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Wells Single Cannons vs Dual Beam Banks

induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Federation Discussion
I'm testing builds for my Wells currently and I'd prefer to use a forward firing Build and I tried using a DBB Build with The Chroniton Beam Bank and Anti proton Dual Beam Bank and the Omega Plasma on Fore and 2 Anti proton Turrets and the Cutting Beam on the back

I tested this on as STF and It did quite good I used Beam Overload III for large Spike Damage and HY on the Omega and Solo'd a Cube and one of the Transformers but I've noticed some people use Single Cannon Builds with Turrets and Single Cannons.
I've seen this used on the Excelsior and the JHDC.

Does anyone know what would be Best for my Wells? I'm thinking of Using the Elachi Single Crescent Cannons I know DBB do more base damage than Single Cannons but the Single Cannons have a Faster Firing Rate does this make up for the Lower Damage?
I'd appreciate any Recommendations for deciding between the two and if neither are the best in your opinion feel free to recommend a completely different build.
Post edited by induperator on


  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Single cannons are worthless right about now. Until Cryptic drops the cannon-related BOFF skills down a rank each, you will ALWAYS get more damage out of a beam setup simply because you can use those lower ranks to increase your beam damage but NOT your cannon damage.

    This is especially true in ships/cruisers with fewer TAC BOFF slots, like say 1 LT and 1 ENS, or just 1 LtCDR and nothing else.

    P.S. The damage vs firing rate is already accounted for in the weapon stats -- DPS = Damge Per Second. That includes firing and time into the equation. Cannons also have a problem with damage dropoff over distance, as well. Beam also have this, but it drops off much slower.
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Single Cannons and DBBs actually come out just about even on DPS. DBBs should do better, but cannon abilities are superior for their slot level and work on your turrets, which makes superiority purely situational. Basically, with FAW and CSV, DBB's do better against fewer targets and at longer ranges, Single Cannons the reverse. DBB's also get to use subsystem targeting, which may or may not be important to you.
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Single Cannons and DBBs actually come out just about even on DPS. DBBs should do better, but cannon abilities are superior for their slot level and work on your turrets, which makes superiority purely situational. Basically, with FAW and CSV, DBB's do better against fewer targets and at longer ranges, Single Cannons the reverse. DBB's also get to use subsystem targeting, which may or may not be important to you.

    Yes this is why it is harder to kill any targets with Beams and Fire at Will because the more enemies the more that are hit and the less damage done to any specific target making it slower to actually kill enemies. With Cannon Scatter Volley their is a limited amount of targets that are hit and your specifically targeted target will always be hit with Cannon shots.

    Fire at Will and Attack Pattern Beta are good for teamwork debuffing a lot of target making it easier for everyone else to kill specific targets.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cannons also proc more frequently due to increased number of pulses per round, which can be useful
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I use the Mobius Temporal Destroyer, the sci-scort version of the Wells Class, with a Beam Array setup instead of cannons. Then again, using the Adv Fleet Antiproton Beam Arrays with [ACC]x2 & [DMG]x2 procs helps with my turn rate set at 45.4 degrees per second.

    >>My Mobius Temporal Destroyer Build<<

    I know I can destroy more with a cannon setup but I'm so used to beam builds.
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    Lately I've been running Cannons on my Galaxy Exploration Retrofit, in place of the Dual Beams I was using before.

    I haven't done a statistical analysis, but it appears to me that the cannons turn out to be more effective.
      Beam Overload seemed to miss frequently. Cannon Rapid Fire not as much.
    • BO effected 1 Dual Beam. CRF effects all 3 Cannon and Turrets.
    • Doff on duty for quick CRF cycle. No Doff for BO, that I know of.
    • Better field of fire with Cannon, so easier to keep them on target.

    So far, I've been happy with the results. I'd be happier if, I could mount Dual Heavies on it, though.
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Dual Heavies on a Galaxy class?

    You sure about that?
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    roxbad wrote: »
    Lately I've been running Cannons on my Galaxy Exploration Retrofit, in place of the Dual Beams I was using before.

    I haven't done a statistical analysis, but it appears to me that the cannons turn out to be more effective.
      Beam Overload seemed to miss frequently. Cannon Rapid Fire not as much.
    • BO effected 1 Dual Beam. CRF effects all 3 Cannon and Turrets.
    • Doff on duty for quick CRF cycle. No Doff for BO, that I know of.
    • Better field of fire with Cannon, so easier to keep them on target.

    So far, I've been happy with the results. I'd be happier if, I could mount Dual Heavies on it, though.

    Cannons are more effective overall but you can make beam setups competitive.

    I use the purple Energy Weapons officer that reduces cool-down time on Beam weapons abilities but are hard to come by or are expensive. The Conn DOFF officer that reduce Tac Team is also nice... but same issue. I use BFAW 2 and BO 1 with Adv Antiproton weapons with the [Acc]x2 & [Dmg]x2 from the fleet starbase and a Nukara Particle Converter console that adds 10% accuracy to all beams. Plus, max out your Starship Targeting System for accuracy via skills.

    My main success is that I'm a Fed Joined Trill Eng so I can use power skills from my career like EPS Power Transfer and Nadion Inversion, a warp core with WCap, doffs that are assigned to space duties that add additional power when using emergency power abilities, and the Red Matter Capacitor.
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    sevmrage wrote: »
    Dual Heavies on a Galaxy class?

    You sure about that?

    I'd like the option to try it. One of the reasons the saucer pops off is to allow a higher turn rate. With a few RCS consoles, the drive section isn't a total slug.

    I did pretty well in keeping targets in a 90deg arc for Dual Beams. I'd like to try to do the same with the 45deg arc of Dual Cannons.

    Or the devs could introduce Dual Heavy Beam Banks into the game. :)
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    coffeemike wrote: »
    I use the purple Energy Weapons officer that reduces cool-down time on Beam weapons abilities but are hard to come by or are expensive. .... a Nukara Particle Converter console that adds 10% accuracy to all beams.

    That's good info, of which I was unaware. Thanks.
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You're always welcome to join the Galaxy-X club. We can mount DHCs. :D
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    sevmrage wrote: »
    You're always welcome to join the Galaxy-X club. We can mount DHCs. :D

    When they make a convertible model, I'll consider it. :cool:
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Your choice of weapon load out should really be influenced by your choice of bridge officer abilities and active duty officers. A good build synergizes all aspects of your ship. There isn't one weapon load out that works best with everything.

    With power set to weapons, and unbuffed by abilities Dual beam banks forwarward and turrets aft will do the most dps.

    With less weapons power and unbuffed by abilities: single cannons forward and turrets arft will do the most dps.

    With power set to weapons and consistently buffed by rapid fire: single cannons forward and turrets arft will do more dps then dual beam banks forward and turrets arft would with beam fire at will.

    With Power set to weapons and consistently buffed by scatter volley: Single cannons forward and turrets arft will do comparible damage to dual beam banks forward and turrets arft with beam fire at will.

    With overcapped weapons power and unbuffed six beam arrays will give comparable dps to dual beam banks and turrets power capped and unbuffed.

    With no weapons power (if you only use the lt. universal for a couple of tactical teams and no buffs and instead use your power to boost aux, engines and shields so as to make your science abilities more powerful) only projectiles should be used as their damage does not scale with weapons power.

    With low to mid weapons power the only energy weapon type worth using are turrets as their lower energy drain means that the addition of a turret will always increase your dps by some amount even with very low weapons power.

    Of particular note when choosing your weapons load out should be weather your build includes energy syphon. With two energy syphon's of level 2 or 3 you can keep your power settings running high and your weapons power over capped almost all the time. If this is the case beam arrays and beam banks will outperform cannons by a larger margin.
  • ddemlongddemlong Member Posts: 294
    edited October 2013
    So, ultimate conclusion of single cannons? Say 3 up front with 1 quantum and 3-4 turrets rear depending on ship? Been thinking about swapping out beams on my Galor for all cannons.

    I see every talk about DHC, but to me the firing arc sucks and limits DPS unless you really are a good pilot and keep it in the 45 degrees. Flying escorts are but but I find 1v1 still challenging since it turns into a turning match and never getting them in my defiants 45 degre arc.

    Boff's abilities aside, singles even worth it compare to beams? ***hypothetical factor to consider constant 5k fighting range. **
    I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
  • alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i've tried to use single cannons + turrets setup with my karfi. man it sucked like hell.
    most ppl forget the fact that all cannons further then 2-3 km doing nearly no damage while beams still be effective up to 8-9.
    end of story: i've put 3 DBB and omega torp fore and regular beams +cutting beam aft. now it feels like i am doing double the damage then before.
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Your choice of weapon load out should really be influenced by your choice of bridge officer abilities and active duty officers. A good build synergizes all aspects of your ship. There isn't one weapon load out that works best with everything.

    With power set to weapons, and unbuffed by abilities Dual beam banks forwarward and turrets aft will do the most dps.

    With less weapons power and unbuffed by abilities: single cannons forward and turrets arft will do the most dps.

    With power set to weapons and consistently buffed by rapid fire: single cannons forward and turrets arft will do more dps then dual beam banks forward and turrets arft would with beam fire at will.

    With Power set to weapons and consistently buffed by scatter volley: Single cannons forward and turrets arft will do comparible damage to dual beam banks forward and turrets arft with beam fire at will.

    With overcapped weapons power and unbuffed six beam arrays will give comparable dps to dual beam banks and turrets power capped and unbuffed.

    With no weapons power (if you only use the lt. universal for a couple of tactical teams and no buffs and instead use your power to boost aux, engines and shields so as to make your science abilities more powerful) only projectiles should be used as their damage does not scale with weapons power.

    With low to mid weapons power the only energy weapon type worth using are turrets as their lower energy drain means that the addition of a turret will always increase your dps by some amount even with very low weapons power.

    Of particular note when choosing your weapons load out should be weather your build includes energy syphon. With two energy syphon's of level 2 or 3 you can keep your power settings running high and your weapons power over capped almost all the time. If this is the case beam arrays and beam banks will outperform cannons by a larger margin.
    Looks like I might Upgrade my Energy Siphon to II or III but the Wells has allot of versatility when it comes to BOFF Abilities since the Lt Cmd Universal and the Lieutenant Universal so BOFF abilities are little problem for me just deciding what would work best.
    But Thanks for the suggestions I'm going to consider a Broadside Beam Array Build but what kind of Beams would be best? I'm guessing Romulan Plasma but I'm only Tier 3 on Romulan Rep and I'd prefer not to have to wait but I do have 4 Fleet Anti proton Beam arrays and I could get more, would that suffice? or is Romulan Plasma Far superior?
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Look also at your Fleet store if you belong in one. I use the Adv. Antiproton Beam Arrays and Dual Beam Banks on the Mobius and man its crazy fun to see them blow up ships like in Crystalline Catastrophe when using BFAW2, EPtW1, APB1, and Torp Spread 3.
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    coffeemike wrote: »
    Look also at your Fleet store if you belong in one. I use the Adv. Antiproton Beam Arrays and Dual Beam Banks on the Mobius and man its crazy fun to see them blow up ships like in Crystalline Catastrophe when using BFAW2, EPtW1, APB1, and Torp Spread 3.
    It's rare to meet people who use Beams on Escorts I prefer Beams to Cannons definitely aesthetically they look much nicer but sadly it takes a toll on DPS. :(
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Cycle thru your powers... being Joined Trill Eng helps me blow things up on escorts with beam weapons on PvE.
  • tannausertannauser Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    dual beam bank... always
  • genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Guys the Wells vessel can't use cannons.


    I think the OP must have seen a Mobius with cannons mounted instead.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Where it states it can't use cannons it means DHC and DC. Every ship can use single cannons.

    I am using Adv Fleet Single Cannons on a Marauder Aux 2 Bat DEM 3 build. Engineer in the Command chair. Damage is fine. No issues. 3 cannons and 3 turrets with the wider firing arc means I fly fast while keeping more guns firing, more pulses procing DEM and polaron procs, and the Rom Torp and mines on the back for other damage goodness. There is nothing wrong with single cannons. It's how you build it.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Looks like I might Upgrade my Energy Siphon to II or III but the Wells has allot of versatility when it comes to BOFF Abilities since the Lt Cmd Universal and the Lieutenant Universal so BOFF abilities are little problem for me just deciding what would work best.
    But Thanks for the suggestions I'm going to consider a Broadside Beam Array Build but what kind of Beams would be best? I'm guessing Romulan Plasma but I'm only Tier 3 on Romulan Rep and I'd prefer not to have to wait but I do have 4 Fleet Anti proton Beam arrays and I could get more, would that suffice? or is Romulan Plasma Far superior?

    If you do go broadside and energy syphon make sure to swap some or all of your science consoles for flow capacitors. With the right gear you can get +50 power to every subsystems from a level 3 syphon and +30 to +40 from a level 2. This level of energy buff will more then make up for a lack of shield consoles. And overcapped aux will benefit most science abilities more then a rack of consoles dedicated to their governing skills.

    I recommend running with your engines and shields set to 25%, your aux full and the rest in weapons. With a standard captain build your skills should bump those 25% systems up to 50ish and your energy siphons will take them the rest of the way up to the 85-100 mark. Meanwhile your aux and weapons should be over capped. Full aux is important as it effects the duration of your buff from energy syphon.

    Damage types to consider:

    Polaron and tetryon will have their drain enhanced by flow capacitors as well, Polaron is probably the better choice as what you loose in direct shield damage you make up for by draining shield power (their regeneration rate) engine power (their defence value) their aux power (draining the effectiveness of their heals and other abilities) and their weapons power (making them less of a threat until they die.

    If you go with polaron consider using the lobi version of the dominion set (shield engine and deflector) it synergizes well with a high flow capacitor build.

    If you do go with tetryon consider using the nukara set (console mine and dual beam bank) this also synergizes well with a high flow capacitor build.

    Setting aside weapon procs that are enhanced by flow capacitors Disruptor Anti-Proton and Plasma are all worth considering as well.

    If you ever intend to obtain the temporal warfare set (dual beam bank, console and Torpedo) then Anti-Proton is worth considering as the beam bank's damage is enhanced by anti-proton damage consoles.

    Disruptor procs are a force multiplyer, helping your team mates, to do more damage as well as both your own conventional and science damage.

    The Plasma proc burns hull regardless of your targets shield state, and the romulan science consoles available at the romulan embassy can add additional damage to your plasma weapons as well as enhancing your science abilities. With 4 mk xii romulan flow capacitor consoles all with the [pla] mod you could get +38.4% to your plasma weapons damage in addition to that from your tac consoles.
  • ddemlongddemlong Member Posts: 294
    edited October 2013
    I currently have a Galor, thinking of a 3 single cannons, 1 quantum up front, 3 turrets and borg KCB in rear, fleet level cannons/turrets.

    Most likely I will purchase all AP.

    Opinion compared to just using beams/quantum/KCB fleet?
    I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have a R'Mor (Wells with Romulan skin) with a single cannon built and I'm pretty happy with it (even though I should probably say that I don't PvP).

    I use two plasma single cannons and a chroniton torpedo launcher fore and two plasma turrets and a chroniton torpedo launcher aft. 2 tac consoles to boost plasma damage 1 to boost chroniton damage and 4 science consoles with + plasma damage. My lieutenant-commander slot is a tactical with Tactical Team I, Torpedo: Spread II and Cannon: Scatter Volley II. My science consoles all have - Threat but I still get tons of aggro in STFs.:D
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • ddemlongddemlong Member Posts: 294
    edited October 2013
    Well, I went with Fleet AP single cannons up front 3 total each are DMGx3, ACCx1 and a fleet quantum torp Dmgx3 and ACCx1...

    Rear is 3 AP fleet turrets again DMGx3, ACCx1 and a borg KCB

    I used a respec and re did some of the skills, more balancing out. No buffs the each single cannon is 950 DPS, turrets about 750dps... Being a Tac Captain Activating my Buffs the single cannons jump to 1950DPS

    Got the Hull of the Galor just under 57K, and and Shields are 17K, again fleet stuff.

    Point being is I am always up close and personal anyways and have no issue keeping anything in the firing arc, still can broadside too... chewing through cubes and other ships like no other.

    Thing has perfect BOFF layout, no prob keeping this thing alive and fighting.
    I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    roxbad wrote: »
    Lately I've been running Cannons on my Galaxy Exploration Retrofit, in place of the Dual Beams I was using before.

    I haven't done a statistical analysis, but it appears to me that the cannons turn out to be more effective.
      Beam Overload seemed to miss frequently. Cannon Rapid Fire not as much.
    • BO effected 1 Dual Beam. CRF effects all 3 Cannon and Turrets.
    • Doff on duty for quick CRF cycle. No Doff for BO, that I know of.
    • Better field of fire with Cannon, so easier to keep them on target.

    So far, I've been happy with the results. I'd be happier if, I could mount Dual Heavies on it, though.

    there is. instead of reducing subsystem targeting they reduce special attack
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    genemorph wrote: »
    Guys the Wells vessel can't use cannons.


    I think the OP must have seen a Mobius with cannons mounted instead.

    I believe they are talking about single cannons, not DC's nor DHC's.

    I'm testing builds for my Wells currently and I'd prefer to use a forward firing Build and I tried using a DBB Build with The Chroniton Beam Bank and Anti proton Dual Beam Bank and the Omega Plasma on Fore and 2 Anti proton Turrets and the Cutting Beam on the back

    I tested this on as STF and It did quite good I used Beam Overload III for large Spike Damage and HY on the Omega and Solo'd a Cube and one of the Transformers but I've noticed some people use Single Cannon Builds with Turrets and Single Cannons.
    I've seen this used on the Excelsior and the JHDC.

    Does anyone know what would be Best for my Wells? I'm thinking of Using the Elachi Single Crescent Cannons I know DBB do more base damage than Single Cannons but the Single Cannons have a Faster Firing Rate does this make up for the Lower Damage?
    I'd appreciate any Recommendations for deciding between the two and if neither are the best in your opinion feel free to recommend a completely different build.

    Elachi weapons are disruptor based, while your Chroniton beam array is antiproton. As a result, your damage can't be maximized under the current S7 consoles.

    One thing about the Wells: It is very light on available tactical BOFF stations. Most combat-optimized cannon ships run 1-2 Tactical Teams and usually 2 EPtS instances. Without any dedicated tac boff stations on the Wells, you must commit one of the universal BOFF stations to engineering skills (probably the Lt. rank), leaving you only 2 or 3 tac skills to run cannons, torps, and/or beams.

    Given the tactical limits of the Wells, I would say beams are the way to go. You can still run beam overloads and subsystem targeting attacks, though it is very difficult to get high cannon dps with only 3 forward weapon slots and only 5 potential tac boff skills loaded.

    A2B is not a good option if you run sci boff skills that require high Aux power levels. However, if you don't mind lower effect sci skills in favor of decreasing other BOFF skill cooldown times, then this should be fine :D
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    there is. instead of reducing subsystem targeting they reduce special attack

    Yes, they exist. I use at least one or two at a time... the remaining three are always AP-Conn or A2B DOFF's.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Your choice of weapon load out should really be influenced by your choice of bridge officer abilities and active duty officers. A good build synergizes all aspects of your ship. There isn't one weapon load out that works best with everything.

    With power set to weapons, and unbuffed by abilities Dual beam banks forwarward and turrets aft will do the most dps.

    With less weapons power and unbuffed by abilities: single cannons forward and turrets arft will do the most dps.

    With power set to weapons and consistently buffed by rapid fire: single cannons forward and turrets arft will do more dps then dual beam banks forward and turrets arft would with beam fire at will.

    With Power set to weapons and consistently buffed by scatter volley: Single cannons forward and turrets arft will do comparible damage to dual beam banks forward and turrets arft with beam fire at will.

    With overcapped weapons power and unbuffed six beam arrays will give comparable dps to dual beam banks and turrets power capped and unbuffed.

    With no weapons power (if you only use the lt. universal for a couple of tactical teams and no buffs and instead use your power to boost aux, engines and shields so as to make your science abilities more powerful) only projectiles should be used as their damage does not scale with weapons power.

    With low to mid weapons power the only energy weapon type worth using are turrets as their lower energy drain means that the addition of a turret will always increase your dps by some amount even with very low weapons power.

    Of particular note when choosing your weapons load out should be weather your build includes energy syphon. With two energy syphon's of level 2 or 3 you can keep your power settings running high and your weapons power over capped almost all the time. If this is the case beam arrays and beam banks will outperform cannons by a larger margin.
    This is an interesting post. I've been meaning to ask about what's a good configuration for a science vessel (I have the Fleet Intrepid and the free Luna for my character). I've been going with 2 DBBs fore, 1 torp launcher fore, 2 turrets aft and the KCB. I'm actually wondering if it is better to go with beam arrays though. And I'm not sure about the KCB either. The 2-piece bonus is mad, when it procs, but a 2.5% chance and the weapon itself is meh.

    I'd prefer beams of some sort though, I have enough characters who fly cannon boats.
    If you do go broadside and energy syphon make sure to swap some or all of your science consoles for flow capacitors. With the right gear you can get +50 power to every subsystems from a level 3 syphon and +30 to +40 from a level 2. This level of energy buff will more then make up for a lack of shield consoles. And overcapped aux will benefit most science abilities more then a rack of consoles dedicated to their governing skills.

    I recommend running with your engines and shields set to 25%, your aux full and the rest in weapons. With a standard captain build your skills should bump those 25% systems up to 50ish and your energy siphons will take them the rest of the way up to the 85-100 mark. Meanwhile your aux and weapons should be over capped. Full aux is important as it effects the duration of your buff from energy syphon.
    I don't have access to embassy provisions but when I do I will be getting science consoles. In the meantime I've been following this advice, with two copies of energy siphon 2, and it's (almost) up all the time.
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