I've got a bug on two characters where my Bridge officers seem to be showing as the wrong type, specifically my engineering BOFF shows as tactical, and one of my tactical officers show as science.
Once I select them in the character menu, they reset immediately - but if I haven't noticed and haven't opened that menu, they do no show in the Department heads list, and sometimes are not in the correct station when I'm in Space.
Basically it's easily fixable, but it is a big irritation, because the BOFFs are often not where I need them to be.
On a possibly related note - on the welcome screen (where you see "These are the voyages..."), despite me having four different BOFFs in my away team, one of the BOFFs is in two different places, and one is missing.
Does anyone know how to fix it? It doesn't affect all of my characters, so I presume something is incorrect on this character.
Like many of the bugs - it's not major, certainly not game braking, but it's irritating, and would be nice to fix.
Is it that it only shows 3 ''self made boff'' and the rest are the generic ones? atleast thats the problem (and everybody else) is having, would be nice to see it fixed
im haveing a simlar problem myself. its listing some (the number fluxs between two and four) of my boffs as ships in my status roster. when i slect them they just are listed as "invalid entity name" with all the slots for a ship before quickly reverting back to normal. so far ive only had my Boffs unasigned from there areas once but it was in a STF so it quicky snowballed.
im haveing a simlar problem myself. its listing some (the number fluxs between two and four) of my boffs as ships in my status roster. when i slect them they just are listed as "invalid entity name" with all the slots for a ship before quickly reverting back to normal. so far ive only had my Boffs unasigned from there areas once but it was in a STF so it quicky snowballed.
so does this sound like a related problem?
I've also been having this problem, though sometimes it goes up to 6 boffs for me. Seems to happen everytime I zone between sectors or into the capital planets(Sol, New Romulus).
so does this sound like a related problem?
I've also been having this problem, though sometimes it goes up to 6 boffs for me. Seems to happen everytime I zone between sectors or into the capital planets(Sol, New Romulus).