I have a mark box stuck in my overflow bag, it's been there for several days. I had hoped after the maintenance it would clear and I would be able to get it, but no luck. I ahve changed zones, and logged and all the usual cures to get it out of the overflow bag, but no luck.
Please help, it's driving me nutz.
Character: T'Mel@Protector
[7:40] [System] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #1,838,455.
Formerly Known as
Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a
25th Century FED to a
Nope -- still stuck in there...
Have heard nothing.
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
I also have titles that are locked in my toon...I have completed the rep system, I have every optional, I have the bug ship FFS!!! I have been playing forever....I achieved the MACO MK 12 set prior to the rep system launch and the only thing I can think is that the elite MACO and OMEGA titles won't unlock because the system thinks I skipped over those sets....when are you guys actually going to fix things we report, that we make tickets about and get "form letter" responses....THIS IS WHY THIS GAME BLEEDS PLAYERS!!!!
Even Bank of America, Verizon, and a ton of other companies are bringing their customer service back from overseas...cause we Americans have had enough...when are you going to realize that this system you have SUCKS!!! How many complaints do you need to hear?!?!?!
Ya know, between titles being stuck, overflow bag issues, full costumes not unlocking like payin for the DS9 uniform and now the pants have a weird pattern near the bottom like I'm wearing boots and they're bleeding thru the art (even when I change the boots to dress shoes) I swear, I think my account is bugged. I have had to clear everything out of my registry and re download the game fresh, force verified everything, and still, this continues. Pay no attention to this thing saying I joined in January, cause that's wrong too. I have discussed these issues with other veteran players (who also did the crazy grinding for the MACO and OMEGA drops before there was a rep system, and they agree that there might be something up with my account...I have created tickets and gotten "form letter" responses...after the thousands I have spent supporting this game, playing when numbers were so down we had to wait for nearly an hour in the PvE queues to pug...I am not buying anymore C-points or Zen or whatever you want to call it until my account is fixed.
This may sound petty, I mean, yeah, it's just a couple of titles right? Well, I earned those titles before there was a rep system...I spent countless hours, day after day, grinding for those drops...I earned those titles...and it just pisses me off that players can run around with elite gear and titles and don't even know how to do Cure Space/Ground Elite...but they can have their title...and I earn mine and can't have it...no, forget it. Not another dime until this is fixed.
I sent a ticket to the Support and the answer was just ridiculous For some feedback on the support I'll post it here btw I waited 2 weeks for it.
my first thought was, they're kidding, but obviously they didnt even read my ticket carefully
What is the solution