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Elachi Battleship's Stolen cloak



  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    this thread is just another example why STO is considered to have one of the ****tiest mmo-communities.

    luckily there is hope.

    Oh don't get some of us wrong, we know cryptic dropped a ball on the ship having cloak when it went live.

    However that dosnt make any of the people that bought it on what a player said, without doing anything to check up on the ship, any less responsible for their actions, or their ignorance, getting lied too is one thing, that's being trusting, but being ignorant, well that's all on you when you do it.
  • darkwyndredarkwyndre Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    I don't think anyone lives in your world since you think the BBB has power. :eek:

    Yelp has more power then the BBB

    You obviously just skimmed the thread and wanted to take a pot-shot at the BBB like a lot of other ignorant know-it-alls I've met in my life. You keep on thinking they have no influence, and I'll keep on lodging complaints on the rare occasion it goes that far and getting my problems resolved and usually a bonus.

    I got my Microsoft points back ... and a bonus 12-months of Xbox live Gold ... thanks to the BBB.

    I got MLB2k12 working again (after awhile) and in the meantime I got Bioshock Infinite + all DLC for free as an apology for not answering my support requests ... thanks to the BBB.

    For a powerless agency they have certainly managed to help me when two separate large companies had failures in their customer service departments and I had a valid case.

    And maybe that's why it worked for me? Because I had a valid case in both instances?
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkwyndre wrote: »
    You obviously just skimmed the thread and wanted to take a pot-shot at the BBB like a lot of other ignorant know-it-alls I've met in my life. You keep on thinking they have no influence, and I'll keep on lodging complaints on the rare occasion it goes that far and getting my problems resolved and usually a bonus.

    I got my Microsoft points back ... and a bonus 12-months of Xbox live Gold ... thanks to the BBB.

    I got MLB2k12 working again (after awhile) and in the meantime I got Bioshock Infinite + all DLC for free as an apology for not answering my support requests ... thanks to the BBB.

    For a powerless agency they have certainly managed to help me when two separate large companies had failures in their customer service departments and I had a valid case.

    And maybe that's why it worked for me? Because I had a valid case in both instances?

    Mmmmmhmmmmm Riiiiight:rolleyes: but please call the BBB I've worked in retail for 10 years, and would looove to see them in action instead of hearing about someone calling them...please carry on....come on, go get the cloak back...I'll be here waiting. :D
  • darkwyndredarkwyndre Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Mmmmmhmmmmm Riiiiight:rolleyes: but please call the BBB I've worked in retail for 10 years, and would looove to see them in action instead of hearing about someone calling them...please carry on....come on, go get the cloak back...I'll be here waiting. :D

    I didn't buy the Elachi ship so why would I want a cloak I never had back? *boggled*
  • smoovioussmoovious Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    I don't think anyone lives in your world since you think the BBB has power. :eek:

    Yelp has more power then the BBB

    The BBB is a joke compared to the fear from business owners at the mere mention of Yelp.

    Just ask Amy's Baking Company about the BBB and... meh...

    Then ask them about Yelp, and watch the fireworks.

    -- Smoov
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Mmmmmhmmmmm Riiiiight:rolleyes: but please call the BBB I've worked in retail for 10 years, and would looove to see them in action instead of hearing about someone calling them...please carry on....come on, go get the cloak back...I'll be here waiting. :D

    All they do is rate businesses and help mediate complaints between consumers and businesses. The only consequences of complaints are a bad rating.

    If you feel you have been wronged by a business, usually the most effective solution is to reverse the charges on your credit card (credit card providers do force businesses into issuing refunds and can even take away the right for businesses to conduct transactions with a particular network). Another effective solution is to sue in small claims court, where the cost is limited and no lawyers are involved.
  • darkwyndredarkwyndre Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    smoovious wrote: »

    The BBB is a joke compared to the fear from business owners at the mere mention of Yelp.

    Just ask Amy's Baking Company about the BBB and... meh...

    Then ask them about Yelp, and watch the fireworks.

    -- Smoov

    Yelp must be really good then. Like I said earlier, my experience is just my experience. Personal experience is never representative and can only be anecdotal but the BBB did indeed help me with Microsoft and with 2K, and so they're far from "a joke" and "worthless".

    Oh hey ... Yelp is apparently known for extorting businesses and filtering good reviews out for companies who don't pay up.

    Yeah ... great ethics there.
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkwyndre wrote: »
    Yelp must be really good then. Like I said earlier, my experience is just my experience. Personal experience is never representative and can only be anecdotal but the BBB did indeed help me with Microsoft and with 2K, and so they're far from "a joke" and "worthless".

    Oh hey ... Yelp is apparently known for extorting businesses and filtering good reviews out for companies who don't pay up.

    Yeah ... great ethics there.

    It's not like the BBB hasn't been in the same kind of trouble.

    Anyway, the BBB only has as much power as the company they're dealing with lets them have. If you check PWE's rating, then you see how concerned they are about staying in the good graces of the BBB.

    The only reason companies care about their BBB rating is because they're afraid of losing business if they have a bad one. Except here you are, playing a PWE game in spite of their F rating, so that isn't working either.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • darkwyndredarkwyndre Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    It's not like the BBB hasn't been in the same kind of trouble.

    Anyway, the BBB only has as much power as the company they're dealing with lets them have. If you check PWE's rating, then you see how concerned they are about staying in the good graces of the BBB.

    The only reason companies care about their BBB rating is because they're afraid of losing business if they have a bad one. Except here you are, playing a PWE game in spite of their F rating, so that isn't working either.

    To be perfectly fair, I bought a lifetime subscription back when Cryptic was a company with a good rep (from the now closed Champions online) owned by Atari. PWE's rating could never have swayed that decision.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkwyndre wrote: »
    To be perfectly fair, I bought a lifetime subscription back when Cryptic was a company with a good rep (from the now closed Champions online) owned by Atari. PWE's rating could never have swayed that decision.
    Uh, no. Here's a thread from Jan, 2010 - 1 month before STO even launched - where people were talking about Cryptic's F rating with the BBB while it was still owned by Atari.

    The BBB rating meant nothing then, as it means nothing now.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • darkwyndredarkwyndre Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Uh, no. Here's a thread from Jan, 2010 - 1 month before STO even launched - where people were talking about Cryptic's F rating with the BBB while it was still owned by Atari.

    The BBB rating meant nothing then, as it means nothing now.

    I didn't comment on Cryptic's rating. I simply said that PWE couldn't have influenced my decision made years ago.

    Also, I don't use BBB as a tool to screen which businesses I will make purchases from. If I have a legitimate issue with a company and I exhaust all other avenues, I start with a BBB complaint and go from there.

    In the last 3 years I've filed two complaints and both times I got my problem solved and an added bonus as an apology from the company that their CS department dropped the ball.

    This only came up because I mentioned that people can go to consumer advocacy if they have legitimate gripes and someone made the sarcastic comment that the BBB is worthless, and I simply pointed out that they've worked for me every time I needed to go that far.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sorry OP.

    Cryptic has a long history of changing things after they are purchased, especially because of poor QA practices. This is just like the Andorian Phaser Nerf.

    They protect the Dev that made the mistake and TRIBBLE the customer. They are a close nit group of friends rather than a company.
  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkwyndre wrote: »
    I didn't comment on Cryptic's rating. I simply said that PWE couldn't have influenced my decision made years ago.

    Also, I don't use BBB as a tool to screen which businesses I will make purchases from. If I have a legitimate issue with a company and I exhaust all other avenues, I start with a BBB complaint and go from there.

    In the last 3 years I've filed two complaints and both times I got my problem solved and an added bonus as an apology from the company that their CS department dropped the ball.

    This only came up because I mentioned that people can go to consumer advocacy if they have legitimate gripes and someone made the sarcastic comment that the BBB is worthless, and I simply pointed out that they've worked for me every time I needed to go that far.

    you know, if a company listens to anything the BBB has to say or not , as we know many ignore them, some respond, and the BBB has no legal teeth per say, aside.

    I think we can all agree that their use is intended for legitimate complaints, which has nothing to do with their effectiveness one way or the other, and that people don't have a legitimate complaint about having bought the ship.

    there was no false advertising, no official statement of cloak being a part of the ship, and a quick official statement that it was a bug.

    Did they drop the ball on Q&A on this, sure, but that happens, I know people will say it happens a lot with cryptic, but hell that just reinforces that you should go read up on something they are releasing.

    Are people mad, sure, and I'm willing to bet several of them knew the cloak was a mistake and are raising hell to try and keep it now that its getting fixed, their scum. the rest, they heard form someone it had cloak, or saw it, and then rather then read up on it, jumped to buy it, with zero information from the guys that made it.

    Do you go buy a car, or a house, or anything where you care about the money your spending, without looking into the details, especially the details that are making you want to buy it. No, and if you say yes, then its your own fault when it bites you in the TRIBBLE.

    I deal with people that buy wireless tv, and bluray players all the time, that require separate, and sold separately wireless adaptors. a Large portion of them do the exact same thing, hear its wireless from a friend, pick it up, and then call tech support when suddenly its not working. a little reading, some investigation, and bam, they would have known that, but no. I get to deal with that at the tech support side, along with the abuse that gets lumped on me, even though I had nothing to do with any of it.

    And you know what the worst part is, some companies and stores let them do returns, why, bad publicity, they don't want it, or they don't want to deal with the abusive customer that's mad at them and a MFG when they didn't read, or look into it.

    Its a ugly, nasty, growing trend, and the people that are part of it seriously need a boot in the TRIBBLE as a wake up call that there is a such thing as being personally responsible, I mean its your money, your cash, your spending it on a game were in the very EULA and tos document it tells you that "game play can be subject to change" you should know what the company is saying about anything you buy with real cash is supposed to do, so that if they do drastically alter it from that you have a viable complaint.

    And yes ive eaten financial mistakes were I know I made the mistake, not the company, or store. why, cause it was my fault. and even though they dropped the ball, even though the cloak went live, even with those mistakes, some reading would have pointed towards it possibly being a error, some reading in the right place at that point would have confirmed it.

    So sorry as much as ill admit that it was a dropped ball on cryptics part of it going live, Ill also say those who say they only bought it for the cloak and now demand a refund, or that its kept, and threaten all sorts of legal and sudo legal action can go soak their head in a bucket of water.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Andorian Phasers WERE advertised.

    They were working as intended until someone in a Dev Fl337 got butthurt over the Kumari and so they "discovered" their "mistake" and N E R F E D them.

    Then they had an NPC offer people's Dil back. :rolleyes:

    I feel bad for all those that lost their cloak they paid for.

    Live and Learn.
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They were working as intended until someone in a Dev Fl337 got butthurt over the Kumari and so they "discovered" their "mistake" and N E R F E D them.

    Fabricated scurrilous accusation is fabricated. And scurrilous.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Andorian Phasers WERE advertised.

    and there in lies the key difference between the two
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2013
    Saw this thread coming on day 1 the ship was released.

    Look Before you leap is the perfect saying when it comes to buying anything and you will never be surprised again. In the case of games if it says it comes with X,Y. and Z but not A and you get A with it then LOOK to see what the error was. In this case the first thread that popped up Branflakes stated it should not have the cloak and it will be removed at the next patch. Nothing stated it was to have a cloak, the NPC ships in the game do not have a cloak! there is the hints that something is wrong and you the customer is responsible for finding out if it was intentional and will have the description fixed or not and the cloak removed. More than ample warning that it will be removed so quit the childish whining and crying. Boo effing hoo.:P
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited August 2013
    You know what is the best thing about this Virtual "stuff"?


    That's right - all your ships/gear/starbases - etc etc etc are property of Cryptic and PWE - you are just "allowed" to use them for as long as they see fit.

    That's in the EULA and TOS

    and on top of that they can ban your account for any reason or "no reason"(love that one) and you have no financial recourse.

    By loading up and launching the launcher - you agree to the above conditions!!
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm still surprised people are making a fuss over the cloak, when the actual stats (which are unchanged I might add) are awesome for a big ole ship like it is.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • marcel314marcel314 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The devs are evil!!!111!!! First they give us a cloak and then remove it!!! I paid 800Lobi for the cloak since my friends and the totally serious esd chat said it got one.

    And thats not the first time that the devs changed something after releasing it. Remember the odyssey/bortas? It supposed to have one 3 set passive but now you need only 2 consoles for that passive and the evil devs even added a new passive for equipping all 3 which boost the deployable pets! Revert that, i dont paid 5000zen for that!

    Or remember the kumari? When it's got released all heals worked only with around 30% of their strength. That's not acceptable! I PAID 2500zen for that crappy heals since the evil devs dont want to add a hardcore mode for the game. That kumari would allowed it for me but no.....the evil devs made that heals works properly on it! Give me my zen back!!!111!!!

    Deactive troll modus.....
    Really people....just read sometimes the devs blog. That cloak is not part of the ship and please dont say again that some people would never read any blogs or other ways how the devs try to inform the players. I mean in real life you dont go in a super market with a blind fold and try to buy something inside it and later complain you bought the wrong one too....
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkwyndre wrote: »
    I'm glad you put "debate" in quotation marks, because it stopped being a debate the moment you and smokeybacon90 up there started attacking my honesty instead of trying to argue or debate the points of discussion.......

    .......Unfortunately your reasoning conveniently ignores the people who were enticed to buy because of said mistake. You fanboys freely admit that Cryptic made the mistake but then stubbornly insist that the players affected by the mistake should be forced to live with it, even though it wasn't their fault.


    a serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part:

    So, actually, this is a debate - the only flaw is that YOU refuse to take on board any one elses opinions or reasoning UNLESS it supports YOUR claim that refunds should be given out.

    Myself and quite a few others here have pointed out time and time again, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERSON SPENDING MONEY, TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SPENDING IT ON.

    Cryptic gave out an advert of the item BEFORE it could be bought, Cryptic upon seeing there mistake GAVE NOTICE OF CHANGE TO SAID ITEM.

    Morally, legally, ethically, Cryptic have done EVERYTHING that is required of them as a business to do.

    Yet all you want to do is bash them and demand refunds - and this is where my "attack" comes in, you're demanding refunds for an item YOU said TWICE, you didn't buy!!!!

    So, as those who have come to the thread who did buy it, have read all points, counter points and such and had the reaction of: meh, will be careful next time. Why is it so important to YOU, refunds be given, for something THAT DOES NOT AFFECT YOU AND IS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU????

    And once I and other like myself have shot down all your so called points, rants and so on - you revert back to the ALMIGHTY AND POWERFUL GOD KNOWN AS "BBB" (I'm from england, never heard of them, so I'm clueless here).

    You gave your view on the BBB, fair enough, if they are so great - have you phoned them yet ????
    Others have given another view of the BBB, that contradicts your view and oh look, we are back to just plain ignoring the points and counter points given, that shoot your view to bits. I even like how when for the 3rd time you fall back to your ALMIGHTY GOD "BBB" with "I would not have bought an LTS with PWEs poor BBB rating" - it was countered with "Cryptic had a poor BBB rating BEFORE the game came out".... so, you're a liar about how much you respect / use advice form the ALMIGHTY GOD "BBB" and how useful they are, due to Cryptics "F" rating from them, it would have stopped you getting an LTS. (Oh and Champs is still running - it is not dead, I know, I play it, I play CO, STO and NWO)

    The only person here not having an actual "debate" is YOU. And to be fair, the debate was lost by those upset over the cloak pages back.... why was it lost I hear some ask.....

    Some of us used, logic, reasoning and the simple facts;


    Three simple facts, that ended this "debate" a long time ago - yet you still won't let go and wonder why I question your honesty and motives behind your actions
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    And once I and other like myself have shot down all your so called points, rants and so on - you revert back to the ALMIGHTY AND POWERFUL GOD KNOWN AS "BBB" (I'm from england, never heard of them, so I'm clueless here).

    The BBB is a mostly automated system for voluntary non-binding arbitration that primarily exists to extort money from businesses (regardless of actual results, whether an outcome counts positive or negative against a businesses score is mainly dependent on whether that business pays $400 per employee per year for accreditation - if they pay, they can TRIBBLE the customer any way they want and claim a positive outcome. If they don't pay, they can do anything the customer wants to help and the fact that there was a complaint to begin with counts as more negative than the solution).

    They are worthless, contacting them is a waste of time. Businesses are not even required to respond to BBB complaints, the BBB does not actually make decisions but allows the business and employee to give their opinions and that's it, and in cases where the parties do pay the substantial fee for arbitration, it is not binding and you waive your right to sue afterwards.

    For sixty years, the BBB claimed to be a government agency, and somehow escaped prosecution on that until 2009. They are currently facing apocalyptic levels of litigation and many legal experts expect they will cease to exist if they can't reach agreements with some of their larger litigants like Disney.
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    hevach wrote: »
    The BBB is a mostly automated system for voluntary non-binding arbitration that primarily exists to extort money from businesses (regardless of actual results, whether an outcome counts positive or negative against a businesses score is mainly dependent on whether that business pays $400 per employee per year for accreditation - if they pay, they can TRIBBLE the customer any way they want and claim a positive outcome. If they don't pay, they can do anything the customer wants to help and the fact that there was a complaint to begin with counts as more negative than the solution).

    They are worthless, contacting them is a waste of time. Businesses are not even required to respond to BBB complaints, the BBB does not actually make decisions but allows the business and employee to give their opinions and that's it, and in cases where the parties do pay the substantial fee for arbitration, it is not binding and you waive your right to sue afterwards.

    For sixty years, the BBB claimed to be a government agency, and somehow escaped prosecution on that until 2009. They are currently facing apocalyptic levels of litigation and many legal experts expect they will cease to exist if they can't reach agreements with some of their larger litigants like Disney.

    Cheers for that, learn something new every day here :)

    They sound as useful as the British government LOL
  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I just love if you stick up for personable responsibility with a issue like this, your suddenly a fan boy.

    i think some people need to read the definition of fan boy, and just what it means.
  • havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    The level of greed displayed by some players is revolting.

  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    havokreign wrote: »

    I had utterly forgotten about that episode, thank you sir.
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    havokreign wrote: »


    I've always been so jealous of how some of you can so easily just throw a clip of Star Trek up to prove a point, or make a joke etc...

    I can think of scenes, but can never find them or they were not quite how I recalled, plus I'm not that great with youtube and setting start / finish times (i know the check box for start at a point, but not how to set an end)
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