I'm not sure how I found this. It's worth a watch to see some vintage PVP. One KDF takes on 7 Feds. 6 of them are AFK but so what.
Anyway its a five part video. Not mine. SO GO WATCH NOW!
Can that map be reactivated? It's essentially a Kerrat style map in that there are PVE objectives. But it is qued. And it is somewhat cool.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
They removed it because they felt that not enough people were playing it.
This is the map that got me first playing space and when this map got removed i stopped playing space and started doing ground, I will be in favor of them bringing back this map becaused in my opinion it was a good map, like you said, it has pve and pvp (like karrat) and was fun to fly around in
That was before they integrated map types into single queues. Guess they just forgot about it afterwards.
...or if somebody might send it in for one of the podcast folks to ask...
...maybe ask a dev that's lost and stumbled by...
...etc, etc, etc - would be interesting to hear an answer, eh?
It was the first PvP I ever did when I first began playing the game. I was thoroughly destroyed during it, and promptly told off by people. It made me quit PvP until I began again (and much more knowledgeable that time) last year.
I think player knowledge has been elevated to the point where this style of map would be very attractive to the faction that it originally punished the hardest. The Feds.
PUT IT ON TRIBBLE!!! Turn it back on! Put the ball in OUR court to get people to test it out!
PVP test? Challenge Accepted.
It wasn't the most popular map beforehand, but that queue update absolutely ruined it.
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I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
I dunno about that. The video shows one KDF vs 6 Feds. Ques were BORKED so badly back then as you may recall. Not just the "you will be removed in ten seconds" borked. You would get crazy matches like in the vid.
And yes, the entire UI for ques was awful. Granted.
Still, people DID play it. It was just awful. All that effort to get into a match and you got punished. At least if you put the time into joining arena your cnh you got to play for a bit. Sorta.