i remember when ground and space where a real challenge and required team work .nowadays fights are over so fast. its boring and very little tactics required . coming from a back ground of strategy gaming i find the FPS doctrine sad
they could double the hit points on every npc in the game .ground or space and i still think it would likely take no tactics
maybe they could make new STF that are harder than what we have now but there would be a sea of tears from folks who could not complete them and they would get nerfed to the ground too
life time star trek fan i am and dream of us trekking the stars and have done since my first episode of TOS but i find this whole make it easy so people dont need to think about anything of how they build there ship and character sad
i think hat really annoys me most is there is no trekking alternative to pack my bags to and get a challenge
i remember when ground and space where a real challenge and required team work .nowadays fights are over so fast. its boring and very little tactics required . coming from a back ground of strategy gaming i find the FPS doctrine sad
they could double the hit points on every npc in the game .ground or space and i still think it would likely take no tactics
maybe they could make new STF that are harder than what we have now but there would be a sea of tears from folks who could not complete them and they would get nerfed to the ground too
life time star trek fan i am and dream of us trekking the stars and have done since my first episode of TOS but i find this whole make it easy so people dont need to think about anything of how they build there ship and character sad
i think hat really annoys me most is there is no trekking alternative to pack my bags to and get a challenge
too true. the game is like 1 giant tutorial for dummies.
What do you mean "nowadays?" I took my T1 Connie all the way to level 45 when the game launched. I took my NX all the way to 50. There are old YouTube vids of people doing the old STFs without Boffs. The game has never required teamwork or an advanced skill.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Its not just STO all games are easier these days. Gone are the days when you could play Resident Evil for hours and forget to save and loose all your progress when you die or likewise with Tomb Raider 2 or when you had to complete Super Mario in one sitting as there was no save function. These days they pander to a mentality that wants casual gaming over hardcore gaming. The downside is that Gaming is no longer a challenge and given enough tenacity anyone can complete any game these days as they take no real skill I mean one game I remember was Last Action Hero on the SNES that game was truly hard it had no save function and you only had one life and I don' remember ever completing it. The last game I remember that was actually difficult to complete and took more than blind tenacity, actually took skill and ability was Killing the Dark Aeons and Pennance in FFX and even the Final Fantasy games have now sold out with checkpoints in the middle of boss battles which is disgusting! I could go on with this forever the Original God of War on the hardest setting was difficult but now even that series has included mid boss checkpoints.
Gaming my Friend is slowly turning into a boring world because today's mentality want's something for nothing, gone are the games where completing them was actually an Achievement!
Gaming my Friend is slowly turning into a boring world because today's mentality want's something for nothing, .....
that's BS.
gaming has "evolved"
it's not just a pixelated button mash memorization of square pixels for 'points' anymore...... you can now be a part of a immersive cinematic experience in contemporary games.... and the immersion is far more intriguing than the "olden days" of games I assure you.
video games are compelling today because they have the intrigue of going to a movie, or going to a place you imagined or daydreamed about, and being 'part' of that worldly experience.
Nobody wants to play the antiquated style of programming infancy in interaction anymore...
"requiring" teamwork does not a good game make......
Completely agree. Came from a game like that it's GW2. They tried to force people to group for everything including loot then they also tried to make the Mobs in the open world harder and it backfired, people started leaving the game.
If you want a hardcore game go play WarZ where noobs are killed everyday in the character creation zone in point and the mobs can dodge sniper shots like crazy.
Leave this game as it is. There are a few things that are particularly still hard and time consuming, and that's the reputation per character issues, the lack of Bind on Account items from the fleet and dilithium stores, and the grind to finish the fleet Tier V for smaller fleets OH and almost forgot, doing any Tier IV commendation completion. Seriously I thought I would never reach 100k for medical to get the Chief Medical Officer title.
If anything those things need to be more balanced.
Oh and the only other thing I would improve is making the ground combat have the option of being more like the combat in Neverwinter.
The last thing I want is longer fights. I think there's already a pretty good balance in game. If you want more difficult fights, play on advanced like I do or elite.
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
i remember when ground and space where a real challenge and required team work .nowadays fights are over so fast. its boring and very little tactics required . coming from a back ground of strategy gaming i find the FPS doctrine sad
they could double the hit points on every npc in the game .ground or space and i still think it would likely take no tactics
maybe they could make new STF that are harder than what we have now but there would be a sea of tears from folks who could not complete them and they would get nerfed to the ground too
life time star trek fan i am and dream of us trekking the stars and have done since my first episode of TOS but i find this whole make it easy so people dont need to think about anything of how they build there ship and character sad
i think hat really annoys me most is there is no trekking alternative to pack my bags to and get a challenge
Change the difficulty level in the options menu, even with all power put into weapons, space battles often take me at least 3-4 minutes to complete each time, ground combat is over almost instantly, but some of the tougher enemies on the ground are a SMALL challenge though. I'm all of my time now on advanced difficulty, I don't think I'll dare to try Elite
The last thing I want is longer fights. I think there's already a pretty good balance in game. If you want more difficult fights, play on advanced like I do or elite.
I agree with you. Too many games seem to think the foe should be some giant hit point monster that takes 5 people to punch down after 10 minutes of button-mashing. SWTOR and WoW put out one of those foes every couple of weeks or so, and it's always the same thing: group hump and button-mash until it's dead. No thanks.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
"requiring" teamwork does not a good game make......
Cryptic always said they wouldn't make PvP mandatory, guess that included co-op as well. Who would expect other players to be in mission maps in an MMO ?
If a point valuse was assigned to every part of every ship and totaled per ship including Boffs and Doffs Then the team valuse totaled a approiated NPC force of equal or greater valiue could be sent against the player team
This would work for weak teams and more importantly for strong teams giveing a better challenge to the players
This system has already been used with success in Battletech its called the BPV or Battle point Value
If cryptic hired a old game master to be a advisor things like this would already be a part of this game and they would not in in so much trouble across the board with balence issues and one time use content in this game
Replayability of content is another huge issue cryptic is not addressing , And which is hurting this game and holding it back
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
it's not just a pixelated button mash memorization of square pixels anymore...... you are part of a immersicve cinematic experience in contemporary games.... and the immersion is far more intriguing than the "olden days" of games I assure you.
Nobody wants to play the antiquated style of programming infancy in interaction anymore...
That is absolute nonsense I would take any of the "old games" over a 3D real life graphics borefest anyday. Gaming used to be immersive without great graphics or sound and when I look back on them I see them in my minds eye with great graphics because the gameplay was immersive. Today's modern games have lost something in translation and have traded blockbuster graphics and sound for gameplay and substance. Gaming was much better when we had SNES and later on PS1 than it is today. There is not a single game in todays market that cannot be completed with blind tenacity, you could not say that 15 years ago! They actually took Skill, Dedication and insight. You did not have checkpoints every step you took and you could not save and reload with every mistake you made. Dying actually mattered in game. Gaming has not "evolved" at all it merely panders to the spoilt brats that want to put nothing in and get everything out!
If a point valuse was assigned to every part of every ship and totaled per ship including Boffs and Doffs Then the team valuse totaled a approiated NPC force of equal or greater valiue could be sent against the player team
This would work for weak teams and more importantly for strong teams giveing a better challenge to the players
This system has already been used with success in Battletech its called the BPV or Battle point Value
If cryptic hired a old game master to be a advisor things like this would already be a part of this game and they would not in in so much trouble across the board with balence issues and one time use content in this game
Replayability of content is another huge issue cryptic is not addressing , And which is hurting this game and holding it back
for some time i've felt that the games crafting system mirrors the complexity of the entire game along with the expected effort required from players. but I was brought up on an swg crafting system which clearly wasn't childs play.
I could rant on but the dev team don't think the player base is capable of complexity or hard work. you only have to look at some of the reasons behind having an incomplete romulan faction. thinking a new romulan faction couldn't be expected to grind a new starbase from scratch.... but we could start a new fleet and what?? build a fed of kdf starbase?? yeah made loads of sense there :P
it's far too easy to play this game and it's clear the devs don't want us to have real challenges unless a stf is bugged. they think if anything is too challenging and we have to think and work hard we will all quit.
That's a good point. If you want to extremely challenging foes in the game, those foes should be enemy faction players. New Nimbus-style zones with open PVP would be amazing.
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
That is absolute nonsense I would take any of the "old games" over a 3D real life graphics borefest anyday. Gaming used to be immersive without great graphics or sound and when I look back on them I see them in my minds eye with great graphics because the gameplay was immersive. Today's modern games have lost something in translation and have traded blockbuster graphics and sound for gameplay and substance. Gaming was much better when we had SNES and later on PS1 than it is today. There is not a single game in todays market that cannot be completed with blind tenacity, you could not say that 15 years ago! They actually took Skill, Dedication and insight. You did not have checkpoints every step you took and you could not save and reload with every mistake you made. Dying actually mattered in game. Gaming has not "evolved" at all it merely panders to the spoilt brats that want to put nothing in and get everything out!
you forgot to say "get off my lawn whippersnapper...you with your newfangled telegraphs that dont even plug into a wall!!!"
They can't get the weapons/systems balanced right to begin with, you think they can give an accurate BPV to them as well ?
The PvE'ers will insist they get a different BPV scale than the PvP'ers, and that will skew co-op. Wait, they already do. Best to leave things as they are, the majority of players only want a single player game with built-in social networking and that's what we're given.
Speaking of the single player content in particular, but also the game in general, I wish they would bring space battles more inline with ground's difficulty. Some ground battles on Elite can be a challenge. Maybe not a huge challenge, but they can take a little planning.
Space battles on Elite are very rarely little more challenge than Normal. It's disappointing when say, playing a Foundry mission in which the author is trying to create an epic battle for survival and even on Elite I just roflstomp the AI.
Elite difficulty should be as it sounds. High level gear needed and some strategy to survive it.
Yea i think we definitely need some content that only 5% of the population can beat initially.. it can be motivating to look at something thats incredible hard to achieve and requires a huge effort of teamplay, gearing and practice and time to overcome. The only thing here that sort-of comes close to that here is NWS and thats been beat by so many already.. we need some new challenge.. maybe even something ground based for a change next time
They can't get the weapons/systems balanced right to begin with, you think they can give an accurate BPV to them as well ?
The PvE'ers will insist they get a different BPV scale than the PvP'ers, and that will skew co-op. Wait, they already do. Best to leave things as they are, the majority of players only want a single player game with built-in social networking and that's what we're given.
I understand your point
They would have to hire a outside contractor to do a BPV value because we already know how biased the current employee's are at cryptic
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
If you find the game too easy then it's time to start PvP. I started playing STO/PvE about 14 months ago. After around 2-3 months I came to the same conclusion as you: the game is just too easy. Then about 10 months ago I started PvP, and to this day I'm still learning new stuff about the game. When I PvE'ed I had a horrible build and yet the game was super easy so I never even tried to learn anything new and thought I had it all figured out. Now that I PvP my build(s) are highly refined yet the game continues to be a constant challenge with new hurdles to face every week.
If you find the game too easy then it's time to start PvP. I started playing STO/PvE about 14 months ago. After around 2-3 months I came to the same conclusion as you: the game is just too easy. Then about 10 months ago I started PvP, and to this day I'm still learning new stuff about the game. When I PvE'ed I had a horrible build and yet the game was super easy so I never even tried to learn anything new and thought I had it all figured out. Now that I PvP my build(s) are highly refined yet the game continues to be a constant challenge with new hurdles to face every week.
maybe your right i dont visit ker'ret nearly often enough
That's a good point. If you want to extremely challenging foes in the game, those foes should be enemy faction players. New Nimbus-style zones with open PVP would be amazing.
yes open pvp would be nice but then again you could go around ganking people and ruin there game play... so yep .. I don't care much for pvp as It has worn me out since I did it on all my games :P...So there good and bads in pvp... Ganking and killing random people who don't like it. and forcing them into it.. I seen it done and let me says its not cool. I know the rules but still going around ganking people is not my style of game play I prefer you know I am coming and give me good fight in games then rather gank you:P
I think many people in this thread forgot to read the label on the game when they bought it. For their convenience, I have replicated the pertinent part in my signature.
*Edited for moar grammar1!
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
maybe your right i dont visit ker'ret nearly often enough
Ker'rat can be fun, but the real challenge comes in the arena. What's your handle? I'd be happy to invite you to team with me for arena and could show you the ropes, so to speak. And I promise you, you won't be complaining about how easy the game is anymore after we play a couple matches against premades Feel free to add me to your f-list or send me a mail.
Ker'rat can be fun, but the real challenge comes in the arena. What's your handle? I'd be happy to invite you to team with me for arena and could show you the ropes, so to speak. And I promise you, you won't be complaining about how easy the game is anymore after we play a couple matches against premades Feel free to add me to your f-list or send me a mail.
i will add you when the game reboots but a wee warning my klingon allthough level 50 is under developed and only has a pach raptor and a voq' carrier
"requiring" teamwork does not a good game make......
too true. the game is like 1 giant tutorial for dummies.
Gaming my Friend is slowly turning into a boring world because today's mentality want's something for nothing, gone are the games where completing them was actually an Achievement!
that's BS.
gaming has "evolved"
it's not just a pixelated button mash memorization of square pixels for 'points' anymore...... you can now be a part of a immersive cinematic experience in contemporary games.... and the immersion is far more intriguing than the "olden days" of games I assure you.
video games are compelling today because they have the intrigue of going to a movie, or going to a place you imagined or daydreamed about, and being 'part' of that worldly experience.
Nobody wants to play the antiquated style of programming infancy in interaction anymore...
Completely agree. Came from a game like that it's GW2. They tried to force people to group for everything including loot then they also tried to make the Mobs in the open world harder and it backfired, people started leaving the game.
If you want a hardcore game go play WarZ where noobs are killed everyday in the character creation zone in point and the mobs can dodge sniper shots like crazy.
Leave this game as it is. There are a few things that are particularly still hard and time consuming, and that's the reputation per character issues, the lack of Bind on Account items from the fleet and dilithium stores, and the grind to finish the fleet Tier V for smaller fleets OH and almost forgot, doing any Tier IV commendation completion. Seriously I thought I would never reach 100k for medical to get the Chief Medical Officer title.
If anything those things need to be more balanced.
Oh and the only other thing I would improve is making the ground combat have the option of being more like the combat in Neverwinter.
Change the difficulty level in the options menu, even with all power put into weapons, space battles often take me at least 3-4 minutes to complete each time, ground combat is over almost instantly, but some of the tougher enemies on the ground are a SMALL challenge though. I'm all of my time now on advanced difficulty, I don't think I'll dare to try Elite
And I'm ok with that
Cryptic always said they wouldn't make PvP mandatory, guess that included co-op as well. Who would expect other players to be in mission maps in an MMO ?
<sarcasm off>
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
hah yeah.....who would think a multi zone naked corpse run was even remotely fun nowadays?
let alone a developer get away with using it these days .....
If a point valuse was assigned to every part of every ship and totaled per ship including Boffs and Doffs Then the team valuse totaled a approiated NPC force of equal or greater valiue could be sent against the player team
This would work for weak teams and more importantly for strong teams giveing a better challenge to the players
This system has already been used with success in Battletech its called the BPV or Battle point Value
If cryptic hired a old game master to be a advisor things like this would already be a part of this game and they would not in in so much trouble across the board with balence issues and one time use content in this game
Replayability of content is another huge issue cryptic is not addressing , And which is hurting this game and holding it back
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
That is absolute nonsense I would take any of the "old games" over a 3D real life graphics borefest anyday. Gaming used to be immersive without great graphics or sound and when I look back on them I see them in my minds eye with great graphics because the gameplay was immersive. Today's modern games have lost something in translation and have traded blockbuster graphics and sound for gameplay and substance. Gaming was much better when we had SNES and later on PS1 than it is today. There is not a single game in todays market that cannot be completed with blind tenacity, you could not say that 15 years ago! They actually took Skill, Dedication and insight. You did not have checkpoints every step you took and you could not save and reload with every mistake you made. Dying actually mattered in game. Gaming has not "evolved" at all it merely panders to the spoilt brats that want to put nothing in and get everything out!
this is what i would like aswell
I could rant on but the dev team don't think the player base is capable of complexity or hard work. you only have to look at some of the reasons behind having an incomplete romulan faction. thinking a new romulan faction couldn't be expected to grind a new starbase from scratch.... but we could start a new fleet and what?? build a fed of kdf starbase?? yeah made loads of sense there :P
it's far too easy to play this game and it's clear the devs don't want us to have real challenges unless a stf is bugged. they think if anything is too challenging and we have to think and work hard we will all quit.
ah sebillis in 2001 . slipping and falling in moat and having to drown yourself and get rezzed lol =p i miss the golden days of eq1 too
you forgot to say "get off my lawn whippersnapper...you with your newfangled telegraphs that dont even plug into a wall!!!"
They can't get the weapons/systems balanced right to begin with, you think they can give an accurate BPV to them as well ?
The PvE'ers will insist they get a different BPV scale than the PvP'ers, and that will skew co-op. Wait, they already do. Best to leave things as they are, the majority of players only want a single player game with built-in social networking and that's what we're given.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Space battles on Elite are very rarely little more challenge than Normal. It's disappointing when say, playing a Foundry mission in which the author is trying to create an epic battle for survival and even on Elite I just roflstomp the AI.
Elite difficulty should be as it sounds. High level gear needed and some strategy to survive it.
I understand your point
They would have to hire a outside contractor to do a BPV value because we already know how biased the current employee's are at cryptic
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I was thinking of something like that but I thought it might be a bit derogatory :P
maybe your right i dont visit ker'ret nearly often enough
*Edited for moar grammar1!
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
Ker'rat can be fun, but the real challenge comes in the arena. What's your handle? I'd be happy to invite you to team with me for arena and could show you the ropes, so to speak. And I promise you, you won't be complaining about how easy the game is anymore after we play a couple matches against premades
i will add you when the game reboots but a wee warning my klingon allthough level 50 is under developed and only has a pach raptor and a voq' carrier