and yet.. the cruiser still has more viable abilities than an escort..
escorts are designed to primarily use cannons, not beams because most escorts must employ a hit and run mentality.. especially a b'rel or BOP.. yet you don't see any of those ships using beam unless it is a BO strategy which is the only viable burst energy tactic left in the game. Therefore, beam abilities, which are the majority of all escort tac abilities, need re-evaluated.
Which ability is a cruiser limited to not using due to it's class and design? I'm not talking about tac captain skills. I am talking about the abilities available to everyone.
The tactical skills are geared for cruisers more than escorts due the plethora and nature of the multitude of beam abilities.
An escort abilities are underpowered thread? Haven't seen those in a while...
Edit: scratch that, I'm not sure that's what's meant.
Could you elaborate in which direction you'd like to see things changed? So far, I don't get it. Try being more precise about your complaint and wishes, please.
An escort abilities are underpowered thread? Haven't seen those in a while...
Edit: scratch that, I'm not sure that's what's meant.
Could you elaborate in which direction you'd like to see things changed? So far, I don't get it. Try being more precise about your complaint and wishes, please.
Precise? Go count beam abilities for tactical officers... tell me the ratio of beam related abilities versus cannons. Then reply back with your number.
The tactical skills are geared for cruisers more than escorts due the plethora and nature of the multitude of beam abilities.
Now think of both restrictions on what they can actually use.
1: limited slots
2: shared cooldowns
Both of these mean that a cruiser pilot must be very selective about their choice of skills and don't forget to (by default) reduce whatever number of tactical skill slots a cruiser has by at least 1 for the obligatory tactical team.
Now there is nothing stopping a escort pilot taking beams and being able to fly around all day without stopping and still doing more damage than the cruiser using the same weapons and that escorts get enough engineering and science skills to not need to run around all the time even when faced with multiple cruisers or science ships.
So I shall ask again, should you get the tactical skill review you want, can we have a review of engineering and science skills to make the one's beyond escort reach powerful enough that the escort can't survive an attack from multiple cruisers or science ships?
Yes, you see an issue in the distribution, I got that much.
But what are you suggestion? What is it that irks you about it?
With an all cannon build, all escorts are cookie cutter ships, and there is no variety.
I know of no other ships classes that are penalized in such a way.
how about instead of "beam target subsystem" it just become 'target subsystem" without a weapon type? Instead of beam overload, why not just say 'energy weapon overload" so that it can apply to cannons too?
Wouldn't that allow for weapon powers to be more universal instead of penalizing a certain design of ship like an all cannon escort?
With an all cannon build, all escorts are cookie cutter ships, and there is no variety.
Thank you, that is the kind of statement I was looking for.
Well, yes, escort setups tend to come in 5 flavours.
Full CRF + buffs
Full CSV + buffs
Mixed CRF/CSV + buffs
Cannon skills +buffs + Beam Overload
Any of the above + torpedo skills
More would be seen, if it weren't for the fact that cannon builds just do more damage than beam builds, by virtue of the weapons they use. Damage being kind of why people play escorts.
So ehm, I'm not exactly sure where that leaves us, in terms of problematics. Is it the skills or skill distribution? Or the weapons?
Personally, I think a rather large part of the problem is the lack of turret beams, allow your aft beams to add to forward damage on beam skills, like turrets do for cannon skills. Maybe the total all-direction randomness of FaW compared to CSV. But I'd mostly like to see what beam turrets would do the the build type distribution.
Thank you, that is the kind of statement I was looking for.
Well, yes, escort setups tend to come in 5 flavours.
Full CRF + buffs
Full CSV + buffs
Mixed CRF/CSV + buffs
Cannon skills +buffs + Beam Overload
Any of the above + torpedo skills
More would be seen, if it weren't for the fact that cannon builds just do more damage than beam builds, by virtue of the weapons they use. Damage being kind of why people play escorts.
So ehm, I'm not exactly sure where that leaves us, in terms of problematics. Is it the skills or skill distribution? Or the weapons?
Personally, I think a rather large part of the problem is the lack of turret beams, allow your aft beams to add to forward damage on beam skills, like turrets do for cannon skills. Maybe the total all-direction randomness of FaW compared to CSV. But I'd mostly like to see what beam turrets would do the the build type distribution.
I posted more above your post, and I also wouldn't say that beams don't do more damage these days given that DEM3 + eptw on a cruiser can kill an escort in under 10 seconds while 3 escorts are still fighting to get one shield facing down.
Welcome to star trek cruisers online? When reversed to escorts, the slogan seemed to worked for them
Beam target system makes sense, you can after all chose where to hit a ship with a beam. Cannons on the other hand make a little less sense, they should fire forward in a straight line so to target a system with a cannon you have to aim the entire mounting platform and is thus less than practical, torpedoes ave a similar kind of logistical issues, you can target a system but it isn't very reliable and as for mines, those would have some serious logistical issues targeting systems, they lock onto power sources or hull materials rather than power flows and giving them the hardware/software to do so would make them less resource efficient.
And as stated, cruisers already have to choose their powers due to limited slots and cooldowns and target subsystem on a cruiser doesn't add to damage and is thus considered useless in the grand scheme of things, they are only really used on science ships because they come free with the ships.
so fine if mines and torps can't target subsystems.. that's fine.. wasn't intending a discussion about them anyway.
I'm just talking about the number of beam abilities attributed to the tactical discipline. My tactical officer on the bridge of my ship can target any portion of of a ship that affects subsystems that a cruiser can with beams. We saw it in DS9 episode the valiant. We also heard Sisko on many occassions say "target their engines, or target their weapons.
It should be a single ability to "target subsystem" not "beam target subsystem".
Give all cannon builds a little more variety and choice.
I'm not against the idea of cannon target subsystem abilities, I'm just thinking of the logistical issues behind doing it and the fact that it would be a wasted effort for the most part for Cryptic I mean, you have a 15 second shared cooldown on current cannon skills meaning you can chain 2 CRF with only 5 seconds out of every 30 without a rapid fire DHC, it just seems to me that the extra sustained damage would be more beneficial in the eyes of my disable sci character than your escort trying to lower power levels.
There is at the end of the day nothing stopping you putting a beam on each end to gain the utility without the shared cooldown if you really want it.
To me the big problem with this objection is that it assumes that the Target Subsystems abilities should actually be considered in any analysis. No one uses those unless they're built into their ship, for the very good reason that they're nearly useless and extremely unreliable. Plus, of course, the fact that anything other than simply dealing damage tends to have minimal value in the current state of the game. If you ignore the Target Subsystems abilities, as everyone does, there are a simple two abilities for each weapon type: FAW and BO, CSV and CRF, TS and THY, DPA and DPB. That, in and of itself, really isn't a problem.
Thank you, that is the kind of statement I was looking for.
Well, yes, escort setups tend to come in 5 flavours.
Full CRF + buffs
Full CSV + buffs
Mixed CRF/CSV + buffs
Cannon skills +buffs + Beam Overload
Any of the above + torpedo skills
More would be seen, if it weren't for the fact that cannon builds just do more damage than beam builds, by virtue of the weapons they use. Damage being kind of why people play escorts.
So ehm, I'm not exactly sure where that leaves us, in terms of problematics. Is it the skills or skill distribution? Or the weapons?
Personally, I think a rather large part of the problem is the lack of turret beams, allow your aft beams to add to forward damage on beam skills, like turrets do for cannon skills. Maybe the total all-direction randomness of FaW compared to CSV. But I'd mostly like to see what beam turrets would do the the build type distribution.
So if T-SS gets bumped to affect Cannons as well doe that mean CRF and CSV will be used by beams as well?
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
So if T-SS gets bumped to affect Cannons as well doe that mean CRF and CSV will be used by beams as well?
Hey, don't look at me, I'd basically only like to see beam turrets added so I can fire all beams forward on my DBB-carrying sci ships, instead of being stuck with (cannon) turrets in the back...
Hey, don't look at me, I'd basically only like to see beam turrets added so I can fire all beams forward on my DBB-carrying sci ships, instead of being stuck with (cannon) turrets in the back...
This is the single most overdue thing in this game.
The lack of a 360 degree beam turret was stupid on day one and its stupid now 3 and a half years later.
His position is very confusing. Not trolling/flaming or anything... but the points raised are all over the place:
Tac abilities
non-Tac abilities
Cruiser survival (lack of Cruiser survival)
Cookie Cutter Builds (when the player has decided to limit themselves)
Etc, etc, etc...meh.
it's very simple... I want the "beam" taken out of all tac powers and want it to extend to all energy weapons. That is it. Not so hard, right? Or is my tac officer too stupid to be able to communicate with my helmsman to line up the nose of the ship on the target's engines and "disable engine subsystem" with cannons?
Cruisers are generally going to have perhaps 2 Ensign and a Lieutenant - with the odd Lieutenant Commander thrown in here or there.
Escorts are going to have the Commander and usually somewhere between a Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander.
escorts are designed to primarily use cannons, not beams because most escorts must employ a hit and run mentality.. especially a b'rel or BOP.. yet you don't see any of those ships using beam unless it is a BO strategy which is the only viable burst energy tactic left in the game. Therefore, beam abilities, which are the majority of all escort tac abilities, need re-evaluated.
Which ability is a cruiser limited to not using due to it's class and design? I'm not talking about tac captain skills. I am talking about the abilities available to everyone.
The tactical skills are geared for cruisers more than escorts due the plethora and nature of the multitude of beam abilities.
An escort abilities are underpowered thread? Haven't seen those in a while...
Edit: scratch that, I'm not sure that's what's meant.
Could you elaborate in which direction you'd like to see things changed? So far, I don't get it. Try being more precise about your complaint and wishes, please.
Precise? Go count beam abilities for tactical officers... tell me the ratio of beam related abilities versus cannons. Then reply back with your number.
But what are you suggestion? What is it that irks you about it?
Now think of both restrictions on what they can actually use.
1: limited slots
2: shared cooldowns
Both of these mean that a cruiser pilot must be very selective about their choice of skills and don't forget to (by default) reduce whatever number of tactical skill slots a cruiser has by at least 1 for the obligatory tactical team.
Now there is nothing stopping a escort pilot taking beams and being able to fly around all day without stopping and still doing more damage than the cruiser using the same weapons and that escorts get enough engineering and science skills to not need to run around all the time even when faced with multiple cruisers or science ships.
So I shall ask again, should you get the tactical skill review you want, can we have a review of engineering and science skills to make the one's beyond escort reach powerful enough that the escort can't survive an attack from multiple cruisers or science ships?
With an all cannon build, all escorts are cookie cutter ships, and there is no variety.
I know of no other ships classes that are penalized in such a way.
how about instead of "beam target subsystem" it just become 'target subsystem" without a weapon type? Instead of beam overload, why not just say 'energy weapon overload" so that it can apply to cannons too?
Wouldn't that allow for weapon powers to be more universal instead of penalizing a certain design of ship like an all cannon escort?
Thank you, that is the kind of statement I was looking for.
Well, yes, escort setups tend to come in 5 flavours.
Full CRF + buffs
Full CSV + buffs
Mixed CRF/CSV + buffs
Cannon skills +buffs + Beam Overload
Any of the above + torpedo skills
More would be seen, if it weren't for the fact that cannon builds just do more damage than beam builds, by virtue of the weapons they use. Damage being kind of why people play escorts.
So ehm, I'm not exactly sure where that leaves us, in terms of problematics. Is it the skills or skill distribution? Or the weapons?
Personally, I think a rather large part of the problem is the lack of turret beams, allow your aft beams to add to forward damage on beam skills, like turrets do for cannon skills. Maybe the total all-direction randomness of FaW compared to CSV. But I'd mostly like to see what beam turrets would do the the build type distribution.
I posted more above your post, and I also wouldn't say that beams don't do more damage these days given that DEM3 + eptw on a cruiser can kill an escort in under 10 seconds while 3 escorts are still fighting to get one shield facing down.
Welcome to star trek cruisers online? When reversed to escorts, the slogan seemed to worked for them
Cannon: Target Auxiliary Subsystems
Cannon: Target Engines Subsystems
Cannon: Target Shields Subsystems
Cannon: Target Weapons Subsystems
Torpedo: Target Auxiliary Subsystems
Torpedo: Target Engines Subsystems
Torpedo: Target Shields Subsystems
Torpedo: Target Weapons Subsystems
Mine: Target Auxiliary Subsystems
Mine: Target Engines Subsystems
Mine: Target Shields Subsystems
Mine: Target Weapons Subsystems
Well, not what I originally intended, but also is a good idea. I mean.. why does it have to be beam specific? Open it up to all weapons...
Not sure but cruisers can easily be one shotted these days.
Oh wait,you,still live,in season 6
And as stated, cruisers already have to choose their powers due to limited slots and cooldowns and target subsystem on a cruiser doesn't add to damage and is thus considered useless in the grand scheme of things, they are only really used on science ships because they come free with the ships.
that was stupid.. I already said they can be one shotted above.. go troll somewhere else.
I'm just talking about the number of beam abilities attributed to the tactical discipline. My tactical officer on the bridge of my ship can target any portion of of a ship that affects subsystems that a cruiser can with beams. We saw it in DS9 episode the valiant. We also heard Sisko on many occassions say "target their engines, or target their weapons.
It should be a single ability to "target subsystem" not "beam target subsystem".
Give all cannon builds a little more variety and choice.
There is at the end of the day nothing stopping you putting a beam on each end to gain the utility without the shared cooldown if you really want it.
That's what I was thinking too. You do have the ability to add variety to these cookie cutter builds - you just have to slot a beam array or DBB...
Will save you the cooldown trouble too, as he mentioned too.
Nobody is forcing you to run 4 cannons+3 turrets, you have to ability to vary and mix things up a bit, if desired.
No, no, the 'problem' is the lacking tactical boff options should you choose one of the most optimal weapon layouts for your escorts.
exactly.. I see no other ship class being penalized in such a way
While this is true, ultimately Jadensecura speaks the truth.
So if T-SS gets bumped to affect Cannons as well doe that mean CRF and CSV will be used by beams as well?
Hey, don't look at me, I'd basically only like to see beam turrets added so I can fire all beams forward on my DBB-carrying sci ships, instead of being stuck with (cannon) turrets in the back...
This is the single most overdue thing in this game.
The lack of a 360 degree beam turret was stupid on day one and its stupid now 3 and a half years later.
Neither DEM nor EPtW are Tac abilities, and they've come up a few times.
There are more Tac abilities than Eng abilities, yet - Tac is being called limited?
I'm not the one making the argument, if anything I'm trying to argue the opposite, I was simple clarifying the OP's position for you.
His position is very confusing. Not trolling/flaming or anything... but the points raised are all over the place:
Tac abilities
non-Tac abilities
Cruiser survival (lack of Cruiser survival)
Cookie Cutter Builds (when the player has decided to limit themselves)
Etc, etc, etc...meh.
it's very simple... I want the "beam" taken out of all tac powers and want it to extend to all energy weapons. That is it. Not so hard, right? Or is my tac officer too stupid to be able to communicate with my helmsman to line up the nose of the ship on the target's engines and "disable engine subsystem" with cannons?