Howdy folks,
I've spent the past week using the Foundry to design the sets for the upcoming machinima series
Star Trek: Majestic. I've learned a lot about the Foundry and its limitations, but its advantages as well. I really enjoyed the time I've spent in there laying out and designing the sets that will be used in the series. Please take a look at the sets and leave me feedback on your feelings about the designs etc...
The first deck I built was using the USS Lantree's bridge as a basis. The Lantree was in the TNG episode "Unnatural Selection". It was very difficult at first due to the fact that there isn't any curved bulkheads in the Foundry. I ended up using a hexagonal shape that really worked well as it gave me the room to add in two more bridge stations. Another change to the design was switching the Mess Hall with the Conference Room since the mess ended up being bigger then the conference room.
For reference:
USS Lantree blueprint.
The next deck I decided to tackle was Engineering and is about twice the size of the bridge. Overall, the design just worked as it was square shaped according to the blueprints. However, I only put in about an eighth of the total deck into the Foundry.
For reference:
Full Deck 4 Plans.Majestic's deck 4 is circled in this picture.
The third deck I decided to recreate was Deck 6: Sick Bay. This deck is slightly larger than Engineering. I took some liberties with design to incorporate the Brig and Transporter sets that are going to be needed for the series. Hence the difference between the blueprint and what is in the Foundry.
Full Deck 6 Plans.Majestic's deck 6 is circled in this picture.
The final deck that was needed for the series is the Shuttle Bay. This is the largest deck that I laid out in the Foundry. It also happens to be the largest open area of the deck in the blueprint. The Shuttle Bay is on Deck 5 according to the plans and contains things that aren't available in the Foundry.
Full Deck 5 Plans.The Majestic's Deck 5: Shuttle Bay is circled in this picture.
The mission is available under the title Star Trek: Majestic sets by ThePatriot1776. Please check out the sets and compare them with the blueprints to tell me what you think about how the ship interiors look in the Foundry.
EDIT: As requested here are the decks as they are in the game.
EDIT: Here is a video tour of the ship. Due to the size of the decks, I decided to make it a four part series.
Star Trek: Majestic producer, writer, set designer, and other hats.
I would say as a machinima project, a lot of the design sensibilities will follow those of the show, i.e. there's only so much you need to show. In the shows they only built what they needed.
Also, be advised there's a bug that prevents custom Foundry characters from recording in demo record. You'll either need to use stock NPCs or have players playing the parts. (There is a trick to swap costumes in demo record, but I'm not familiar enough with it to explain how.)
Thank you for the suggestions. We plan on using actual players to act out the scene visually and have voice actors perform their parts from the script.
You should still be able to use the NPC contacts as I believe it is only custom costumes that don't show up. So if you want to you could fill in the background with NPCs, you just couldn't put custom skins on them.
The NPCs I have placed use the TNG Film uniforms with the right coloring, ranks, etc... They're pretty standard, except they're mostly Caitians. The captain of the series is Caitian and Starfleet believes in their segregated starships.
I did add a link to the screenshots from inside the game in the edit for the first post.
Unless this machinima is set in the TNG era...
I was reading the page last night for research for "Bait and Switch" and that caught my eye.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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Yeah I'm not sure if those are going to work with demorecord. Would have to ask people who use it more than I. Loving the build though. You've done a great job making the interior look interesting and not just square and empty, and anyone who builds sky castles can tell you that is the biggest difficulty. I never thought of using those arches in the hallway.
It's set sometime after 2374, so it's not 2409 yet.
Here's more research for you from Making of Star Trek by Stephen Whitefield and Gene Roddenberry.
In developing Star Trek: Majestic we came up with a canon list that adheres to the original vision of Gene Roddenberry, so his words carry more weight.
We'll have to test it out, but thank you for the heads up.
I'm glad you enjoy how it was done. Hop into the Foundry mission and tour the sets firsthand.
The arches I picked up on when I was doing a tour of my own ship and saw them lol. I stole them from the developers on how to use them. Like the displays on the walls of the hallways.
The hardest part of Deck 1 was putting in the airlock. In the end, I used the closed door holodeck arch then put in a forcefield to seal it from the rest of the ship. There is a console on the wall, in the airlock room, that's supposed to deactivate the forcefield and let people enter. Once inside the airlock, they'd use the keypad on the arch to activate the forcefield again.
Or does demorecord do something nice, like removing all HUD items (interact buttons, etc.)?
Demorecord allows you to set up camera paths etc... and it does remove the HUD.
I was able to do a proof of concept intro for Majestic using it.
Ah... nice.
I just ran through the sets. They are very cool and represent a lot of work.
I did notice some wall flashes in areas that may distract from your recordings -- some can probably be fixed, others not. Hopefully the flashes in the conference room can be fixed -- that's a great set piece.
I thought it was pretty funny that there is an auxilary medical bay just outside the combat training room.
That's fair enough. During the live-action canon period Starfleet definitely had an overabundance of humans, at least on the ships we saw the crews of, so one-race-majority crews seems like a decent explanation.
So, you're putting it during or just after the Dominion War, then?
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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I really tried to remove the glitches, but no matter what I do they still occur. I'm glad that you liked the conference room. It was a lot of work, but I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
That is definitely a nice touch. lol Edit: Now that I've thought about it, that room that you think is a combat training room is actually the ship Doctor's office. Dr. Sho'Ka is a Klingon. lol
My only complaint about the bridge set is the lack of a Federation captain's chair and a bridge chair. I was disappointed to see that the only captain's chair in the Foundry is the Klingon one.
It's after the Dominion War and after Hobus explodes. In this continuity, Romulus doesn't explode and is still there, so the Romulans are a definite player still in galactic politics.
We've used some of the plot that Cryptic developed for the game while ignoring the rest. We've expanded upon other plot points to compensate. I can't really go into detail concerning the plot as that would be a spoiler for the series.
Click here for my Foundry tutorial on Creating A Custom Interior Map.
I think the TOS Captain's chair is now available as well.
Click here for my Foundry tutorial on Creating A Custom Interior Map.
I did as you suggested for the viewscreen, but I had to use two windows to make it work. The result is a vertical metal line going through the center of the screen. lol
Not my first choice, but I used it in the latest publish.
My character Tsin'xing
Let's go back further to the TOS era where you will find the U.S.S. Intrepid (NCC-1631). c.f.: "The Immunity Syndrome" (Memory Alpha) (
Click here for my Foundry tutorial on Creating A Custom Interior Map.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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I'd like to thank everyone that has given constructive feedback on how to improve the sets. You have been invaluable.
The new viewscreen is Booth - L and makes it easier to green screen then the old console. By green screening we can put in visual elements into the viewable area of the viewscreen. Here's a link to the test footage. It turned out rather well.
So in this different continuity I presume the Majestic doesn't bite it during Operation Return?
The USS Majestic (NCC-31060) does indeed get destroyed in the Dominion War. I can't say anything else as it would spoil the series.
I was wondering how you managed to pull that off? Or is it just that the upper light strip of the walls casts light? An issue I've had with all of my custom interiors is with the lighting. On totally enclosed decks I can get the brighness to be "ok" using the desert sky, but on the night maps they're all very dim.
Click here for my Foundry tutorial on Creating A Custom Interior Map.
I used plasma leaks. The sound is horrid, but then in the series we'll be using a custom soundtrack, so the plasma leak sound won't be there. Too bad that they didn't give us the ability to turn off sound effects of objects or change them.