I'm not really sure, so I'll ask around before I submit a ticket.
Are anyone else - having a LTS - and having problems with the expertise? I lack enormous amount from each battle I go through and in one occasion I actually lost some -.-' It have been going on for a few days and does not stick to the one time log-on, log-out and fixed.
STF - provides very little. About a third of the usual.
CE - hardly gives any, but have no memory of the usual amount to compare it with.
One time in Azure Nebula Rescue and lost a good amount.
I haven't been reading all the Release notes to make a picture of it being nerfed at any point.
I have seen this too. The expertise from STFs (that I see during combat) is not adding to my current expertise total (the total # is not higher after the STF completes and I am back in First City, etc.).