their character
    with cheap pot-shots.

    ((and to make things clear I've bought ships, items, and unlocks since I subbed and have continued to after going ftp))

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