Can my federation Atrox carrier equip Elite Widow Fighters? I have conflicting information, plus regular Widow Fighters can't be equipped.
And how about Elite Scorpion Fighters? The store won't allow me to buy regular scorpion fighters, but yet I've read several accounts of players equipping Elite Scorpion fighters on their Atrox. So Elites work but not regular ones? Huh?
I don't want to waste Dilithium and Marks on something I can't use.
Yes you can use both, the scorpions are my favourite and on tribble im playing around with the free widows ( are very nice ), have you unlocked the tire and store in the rep for them? Just making sure as the rep stuff you have to unlock an unlock for the privilege of buying them.
Yes you can use both, the scorpions are my favourite and on tribble im playing around with the free widows ( are very nice ), have you unlocked the tire and store in the rep for them? Just making sure as the rep stuff you have to unlock an unlock for the privilege of buying them.
I've unlocked the Elite Widow Fighters, working on Elite Scorps ATM (almost there).
All nukara rep stuff is free to buy ( zero ec ) on tribble for everyone to test. You have to be a gold member ( hehe ) to get on, its good caus it gives you an idea of how good they are. I tried them on my fed, klink and rommie they go on any carrier.
I've unlocked the Elite Widow Fighters, working on Elite Scorps ATM (almost there).
And what are these "free" Widows you speak of?