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NWN to STO PVP port????

meatballsauceymeatballsaucey Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvP Gameplay
So it has been said that the future plans for PVP improvements stem from neverwinter PVP tech that they will port to this game. Since this is the only thing we are likely to get for PVP in the foreseeable future (Season 8 or 9) I was wondering what the NWN PVP experience is like?
Anyone know?

Open PVP?
Restrictions on Gear?
Faction jumbles?

Any hard facts on the system would be nice to see.
Any theories stemming from those facts would also be interesting to discuss.
Post edited by meatballsaucey on


  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We were promised leaderboards, tournament queues, and other basic PvP improvements in July. Of 2010.

    How far we've come.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,415 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Well there was the ground combat update- that was sort of a pvp related thing (it did make ground much more tolerable, I'll admit). There've been various balance fixes, but content wise we've actually *lost* maps, so we're still in the negative there.
  • aetam1aetam1 Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So it has been said that the future plans for PVP improvements stem from neverwinter PVP tech that they will port to this game. Since this is the only thing we are likely to get for PVP in the foreseeable future (Season 8 or 9) I was wondering what the NWN PVP experience is like?
    Anyone know?

    Open PVP?
    Restrictions on Gear?
    Faction jumbles?

    Any hard facts on the system would be nice to see.
    Any theories stemming from those facts would also be interesting to discuss.

    Well NWN PVP can be fun but it's not as good as STO. There are less maps, less game modes and balancing is far worse in NWN. Sadly that is no joke.

    NWN has one pvp mode with 2 maps. That is simply domination with 3 points. Granted the game is new and they want to add the gauntelgrym thing. I think it was already online and they had to remove it again because it was too buggy or something like that. Maybe it's online again, I haven't really followed NWN lately. Gauntelgrym should be some pvp/pve mix and would be the 2nd pvp mode.

    To answer your questions:
    -There is no open pvp
    -There are no leaderboards. At the end of a match you do not even see dmg or heal numbers, you get a score based on contribution. You get mainly by capturing points. Defending does not really grant you anything. Kills and assists do count.
    -There are no restrictions on gear other than a few consumables. You can not use the inst heal from the Zen store and no hp pots. There are pvp pots for pvp marks. There is also pvp gear which sucks in most cases. Also there is only one T1 pvp set per class. There are 3 T1 and 3 T2 pve sets per class. So epic raiding if you want pvp (yay!)
    -Gauntelygrym wants two factions. To join a faction you have to be in a guild since that guild joins the faction (at least that is the last info I heard maybe they changed that by now)

    Maybe something about the gameplay (I might add that I do not have any experience with latest balancing patches so this info is outdated):
    Clerics: The only "healers". Now if they only had a real heal. Mainly they have a ground area effect that give dmg reduction and a hot. Against uncoordinated teams that do not know how to deal dmg properly it is god mode. Stand in there and go afk, you are safe. Unfortunately A good player might just knock you out of it or simply outdmg the hot. If they assist you are screwed. It was possible to stack these things, that got removed. Oh an clerics have a 40% self healing reduction. I mean why should a cleric be able to heal himself? The tank simply keeps aggro and... oh wait we are talking pvp. (besides tanks can't even hold aggro in pve, heal is an massive aoe taunt)
    Shield Tanks: Quite powerful if played correctly, meaning going full offense. You can toss people around and do some insane dmg. They have this ability that an enemy does half dmg to everyone but you and you do half dmg to everyone but him. You also do double dmg to the selected player ( and he does double dmg to you). You could mark a player, charge him and kill anything with one combo if geared properly. Other than such cheese you had quite decent dmg and cc.
    Rouge: Like a good BoP burst only much simpler to pull off. Ignored resistance on his highes dmg hit. I think they nerfed the dmg by 60% in a balancing patch. Also some of the best cc, and ae cc.
    Wizard: Best cc, nearly any button you hit does cc in some way. There is nothing from preventing a stunlock. One wizard might nor be enough for that baut with two you can easily stunlock someone. Also does very good dmg.
    2h Tank: Well, it was kind of a fail in the beginning. Only a few knew how to play one and they could be quite dangerous but a bit up in general. They got buffed by now. Now they have the best defense ig with quite a good offense and mobility I think.

    Now as I have said I haven't tested the latest patches. Actually I stopped to truly pvp/play a month ago. The game is new and they had far worse bugs to fix so balancing wasn't really an option in the beginning.

    My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
  • meatballsauceymeatballsaucey Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aetam1 wrote: »
    Well NWN PVP can be fun but it's not as good as STO. There are less maps, less game modes and balancing is far worse in NWN. Sadly that is no joke.

    NWN has one pvp mode with 2 maps. That is simply domination with 3 points. Granted the game is new and they want to add the gauntelgrym thing. I think it was already online and they had to remove it again because it was too buggy or something like that. Maybe it's online again, I haven't really followed NWN lately. Gauntelgrym should be some pvp/pve mix and would be the 2nd pvp mode.

    To answer your questions:
    -There is no open pvp
    -There are no leaderboards. At the end of a match you do not even see dmg or heal numbers, you get a score based on contribution. You get mainly by capturing points. Defending does not really grant you anything. Kills and assists do count.
    -There are no restrictions on gear other than a few consumables. You can not use the inst heal from the Zen store and no hp pots. There are pvp pots for pvp marks. There is also pvp gear which sucks in most cases. Also there is only one T1 pvp set per class. There are 3 T1 and 3 T2 pve sets per class. So epic raiding if you want pvp (yay!)
    -Gauntelygrym wants two factions. To join a faction you have to be in a guild since that guild joins the faction (at least that is the last info I heard maybe they changed that by now)

    Maybe something about the gameplay (I might add that I do not have any experience with latest balancing patches so this info is outdated):
    Clerics: The only "healers". Now if they only had a real heal. Mainly they have a ground area effect that give dmg reduction and a hot. Against uncoordinated teams that do not know how to deal dmg properly it is god mode. Stand in there and go afk, you are safe. Unfortunately A good player might just knock you out of it or simply outdmg the hot. If they assist you are screwed. It was possible to stack these things, that got removed. Oh an clerics have a 40% self healing reduction. I mean why should a cleric be able to heal himself? The tank simply keeps aggro and... oh wait we are talking pvp. (besides tanks can't even hold aggro in pve, heal is an massive aoe taunt)
    Shield Tanks: Quite powerful if played correctly, meaning going full offense. You can toss people around and do some insane dmg. They have this ability that an enemy does half dmg to everyone but you and you do half dmg to everyone but him. You also do double dmg to the selected player ( and he does double dmg to you). You could mark a player, charge him and kill anything with one combo if geared properly. Other than such cheese you had quite decent dmg and cc.
    Rouge: Like a good BoP burst only much simpler to pull off. Ignored resistance on his highes dmg hit. I think they nerfed the dmg by 60% in a balancing patch. Also some of the best cc, and ae cc.
    Wizard: Best cc, nearly any button you hit does cc in some way. There is nothing from preventing a stunlock. One wizard might nor be enough for that baut with two you can easily stunlock someone. Also does very good dmg.
    2h Tank: Well, it was kind of a fail in the beginning. Only a few knew how to play one and they could be quite dangerous but a bit up in general. They got buffed by now. Now they have the best defense ig with quite a good offense and mobility I think.

    Now as I have said I haven't tested the latest patches. Actually I stopped to truly pvp/play a month ago. The game is new and they had far worse bugs to fix so balancing wasn't really an option in the beginning.

    This is very disheartening as this is the Future of STO. The system sounds no better than the one we have and this is what have to look forward too?

    Apparently the Perfect World end game goal of PVP is lost on Cryptic who can't seem to mash together a system on their engine.

    Oh well I guess we are doomed to perpetual (excuse the reference) power creep, balance issues, bugs, and poor implementation of PvE skills rather than a new fresh system ported from a new game.

    Over the years the broken promises have kept me from having much hope for seeing improved PVP. Now I can stop holding my breath.

    Mystical wizard ships all fly around with lots of magical powers and spam fills the screen from spawn to spawn countering spell after spell, healing and DPS-ing till our hearts are content. :(
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So it has been said that the future plans for PVP improvements stem from neverwinter PVP tech that they will port to this game. Since this is the only thing we are likely to get for PVP in the foreseeable future (Season 8 or 9) I was wondering what the NWN PVP experience is like?
    Anyone know?

    Open PVP?
    Restrictions on Gear?
    Faction jumbles?

    Any hard facts on the system would be nice to see.
    Any theories stemming from those facts would also be interesting to discuss.



    But wait guys, we will see some changes in PvP at around Season 9/10 but NOT EARLIER THEN THAT!!!!

    But you know, its coming... (2010)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So who wants to copy/paste the original quotes from dshtal about us getting pvp imported from never winter? I think it'll make a great question for the next ask cryptic.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • mancommancom Member Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    July 30 is Snix day.
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    maicake716 wrote: »
    So who wants to copy/paste the original quotes from dshtal about us getting pvp imported from never winter? I think it'll make a great question for the next ask cryptic.

    Hey, any PvP Related question once every year is more then sufficient in Ask Cryptic,

    Blast you, ungrateful ....
    mancom wrote: »
    July 30 is Snix day.

    I wonder if current devs look at that post they will scratch their head and think where this particular code actually is located and how it works :P
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
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