Well it looks like the fleets got something ( Dilthium Mine). but what fleets need are thing they could use not something else to grind on. Yes the members in the fleet I am in are coming together to do projects but contributions are a hard go since the more evolved the fleet is the more dilthium and fleet marks you need (and yes I know fleets get a discount for leveling the Dilthium mine). I'm urging people to look over the list we have made so far post your support for fleet getting something that won't lead to a grind fest in game something that could bring people together. If it's not on the list we can put it on. We as a community can shine a light on the needs and wants of players who use this fleet system. all we need is a united strong voice to be heard.
Optional Improvements ( To be Decided by the individual fleet's Leadership. Ex. Fleet A uses all 7 ranks but Fleet B decides only to use 4 of the 7 ranks)
Increase Fleet Ranks from 7 to 12.
2. In-Game Recogition of Fleet Alliances.
A. Allied fleets would be able to help with starbase and embassy projects rewarding the helping fleet with provisions and the receiving fleet with the needed XP for the projects.
B. Access to starbases and embassies of Allied fleets to buy items from store using the provisions from the members own fleet.
Individual Fleet Member Permissions
4. Updated fleet reporting that includes provisions used by members. Along with being able to sort by members
5. Updated fleet roster to show how many days a members has been in the fleet and who recruited them.
Additional fleet bank slots.
7. Fleet retrofit shuttle.
Fleet sector space with PvP Capablity.
fleet unlockable uniforms projects.
10. fleet Foundry mission that would generate dilithium for the fleets in use of the tip. Along with collaboration among the fleet members (working on it together at the same time). Along with this I would like to have the different tier starbases for maps interior and exterior.
Ability to remove starbase personnel similar to that of the hide winter d?cor button.
Ability to change starbase / Embassy personnel uniforms to the actual fleet uniform.
Special projects to change the fleet star base background.
This is not new it's a subject that has been around for along time.
Check these links learn more:
May I ask who you are to speak for me and/or my fleet? You do not know me, or my fleetmates, or what our wants and needs are. I understand you have ideas, some of them good. But you do not speak for me, my fleet, or anyone else in the community.
I'm trying to start a conversation and would like to know what ideas you and your fleetmates have to make it a better in-game play. I'm sure you and your fleet has some ideas to improve the system please voice them.
Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
I'm an officer of a fleet with about 100 members; ya think I like the idea of going through the entire list (Twice, since we, in fuction, are a dual faction fleet, KDF side I'm a leader) and making sure each person has the right permissions. That's kinda why they're tied to ranks.
You really only need 4 ranks
New Recruit
and could do with a 5th in the middle
"Member with privlege"
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
In the system we have you can just have 4 ranks expanding the number of ranks would not change that it's there if you need it. As for individual permissions would be an option as well. These are ideas for options for fleet to use or not to use it s the fleet leaders choice not for required use.
Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Message to short...
I'm on board with an increase in both fleet ranks and in fleet bank tabs. 12? I'd be happy with 10.
Additional fleet ranks would let fleet leaders better tailor certain ranks to certain privileges to create positions of responsibility. Additional bank tabs would make it easier to create special-purpose repositories.
I'm not sold on system-supported Alliances yet.
I don't think individual member permissions are a good idea.
Thumbs up for better fleet management tools.
No strong opinion about any of the other proposals.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Come join the 44th Fleet.
Great idea , added it to the list and thanks for the contribution.
Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
By that i mean, change the space that it's in.
Sto has some simply gorgeous backround art, I'd more than happily fork out 200k dilithium if i could move my Starbase to the Azure Nebula or to a system with a planet backdrop (This would also translate to Fleet alerts, and i guess it would make identifying the fleet in question)
I don't understand how the fleet starbase has been put in the blandest part of space in a game that has some simply awesome backdrops O.o
+1 to this edit
1. I support this strongly.
2. I support this (with reservations about part
3. I support this.
4. I could go either way with this. While it would provide a more detailed report, I'm not sure I would ever use it.
5. I support this.
6. I absolutely support this very strongly.
7. Not sure about this.
8. I don't support this, but I wouldn't oppose it, as long as it remained voluntary.
9. Not convinced; we have fleet uniforms now, but the preview is broken and you have to go make the uniform and save it in the tailor first anyway. How about fixing the preview first and then working on a way to allow us to make the uniforms through the fleet control window without having to go to the tailor? After that fix/improvement, then maybe we could discuss additional uniforms.
10. I'm not sure what you're saying in the first part. The last part I support, in particular as it was expressed by latiasracer. There are several systems that are simply stunning, such as Sierra system, Maiewski system, and the Azure Nebula, among others.
11. I do not support this; I don't see the need, nor can I imagine wanting to do it.
12. I absolutely support this very strongly (also for our DOffs on our ships, but that's another matter, albeit related).
Great Idea added to the list!!!!
Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
I truly do not understand why people stay with and contribute to fleets run like that, but they do, and individual permissions would just TRIBBLE over the people stuck in fleets lead by jerks even more.
Thus allowing members to donate to the fleet and let the leadership decide where the resources go without throttling donations to "whoever is online when projects are available". Allowing members to donate what they can (newer members could donate cxp and such, older members dilithium, etc.) when they can.
This would be an excellent RP tool for foundry authors and while the missions for my fleet might not be something all players in STO want play, they could make a special tab in the foundry for Fleet Missions so that they are not mixed in with the bulk of the missions that are part of the foundry selections.
I also really do like the idea one poster had here about being able to move your fleet facilities to new locations, that would be awesome indeed. It should cost a lot to do this and the more exotic the location the more it should cost.
Fleet maps that are created by players in foundry that can hold more than 5 players would be awesome for RPers in STO. That would be an awesome special project that fleets certain fleets could get excited about and not mind dropping the resources to do. I feel the foundry is a great tool in this game and hopefully get more intergrated in to actual in game, but first they need to get the costume importer back in but that's a whole other thread.
Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!