My KDF fleet has a completely maxed embassy. All projects complete. All 200k dil vanity projects to date complete.
No embassy robes unlocked at the tailor. Instead, the fleet Bortasqu' uniform shows up in the tailor store. That uniform unlocks for your starbase tailor. I purchased that uniform at my starbase tailor.
At tier 2 we were suppose to have the exchange unlocked inside the embassy according to the info in the fleet window. The button says "Exchange Service is Unavailable". Clicking the button or pressing the 'F' key does nothing.
KDF got shafted on this. When the first fleets were getting T3 embassy, someone reported a bug here about the lack of "Unique Costume" they were suppose to get and I see in comments here and there on occasion someone asks about when it will get fixed. Season 7 launched in November 2012 and these problems still aren't fixed. If it was a Federation embassy, it probably would have been fixed months ago. :mad:
No embassy robes unlocked at the tailor. Instead, the fleet Bortasqu' uniform shows up in the tailor store. That uniform unlocks for your starbase tailor. I purchased that uniform at my starbase tailor.
At tier 2 we were suppose to have the exchange unlocked inside the embassy according to the info in the fleet window. The button says "Exchange Service is Unavailable". Clicking the button or pressing the 'F' key does nothing.
I created a thread about these bugs with screenshots, but nobody responded. Probably because it was a wall of text. But I had a lot of info to describe the bugs. :P
KDF got shafted on this. When the first fleets were getting T3 embassy, someone reported a bug here about the lack of "Unique Costume" they were suppose to get and I see in comments here and there on occasion someone asks about when it will get fixed. Season 7 launched in November 2012 and these problems still aren't fixed. If it was a Federation embassy, it probably would have been fixed months ago. :mad:
Ticket # 1,875,169