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Risian Corvette Question

ferthannaferthanna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in The Academy

Still fairly new, and I just got the Risian Corvette. I am trying to figure out how best to use the subspace wake weapon/buff.

Can someone describe how best to use it?

I have activated it just before passing my target. Shoud I wait till I am past the target? Should I activate much sooner? I'm not quite sure how to get the maximum effect.

What goes around comes around.

Post edited by ferthanna on


  • o1derfull1o1derfull1 Member Posts: 294
    edited July 2013
    Personally I don't find it all that useful, and I'm not sure it deserves to take up a console slot.
    It's damage is relatively small, and only for a brief window (6 seconds and < 2km). It does slow them and speed you up.

    If you are interested in using it, it depends on what tactics you employ.

    You could get yourself a a nice grouping of big, slow capital ships, hit them with a gravity well so they're nice and bunched up, go in with a scatter volley, and hit the console right before you pass them so you get the speed boost to fly away faster, they're further slowed/grouped by the gravity well/wake slow, and you get some extra dps on the back end from they wake as you're flying away, then do a quick 180* and face them again and then another scatter volley.

    I am sure there might be other situations where it could come in handy, but the corvette is fast, turns quickly, and is an escort. That combination of characteristics makes having an ability that only works off your rear for a short time, within a short distance relatively weak as escorts like their damage up front/facing the target, and you shouldn't really struggle keeping targets in your front with a ship that can turn on a dime.

    ::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
  • ferthannaferthanna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the input. I only PvE and am new so I'm no where near having good gear. I was more interested in what others thought of it. Still figuring out if I like it or not. Was wondering if I was missing anything because it does not seem like a big deal.

    I'm still getting used to how agile and fast the Corvette is.
    What goes around comes around.

  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It probably is the best ship you can get for free atm, so keep it.

    The subspace wake console seems to be intended to shake other ships in hot pursuit of you, specifically other corvettes and Jem Hadar Bug ship and the likes will suffer if they try to get into your weak angle.

    Though it can certainly be used as a nice debuff on your target when you fly by after a strafing run before turning around for the next pass.
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I got the Chel Grett at winter and loved it so moved most of my BOFFs straight to the Corvette and she was almost good to go immediately.
    A good tactic I've used is Eject Warp Plasma with the Subspace Wake Generator. Approach a group of enemies and drop EWP then hit the console and wrap rings of fun around them whilst giving them a bit of damage when you pass. Seems to do wonders. If you could get someone to drop a Grav Well as you do it you should crush most enemies easily.

    BOFF set-up

    Com Tac - TT1, APD, TS3, CSV3
    Lt Tac - TT1, CRF1

    LtCom Eng - EptS1, Aux2SIF1, EWP1
    Ens Sci - PH1
    Lt Uni - HE1, TSS2

    DHCs and a torp up front with turrets in rear (though I might add some mines to add to my EWP fun) and she's good to go. Keep EptS1 up as much as you can and don't stop moving. With the right DOFFs you should be able to make enemies sit still (or at least slow down enough) to swing around and strafe them to your hearts content.
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    People may call me crazy, but I have put 2 beam arrays in front and two in aft, a mine layer in the aft on auto launch, rapid transphasic and the Harg'peng in front. Further I have EWP, subtarget engines and beam overload.

    I circle fast arround enemys, ejecting warp plasma, dropping mines, shooting their engines down. Yippee, it is a race boat. The console is nice for getting away, if things get too hairy.

    Oh, and the Breen engine of course for the trail. What a ship.
  • vosuthvosuth Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Was doing a patrol mission earlier to test my Corvette out. She ran rings around a trio on Jem Bugs until two got me in tractor beams.

    Now, usually I'll use Hazard emmiters to try and break out, but the console set up of a single Ensign Science doesn't let me do that, my having it as a Lt skill. So I triggered the Subspace Wake, figuring I could spin around and do some damage whilst trapped. My Corvie broke free of the beams and sped away, letting me set the next run up.

    I might have to experiment more, but if this is a viable technique, then I'm all for it.
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I love the ship too. Running full Breen, beams and trans-torps (fore and aft). It is a sweet hit-and-run vessel. It isn't a 'battleship' but it sure creates a havoc when used right.
    (Ref. W40K, spess mahrynes on bikes)
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vosuth wrote: »
    I might have to experiment more, but if this is a viable technique, then I'm all for it.
    I dunno, 3 min CD seems kinda long
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ferthanna wrote: »

    Still fairly new, and I just got the Risian Corvette. I am trying to figure out how best to use the subspace wake weapon/buff.

    Can someone describe how best to use it?

    I have activated it just before passing my target. Shoud I wait till I am past the target? Should I activate much sooner? I'm not quite sure how to get the maximum effect.


    I've used it mainly as a weapon but also as an escape tool. Usually I park right next to, in front of, or on top of a capital ship, cube, or stationary object, try to angle it correctly and engage Subspace Wake.

    I'm still playing around with builds but I've used a tractor beam or warp plasma ejection to hold a ship in place. It's done a good job of knocking health off of bosses, and I supplement the damage by hitting HYT 2 or 3 and firing off torpedoes as the Wake batters the subject.

    After dropping the Borg Tractor Beam ability I've taken to sometimes spewing Warp Plasma after the attack if not before hand.

    While hitting borg nanite sphere's with Eject Warp Plasma in CSE, I used it once to escape a Cube's tractor beam while Polarize Hull was on cool down.

    I originally speced it as an Corescort, and found the boat to be very brittle while sitting still. I'm trying other builds but given it's nature I believe that the corvette should keep moving nearly all the time. I'm currently trying torpedo boat builds.

    I'm a Sci, who only PVE's and I've found the Corvette to be very durable when moving. Unlike my Intrepid, my Torpedo 'Vette can tangle with CSE Raptor's and Neh'gvar's (damaged and not), most times successfully. My Chel Ghett does best keeping them at a distance.

    I still get one-shotted, I've been destroyed by a cube I was attacking with the Wake weapon, and I've made stupid mistakes or not paid attention and died, but I've been surprised at how tankish my ever-moving 'Vette can be. The only time it is not moving is when it is shooting lower nanites in CSE. This said, I've discovered that I do more damage making strafing runs or long run torpedo runs (approach from 10 km, pass and attack the object as you fly 10km away then turn around) than the sit and shoot method.

    Flying my 'Vette reminds me of Y-Wing tactics, and "Stay on target" always plays in my head as I line up and approach it.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • pweverybodypweverybody Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yes damage is minimal and it's best for a quick getaway but I use it as a weapon.

    Mostly just on a single enemy with low health by holding them (tractor/grappler) and then activating the wake in a fixed position just in-front off them (less than 2km) to maximize the amount of damage to the target. You can inflict the most damage this way.

    My last session I dealt 764 damage per second for the duration (in a Tholian battle).

    Just watch your own health at such a close range and remember to disable your thruster's or you will fly away and fail to cause any more damage to the target.

    I would not say it's an effective weapon but I will continue to use it this way.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ferthanna wrote: »

    Still fairly new, and I just got the Risian Corvette. I am trying to figure out how best to use the subspace wake weapon/buff.

    Can someone describe how best to use it?

    I have activated it just before passing my target. Shoud I wait till I am past the target? Should I activate much sooner? I'm not quite sure how to get the maximum effect.


    Best place to use it is when your either doing a single pass straff, or when your in tight and close in the furball and decide its time to get a little distance and maybe some repair in. the closer they are the better..like touching hulls, boncing off each others shields close. Get snuggly, and then cut loose!

    while its activated.. as long as your allready moving at full speed there is not much thats going to catch you. IUse it alot in Borg Red Alerts. The Borg cannot counter the effect and and you seem to be able to outrun the borg seeking weapons entirely.. the trick is not seperating so far it takes you forever to get back in the fight!

    Is it worth giving up a console slot for.. Yes, it is... Beside the look of the ship, its what makes the risian corvette what it is.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • mystiquetezmystiquetez Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am having a devil of a time trying to figure out exactly who I am supposed to go to in order to pick up the Corvette...any help would be appreciated as I've tried the Risa traders as well as the Ferengi, the C-store and the dilithium store, I've even left to check the shipyard all for nothing.

    I have to be missing someone somewhere :/
  • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am having a devil of a time trying to figure out exactly who I am supposed to go to in order to pick up the Corvette...any help would be appreciated as I've tried the Risa traders as well as the Ferengi, the C-store and the dilithium store, I've even left to check the shipyard all for nothing.

    I have to be missing someone somewhere :/

    You can only aquire it by running the Summer Risa Event by collecting pearls to hand in exchange for the corvette.
  • whoami2whoami2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Could the risian corvette equip heavy cannons?
  • mystiquetezmystiquetez Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    tinead51 wrote: »
    You can only aquire it by running the Summer Risa Event by collecting pearls to hand in exchange for the corvette.

    Yeah, that's what I mean. I have the required amount of pearls but can't find where to hand them in.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ferthanna wrote: »

    Still fairly new, and I just got the Risian Corvette. I am trying to figure out how best to use the subspace wake weapon/buff.

    Can someone describe how best to use it?

    I have activated it just before passing my target. Shoud I wait till I am past the target? Should I activate much sooner? I'm not quite sure how to get the maximum effect.


    My Klingon Science captain uses the Risian Corvette, with 3 Dual Heavy Cannons and a Hyper Plasma fore, 2 Turrets and the Kinetic Cutting Beam aft . I haven't saved up the dilithium for Advanced Fleet Plasma (darn Fleet projects), so I haven't added the Experimental Plasma Beam Array. Deflector/Engine are KHG, Shield is Adapted KHG. Mostly, I do doughnut strafing runs. With the boff layout, I am otherwise set up for heals as much as possible.

    I have tried a number of things with the Wake:

    Jet the Frack Out: Just hit the thing as you go past, and catch your enemies as you put some range for another DHC run. Also helps with getting away from Tractor Beams when you can't use Evasive Maneuvers, etc.

    Breaking Wind, Halting Corvette: You can also just fly up to a Cube, Tarantula, or other capital ship using a normal attack run. Instead of using the Wake to escape, though, you can simply point your backside at it, plant yourself at 1-2km... and cut loose. With Tarantulas in Azure Nebula, the mild push effect can be used to your advantage by reversing at it with the Wake active; you reverse a bit faster and slowly push away the big feller. Plus, breaking wind on a capital ship is funny. This tactic can also be used against targets such as Spheres in Infected: The Conduit and BoPs/Raptors Khitomer: Vortex, but it is much more difficult to use this way against smaller targets.

    Gassing Pass: This one has been mentioned before, but the Wake can be a royal pain when combined with Eject Warp Plasma or Theta Radiation. Just line up, close in using Scatter Volley/Torpedo Spread/both, then fire your aft as you lay a cloud around your targets. Mines are nice on the way out, too. Even without the other abilities, though, the Wake can slow targets down enough to buy time; this works far better against Spheres in Infected: The Conduit and BoPs/Raptors Khitomer: Vortex than the tactic above.

    Kiss My Aft: Basically, a simple response to anything that suddenly appears behind you. This includes mines you spot before they hit, heavy torpedoes you haven't shot down, folks decloaking and folks Subspace Jumping. For the former two, it will get you further away faster and maybe even kill the projectiles. For the latter two, you usually have to hit reverse with the Wake active (remember, the speed boost works backwards), then gun it forward the moment they've been within the 2km to escape at increased speed while they're debuffed. Can also be combined with Gassing Pass, if you have the boff abilities/consoles slotted. Can also be combined with other mobility enhancers to serve as a pseudo-SubJump, but most folks will be smart enough to move before you get behind them.

    I Wish I Had an Impulse Capacitance Cell: The name says it all; mostly, just use the Wake to get to and/or fro. Not complicated, but only really necessary if Evasive Maneuvers (or Emergency Power to Engines/Auxiliary to Dampers) is on cooldown and you can't wait for Full Impulse. Wastes the debuff aspect, but if it gets you in range to save a wayward ally with heals or a save a mission with kills, it can be worth it.

    Well, those are my thoughts on using it. Overall, it usually takes more practice to use this well than many other consoles. I'm still working on whether or not this is actually worth keeping around.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yeah, that's what I mean. I have the required amount of pearls but can't find where to hand them in.

    If you go into the Events section of the Reputation tab, you should be able to select a project that uses the Risian Pearls. Once you put all 100 into the project, you should get a crate with the Risian Corvette inside. Also, if you haven't done the mini-project in that tab that "unlocks" the Risian store and projects... do that first.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • mystiquetezmystiquetez Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If you go into the Events section of the Reputation tab, you should be able to select a project that uses the Risian Pearls. Once you put all 100 into the project, you should get a crate with the Risian Corvette inside. Also, if you haven't done the mini-project in that tab that "unlocks" the Risian store and projects... do that first.

    Excellent, thanks very much :)
  • macricanmacrican Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    whoami2 wrote: »
    Could the risian corvette equip heavy cannons?

    indeed it can. i have mine kitted out with the old anti-borg phaser dual heavy cannons in front and three turrets of the same type in the back. she kicks some good TRIBBLE with those.
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