Greetings all!
(I know I have not left any posts here for a while, but here goes one, hopefully a really awesome one.

First and foremost, It have taken a while for me to check the handles of the students. The real reason I was late is due to my real life I do not want to share with everyone, but I do apologise for my delay.
Secondly let me thank
@Cerritouru and
@mrkollins for their great efforts they have put into the Spanish Boot Camp. Also a huge thank to
@Takuto1 and
@devastor24, who were also aiding a lot.

I do hope each moment during the sessions was a great fun and a chance for studying something else and something new.
By the end-of-day Friday, Brandon will send out the graduation rewards, and for the two helpers (@Takuto1 and @devastor24) "a little surprise".
If you had any further question or problem, please feel free to contact me through e-mail ( ) or through
@Cerritouru (for our spanish students

I hope to continue helping to encourage participation in PvP.
Like I said before, this would have been no possible with out kolln and the rest of the bootcamp support. Also thanks to the ones who help this Spanish endeavour by couching (@mrkollins, @devastor24 and @takuto1), also special thanks to the ones who help us (@playhard88 and @sirkity1) and the students who promoted the bootcamp (they were fantastic, and with out them I am sure this would never have been the success it was). In the same way, thanks to the fleet and channel admins to allow us to promote the bootcamp on their communities.
The Spanish community is alive and strong in this game, and we are going to keep improving.
Also, we created a new chat channel dedicated to PVP call ?PVP Organizado?, anyone who specks Spanish can join us by typing /channel_join PVP Organizado
Division Hispana
Brandon =/\=
was a pleasure to help with bootcamp
I look forward to helping wherever we can to pvp community that continues to grow
Congratulations also to all the graduates!
These have been sent out via in-game mail
Brandon =/\=
Thank you for supporting the bootcamp!!
Division Hispana
Hello Brandon, I have been contacted by most of the Spanish students that resived the code yesterday because the reskill token does not work. They introduced the code, they also resive the token on the C Store and claim it, but when they go to the NPC they have 0 available tokens.
They even try to reskill but when they finish, the reskill button was still dark.
Division Hispana
Hello ppl, Hi Brandon
Also i am contacting you, informing you that the RESKILL TOKEN does not work correctly after being claimed ,Thank you very much.
Cordial greetings
I'm having the same problem...
Cerritouru has contact me and I have said to him about this issue. The Cryptic is aware of it. The solution that Brandon has drawed at the last occasion (this is only a graphical issue).
However you may not be able to respec. The only solution now, as I know, to claim another respec token to your character, you have already claimed to, the reward one. Then the game should show one available token, but after you used it, the game should show still one available token.
I hope this helped, further information can be known when Brandon will update on this issue.
If you had 0, you have 1 now after you claim, but the graphical issue causes the button to remain grayed out. If you already had at least 1, it will still show you have 1, but the next time you respec, it should still show "1" after. The team is investigating, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
Brandon =/\=
No free token !! Like lots of things, cryptic gives you something but broken..... Im used to get disapointed by them.
Ps. Im a pessimist, glas half empty and the remaining half will evaporate by next morning
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
I can only said that I am really, really sorry for this problem that escapes completely the hands of the coach's and the members of the bootcamp. Is my hope that a real solution can be found to fix this issue and that the Spanish bootcamp can have the final that deserved.
Live long and prosper.
Division Hispana
Brandon =/\=
Thank you Cryptic for this fix. And again thanks Brandon for supporting the bootcamp, and also to Kolln for keeping this alive.
Division Hispana
Do not forget to check in on the subforum weekly for the newest information we can release.
Thank you Brandon!
Your support is always appreciated!