Well, now, this here still has me a little interested. I've had to spend so much time running around collecting Horghann's and flying loop-de-loops around the island that I haven't poked around in the nooks and crannies as much as I would have liked.
I'm sure I haven't found all of the "Admire the View" locations and suspect there's an accolade there... not that such an accolate means much, but hey, it's something to do.
Next year, I hope that there are more things to explore and more reason to explore them. Maybe rewarding a few favors (or an egg) when we first find a secret spot?
I'd also like to see a wider range of activities. Maybe even a little mini-mission of Exploration or Espionage (or both) to spice things up. Swimming/Floater races.
I think what I'm trying to say is that Risa has a lot of potential to be interesting and amusing. But four weeks of doing the same things over and over gets old. There simply isn't enough yet. I know more things will take more time than you had this time around, and I'm okay with that. I will be more than happy to spend time in your hamster habitat running through the habitrails as long as there's more to do than get back on that stupid wheel.
I completely agree with this statement.
I LOVE maps like this, with lots of nooks and crannies to EXPLORE. This is something that reminds me what else Trek was about, EXPLORATION. "Seek out new worlds and civilizations. "
It's a beautiful map, but the activities became sorta repetitive.
It would be great to have little mini missions that you stumble upon while your there. Like discovering a Undine plot to replace a political Leader who is vacationing on Risa. Or maybe have a few explore the Risa caves for some sort of archaeological discovery missions. Maybe throw more Easter eggs to find in them, things that make us explore those nooks and crannies to find.
Maybe a mission to fix the weather modification system.
I'd like to see MORE maps like this and New Romulus please.
Big and interesting, with all sorts of alien landscapes TO EXPLORE.
Maps like these are a GREAT way to add some exploration to STO.
For me I never had a chance of getting the ship. I'm still stuck on the "Contribute One Favor In Return For Access To The Summer Events Prize Vendor" at the very beginning of the mission even though I still have 300+ Favors that the mission would not accept for some reason. The game will not even let me drop the mission so it's stuck on my screen. The tickets I sent in on this are probably stuck in the support backlog somewhere.
The past few days, the on-planet tailor has been causing game crashes every time I try to use it.
(Edit: Same crash happens at Earth Spacedock, not just Risa)
O.K. So those are the bad things. Now, the good things IMO:
I haven't done the egg hunt in almost a week, it would have been more of a challenge if the locations changed. I actually thought the grind was a pleasant diversion, though . Maybe I'm just easily amused.
Beautiful map, wish I could bring my whole crew down, they work so hard and could use some shore leave. Maybe a luau on the beach.
My only character is the sort of captain who likes to have a parrot on his shoulder, so I have some nice birds for him now.
I have some Favors to trade in for Gold Pressed Latinum.
I met some interesting player character at the hotel dance grind.
Winter Event Ship Race< Floater Hunt< Flying High Event.
While I'd have loved to see more events on Risa (a sunbathing or mixologist mini-game would have been fun), and a fun team event (a cookout/build a bond fire) I do have to give the Devs some credit.
The map is beautiful.
The Winter Race was much less fun and more difficult that "Flying High" ever was, thank you for making Flying High fun. Flying High was straightforward, fast and much easier once I learned to fly after hitting the "B" key. I remember the pain of losing the Winter Ship race on the home stretch or running the race 3-4 times in an evening to make my daily quota to get my Chett Grel. Not fun times, thank you for make the new race more accessible and easy.
Thank you also for the additional explore accolades, they were unexpected delights, and for the dance emotes, more of them please! I was not into the summer wear, or winter wear, at all. Now if you had a disco outfit or Black Dynamite style outfit and some platform shoes I would have been a grinding fool and rocked them too! With my pimp cane in hand... Would have been wonderful with the disco ball, fantastic idea by the way..
The Dance Event was fun but went on too long (duration wise) and the Hunt for 1000 idols wore on me. I stopped as soon as I picked up a superior Floater. I'd actually suggest keeping these events and adding additional events to increase the variety of ways to get pearls and other special event currency. It would help break up the grind. Thank you for including a doff mission in the event, I only wish the rewards for the birds were larger. I'd like to see a doff mission where crew performance improves after visiting Risa. Perhaps these crew-member visits to Risa or BOFF visits could help you earn Risa currency.
To make the Ship race more accessible to people with little time perhaps the beginning stages of an event (Pre boots/Rental Floaters) race could take no longer than 4-5 minutes and the advanced race stages (After obtaining an event item to increase speed) no longer than 3 minutes. And for those who only have access to STO for a few days a month but have cash, perhaps an in game currency (lobi or other) can purchase additional runs of the event. Just suggestions.
Thank you for the event this year, and here's to a better event next year.
For me I never had a chance of getting the ship. I'm still stuck on the "Contribute One Favor In Return For Access To The Summer Events Prize Vendor" at the very beginning of the mission even though I still have 300+ Favors that the mission would not accept for some reason. The game will not even let me drop the mission so it's stuck on my screen. The tickets I sent in on this are probably stuck in the support backlog somewhere.
I have helped someone else with this issue, so here was the 'solution' to that problem.
When you tried contributing the one favor, did you try dragging the slider all of the way to the right, or did you give up when you saw the slider wasn't moving?
Since it is only asking for 1 favor, the slider isn't going to move until you drag the mouse all the way over. 0 or 1, all or nothing... there are no spots in between for the slider to snap to.
(Before anyone points out that you can buy pearls with lobi, I will simply point out that lobi are character bound and I have alts. Certainly not gonna overpay for a free ship...)
You need to open the lockboxes on the character you want to give the ship to.
I thought the flying high went through to the end of the event. Sucks too, because I was only 100 pearls away, and I thought to myself for the past week, "I'm still good on time." But apparently I don't get my corvette after all the grinding I just did.
Sure, the event could have used some more stuff to do, but then everything always could. With the exception of the dance which is an annoying spamfest, the activities there are work well and don't take too much time.
Flying High wasn't bad at all. It was even easier than the winter ship race, since you literally couldn't lose it except by going AFK and letting the very generous timer run out. You could mouse through it one-handed while eating breakfast. I got the ship and around 500 pearls left over for next year on all my toons. And like I've said before, they could extend the event for years and people would still complain "I just need 40 more pearls for the ship" whenever it ended.
The favors initially looked like a huge grind, but in practice they accumulate on the side while egg-hunting just fine. Not like you really need all that much favors anyway, I mostly just use them to buy some eggs at this point.
The birds do have that one problem of the 24 hour timers, causing inevitable slip of the time you have to be online to restart the assignments. And that other problem of there being 6 types which are randomly given, then you have to crit the raising for an even higher luck factor. One of my toons is still missing a tufted passion wing and I'm slightly concerned I might not get one before the event ends.
I do have to say the rewards are below average, though. The ship is not as good as the Breen ship was and seems to be designed for a purpose the game doesn't feature (ship racing), the clothes have too much limits to how you can use them (you could use the winter coats with anything) and the floaters while awesome don't work anywhere else (hopefully, they'll change that at some point). At least the birds are cool (if you like collecting pets). Better rewards next year, please.
As it say's here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=928221
"the new end date has been moved from August 2nd to August 5th, 2013 at 10AM PDT."
It's August 5th, 3:47AM PDT RIGHT NOW ( 6 HOURS REMAINING until the deadline ), I'm at 960/1000 (ON 10 CHARACTERS) and THE MISSION HAS BEEN REMOVED.
As it say's here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=928221
"the new end date has been moved from August 2nd to August 5th, 2013 at 10AM PDT."
It's August 5th, 3:47AM PDT RIGHT NOW ( 6 HOURS REMAINING until the deadline ), I'm at 960/1000 (ON 10 CHARACTERS) and THE MISSION HAS BEEN REMOVED.
I completely agree with this statement.
I LOVE maps like this, with lots of nooks and crannies to EXPLORE. This is something that reminds me what else Trek was about, EXPLORATION. "Seek out new worlds and civilizations. "
It's a beautiful map, but the activities became sorta repetitive.
It would be great to have little mini missions that you stumble upon while your there. Like discovering a Undine plot to replace a political Leader who is vacationing on Risa. Or maybe have a few explore the Risa caves for some sort of archaeological discovery missions. Maybe throw more Easter eggs to find in them, things that make us explore those nooks and crannies to find.
Maybe a mission to fix the weather modification system.
I'd like to see MORE maps like this and New Romulus please.
Big and interesting, with all sorts of alien landscapes TO EXPLORE.
Maps like these are a GREAT way to add some exploration to STO.
The past few days, the on-planet tailor has been causing game crashes every time I try to use it.
(Edit: Same crash happens at Earth Spacedock, not just Risa)
O.K. So those are the bad things. Now, the good things IMO:
I haven't done the egg hunt in almost a week, it would have been more of a challenge if the locations changed. I actually thought the grind was a pleasant diversion, though . Maybe I'm just easily amused.
Beautiful map, wish I could bring my whole crew down, they work so hard and could use some shore leave. Maybe a luau on the beach.
My only character is the sort of captain who likes to have a parrot on his shoulder, so I have some nice birds for him now.
I have some Favors to trade in for Gold Pressed Latinum.
I met some interesting player character at the hotel dance grind.
While I'd have loved to see more events on Risa (a sunbathing or mixologist mini-game would have been fun), and a fun team event (a cookout/build a bond fire) I do have to give the Devs some credit.
The map is beautiful.
The Winter Race was much less fun and more difficult that "Flying High" ever was, thank you for making Flying High fun. Flying High was straightforward, fast and much easier once I learned to fly after hitting the "B" key. I remember the pain of losing the Winter Ship race on the home stretch or running the race 3-4 times in an evening to make my daily quota to get my Chett Grel. Not fun times, thank you for make the new race more accessible and easy.
Thank you also for the additional explore accolades, they were unexpected delights, and for the dance emotes, more of them please! I was not into the summer wear, or winter wear, at all. Now if you had a disco outfit or Black Dynamite style outfit and some platform shoes I would have been a grinding fool and rocked them too! With my pimp cane in hand... Would have been wonderful with the disco ball, fantastic idea by the way..
The Dance Event was fun but went on too long (duration wise) and the Hunt for 1000 idols wore on me. I stopped as soon as I picked up a superior Floater. I'd actually suggest keeping these events and adding additional events to increase the variety of ways to get pearls and other special event currency. It would help break up the grind. Thank you for including a doff mission in the event, I only wish the rewards for the birds were larger. I'd like to see a doff mission where crew performance improves after visiting Risa. Perhaps these crew-member visits to Risa or BOFF visits could help you earn Risa currency.
To make the Ship race more accessible to people with little time perhaps the beginning stages of an event (Pre boots/Rental Floaters) race could take no longer than 4-5 minutes and the advanced race stages (After obtaining an event item to increase speed) no longer than 3 minutes. And for those who only have access to STO for a few days a month but have cash, perhaps an in game currency (lobi or other) can purchase additional runs of the event. Just suggestions.
Thank you for the event this year, and here's to a better event next year.
When you tried contributing the one favor, did you try dragging the slider all of the way to the right, or did you give up when you saw the slider wasn't moving?
Since it is only asking for 1 favor, the slider isn't going to move until you drag the mouse all the way over. 0 or 1, all or nothing... there are no spots in between for the slider to snap to.
-- Smoov
You need to open the lockboxes on the character you want to give the ship to.
Flying High wasn't bad at all. It was even easier than the winter ship race, since you literally couldn't lose it except by going AFK and letting the very generous timer run out. You could mouse through it one-handed while eating breakfast. I got the ship and around 500 pearls left over for next year on all my toons. And like I've said before, they could extend the event for years and people would still complain "I just need 40 more pearls for the ship" whenever it ended.
The favors initially looked like a huge grind, but in practice they accumulate on the side while egg-hunting just fine. Not like you really need all that much favors anyway, I mostly just use them to buy some eggs at this point.
The birds do have that one problem of the 24 hour timers, causing inevitable slip of the time you have to be online to restart the assignments. And that other problem of there being 6 types which are randomly given, then you have to crit the raising for an even higher luck factor. One of my toons is still missing a tufted passion wing and I'm slightly concerned I might not get one before the event ends.
I do have to say the rewards are below average, though. The ship is not as good as the Breen ship was and seems to be designed for a purpose the game doesn't feature (ship racing), the clothes have too much limits to how you can use them (you could use the winter coats with anything) and the floaters while awesome don't work anywhere else (hopefully, they'll change that at some point). At least the birds are cool (if you like collecting pets). Better rewards next year, please.
"the new end date has been moved from August 2nd to August 5th, 2013 at 10AM PDT."
It's August 5th, 3:47AM PDT RIGHT NOW ( 6 HOURS REMAINING until the deadline ), I'm at 960/1000 (ON 10 CHARACTERS) and THE MISSION HAS BEEN REMOVED.
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
5,000+ Hours in STO? Yes, Yes i do.
Fleet Leader of "Icarus Factor" - The official fleet of Pothole Studios.
STO Guides for your Android? Yes. Yes we do. STO Guides - Google Play.
That, sir, is what we call a 'valid complaint'
I got hosed for one toon.
On the plus side you'll be the first person to get the reward next year...