Yesterday I tried to claim my android bridge officer, both using fed and kdf toons, however I cannot claim it with none of them because I do not have the token to claim it.
Before you ask, I have a life time subscription and I never tried to claim the android bridge officer until yesterday.
It it a bug or am I missing anything?
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
I remember discussions a long time ago, that for some of the Veteran rewards, you have to wait the full number of days to get them even if you bought the LTS. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Android boff one of them? It confused a lot of people (including myself) since you're spammed with all the Veteran accolades at once...
I'm unable to claim my android bridge officer too, I'm a gold member and I've reached 700 (real) days.
I've submitted a ticket but no one has anwered it yet... I'll wait few more days then I'll start complaining on the forum every single day...
I don't know about the KDF side of things, but I know a lot of the vet rewards on Starfleet don't kick in until you get to a certain level; I honestly don't recall what level, but it's below level 10. Are you trying to claim these on brand new characters?
I don't know about the KDF side of things, but I know a lot of the vet rewards on Starfleet don't kick in until you get to a certain level; I honestly don't recall what level, but it's below level 10. Are you trying to claim these on brand new characters?
I'm tying to claim on lvl 50 characters (kdf and fed)
Yesterday I tried to claim my android bridge officer, both using fed and kdf toons, however I cannot claim it with none of them because I do not have the token to claim it.
Before you ask, I have a life time subscription and I never tried to claim the android bridge officer until yesterday.
It it a bug or am I missing anything?
Do you have a open BO slot (not ship console seat slot, a BO slot) If your 'paper doll' does not list a open BO slot, then thats the problem...
I don't know about the KDF side of things, but I know a lot of the vet rewards on Starfleet don't kick in until you get to a certain level; I honestly don't recall what level, but it's below level 10. Are you trying to claim these on brand new characters?
The level that you get all of your vet perks is level 5. It's the same on the KDF and the Romulan factions.
I had this problem as well.
Cryptic still has not answered me back on it. (1 year and waiting)
BUT I was able to solve it on my end. This was my experience with it, yours may vary.
The problem is the Boffs you have that you are NOT using. The ones that show up on the right side when you click on the "stations" tab, I don't know what that's called so I will call it the "Boff Buffer". When you claim the Android it goes into there. It will not go into inventory like the Boffs you get from missions, and it will not "auto-deploy" like when you claim a Boff normally.
1.) Clear out some of your Boffs from the "Boff Buffer". I put 5 into the mail...temporarily...
or sell some on the exchange...your choice
2.) Then go claim your Android.
3.) Activate it from the Boff Buffer. It will work like a regular Boff at that point with the naming and uniform design.
4.) Go back and reclaim the Boffs you pulled from your "Boff buffer" from the mail if you put them there...If you don't the mail server will explode and I'll loose all my mail again for a month...just kidding on that last part....:D
I've submitted a ticket but no one has anwered it yet... I'll wait few more days then I'll start complaining on the forum every single day...
I'm tying to claim on lvl 50 characters (kdf and fed)
Do you have a open BO slot (not ship console seat slot, a BO slot) If your 'paper doll' does not list a open BO slot, then thats the problem...
I've tried on 13 characters most of them do have a free BO slot, problem is I didn't received the token to claim them!
Cryptic still has not answered me back on it. (1 year and waiting)
BUT I was able to solve it on my end. This was my experience with it, yours may vary.
The problem is the Boffs you have that you are NOT using. The ones that show up on the right side when you click on the "stations" tab, I don't know what that's called so I will call it the "Boff Buffer". When you claim the Android it goes into there. It will not go into inventory like the Boffs you get from missions, and it will not "auto-deploy" like when you claim a Boff normally.
1.) Clear out some of your Boffs from the "Boff Buffer". I put 5 into the mail...temporarily...
or sell some on the exchange...your choice
2.) Then go claim your Android.
3.) Activate it from the Boff Buffer. It will work like a regular Boff at that point with the naming and uniform design.
4.) Go back and reclaim the Boffs you pulled from your "Boff buffer" from the mail if you put them there...If you don't the mail server will explode and I'll loose all my mail again for a month...just kidding on that last part....:D
Hope this helps anyone who reads it. Good Luck!
boffs candidate roster full!!!!!
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves