Hi Captains!
I am organizing an in-game (Holodeck) Community Memorial STF Event for this coming Friday. As many of you know already know, the STO Team recently lost a colleague, Mark "h2orat" Valentine, this past weekend when he passed away after a year of battling cancer. He played STO daily and one of his favorite things to do was run STFs. We'll be running STFs as a tribute to him.
The first timeslot will be at 8pm BST/ Noon PDT/ 3pm EDT. (Click
here to view in your timezone)
The second timeslot will be at 6pm PDT/ 9pm EDT/ 2am BST. (Click
here to view in your timezone)
BONUS: These timeslots line up with the "Bonus Marks" hourly event on the event calendar. Completing the STFs during this timeslot will provide bonus Omega Marks.
Let's plan to meet on Bajor, right by the fountain. From there, we'll queue up for public STFs (I will ask for a vote on which STF everyone would like to do in-game when the event starts, and we'll try and run at least 2). Feel free to come in whichever ship/ class you would like, and on any faction, but your character should be max-level.
Please join the REDALERT channel to see any communication/ instructions from myself. Type this command in your chat bar to join the channel: /channel_join REDALERT
If you can't make it Friday, I would like to try and do these often, and on different days/ times. Feel free to post constructive feedback in here with ideas, including if you would like to see this expanded to other types of events (Social, PvP, PvE, Foundry, Fleet Actions etc.).
I hope to see many of you on Friday!
Brandon =/\=
Kobayashi Crew.
Thanks for making this available during non-business hours PST. I'll see if I can be there.
We'll kill extra Borg in his honor.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
I will be there in spirit though.
R.I.P h2orat
My first and main character, Falcon, Human Tactical officer will be there to pay my respect for our fellow fallen Captain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" We yell, to warn the warriors who have fallen before us, to prepare. A brave warrior is coming.
Es entspricht auch sehr dem Gedanken von Star Treck und deshalb werde ich versuchen zu kommen um mit allen anderen von euch sein Andenken zu ehren.
Wir sehen uns auf Bajor.
my condolences to friends and family
Just a reminder, I come from Hong Kong, so my time zone will be GMT+8.
Always sad when great artists pass away. May he be remembered!
Bust some Borgs for him.
"They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted.
They fell with their faces to the foe."