Nothing unusual in that, the log in server always takes a massive hammering straight after any downtime, it's all the junkies desperate for their fix that causes it :P
First attempt "Connection to login server timed out"
Second attempt "Login_2 Failed"
Exited to desktop opened the launcher and tried again
"Connection to login server timed out"...
Sometimes it's almost as if Cryptic carefully scoops fail sand then adds their special fail ingredients then fires that sand in an old fail kiln. After the fail bricks have cooled and cured, the carefully start building their fail empire, fail brick by fail brick.
Yup, retrieving list of chars times out. Good job, Cryptic!
May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should. moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
Amazingly -- I was gonna play STO for the first time in a while. I've been playing Champions Online (I know, right?) and their servers seem a LOT more stable.
Ah well, time to take off the uniform and put back on the tights. (Try to get THAT mental image out of your mind's eye) :eek:
Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Nothing unusual in that, the log in server always takes a massive hammering straight after any downtime, it's all the junkies desperate for their fix that causes it :P
*shakes in a corner* What are you talking about I'm no addict?! I can quit anytime I like... GIVE ME MY STO!!!
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
Sometimes it's almost as if Cryptic carefully scoops fail sand then adds their special fail ingredients then fires that sand in an old fail kiln. After the fail bricks have cooled and cured, the carefully start building their fail empire, fail brick by fail brick.
pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
"programming/management_team failed"
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
see u all in game
Coincidence or not, I tried this today for the first time and now I can't login.
This part made it go, we are strong now....
Ah well, time to take off the uniform and put back on the tights. (Try to get THAT mental image out of your mind's eye) :eek:
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
*shakes in a corner* What are you talking about I'm no addict?! I can quit anytime I like... GIVE ME MY STO!!!
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
But yeah "Server Stability" means were in for another week of headaches and disco dancing our way to our desktops.
atleast they can do is play a disco song maybe "Staying alive" ?
Brandon =/\=