Right now I'm on ESD Zone. Im not exactly sure why this is, but today there are about 95% more Germans in Zone than there is on any normal day. I have no problem with people who speak other languages playing STO or for that matter using Zone, but it has made ESD Zone useless for people who speak English.
Can we get Language Specific Zone Chat?
Instead of there being just 1 zone for one area. There should be one per language used on the game.
HAHAHAHAHAHA " ESD zone useless for people who speak english "......this is not "problem" , the only problem that i see on zone chat is keyboard warriors/religious fanatics(there are some)/political themes/Atheists/homophobes/racists etc...
Zone chat is completely useless these days .
I'm sure if the Germans wanted their own chat they would start their own channel... but they don't. They are most likely talking about something that would not interest you anyway so don't worry about them
Also, how can you mind, when they're generally so incredibly polite in their interactions? The Germans must be the most polite gamer community I've run into, to date :P
In my experience, Germans are very polite in general. ^_^
zone chat? Only time i ever use that is if none of my fleet mates are on and i have a question (ie. finding a certain system) ESD? you mean the lag fest station?
seeing all the other language MAKES me want to find out what they are saying.....and 99% of the time its all normal good conversations.
I'm about as American as they come, and I have no problem with the Zone Chats being a mishmash of various languages that I don't know.
And I'm about as Dutch as they come. :P And I speak and understand German perfectly, thank you. Still, there's something to be said -- if for no other reason, plain courtesy -- to keep chat language in English. At least on public channels.
I skimmed through about page 4 without seeing the simple solution to the OP's "problem".
Just put those that speak a foreign language on your ignore list. There aren't that many of them. Problem solved.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
If Zonechat would be divided in different languages, it would lost its current function: to bring people from all over the game together. There's not much point in having a thing like 'Zonechat' if everyone is just using a little piece of it.
In my fleet, there was someone who used to make the joke "I do not speak your language, so you should speak mine". (which is English) While this was just a joke, it perfectly describes the situation: other people are learning English because those that do have English as their native language, aren't prepared to learn other languages, or at least, they're less prepared to do so. And now you're going to tell those other people that after they've learnt your language, they can't speak their own language among themselves in Zonechat without you getting annoyed by it?
You, sir, should take some time to appreciate the effort others are making to make communication possible in the first place.
People who speak English should be able to use Zone chat without having other people having lengthy conversations in another language.
Just the same, People who speak other languages should be able to use Zone chat without having other people having lengthy conversations in a language they dont understand.
All im proposing is that Cryptic create Language Specific Zone Chats like in every other MMO ive played. But you seemed to have blatantly ignored that fact.
Ummm... no. If it bothers you that much, start ignoring the non-English speakers. Problem solved without a line of programming that unnecessarily segments the player base. Personally, I enjoy the diversity and it has helped me brush up on some language skills.
Cryptic, please devote your resources to developing content and bug fixing.
Most people outside of the United States speak more than one language, so throwing them into a linguistic ghetto just because their computers happen to be located in a specific state seems like patently anglocentric, narcissistic malarkey.
A lot of young Germans, for instance, speak English. So rather than fix true linguistic problems with the game (like the fact that two of the five most widely written languages, Russian and Chinese, are unusable in the game due to the failure to support unicode), the original poster is advocating isolating people, which frankly is appalling.
On the other hand, I would support improving the situation with the following suggestions:
1) Add unicode support, including Klingon, to all aspects of the game so that people can name their characters, ships, and chat in non-Latin alphabets such as: Cyrillic, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Klingon, et cetera.
2) When something is written in a foreign language, add the ability to right-click and attempt to auto translate it.
3) People (especially flyover-State) Americans stop having such a high rate of xenophobia and realize that:
a: The vast majority of the world does not speak English and therefore it is a good idea to pick up a foreign language or two instead of complaining about your own ignorance.
b: Many people who do speak foreign languages also speak English, which means that a lot of those people you see chatting in German, Dutch, Spanish, or Italian can also chat in English.
Witness the 5-20 different people "looking for Fed tagging" on New Romulus zone chat at nearly any time of night or day, none of whom seem to be aware of each other ...
They are aware of eachother... they are just waiting for someone to invite them to a team.
a: The vast majority of the world does not speak English and therefore it is a good idea to pick up a foreign language or two instead of complaining about your own ignorance.
I have fond memories of talking to a Korean guy (who didn't speak English). I wanted change for a vending machine. It only took about 5 minutes to get the point across even though I didn't speak the same language.
b: Many people who do speak foreign languages also speak English, which means that a lot of those people you see chatting in German, Dutch, Spanish, or Italian can also chat in English.
Or Polish or Romanian, or... well you get the idea.
I played a Foundry mission in one of the eastern european languages once. It was kinda fun. I didn't really understand the plot, but it was fun.
As someone who's managed to pick up a bit of German in high school (I'm Dutch, so partly obligatory, but did the voluntary extra courses too) and holidays: it generally really is. I'm amazed at the contrast, at times. Particularly as the two tend to occur side by side :P
Really makes me regret not putting more effort into my written German back in school, at times, as I can understand all of it, but not respond without a large number of grammatical errors (case and gender errors, mostly). Ah well, maybe someday...
Der and Das.... probably the hardest part of learning German... >_<'
Okay, this will be the second "don't speak German" thread to be closed.
If people would start their discussion along the lines of:
"I can't understand most of the foreign languages being used in zone chat. If the game client is localized, why isn't chat?"
Or something along those lines, then maybe (probably not) we could have an insightful discussion where everyone comes away learning something new or opening a dialogue they wouldn't have had otherwise.
But leading off with a request to exclude a specific group of people comes real close to "hate speech", if not hitting the bullseye. We can't have those kinds of discussions here because they end up breaking forum rules even if they don't start out that way.
Please don't open any more of these anti-German threads. Bottom line, using a foreign language in the in-game chat is not to my knowledge against the Terms of Service and everyone is implicitly permitted to use chat in the language of their choice. Even if PWE did localize chat servers, they probably would not forbid people to use their native language and those people would probably go where the majority of players were. So localizing chat wouldn't solve anything.
The language barriers are real. But segregating Germans to their own chat server or telling everybody to go learn German (and Portugese, and French, etc) are both equally ridiculous responses.
To be clear, this thread is being closed because there are a great many responses here that violate forum rules. The first and foremost is that deliberately unfriendly posts are forbidden.
For future reference please remember that it helps a great deal when posts which violate the PWE Community Rules and Policies are not responded to and are reported via submitting a Forums and Website Ticket (click here).
If you think any of your posts within a thread have violated the PWE Community Rules and Policies, please edit your posts before a moderator takes action.
If you feel you need to get in touch with PWE BranFlakes to discuss the actions taken by any Community Moderator, you can do so by submitting a Forums and Website ticket (click here).
Live Long and Prosper,
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
HAHAHAHAHAHA " ESD zone useless for people who speak english "......this is not "problem" , the only problem that i see on zone chat is keyboard warriors/religious fanatics(there are some)/political themes/Atheists/homophobes/racists etc...
Zone chat is completely useless these days
NO for language specific zone chat.
I never once said that. you edited my quote to say that. see, i can do it too.
^^^ See everybody?! I quoted him as saying he hacks STO! so it must be completely accurate!!!!
<sniff> Can't get reported on the forums, can't get silenced in CO Zone... nobody loves me... <pout>
My character Tsin'xing
I'm an expert in forum infractions I can give you some tips
As for the topic, I turned zone chat off 2 years ago and haven't been happier or more sane...
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
seeing all the other language MAKES me want to find out what they are saying.....and 99% of the time its all normal good conversations.
And I'm about as Dutch as they come. :P And I speak and understand German perfectly, thank you. Still, there's something to be said -- if for no other reason, plain courtesy -- to keep chat language in English. At least on public channels.
Just put those that speak a foreign language on your ignore list. There aren't that many of them. Problem solved.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Appearently their number is so great they've grown to be a "serious problem".
In my fleet, there was someone who used to make the joke "I do not speak your language, so you should speak mine". (which is English) While this was just a joke, it perfectly describes the situation: other people are learning English because those that do have English as their native language, aren't prepared to learn other languages, or at least, they're less prepared to do so. And now you're going to tell those other people that after they've learnt your language, they can't speak their own language among themselves in Zonechat without you getting annoyed by it?
You, sir, should take some time to appreciate the effort others are making to make communication possible in the first place.
Ummm... no. If it bothers you that much, start ignoring the non-English speakers. Problem solved without a line of programming that unnecessarily segments the player base. Personally, I enjoy the diversity and it has helped me brush up on some language skills.
Cryptic, please devote your resources to developing content and bug fixing.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
A lot of young Germans, for instance, speak English. So rather than fix true linguistic problems with the game (like the fact that two of the five most widely written languages, Russian and Chinese, are unusable in the game due to the failure to support unicode), the original poster is advocating isolating people, which frankly is appalling.
On the other hand, I would support improving the situation with the following suggestions:
1) Add unicode support, including Klingon, to all aspects of the game so that people can name their characters, ships, and chat in non-Latin alphabets such as: Cyrillic, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Klingon, et cetera.
2) When something is written in a foreign language, add the ability to right-click and attempt to auto translate it.
3) People (especially flyover-State) Americans stop having such a high rate of xenophobia and realize that:
b: Many people who do speak foreign languages also speak English, which means that a lot of those people you see chatting in German, Dutch, Spanish, or Italian can also chat in English.
They are aware of eachother... they are just waiting for someone to invite them to a team.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
I played a Foundry mission in one of the eastern european languages once. It was kinda fun. I didn't really understand the plot, but it was fun.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
If people would start their discussion along the lines of:
"I can't understand most of the foreign languages being used in zone chat. If the game client is localized, why isn't chat?"
Or something along those lines, then maybe (probably not) we could have an insightful discussion where everyone comes away learning something new or opening a dialogue they wouldn't have had otherwise.
But leading off with a request to exclude a specific group of people comes real close to "hate speech", if not hitting the bullseye. We can't have those kinds of discussions here because they end up breaking forum rules even if they don't start out that way.
Please don't open any more of these anti-German threads. Bottom line, using a foreign language in the in-game chat is not to my knowledge against the Terms of Service and everyone is implicitly permitted to use chat in the language of their choice. Even if PWE did localize chat servers, they probably would not forbid people to use their native language and those people would probably go where the majority of players were. So localizing chat wouldn't solve anything.
The language barriers are real. But segregating Germans to their own chat server or telling everybody to go learn German (and Portugese, and French, etc) are both equally ridiculous responses.
To be clear, this thread is being closed because there are a great many responses here that violate forum rules. The first and foremost is that deliberately unfriendly posts are forbidden.
For future reference please remember that it helps a great deal when posts which violate the PWE Community Rules and Policies are not responded to and are reported via submitting a Forums and Website Ticket (click here).
If you think any of your posts within a thread have violated the PWE Community Rules and Policies, please edit your posts before a moderator takes action.
If you feel you need to get in touch with PWE BranFlakes to discuss the actions taken by any Community Moderator, you can do so by submitting a Forums and Website ticket (click here).
Live Long and Prosper,
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek