I've been flying a recluse carrier for a few days and when I went to buy elite fleet mesh weavers for it, they are greyed out. Error message says I don't own a recluse. Dilithium store pets are also unavailable. The character is KDF Reman Sci. Ugggg what can I do?
I have the same problem the KDF fleet that I'm with reached T5 Sci and I cant buy the elite mesh weavers, then I checked on the dil store and Qo'noS ship yard and I cant buy them from either vendor. I did buy the standard mesh weavers for EC when I first got my recluse so it was working at some point.
Bump!!!!!!!!!!!! please give us a statment how long does it takes for a solution???
On Support ticket or GM tickets I got no answers.... customer support... Zero :mad:
Even the regular Bird of Prey for the Vo'Quv carriers can't be purchased right now. Same thing with the frigates for the Kar'fir... and these are REGULAR hangar pets, not anything related to fleets or dilithium.
Unless your fleet has reached Tier 5 Science you won't be able to buy them.
I have the same problem the KDF fleet that I'm with reached T5 Sci and I cant buy the elite mesh weavers, then I checked on the dil store and Qo'noS ship yard and I cant buy them from either vendor. I did buy the standard mesh weavers for EC when I first got my recluse so it was working at some point.
Picture as proof of problem
On Support ticket or GM tickets I got no answers.... customer support... Zero :mad:
My campaign: The Madness Plague.
My quest: Blacklake Gold
My guild: "The Older" Age 30+, Casual
There is nothing special to buy with the JH Heavy Escort Carrier, so you can't be having the same problem.