I know that filming as not started yet, as they are still filling out the casting. But knowing how Episode 6 ended, and tossing out all the books after. How do you see Episode 7 starting off?
Also, if JJ doesn't give us something like the following:
sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
yes I know it's from the swtor, but I am talking about the action level. I am hoping the story level will be just as good.
BTW I see the story opening with a lone Sith Knight, land on the same planet Han and Leia are on, and it goes after them with revenge on it's mind. Not sure if it's male or female, but I just see that being one option for the start of the film. Maybe it fails to get the job done, and Luke steps in to try a turn this sith over to the light side of the force.
Unless they have a fountain of youth or are made to look younger by computer magic Leia and Hann have already had Three Kids and I believe grand children. So the main story will probably follow the brats.
They already came out and said the EU isn't being taken into account, same way they wiped out a good chunk of it with the prequels (despite the Lucasarts stranglehold on canon, they don't actually have the rights to use any of that stuff), so the three kids are up in the air.
There's a reasonable chance Han and Leia won't even be married, since Harrison Ford has expressed a profound lack of interest in reprising his role and the character may need to be quietly killed or otherwise disposed of off screen in the intervening years.
I think it's the same as STO is to Star Trek. Lucasarts has to approve the content of the books but they are under no obligation to use them on film. As for who owns the rights, I'm sure some of those rights are surrendered to Lucasarts on the condition of getting your book published.
As for the movie. I think it starts off with a title screen and some scrolling yellow text. :P
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
Actually, I think it will first say "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.."
And then some scrolling yellow text.
You beat me to it.
I might go so far as to say that as the text disappears the first shot will be something happening in the space that is left as the text disappears.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Han and Leia's son wants to become a fighter pilot with the New Republic Guard or join the Jedi Order with his Uncle Luke. Han wants him to take up cargo runs, and leia wants him to become a politician like her.
New enemy shows up, vacation planet attacked, leia killed, han missing, off goes the newest volunteer of the NRG so to turn Jedi in search of "peace and prosperity for his new Empire"
WTF do you expect Disney owns it now, they'll rinse and repeat and generally destory everything good about it for as long as they can while trying to rake in as much cash as they can while ferociously trying to promote the new "Disney Stars" they've discovered and thrown into the Disney meat grinder.
All because someone forgot to tell George Lucas that you can't take money with you when your dead, and that if you really care about something you should pass it on to someone that cares about it as much as possible, not how much money they can make off of it.
I can then seeing it going to the jedi temple and seeing luke training up some young ones. just setting the scene that the jedi are returning and life is starting to return to normal in the new republic.
An explosion rocks the ship as two robots, R2-D2000 and C-3GTFO struggle to make their way through the shaking, bouncing passageway. Both robots generate lens flares.
R2 is a short dalek. His face is featureless unpolished gunmetal surrounding a massive unpolished gunmetal chaingun. C-3, on the other hand, is a tall, sexy robot of exaggerated human proportions. She has a gleaming bronze-like metallic surface with nipples.
Another blast shakes them as they struggle along their way.
C-3: Did you hear that? Maybe that was the main reactor. We need a man. This is madness!
Citizens of New York (including a policeman and a fireman) rush past the robots and take up positions in the main passageway. They aim their pistol and firehose toward the door.
C-3: Oh, save me!
The little R2 unit makes a series of explosive bursts of gunfire that only another robot could understand.
C-3: Princess? There's a princess? Is that me?
he'll make some funny comment to Chewy (who will have grey hairs and brown).
Han will say something like "we gotta get my son ...." something something about how his son back home is a little brat , just like the father...
oh heck let me write this I could do great!
Heir to the high pony of holier than thou, Guardian of the Sacred Mallet of Thwarting, and giver of Baptismal raspberries since 02/02/2010
You win the thread.
Mickey Skywalker mouse appears with a lightsaber. He is happily trimming his hedges when C-3PO and R2-D2 come. They appear in distress, and they ask Mickey to immediately follow them. When they get over a hill, they see a man coming out of ship with a red light saber killing ducks, and polluting the countryside. Mickey runs over to fight the bad guy, but then the bad guys uses force lightning *Screen goes white with pink and yellow and blue stars emanating from the centre*. Mickey then kindly stops some robots being mean to a child and polluting the area, at the same time from defending himself from the UnEnviromental Party (the Sith to you and me). He then defeats the mean party, and votes the Green party when he gets home. The Green Party then orders the 7 dwarfs to help everyone clean everything up. They then order the entire kingdom to proclaim Star Trek the superior and better franchise.
The end
I hope STO get's better ...
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
Where did you hear this? Latest rumors are that he is "available" or "interested". He just won't flat out admit it, but that is not strange considering the secrecy exercised during pre-production and filming of the previous films. I wouldn't write him out just yet.
Oh wait, this was only supposed to be what we thought it would begin like. My mistake!
It begins with a small craft containing Jar Jar Binks being struck by a bright light and destroyed, (Cut to planet) as Han, Liea and Luke are watching on a video monitor while sitting in their hoverrounds chearing with excitement.