Feds will be getting E warp Cores shortly... They will have perma 100+ power in likely all 4 systems unless the pilots are brain dead.
that option will be avaible for romulans too via singularity cores, and for an escort having 4 systems over 75 is not that easy as you think, u will have to sacrificy something (doff slot, consoles slot, etc) in order to get the 4th subsystem over 75 for gain an small +3.3% dmg bonus, its not worth.
Romulans will be able of do 2 o 3 subsystem very easy too, so they will have the same damage buff than fed/kdf.
And you can't compare that with +25% consant damage increase and insane critH, and critD rate
We are back at the start uh? Stop trying to deny a fact, they are way out of balance right now, numbers dosn't lie.
With in a month or two on the outside the Operative Boffs will end up in the embassy.
That is one of the thing i'm asking for. You are assuming, but cryptic as said nothing about it, so don't take it as a fact.
that option will be avaible for romulans too via singularity cores, and for an escort having 4 systems over 75 is not that easy as you think, u will have to sacrificy something (doff slot, consoles slot, etc) in order to get the 4th subsystem over 75 for gain an small +3.3% dmg bonus, its not worth.
Once I get the Elite warp core I've had my eye on, I will have my shields, engines, and aux over 75. It wasn't that much of a sacrifice. All I had to do was give up my Embassy console for Plasmonic Leech and respec. I lost some resistance, but I can make up for that when I replace my RCS with the Fleet RCS with built in resistance. In fact, with Leech, I now have more shield power than what I had before (74 previously, now 78). Seems like the Leech increase ignores Warp Core Efficiency.
that option will be avaible for romulans too via singularity cores, and for an escort having 4 systems over 75 is not that easy as you think, u will have to sacrificy something (doff slot, consoles slot, etc) in order to get the 4th subsystem over 75 for gain an small +3.3% dmg bonus, its not worth.
Romulans will be able of do 2 o 3 subsystem very easy too, so they will have the same damage buff than fed/kdf.
And you can't compare that with +25% consant damage increase and insane critH, and critD rate
We are back at the start uh? Stop trying to deny a fact, they are way out of balance right now, numbers dosn't lie.
That is one of the thing i'm asking for. You are assuming, but cryptic as said nothing about it, so don't take it as a fact.
The Sing cores suck as far as power goes... have you played a ROM ?
The bonuses they get are much smaller... they don't have boosts to effic stats ect.... and they only provide bonus energy based on SING core level... which you don't run around with on max because... 1) it powers your sing skills which if you don't use you might as well be flying a fed ship... and 2) trying to cloak with anything over sing level 3 and you will be seen.
+10% always on dmg... comapred to 25% dmg that requires the use of one boff trait slot (which feds with embassy boffs will not have to worry about)... but to get the 25% bonus dmg you have to Drop your shield for 3seconds (just doing a quick 1s cloak decloak DOES not give you the bonus dmg)... every 15s... let me tell you what happens if you try that trick in range of a competent player. lol
Your right though I am assuming fed will get the same bonuses through the embassy... frankly its a insta cash grab so how much of a leap do you really think I'm taking there.
The cores though are 100% in likely in the next patch... the Fed Cores can't even be compared to the Sing cores... they are 10x better. And that is OK cause the singularity powers are worth loosing the power for. I am not saying there OP... I am saying its balanced... -40 power and having to run a stupid Sing core instead of a sweet bonus dmg Warp core, is the trade.
Please shed some light on how I can do this? Is it possible in an escort?
My Fed BUG ship...
In battle.
125 130 125 80... ALMOST all the time. If I go through the trouble of paying a fleet to get a E Warp core... it wil be more like 125 130 125 100 or something stupid. lol
Its not hard to figure out... go look through the new doffs... the wrap cores... chain some EPTx good ness... and install a silly leech unit.
The new warp core will give you the bonus though as long as you have a system over 75... lets be honest now that was pretty standard BEFORE the warp core changes... and +20 power proc doffs.
Yeah, running at low aux on a cloaked ship is fail. Believe it or not, it makes the ship that much easier to see with my snooper. You can eat a battery, but without max Batteries and a Quartermaster doff, you better stay out around 20km or so. lol. Or I will see you and decloak you.
stop misleading, as romulan u can EASY get over 75 in two subsystems. 100 weapons, 50 on shield + energy bonus from EPTS and u got two system in 75, giving you the bonus for 2 subsystems. FED/KDF can get the bonus for 3 subsytems, so the diference is 3.3% dmg vs the 25% damage of romulan battle cloack. As romulan using a couple of doff u can reach 75energy in 3 subsystems very easy (and you are forgetting maco shield proc, plasmonich leech, zero-point module, etc etc etc)
So at the best situation, fed/kdf can get 3.3% bonus over the romulans (note i said "best situation", there are ways for a romulan to get 3 subsystems up to 75). How that compensate for the extra +25% damage, and extra +7.5% CritH, and +18.8% CritD????
And that isn't even the important part, the cirtical bonus is far more important than the base damage increase, anyone who has fly a tactical enought time knows that critical chance and critical severity are hundred times better that base damage increase
I think is your 10th post in the topic and atm u don't give a single valid argument. Do the maths and come back with valid numbers, don't try to mislead people with false arguments just for the god sake of your shiny new romulan character.
To be honest I didn't realize there was going to be a sing core that would have the 3.3% bonus as well... yes romulans should be able to get a bonus out of that to... fine point conceded. Still the power bonuses on Sing cores are a joke really they rely on sing level which is almost always zero.
Battle not even close.
In order to maintain that wonderful 25% your talking about you do have to keep cloaking... dropping shields.
Frankly this all comes down to this ... ADAPT.
Perhaps the fed escort player misguided build strategies that forgo kinetic damage of any kind will at last end.
I have flown my bug in a few pvps the last few days... and guess what that One Photon I have on the front of it has Racked up the romulan kills. lol
Let me let you in on a little secret since you haven't rolled a Romulan at this point.... ALMOST none of them are running any armour. lol
The Rom Consoles are two tempting... and even if you only run the 2 consoles for your ship class... by the time you run a borg console and say one other Crit console... guess what... you got no room for any armour.
That 25% bonus you are going on about is almost completely negated if you simply start throwing some torps around... the first time you smoke someone trying to do the 3s cloak for there dmg bonus they won't do it again in range. At that point they are only slightly less useless then that defiant that has to zoom 30k to recloak.
Bottom line... Yes the 25% dmg bonus out of cloak is nice... and a reman superior will push the bonus out to 15s. However in a drawn out battle with good players... people can't honestly be recloaking dropping there shields for 3-4s every 15s... unless they want to cost there team a win.
romulan ships in total have less speed, less power, less turn rate and less defense on speed tank. i got several ships on fed side having 70-80% speed defense while maintaining sweapons on 125 and shields on 75-100. afaik no romies can do the same. and forced to use cloak to compensate those turn rates and speed drawbacks.
they are glass cannons in difference to feds.
ahem, I can get 80%+ speed defense on my warbird... Im pushing 48k hull and 12k shields and I can turn and burn with the best of them (until the JHAS shows up)
and I am flying a Fleet ha'feh that is nowhere NEAR as geared to hell and back as some of the others out there..... I am running 122 weapons and about 78 shields 40 engines and 36 aux....
this is working for me at least until I can improve some of my gear (I do not have any rep gear on this ship...NONE) I have advanced fleet weapons and that's the amount of major spiffiness my ship has.... just crunch the numbers and pick Deflectors Shields and Engines that suit your build and not worry so much about the rep gear....
and I still get mh ship blown up in PVP as for the BOFF traits Im getting useful numbers but no where near the guys that can AFFOARD to drop the massive amount of EC on it.... Im still competitive..... what is bothering me the most in this particular thread is all the QQ that their Escort (Fed or KDF) is no longer the first choice it looks like escort wise its coming down to the Fleet Ha'feh and the JHAS...
just sayin
Major Xi'Zzin I.R.W. Raptor's Claw Storm Eagle Class WarbirdFleet Ha'feh I have never trusted humans, and I never will
The crth/crtd/cooldown bonuses are on operative, which doesnt rely on cloaking at all. Subterfuge bonus is for decloaking into surprise buttsex, but the operative bonuses will tilt the long game more reliably. They are not hard to get either--I ran an alt to 45 twice and got 5 superior operative BOFFs from it (you get new BOFFs at 15/25/35/45, 5 of the 8 had SO), so that is my Romulan Tac at max CritH/CritD/cooldown and it cost me nothing.
Singularity powers are another huge advantage. Quantum Absorption alone ... its ... wow ... instant hull refill and a boost to shield regen. Even the free shockwave kills every torpedo in a 5k radius and costs you nothing, you can use it with 1 bar of power and get the lowest cooldown. Really the singularity powers is like having another BOFF station.
There are other advantages too, but those are the big ones that make me sit down and think. Battlecloaking on everything is another big deal, bigger than it seems, it changes the rules of engagement for everything.
The only negatives I see are the -40 power levels, and the poor quality of the freebie ships, but end-game gear pretty much eliminates those problems. My T'varo has no problems keeping power levels high, and I dont even have the tier-5 rep gear unlocked yet. Top-drawer gear is essentially a prereq for end-game PVP (the prime reason I dont mess with it much), so this isnt even an exceptional problem to overcome, its something you do anyway.
I dont know that roms are necessarily OP, but they clearly have more advantages than shortcomings and therefore are not balanced to themselves. Given that the other factions are more balanced, rommies may be OP in default.
Powerlevels are really not much of an issue for Romulans. If you know how, there are many ways to keep them up high. My Fleet Mogai has always three subsystems at ~125 in combat.
As KDF player I can see why so many players are upset about the new Romulan faction and their obvious advantages. My BoP had to pay a high price in survivability and damagepotential (-1 weaponslot) to get its battlecloak and then suddenly Romulans get them for ALL their ships in exchange for a measly amount of subsystem power, and on top of that the Romulan battlecloak is even superior to the Klingon version. Also Romulans get access to BOffs which are far more powerful than all the other species in this game. Feds and KDF can only get a downgraded version of them (with only one trait) for huge fleet credit and dilithium costs.
I'm a huge fan of Romulans and I always wanted to play them in STO, but I'm disgusted by all these Rom-players running rampant on the forums these days claiming that there are no imbalances in the new faction and it's all working fine. Everyone who has at least a tiny understanding of STOs game mechanics should immediatly see that the new Romulans and their ships are a lot more powerful than everything the other two factions get. For PvP in particular this simply takes the joy out of victory for me as long as I know that my ship has so much more potential than many of those I'm shooting at.
Well let's be honest here. That 3rd turret isn't going to make a huge difference in killing a tgt in a BOP alpha. I would happily remove the 3rd turret as a Romulan in exchange for 40 power. As it is, I had to put ALOT of skill points into warp core efficiency, potential, all the susbsytem potentials on my Rom to get base subsystem power levels even close my KDF toon that dumped the bare mininum into those same skills. Where weapons power levels are the same the rest of Romulan's subsystems are still about -7/8 behind the corresponding power level of the KDF toon in each subsystem. This amounted to alot of skill points that could have gone elsewhere. Your post is trivializing the costs of that -40 power.
Now I agree on the boffs. But this whole thing is being blown out of proportion. My KDF tac in a b'rel with 3 tac consoles still hits harder than my rom sci with 5 tac consoles. The survivability of the Rom is hugely better than the BOP though. How much of that is from being a sci designed to live longer or just from a better ship is difficult to say. If anything I'm noticing that Romulan ships are nearly impossible to detect while cloaked even as a sci toon (with full sensor spec) right of top of the opponent who cloaked under 2km from me.
Maybe some tweakage is needed to the older ships. That and some way of balancing the Romulan Boffs. I would rather they just add new racial traits to the older races then nerf Rom races. The more distinct the 2.5 factions are, the better for variety.
I have to agree with the OP completely, having one faction access to roughly 7.5% or 8% extra CritH and an extra 18.3%+ extra severity is a total imbalance and a smack in the face to any lockbox ship owner on the normal Fed/kdf side. I'm not even including the 12.5% extra bonus defense you keep compared to having 3 superior subterfuges you can have max on fed side which is even less; 11.4%.
What gives, you gamble for a new jem hadar attack ship on romulan side because its signifcantly better then the other factions. Just an example. It wouldn't surprise me if they would re-release the JHAS within the next few weeks.
Im rather surprised the community has taken this so lightly up till now, cause even the PvE community are drooling for more Damage in their quest for fastest STF records, etc.
Hats of to Cryptic, and to the community not actively protesting against stuff like this.
Perhaps the fed escort player misguided build strategies that forgo kinetic damage of any kind will at last end.
I have flown my bug in a few pvps the last few days... and guess what that One Photon I have on the front of it has Racked up the romulan kills. lol
Let me let you in on a little secret since you haven't rolled a Romulan at this point.... ALMOST none of them are running any armour. lol
The Rom Consoles are two tempting... and even if you only run the 2 consoles for your ship class... by the time you run a borg console and say one other Crit console... guess what... you got no room for any armour.
This is an excellent point, I have so much trouble fitting all the consoles I want to use now in all the Romulan ships I have used so far, all of the t1-t4 fleet ships. It has been forcing me to keep monotanium in my inventory and a boff with TBR to clear all the transphasic cluster and mine spam people are all using against romulans now. Haven't even been able to use more then 1 crit console the Zero point conduit, and some of my ships I can't even fit that in.
Aux to bat on a rom ship is fine if you know how to use aux batteries and don't aux2bat during cloak.
It's pathetic how hard some try to make rom **** seem difficult to fly.
I do aux2bat on my D'D, of course I don't aux2bat during cloak, but sometimes you need to cloak during combat and can't if your aux is at 0 and your batteries are on CD, or sometimes you will drop out of cloak. It basically turns your battle cloak into a standard cloak since you can't use it at will anymore.I would never use it on any Romulan ship besides the D'D, that would be insane. D'D can take a beating out of cloak, the other 2 Romulan ships with aux2bat friendly boff layouts the T'Varo and Dhelan not so much. I need battle cloak when I use those ships.
To be honest I didn't realize there was going to be a sing core that would have the 3.3% bonus as well... yes romulans should be able to get a bonus out of that to... fine point conceded. Still the power bonuses on Sing cores are a joke really they rely on sing level which is almost always zero.
Battle not even close.
In order to maintain that wonderful 25% your talking about you do have to keep cloaking... dropping shields.
Frankly this all comes down to this ... ADAPT.
Perhaps the fed escort player misguided build strategies that forgo kinetic damage of any kind will at last end.
I have flown my bug in a few pvps the last few days... and guess what that One Photon I have on the front of it has Racked up the romulan kills. lol
Let me let you in on a little secret since you haven't rolled a Romulan at this point.... ALMOST none of them are running any armour. lol
The Rom Consoles are two tempting... and even if you only run the 2 consoles for your ship class... by the time you run a borg console and say one other Crit console... guess what... you got no room for any armour.
That 25% bonus you are going on about is almost completely negated if you simply start throwing some torps around... the first time you smoke someone trying to do the 3s cloak for there dmg bonus they won't do it again in range. At that point they are only slightly less useless then that defiant that has to zoom 30k to recloak.
Bottom line... Yes the 25% dmg bonus out of cloak is nice... and a reman superior will push the bonus out to 15s. However in a drawn out battle with good players... people can't honestly be recloaking dropping there shields for 3-4s every 15s... unless they want to cost there team a win.
You got a point, however it really does depend on the build. And not running on 'armor consoles' can also be very daring and exciting. What if you have a build which has a 95% chance to kill someone with your alpha, and have quite a high change to kill anyone in the middle of every alpha (45s), isnt that worth giving up a whole load of resistance? Swift responses can also be in place, and the rommy ships get the nice quantum absorption which is really nice just before you plan to recloak ^^
Aux to bat on a rom ship is fine if you know how to use aux batteries and don't aux2bat during cloak.
It's pathetic how hard some try to make rom **** seem difficult to fly.
Assuming that stealth detection is not a problem (i.e. you can get out of range sufficiently enough) you are right on aux2bat being borked under cloak, both me and a mate confirmed that
At first i thouhg it was aux being drained to 0, but that is not visibly noticable, but who knows there is visual lag and it actually is being drained to 0 on occasion for a split second.
I do aux2bat on my D'D, of course I don't aux2bat during cloak, but sometimes you need to cloak during combat and can't if your aux is at 0 and your batteries are on CD, or sometimes you will drop out of cloak. It basically turns your battle cloak into a standard cloak since you can't use it at will anymore.I would never use it on any Romulan ship besides the D'D, that would be insane. D'D can take a beating out of cloak, the other 2 Romulan ships with aux2bat friendly boff layouts the T'Varo and Dhelan not so much. I need battle cloak when I use those ships.
AtB builds on those 2 are a breeze. you can even run it on the mogai too no prob. your still left with HE1. the ship that is worst at AtB is the d'deridex, because you have to use the LTC slot for it too.
As a player of both KDF and Romulans and i can say that the romulans are OP, i have both the Fleet B'rel and the Fleet T'varo and use both of them as torp ships for my characters in pvp. it took less than over a week after the release of LoR for my Rommie char to out dps my b'rel and it have mostly all MK XII purple KHG space tech and Fleet weapons while most of my stuff from my Romulan char are from missions, the fact of the main reason why is from Romulan Boff's that can increase offensive abilities, for an example my Rommie toon have a total of over 20% crit and over 100% crit sev and the recharge time to my cloak is about 9 sec while my KDF char only manage 14% crit, over 70% crit sev recharge time of my cloak is 16 sec.
This is a sloppy mess that cryptic made and i highly doubt they gonna clean it up. since the Romulan faction already have 3 space traits (2 max per boff), Cryptic should redo the KDF/Fed boff and make new boff's to have 2 max space traits per 1 boff as well with stats that can work with KDF/Fed factions having offensive or defensive traits, i don't care if Cryptic change the current boff's or make a Fleet boff or something with better space traits, so it can be balanced out with the Romulan faction.
Please don't bring up Letheans, Saurians, Liberated Borg and Humans with their space traits, because the reality is the effcient and leadership traits are just TRIBBLE compare to the romulan boff space traits.
Another pointless QQ thread about nothing, since pvp is more broken than ever, and all these Romulan craps did not added much. LOL
pvp has been worst, trust me. Anyway is our "work" continue the QQ for a couple of months until some DEV have some free time to spent with "those guys that play pvp"
Romulans are pretty fun with ambushing but my KDF bug still does better in pvp, has no problem taking any Romulans out and hardly dies to them. All that is needed is more space traits available on boffs, and to make some available outside of fleet holdings through the doff system and by leveling.
So your saying if you fought maxed out romulan with elite gear he wont hurt you and he is using disrupters and in scimitar ship .. with ability to cloak and attack you with out you seeing it.... right and also can cloak and ambush you a lot of time do lots of damage with cannons ... right.... let me say it will hurt......no matter what you say in pvp there always some one out there who will beat you with romulan ... hey rome fell why not you
They wont be brought into line with Feds or Klinks until the greedy people upstairs have made their cash cow quote and then consider it.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] @Aquitaine985 Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre. 2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Even if you removed Romulans, PvP is broken...but Romulans distorted it in all new ways.
Romulans won't get nerfed, but the other factions can be buffed.
I'd suggest that KDF and Feds need Boffs with useful space abilities for a start, followed by useful, non-warbird consoles.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
Feds will be getting E warp Cores shortly... They will have perma 100+ power in likely all 4 systems unless the pilots are brain dead.
The cores will give them permanent +10% dmg with no need to drop there shields every 14s to achieve it.
With in a month or two on the outside the Operative Boffs will end up in the embassy.
So that leaves battle cloak as the only thing to wine about... Truely its nothing worth wining about.
We have been complaining about shields for so long its not funny... now we have people willingly giving us free shots at there hull. lol
I don't know my fed sci ship kills roms pretty darn easy. Not seeing the issue myself.
that option will be avaible for romulans too via singularity cores, and for an escort having 4 systems over 75 is not that easy as you think, u will have to sacrificy something (doff slot, consoles slot, etc) in order to get the 4th subsystem over 75 for gain an small +3.3% dmg bonus, its not worth.
Romulans will be able of do 2 o 3 subsystem very easy too, so they will have the same damage buff than fed/kdf.
And you can't compare that with +25% consant damage increase and insane critH, and critD rate
We are back at the start uh? Stop trying to deny a fact, they are way out of balance right now, numbers dosn't lie.
That is one of the thing i'm asking for. You are assuming, but cryptic as said nothing about it, so don't take it as a fact.
Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
Once I get the Elite warp core I've had my eye on, I will have my shields, engines, and aux over 75. It wasn't that much of a sacrifice. All I had to do was give up my Embassy console for Plasmonic Leech and respec. I lost some resistance, but I can make up for that when I replace my RCS with the Fleet RCS with built in resistance. In fact, with Leech, I now have more shield power than what I had before (74 previously, now 78). Seems like the Leech increase ignores Warp Core Efficiency.
The Sing cores suck as far as power goes... have you played a ROM ?
The bonuses they get are much smaller... they don't have boosts to effic stats ect.... and they only provide bonus energy based on SING core level... which you don't run around with on max because... 1) it powers your sing skills which if you don't use you might as well be flying a fed ship... and 2) trying to cloak with anything over sing level 3 and you will be seen.
+10% always on dmg... comapred to 25% dmg that requires the use of one boff trait slot (which feds with embassy boffs will not have to worry about)... but to get the 25% bonus dmg you have to Drop your shield for 3seconds (just doing a quick 1s cloak decloak DOES not give you the bonus dmg)... every 15s... let me tell you what happens if you try that trick in range of a competent player. lol
Your right though I am assuming fed will get the same bonuses through the embassy... frankly its a insta cash grab so how much of a leap do you really think I'm taking there.
The cores though are 100% in likely in the next patch... the Fed Cores can't even be compared to the Sing cores... they are 10x better. And that is OK cause the singularity powers are worth loosing the power for. I am not saying there OP... I am saying its balanced... -40 power and having to run a stupid Sing core instead of a sweet bonus dmg Warp core, is the trade.
My Fed BUG ship...
In battle.
125 130 125 80... ALMOST all the time. If I go through the trouble of paying a fleet to get a E Warp core... it wil be more like 125 130 125 100 or something stupid. lol
Its not hard to figure out... go look through the new doffs... the wrap cores... chain some EPTx good ness... and install a silly leech unit.
The new warp core will give you the bonus though as long as you have a system over 75... lets be honest now that was pretty standard BEFORE the warp core changes... and +20 power proc doffs.
Aux to bat on a rom ship is fine if you know how to use aux batteries and don't aux2bat during cloak.
It's pathetic how hard some try to make rom **** seem difficult to fly.
LOL you would be meat to the grinder against any half decent team trying to aux to bat on a battle cloaking ship.
I am not saying the ships aren't good with out aux to bat... I am saying aux to bat on a Battle cloaking ship is pure fail.
Also keep in mind all you aux to bat noobs... it completely kills your Nukura bonus.
I'd happy trade +7-9% dps for global cooldowns on DEM II, especially with the Valdore **** still broke.
stop misleading, as romulan u can EASY get over 75 in two subsystems. 100 weapons, 50 on shield + energy bonus from EPTS and u got two system in 75, giving you the bonus for 2 subsystems. FED/KDF can get the bonus for 3 subsytems, so the diference is 3.3% dmg vs the 25% damage of romulan battle cloack. As romulan using a couple of doff u can reach 75energy in 3 subsystems very easy (and you are forgetting maco shield proc, plasmonich leech, zero-point module, etc etc etc)
So at the best situation, fed/kdf can get 3.3% bonus over the romulans (note i said "best situation", there are ways for a romulan to get 3 subsystems up to 75). How that compensate for the extra +25% damage, and extra +7.5% CritH, and +18.8% CritD????
And that isn't even the important part, the cirtical bonus is far more important than the base damage increase, anyone who has fly a tactical enought time knows that critical chance and critical severity are hundred times better that base damage increase
I think is your 10th post in the topic and atm u don't give a single valid argument. Do the maths and come back with valid numbers, don't try to mislead people with false arguments just for the god sake of your shiny new romulan character.
Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
Battle not even close.
In order to maintain that wonderful 25% your talking about you do have to keep cloaking... dropping shields.
Frankly this all comes down to this ... ADAPT.
Perhaps the fed escort player misguided build strategies that forgo kinetic damage of any kind will at last end.
I have flown my bug in a few pvps the last few days... and guess what that One Photon I have on the front of it has Racked up the romulan kills. lol
Let me let you in on a little secret since you haven't rolled a Romulan at this point.... ALMOST none of them are running any armour. lol
The Rom Consoles are two tempting... and even if you only run the 2 consoles for your ship class... by the time you run a borg console and say one other Crit console... guess what... you got no room for any armour.
That 25% bonus you are going on about is almost completely negated if you simply start throwing some torps around... the first time you smoke someone trying to do the 3s cloak for there dmg bonus they won't do it again in range. At that point they are only slightly less useless then that defiant that has to zoom 30k to recloak.
Bottom line... Yes the 25% dmg bonus out of cloak is nice... and a reman superior will push the bonus out to 15s. However in a drawn out battle with good players... people can't honestly be recloaking dropping there shields for 3-4s every 15s... unless they want to cost there team a win.
sci vessels will handle cloakers easely
im more concerned about the fleet hafeh xP
the devs could make kdf and fed boffs competitive with romulans though ...
ahem, I can get 80%+ speed defense on my warbird... Im pushing 48k hull and 12k shields and I can turn and burn with the best of them (until the JHAS shows up)
and I am flying a Fleet ha'feh that is nowhere NEAR as geared to hell and back as some of the others out there..... I am running 122 weapons and about 78 shields 40 engines and 36 aux....
this is working for me at least until I can improve some of my gear (I do not have any rep gear on this ship...NONE) I have advanced fleet weapons and that's the amount of major spiffiness my ship has.... just crunch the numbers and pick Deflectors Shields and Engines that suit your build and not worry so much about the rep gear....
and I still get mh ship blown up in PVP as for the BOFF traits Im getting useful numbers but no where near the guys that can AFFOARD to drop the massive amount of EC on it.... Im still competitive..... what is bothering me the most in this particular thread is all the QQ that their Escort (Fed or KDF) is no longer the first choice it looks like escort wise its coming down to the Fleet Ha'feh and the JHAS...
just sayin
I.R.W. Raptor's Claw
Storm Eagle Class Warbird Fleet Ha'feh
I have never trusted humans, and I never will
Singularity powers are another huge advantage. Quantum Absorption alone ... its ... wow ... instant hull refill and a boost to shield regen. Even the free shockwave kills every torpedo in a 5k radius and costs you nothing, you can use it with 1 bar of power and get the lowest cooldown. Really the singularity powers is like having another BOFF station.
There are other advantages too, but those are the big ones that make me sit down and think. Battlecloaking on everything is another big deal, bigger than it seems, it changes the rules of engagement for everything.
The only negatives I see are the -40 power levels, and the poor quality of the freebie ships, but end-game gear pretty much eliminates those problems. My T'varo has no problems keeping power levels high, and I dont even have the tier-5 rep gear unlocked yet. Top-drawer gear is essentially a prereq for end-game PVP (the prime reason I dont mess with it much), so this isnt even an exceptional problem to overcome, its something you do anyway.
I dont know that roms are necessarily OP, but they clearly have more advantages than shortcomings and therefore are not balanced to themselves. Given that the other factions are more balanced, rommies may be OP in default.
Well let's be honest here. That 3rd turret isn't going to make a huge difference in killing a tgt in a BOP alpha. I would happily remove the 3rd turret as a Romulan in exchange for 40 power. As it is, I had to put ALOT of skill points into warp core efficiency, potential, all the susbsytem potentials on my Rom to get base subsystem power levels even close my KDF toon that dumped the bare mininum into those same skills. Where weapons power levels are the same the rest of Romulan's subsystems are still about -7/8 behind the corresponding power level of the KDF toon in each subsystem. This amounted to alot of skill points that could have gone elsewhere. Your post is trivializing the costs of that -40 power.
Now I agree on the boffs. But this whole thing is being blown out of proportion. My KDF tac in a b'rel with 3 tac consoles still hits harder than my rom sci with 5 tac consoles. The survivability of the Rom is hugely better than the BOP though. How much of that is from being a sci designed to live longer or just from a better ship is difficult to say. If anything I'm noticing that Romulan ships are nearly impossible to detect while cloaked even as a sci toon (with full sensor spec) right of top of the opponent who cloaked under 2km from me.
Maybe some tweakage is needed to the older ships. That and some way of balancing the Romulan Boffs. I would rather they just add new racial traits to the older races then nerf Rom races. The more distinct the 2.5 factions are, the better for variety.
What gives, you gamble for a new jem hadar attack ship on romulan side because its signifcantly better then the other factions. Just an example. It wouldn't surprise me if they would re-release the JHAS within the next few weeks.
Im rather surprised the community has taken this so lightly up till now, cause even the PvE community are drooling for more Damage in their quest for fastest STF records, etc.
Hats of to Cryptic, and to the community not actively protesting against stuff like this.
This is an excellent point, I have so much trouble fitting all the consoles I want to use now in all the Romulan ships I have used so far, all of the t1-t4 fleet ships. It has been forcing me to keep monotanium in my inventory and a boff with TBR to clear all the transphasic cluster and mine spam people are all using against romulans now. Haven't even been able to use more then 1 crit console the Zero point conduit, and some of my ships I can't even fit that in.
I do aux2bat on my D'D, of course I don't aux2bat during cloak, but sometimes you need to cloak during combat and can't if your aux is at 0 and your batteries are on CD, or sometimes you will drop out of cloak. It basically turns your battle cloak into a standard cloak since you can't use it at will anymore.I would never use it on any Romulan ship besides the D'D, that would be insane. D'D can take a beating out of cloak, the other 2 Romulan ships with aux2bat friendly boff layouts the T'Varo and Dhelan not so much. I need battle cloak when I use those ships.
You got a point, however it really does depend on the build. And not running on 'armor consoles' can also be very daring and exciting. What if you have a build which has a 95% chance to kill someone with your alpha, and have quite a high change to kill anyone in the middle of every alpha (45s), isnt that worth giving up a whole load of resistance? Swift responses can also be in place, and the rommy ships get the nice quantum absorption which is really nice just before you plan to recloak ^^
Assuming that stealth detection is not a problem (i.e. you can get out of range sufficiently enough) you are right on aux2bat being borked under cloak, both me and a mate confirmed that
At first i thouhg it was aux being drained to 0, but that is not visibly noticable, but who knows there is visual lag and it actually is being drained to 0 on occasion for a split second.
AtB builds on those 2 are a breeze. you can even run it on the mogai too no prob. your still left with HE1. the ship that is worst at AtB is the d'deridex, because you have to use the LTC slot for it too.
so the thread is about nothing but pvp is broken and people should not talk about what makes it broken...Congrats ,you lack logic.
I think he is saying remove romulans and its still just as broken.
A = Junk
B = Junk
You then add
C which is also Junk
Removing C doesn't change
A = Junk and B = Junk
Not saying I agree but the logic is sound.
This is a sloppy mess that cryptic made and i highly doubt they gonna clean it up. since the Romulan faction already have 3 space traits (2 max per boff), Cryptic should redo the KDF/Fed boff and make new boff's to have 2 max space traits per 1 boff as well with stats that can work with KDF/Fed factions having offensive or defensive traits, i don't care if Cryptic change the current boff's or make a Fleet boff or something with better space traits, so it can be balanced out with the Romulan faction.
Please don't bring up Letheans, Saurians, Liberated Borg and Humans with their space traits, because the reality is the effcient and leadership traits are just TRIBBLE compare to the romulan boff space traits.
pvp has been worst, trust me. Anyway is our "work" continue the QQ for a couple of months until some DEV have some free time to spent with "those guys that play pvp"
Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
So your saying if you fought maxed out romulan with elite gear he wont hurt you and he is using disrupters and in scimitar ship .. with ability to cloak and attack you with out you seeing it.... right and also can cloak and ambush you a lot of time do lots of damage with cannons ... right.... let me say it will hurt......no matter what you say in pvp there always some one out there who will beat you with romulan ... hey rome fell why not you
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Romulans won't get nerfed, but the other factions can be buffed.
I'd suggest that KDF and Feds need Boffs with useful space abilities for a start, followed by useful, non-warbird consoles.
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