Ok, so I am extremely unhappy with the Odyssey pack. It seemed like such a great idea when I was reading about it, but playing it has just been boring. (I normally use an Escort).
Does anyone know if it's possible for me to give it back and get my Zen points back?
A) no there is no possibility to get your zen back
if it's "boring" for you to fly the oddy it's cause you are an escort guy and cruisers are just too slow and less dps-y to you... (At least that's to expect)
Maybe you should have thought about that before you buy it...
Anyways, the oddy is a great (tanky) ship, i love mine and have lots of fun with it
When you separate the saucer, I've found you have drastically increased maneuverability. Granted, it will never replace the Defiant class, or the Armitage, but, it's a good second. Or would it be third..?
I really like mine. Sometime I park my HEC just to fly it. Equip all 3 consoles, and it's a nice all around ship.
Put Aux 2 Batt on the Tactical Oddy with the saucer separation console... or put it on an Engineer with 6 points in Threat Control and make an STF Tank.
I'm an escort/destroyer captain myself but I still find the occasional event in my Odyssey quite fun. She's a great all-around ship and the saucer separation is an easy way to get more turn rate out of her.
A) no there is no possibility to get your zen back
if it's "boring" for you to fly the oddy it's cause you are an escort guy and cruisers are just too slow and less dps-y to you... (At least that's to expect)
Maybe you should have thought about that before you buy it...
Anyways, the oddy is a great (tanky) ship, i love mine and have lots of fun with it
Thanks for the input.
I did indeed think about it. I was expecting better response with the saucer separated because of the fact that it specifically states a +8 to the 6 turn speed. That would be 14 which would theoretically equal the turn speed I have on my escort, but it doesn't.
Unfortunately, the limitations that I found with it, the only way I would have found out is if I tried it. I did plenty of research before making the purchase, but the lack of maneuverability, and the squishyness, lack of DPS, and lack of speed to keep up of the saucer section could not have been anticipated since there is nothing else to gauge those things on other than user opinions.
Just thought I'd check to see if it was possible. Oh well, I'll just have to roll an engineer and use it for him.
That being said, since I purchased it, will I be able to roll up an engineer and claim the Odyssey again, or is it bound to character?
That being said, since I purchased it, will I be able to roll up an engineer and claim the Odyssey again, or is it bound to character?
Generally, any ships bought though the C-Store (Except for the 600-day vet token) are account-bound and reclaimable. For Example: The TOS Connie has scaling Fore & Aft Blue Phaser Arrays. I can claim the ship, grab the Phasers, dismiss that ship and repeat the process over enough times to get enough sets I need.
You can do the same w/your Odyssey Pack. Claim each ship, grab the Consoles, dismiss the ones you don't want to fly. Then you can throw all three consoles on the one you keep (and don't for get the set bonuses). You can do that with all your FED Characters on your account.
Thank you for the time...
STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Full, Story-driven, select from start 1-50 Klingon Side
Scrap current Lock Box & Lobi system for something more reasonable
Expand Dil and Rep/Fleet Marks to regular story content
If you are trying to fly the Odyssey as an escort you're gonna have a bad time. That being said it's one of the best cruisers in the game being excellent for engineers who tank/heal, while not being to shabby with the damage department either.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Harden up Princess Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website: www.ausmonauts.com
I did indeed think about it. I was expecting better response with the saucer separated because of the fact that it specifically states a +8 to the 6 turn speed. That would be 14 which would theoretically equal the turn speed I have on my escort, but it doesn't.
Unfortunately, the limitations that I found with it, the only way I would have found out is if I tried it. I did plenty of research before making the purchase, but the lack of maneuverability, and the squishyness, lack of DPS, and lack of speed to keep up of the saucer section could not have been anticipated since there is nothing else to gauge those things on other than user opinions.
Just thought I'd check to see if it was possible. Oh well, I'll just have to roll an engineer and use it for him.
That being said, since I purchased it, will I be able to roll up an engineer and claim the Odyssey again, or is it bound to character?
The Odyssey certainly isn't squishy, not if you're an Engineer. It still tanks better than most Fleet Cruisers, and has a highly flexible BOff layout. Granted, it's still
one of the slowest (if the not the slowest) Starfleet Cruiser available (on its base stats).
For PvE, I recommend slotting a Tactical BOff in the Universal Lt Com slot (unless you have a specific build involving specific Eng/Sci abilities). Torpedo Spread 3, Attack Pattern Beta 1, Tactical Team 1, Beam Fire at Will 1+2. Wide-angle Quantum and 3x Beam Arrays fore, Kinetic Cutting Beam and 3x Beam Arrays aft. From personal experience with a very similar build (as an Engineer), the damage you're dealing isn't too shabby for a Cruiser. As a Tac captain, it should improve thanks to the Tactical Initiative ability. All your other Eng/Sci abilities should be devoted to a range of different heals, and if you're not pulling aggro, you can provide team heals.
Alternatively you could seat the BOffs like a more traditional Cruiser and make an Aux-to-Battery build; it's not my personal preference though.
I only own the Tactical Odyssey - the three variants are fairly similar in performance but the 3rd Tac console was the clincher. If you want to post your full build, I'd be happy to offer some suggestions.
If you're just not convinced that the Odyssey is for you (and it's not for everybody), I would recommend the Fleet Assault Cruiser (Imperial) or Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit (Excelsior). These are widely agreed to be the most DPS-capable Starfleet Cruisers thanks to their LtCom Tac BOff slots. Expensive investments, character-bound, and difficult to acquire without a well-advanced Fleet, yes, but just worth it IMO.
If you've got the EC, alternatively consider the D'Kora Marauder or Galor Cruiser.
Forget the possibility of PvP, for so much has become pay-to-win, never to be balanced. Forget the promise of exploration and research, for in the grim dark future of Star Trek Online there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting publishers.
if you wanna try to work it for DPS and maneuverability, you're gonna need to put in some work.
First, play to the ships strength. its got 8 weapon slots, therefore u need to run 7 beam arrays and a KCB. Which beams...I'd go with fleet tetryon or fleet plasma. Both have supporting sets(romulan, nukara) that give bonuses to those weapon types.
To augment those, I'd run a borg set using plasma, or omega set running tetryon. Borg set gives added power, OP tank ability, and runs well with embassy shield emitter +plasma consoles. embassy plasma consoles bump plasma damage up 9.6% per console. Omega tetryon glider boosts shield drain of all weapons, which naturally augments tetryon weapons, and will go well with embassy flow capacitor +huh or +shds. flow caps boost tetryon glider shield drain, as well as boost tetryon weapon damage, as well as augment plasmonic leech console drain.
run plasmonic leech. it drains a minimum 15 from all enemy subsystems while ur attacking, and gives u minimum +15 in all yous. flow caps boost this, thus it makes sense to run it, especially if you are broadsiding the enemy like crazy and dropping power levels. Also picking up the nukara universal console will help, providing 10% accuracy to all your beams. With the high accuracy spill over, most times it will add into crit hit and crit damage.
U will need to run a dual aux2batt setup to maintain power levels high enough to keep dps high with all 8 banks firing, along with eptw. DEM would be nice as well for added damage untill u can kill all shields.
Personally I'd run with a tachyokinetic converter and a dil mine neutronium console with added turn. this will make u feel much more nimble in turning. if you happen to run the borg engines, they also have one of the top turn rate modifiers in game. You wont feel as bloated as before.
For trying out a new cruiser, don't spend TOO much just yet, but a few gadgets make the big difference on whether a cruiser works well or is just 600m+ of frustration.
6 beam arrays, the kinetic cutting beam, and the assimilated module. The beam broadside is your main weapon, and Omega Weapon Amplifier ability from the KCB+module procs fairly often and makes a salvo extra ugly by negating most of the drain. You can run with 7 beams but in most circumstances the extra drain offsets the extra damage (unless you're an engineer), and in my personal experience a bursty torpedo or a DBB is more useful than the 7th array.
EPTS + EPTW. Not sure if you're already know this but better too much info than not enough. Set up a cycle for them so both are always up, solves drain and tanking problems.
Something to reduce the cooldown on your EPTx skills. You can carry two of each, but thats wasteful of your boff slots. A couple of Damage Control officers used together can give you up to 6 chances to proc every 30-second cycle and let you keep your EPTx skills up all the time. Alternately you can use Aux2Bat with Technicians; lots of people use paired A2B but even just a single copy with 3 purple technicians can drop the cooldown on EPTx skills enough for always-on, and still have aux power 2/3 of the time for powering your heals. Generally speaking, if you want to go pure offense, dual aux2bat. Well rounded, single aux2bat. Serious healer, damage control officers.
There's lots of other stuff out there for fine tuning and minmaxing for purposes, but these are the basic tricks almost all cruiser drivers rely on. If you use these and still hate it, FAW builds and expensive specialty consoles won't change your mind. If you try the basics and figure 'hmm I could get used to this,' then start looking at the fancier toys to really push it.
Just an FYI to any Escort pilot reading this. Before you buy a T5 Cruiser or Sci Vessel and expect it to work like an Escort fly one around and see how it works before you spend 5,000 Zen. You can transfer your character to Tribble and buy a ship and fly around testing them, etc. There's really no excuse why anyone should be blind-sighted by the limitations or play-style needed for a different class of ship - even if you just fly around a T4 Galaxy or Starcruiser or something to test.
Never assume before you buy.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Well I see am not the only one affected by changing from escorts to heavy cruisers, short story I been flying escort since I started playing sto, I spent my money on the ody pack, and when I started flying it o my god a flying brick, well I got over it, it's a cruiser, fit it for dps, and tanking, forget speed don't waste your time with it, is a slow killing machine, after 3 weeks messing with different setups, all I could say I love my ody, in fact it's a sure thing, I love getting in a middle of a fur ball multiple targets slow maneuvering to get all my weapons to hit some times switching targets to make use of torpedo spread when I have the opportunity, with a big smile in my face, just give it time your going to love it also, I still fly my escorts there so much fun, but I could say am a cruiser/escort pilot, I havent try any science ships so far, that's my next thing, I love this game with the multiple configurations, and ships to tinker with, never give up, just learn to adapt, and you will be playing sto for a long time.
Yeah, expecting a Heavy cruiser to fill the role of an escort is lolworthy... But... making a ship that can take a beating all day long? Hehehe..... That is where Oddy excels. It's one of, if not the, best Heavy cruiser in the game.
Unfortunately, the limitations that I found with it, the only way I would have found out is if I tried it. I did plenty of research before making the purchase, but the lack of maneuverability, and the squishyness, lack of DPS, and lack of speed to keep up of the saucer section could not have been anticipated since there is nothing else to gauge those things on other than user opinions.
You could have gone over to the tribble server, claimed the ship at the experimental ship console at the shipyard, and tested away.
Ignoring the "you could have" related advice, I can offer a couple suggestions.
For turning, any combination of one or more of the following:
Attack Pattern Omega I
Auxiliary to Battery (only that granted by increased Engine power)
Auxiliary to Dampers
Emergency Power to Engines
Engine Batteries (or Deuterium)
Evasive Maneuvers
Fleet Engineering Consoles
RSC Accelerator
Tachyokinetic Converter
For squishiness, any combination of one or more of the following:
Attack Pattern Delta
Auxiliary to Battery (only that granted by increased Shield power, costs in healing ability without micromanaging heal timing, but Work Bees can fill this gap to some extent)
Auxiliary to Dampers
Auxiliary to SIF
Brace for Impact
Emergency Power to Auxiliary (increases Aux derived heals)
Emergency Power to Shields
Fleet Engineering Consoles
Hazard Emitters
Keybind (at least add Distribute Shields onto something you hit a lot anyway, if nothing more than that)
Monotanium Alloy
Neutronium Alloy
Polarize Hull
Reverse Shield Polarity (can be used as a powerful Shield heal, but more valuable as a "panic button")
Shield Batteries
Tactical Team (avoid other "Team" abilities if you happen to like keeping this one active; most folks do)
Transfer Shield Strength
Basically, in both lists pick a couple that you can have complimentary doffs for, and work around those.
If, for example, you run 2 EP2S and 2 EP2W, with that shiny new "% chance to remove all debuffs from self" Warp Core Engineer, you can keep full uptime on both powers and get a decent shot at a cleanse every 15 secs or so. Of course, you can instead get a Warp Core Engineer with a chance to increase all of your power levels at the same 15 sec interval that way.
There are many other variants of doff/ability combos that work wonders, including the Aux2Batt builds, but you definitely cannot think of your ship as an Escort in any case. You don't die as fast (if at all), but neither do your enemies. That is the difference in playing a Cruiser class ship versus playing an Escort class ship.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
The Odysseys BOFF/console Layout is ok IMO, especially compared to ships like the Gal -R.
I wouldn't hesitate for one second to buy the Odyssey pack, if there where some alternative ship parts availlable, but unlike other poeple playing this game, i don't just look at the stats of a ship. Personally i find the Odyssey just plain ugly especially the side view and the unspeakable ugly engineering hull and rediculusly big nacelles.
But if someone would force me at gunpoint to fly it, i would definitely use a AtB build in combination with romulan reputation weapons.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
The SciOdy is one of the few ships that drag me out of my Catbox from time to time. The only ship I own that can keep up with her... Almost...
Experimental beam, 2x plasma beam (I use romulan plasma)Romulan torpedo
Borg mk12
Some blue junk warp core while I wait for the elite ones
Cutting beam, 3x plasma beam
Deuterium, aux batt, red matter cap, field modulator
Chevron Separation, Zero point, Tholian rep console, Isometric charge
4xRomulan Embassy +particle generator, + plasma (I use -threat from my other ships, and I still take heat... If you want to go threat... more power to you...)
2xplasma energy weapon console
3x Aux2Battery technicians
1x Transporter Officer (Clears boarding parties with Transfer Shield Strength)
1x Gravemetric Scientist (Aftershock Gravity Wells)
BFaW1, APB:1 (I sometimes swap this out for Torp Spread 1, BFaW2)
EP2S1, Aux2Batt1, EWP1, DEM3 (I find a second Aux2Batt to be redundant, but if you preffer 2 of them I'd replace the EWP)
HE1, TBR1, GW1
TSS1, Wild card sci slot! Pick your poison. Scramble sensors is likely the best thing here for anything other then Borg who are immune. Tachyon beam 2 is under rated PvE. Anything you want really.
I can squeeze a little more DPS out of her if I drop the LtCom Sci for a Tac instead... but I find I don't get enough to warrant losing the sci control. Every time I get comfortable I end up in bad pug wishing I had loaded up my save the day kit...
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
tactical Oddy fleet weapons elite mk XII maco and both romulan and borg weapon sets are possible to load out with massive effectiveness in ESTFs.... (helmsman trait also super useful)
Btw. is there any news on additional Ship parts for starfleets flagship?
(sorry for being off topic )
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
The Odyssey is not a bad ship, but if you place great handling cruisers at a premium, then you need to go to the KDF :cool:
In PVP, I've seen Odysseys hold up against tremendous KDF pressure if they're outfitted right and played correctly. Also, the BOFF stations give some flexibility. If you want an offensive oriented Odyssey, it's quite possible and the BOFF arrangement can rival the Sovereign Retrofit.
To enjoy the Odyssey (and Bortasqu') ships, there are 3 basic things that have to get through to you.
1. Learn to deal with slow turning ships. Whether you do nothing with the turn rate or throw on RCS Accelerator Consoles, Tachyokinetic Converters, Fleet Mine Consoles, Emergency Power to Engines, Auxiliary to Dampeners, pumping up Starfleet Impulse Engines Skill, etc... there are options to make them handle better. Or just weather the storm of a slow turn rate and accept it.
2. Think ahead in positioning your ship for better firing arc usage and wasting as little time with targets in the wrong arcs. Easier to do with these ships as beamboats (Bortasqu' is cannon capable). You're not an Escort, and anticipating where your ship needs to be and getting it there at the right time is essential. You don't have the speed and maneuverability to be zooming around and being wasteful in your movement and time.
3. Here's the kicker: **Do NOT use Odyssey/Bortasqu' Console Set as a group** Overall, these Consoles are terrible. There may be 1 of them that's desirable, but overall, terrible. Even with the 2 or even 3 set bonuses, it's not worth it. The set bonuses LOOK good but the Consoles are still bad. Ditch the consoles and put in some real consoles that will make your ship perform better.
Unfortunately, the limitations that I found with it, the only way I would have found out is if I tried it. I did plenty of research before making the purchase, but the lack of maneuverability, and the squishyness, lack of DPS, and lack of speed to keep up of the saucer section could not have been anticipated since there is nothing else to gauge those things on other than user opinions.
It is low on maneuverability and DPS. But that's what makes a cruiser a cruiser. Part of what makes STO interesting is the built in trade-offs. In this case, you can either have quick and deadly, but fragile, (escort) or you can have nearly unbreakable but slow with less dps. I haven't found my oddy to be squishy though. It's just a matter of understanding the different role the different ship category plays. With your escort your job is to deal damage. So they give you more powerful weapons, lighten the hull to make you faster and harder to hit and better able to keep in those narrow firing arcs, BUT - they lightened the hull. So you have cruisers there to throw you a heal to keep you going. A cruisers job is to keep your escort alive so it can do its job.
I have found that if I am doing solo episode content then, yes, it can get boring. but when I am in a team I have 4 people that I have to constantly watch and make sure they get heals as the need them, the right heals, that I have heals left for myself in the rare case I need one, and that I am in or can get in range of someone needing a heal, all while keeping "pressure fire" on the enemy and keeping aware of my surroundings.
I know that when I go from my escort to my cruiser I have to change my thinking. but it can be a lot of fun. That said, some people are just not cruiser people and that's okay. Same as some are not escort people. I hope you give it a chance though. I know understanding the cruiser role has helped me be a better team member when I'm in my escort.
OP, the chevron separation console does give +8, but RCS consoles give less on cruisers. You can only get about 2.5 degrees with the purple ones. Before LOR it was +1. The turnrate bonus does not seem to apply to the +8. Youre better off with Neutronium vs RCS. Fleet consoles let you have some of both.
So with out the top, the battle section will have a turn rate of 18 to 21 with one RCS and you get a little more with each additional one.
Don't use the Aquarius console in anything above storyline missions. The Aquarius is dead on arrival due to small shields and weak DPS.
The worker bees are ok as they allow you to heal yourself and allies. The chevron is nice as it let's you turn and stop much faster. That leaves you eight console slots to play with.
The Oddy is a tank first, with the possibility to deal decent damage and heals second. RSP is your friend in this ship.
if it's "boring" for you to fly the oddy it's cause you are an escort guy and cruisers are just too slow and less dps-y to you... (At least that's to expect)
Maybe you should have thought about that before you buy it...
Anyways, the oddy is a great (tanky) ship, i love mine and have lots of fun with it
I really like mine. Sometime I park my HEC just to fly it. Equip all 3 consoles, and it's a nice all around ship.
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Thanks for the input.
I did indeed think about it. I was expecting better response with the saucer separated because of the fact that it specifically states a +8 to the 6 turn speed. That would be 14 which would theoretically equal the turn speed I have on my escort, but it doesn't.
Unfortunately, the limitations that I found with it, the only way I would have found out is if I tried it. I did plenty of research before making the purchase, but the lack of maneuverability, and the squishyness, lack of DPS, and lack of speed to keep up of the saucer section could not have been anticipated since there is nothing else to gauge those things on other than user opinions.
Just thought I'd check to see if it was possible. Oh well, I'll just have to roll an engineer and use it for him.
That being said, since I purchased it, will I be able to roll up an engineer and claim the Odyssey again, or is it bound to character?
Generally, any ships bought though the C-Store (Except for the 600-day vet token) are account-bound and reclaimable. For Example: The TOS Connie has scaling Fore & Aft Blue Phaser Arrays. I can claim the ship, grab the Phasers, dismiss that ship and repeat the process over enough times to get enough sets I need.
You can do the same w/your Odyssey Pack. Claim each ship, grab the Consoles, dismiss the ones you don't want to fly. Then you can throw all three consoles on the one you keep (and don't for get the set bonuses). You can do that with all your FED Characters on your account.
Thank you for the time...
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Harden up Princess
Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
The Odyssey certainly isn't squishy, not if you're an Engineer. It still tanks better than most Fleet Cruisers, and has a highly flexible BOff layout. Granted, it's still
one of the slowest (if the not the slowest) Starfleet Cruiser available (on its base stats).
For PvE, I recommend slotting a Tactical BOff in the Universal Lt Com slot (unless you have a specific build involving specific Eng/Sci abilities). Torpedo Spread 3, Attack Pattern Beta 1, Tactical Team 1, Beam Fire at Will 1+2. Wide-angle Quantum and 3x Beam Arrays fore, Kinetic Cutting Beam and 3x Beam Arrays aft. From personal experience with a very similar build (as an Engineer), the damage you're dealing isn't too shabby for a Cruiser. As a Tac captain, it should improve thanks to the Tactical Initiative ability. All your other Eng/Sci abilities should be devoted to a range of different heals, and if you're not pulling aggro, you can provide team heals.
Alternatively you could seat the BOffs like a more traditional Cruiser and make an Aux-to-Battery build; it's not my personal preference though.
I only own the Tactical Odyssey - the three variants are fairly similar in performance but the 3rd Tac console was the clincher. If you want to post your full build, I'd be happy to offer some suggestions.
If you're just not convinced that the Odyssey is for you (and it's not for everybody), I would recommend the Fleet Assault Cruiser (Imperial) or Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit (Excelsior). These are widely agreed to be the most DPS-capable Starfleet Cruisers thanks to their LtCom Tac BOff slots. Expensive investments, character-bound, and difficult to acquire without a well-advanced Fleet, yes, but just worth it IMO.
If you've got the EC, alternatively consider the D'Kora Marauder or Galor Cruiser.
First, play to the ships strength. its got 8 weapon slots, therefore u need to run 7 beam arrays and a KCB. Which beams...I'd go with fleet tetryon or fleet plasma. Both have supporting sets(romulan, nukara) that give bonuses to those weapon types.
To augment those, I'd run a borg set using plasma, or omega set running tetryon. Borg set gives added power, OP tank ability, and runs well with embassy shield emitter +plasma consoles. embassy plasma consoles bump plasma damage up 9.6% per console. Omega tetryon glider boosts shield drain of all weapons, which naturally augments tetryon weapons, and will go well with embassy flow capacitor +huh or +shds. flow caps boost tetryon glider shield drain, as well as boost tetryon weapon damage, as well as augment plasmonic leech console drain.
run plasmonic leech. it drains a minimum 15 from all enemy subsystems while ur attacking, and gives u minimum +15 in all yous. flow caps boost this, thus it makes sense to run it, especially if you are broadsiding the enemy like crazy and dropping power levels. Also picking up the nukara universal console will help, providing 10% accuracy to all your beams. With the high accuracy spill over, most times it will add into crit hit and crit damage.
U will need to run a dual aux2batt setup to maintain power levels high enough to keep dps high with all 8 banks firing, along with eptw. DEM would be nice as well for added damage untill u can kill all shields.
Personally I'd run with a tachyokinetic converter and a dil mine neutronium console with added turn. this will make u feel much more nimble in turning. if you happen to run the borg engines, they also have one of the top turn rate modifiers in game. You wont feel as bloated as before.
Hope this helps
6 beam arrays, the kinetic cutting beam, and the assimilated module. The beam broadside is your main weapon, and Omega Weapon Amplifier ability from the KCB+module procs fairly often and makes a salvo extra ugly by negating most of the drain. You can run with 7 beams but in most circumstances the extra drain offsets the extra damage (unless you're an engineer), and in my personal experience a bursty torpedo or a DBB is more useful than the 7th array.
EPTS + EPTW. Not sure if you're already know this but better too much info than not enough. Set up a cycle for them so both are always up, solves drain and tanking problems.
Something to reduce the cooldown on your EPTx skills. You can carry two of each, but thats wasteful of your boff slots. A couple of Damage Control officers used together can give you up to 6 chances to proc every 30-second cycle and let you keep your EPTx skills up all the time. Alternately you can use Aux2Bat with Technicians; lots of people use paired A2B but even just a single copy with 3 purple technicians can drop the cooldown on EPTx skills enough for always-on, and still have aux power 2/3 of the time for powering your heals. Generally speaking, if you want to go pure offense, dual aux2bat. Well rounded, single aux2bat. Serious healer, damage control officers.
There's lots of other stuff out there for fine tuning and minmaxing for purposes, but these are the basic tricks almost all cruiser drivers rely on. If you use these and still hate it, FAW builds and expensive specialty consoles won't change your mind. If you try the basics and figure 'hmm I could get used to this,' then start looking at the fancier toys to really push it.
Never assume before you buy.
Though I must admit I'm more in favour fo battlecruisers with dual heavy cannons, so I'm not the best person for beam array dps advice.
My character Tsin'xing
You could have gone over to the tribble server, claimed the ship at the experimental ship console at the shipyard, and tested away.
For turning, any combination of one or more of the following:
Attack Pattern Omega I
Auxiliary to Battery (only that granted by increased Engine power)
Auxiliary to Dampers
Emergency Power to Engines
Engine Batteries (or Deuterium)
Evasive Maneuvers
Fleet Engineering Consoles
RSC Accelerator
Tachyokinetic Converter
For squishiness, any combination of one or more of the following:
Attack Pattern Delta
Auxiliary to Battery (only that granted by increased Shield power, costs in healing ability without micromanaging heal timing, but Work Bees can fill this gap to some extent)
Auxiliary to Dampers
Auxiliary to SIF
Brace for Impact
Emergency Power to Auxiliary (increases Aux derived heals)
Emergency Power to Shields
Fleet Engineering Consoles
Hazard Emitters
Keybind (at least add Distribute Shields onto something you hit a lot anyway, if nothing more than that)
Monotanium Alloy
Neutronium Alloy
Polarize Hull
Reverse Shield Polarity (can be used as a powerful Shield heal, but more valuable as a "panic button")
Shield Batteries
Tactical Team (avoid other "Team" abilities if you happen to like keeping this one active; most folks do)
Transfer Shield Strength
Basically, in both lists pick a couple that you can have complimentary doffs for, and work around those.
If, for example, you run 2 EP2S and 2 EP2W, with that shiny new "% chance to remove all debuffs from self" Warp Core Engineer, you can keep full uptime on both powers and get a decent shot at a cleanse every 15 secs or so. Of course, you can instead get a Warp Core Engineer with a chance to increase all of your power levels at the same 15 sec interval that way.
There are many other variants of doff/ability combos that work wonders, including the Aux2Batt builds, but you definitely cannot think of your ship as an Escort in any case. You don't die as fast (if at all), but neither do your enemies. That is the difference in playing a Cruiser class ship versus playing an Escort class ship.
My character Tsin'xing
I wouldn't hesitate for one second to buy the Odyssey pack, if there where some alternative ship parts availlable, but unlike other poeple playing this game, i don't just look at the stats of a ship. Personally i find the Odyssey just plain ugly especially the side view and the unspeakable ugly engineering hull and rediculusly big nacelles.
But if someone would force me at gunpoint to fly it, i would definitely use a AtB build in combination with romulan reputation weapons.
Experimental beam, 2x plasma beam (I use romulan plasma)Romulan torpedo
Borg mk12
Some blue junk warp core while I wait for the elite ones
Cutting beam, 3x plasma beam
Deuterium, aux batt, red matter cap, field modulator
Chevron Separation, Zero point, Tholian rep console, Isometric charge
4xRomulan Embassy +particle generator, + plasma (I use -threat from my other ships, and I still take heat... If you want to go threat... more power to you...)
2xplasma energy weapon console
3x Aux2Battery technicians
1x Transporter Officer (Clears boarding parties with Transfer Shield Strength)
1x Gravemetric Scientist (Aftershock Gravity Wells)
BFaW1, APB:1 (I sometimes swap this out for Torp Spread 1, BFaW2)
EP2S1, Aux2Batt1, EWP1, DEM3 (I find a second Aux2Batt to be redundant, but if you preffer 2 of them I'd replace the EWP)
HE1, TBR1, GW1
TSS1, Wild card sci slot! Pick your poison. Scramble sensors is likely the best thing here for anything other then Borg who are immune. Tachyon beam 2 is under rated PvE. Anything you want really.
I can squeeze a little more DPS out of her if I drop the LtCom Sci for a Tac instead... but I find I don't get enough to warrant losing the sci control. Every time I get comfortable I end up in bad pug wishing I had loaded up my save the day kit...
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
(sorry for being off topic )
In PVP, I've seen Odysseys hold up against tremendous KDF pressure if they're outfitted right and played correctly. Also, the BOFF stations give some flexibility. If you want an offensive oriented Odyssey, it's quite possible and the BOFF arrangement can rival the Sovereign Retrofit.
To enjoy the Odyssey (and Bortasqu') ships, there are 3 basic things that have to get through to you.
1. Learn to deal with slow turning ships. Whether you do nothing with the turn rate or throw on RCS Accelerator Consoles, Tachyokinetic Converters, Fleet Mine Consoles, Emergency Power to Engines, Auxiliary to Dampeners, pumping up Starfleet Impulse Engines Skill, etc... there are options to make them handle better. Or just weather the storm of a slow turn rate and accept it.
2. Think ahead in positioning your ship for better firing arc usage and wasting as little time with targets in the wrong arcs. Easier to do with these ships as beamboats (Bortasqu' is cannon capable). You're not an Escort, and anticipating where your ship needs to be and getting it there at the right time is essential. You don't have the speed and maneuverability to be zooming around and being wasteful in your movement and time.
3. Here's the kicker: **Do NOT use Odyssey/Bortasqu' Console Set as a group** Overall, these Consoles are terrible. There may be 1 of them that's desirable, but overall, terrible. Even with the 2 or even 3 set bonuses, it's not worth it. The set bonuses LOOK good but the Consoles are still bad. Ditch the consoles and put in some real consoles that will make your ship perform better.
It is low on maneuverability and DPS. But that's what makes a cruiser a cruiser. Part of what makes STO interesting is the built in trade-offs. In this case, you can either have quick and deadly, but fragile, (escort) or you can have nearly unbreakable but slow with less dps. I haven't found my oddy to be squishy though. It's just a matter of understanding the different role the different ship category plays. With your escort your job is to deal damage. So they give you more powerful weapons, lighten the hull to make you faster and harder to hit and better able to keep in those narrow firing arcs, BUT - they lightened the hull. So you have cruisers there to throw you a heal to keep you going. A cruisers job is to keep your escort alive so it can do its job.
I have found that if I am doing solo episode content then, yes, it can get boring. but when I am in a team I have 4 people that I have to constantly watch and make sure they get heals as the need them, the right heals, that I have heals left for myself in the rare case I need one, and that I am in or can get in range of someone needing a heal, all while keeping "pressure fire" on the enemy and keeping aware of my surroundings.
I know that when I go from my escort to my cruiser I have to change my thinking. but it can be a lot of fun. That said, some people are just not cruiser people and that's okay. Same as some are not escort people. I hope you give it a chance though. I know understanding the cruiser role has helped me be a better team member when I'm in my escort.
So with out the top, the battle section will have a turn rate of 18 to 21 with one RCS and you get a little more with each additional one.
Don't use the Aquarius console in anything above storyline missions. The Aquarius is dead on arrival due to small shields and weak DPS.
The worker bees are ok as they allow you to heal yourself and allies. The chevron is nice as it let's you turn and stop much faster. That leaves you eight console slots to play with.
The Oddy is a tank first, with the possibility to deal decent damage and heals second. RSP is your friend in this ship.