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Why Not End the Fed/KDF War?

kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Apart from the poor system of PVP, I can't think of a reason why the Feds and the KDF need to be at war after like level 25. Granted it has been a very long time since I played post-Romulan front missions, but I don't remember the Fed/KDF war being very central to any of it.

It seems like there are very few ways in which the story of the game or the activities of endgame even relate to a Fed/KDF war, other than randomized enemies that appear in the PvE events.

Otherwise, there seems to be far more cases of peace and cooperation. We cooperate on New Romulus. We both aid the Romulans, who then become our allies. Soon, we'll all be hanging out together on Risa, like we already do at Drozana.

Why not end the war at endgame? It would make sense from the Romulan story arc, since it doesn't make sense that both the KDF and Feds are supporting a faction that is openly allying with their enemies.

We also share a common fight against the main enemies of the game, like the Tholians, etc. We queue together at endgame.

The game is not about one faction vs. another. It's about choosing a faction, having a somewhat faction-specific experience, and then sharing in a common experience of battling non-faction enemies.

So, again, why not end the war at 50?
Post edited by kirksplat on


  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    been asked many times.

    Cryptic answer: They have plans. When will they be implemented? No date has been released.

    Real reason: More powerful ships/items are useless for PVE. PVP is where the EPEEN is. once they implement a good pvp system (and the only way to have that work is in a KDF/FED war) it will all makes sence.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There's no point to it anymore. There was a time when it had some promise and possibility, at this point its just background noise.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The game is not about one faction vs. another. It's about choosing a faction, having a somewhat faction-specific experience, and then sharing in a common experience of battling non-faction enemies.

    Ummm, yes it is.

    The search function will likely answer your question for you as this question has been asked MANY times before.

    Trolling thread this is.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In my eyes, until something in game really contradicts it, the war is more or less over. there is no specific peace treaty but its not much more than border skirmishes.

    The low level is about the war, then as you go through the ranks, you start to uncover the bigger problems, work together to defeat the borg, help the romulans and the fighting slows right down.

    they probably dont want to say its over completely because some of the pve events are still there, but i dont expect the war to feature too heavily in the future and would make sense if they focus on the real bad guys (borg, elcahi, iconians, undine etc).
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    I have made 2 posts today regarding this issue:

    In the Risa event - No-one has given a Plausible reason that the KDF is on a Federation Resort world during Wartime. Q event was different as it was a made up world that he had to transport you to. My KDF won't be attending unless they have a very plausible reason.

    In the PvP forum- I said that it is time for Mixed Q's - so that the system would randomly assign fed/kdf players to A team or B team.

    There would still be the old Q's but adding this would add some unexpected fun into PvP.
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    PvP side, you can already have mixed teams, just make a custom match. My fleet did this the other day, some of us were on KDF characters, rest where FED, and we mixed it up.

    The war, as of the 2800, seems to be at some sort of truce, but Cryptic won't end it as its too good of an excuse to do an episode or three around, so they are going to hold on to it for a future content release when they figiure they can sell something with it.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • aveldraaveldra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The faction conflict in this game was sadly underutilized due to the game shifting focus towards pve as that is were the money is at. Also keep in mind the game was in financial limbo until PWE bought Cryptic so the company had to ration its resources for what would give them the most return.

    All this was at a crucial time for the game to develop pvp and refine it but sadly that opportunity had to be missed out on. With the game at its midlife it's questionable if the game can grow the pvp population now but certainly there is a chance if the devs decide on it.

    For the question on why the war should be ended, I don't think it should, only because to do so would close off any narrative and plausibility for any future development on the pvp front. Keep in mind the conflict between the factions are more or less a Cold War now anyway.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    malkarris wrote: »
    PvP side, you can already have mixed teams, just make a custom match. My fleet did this the other day, some of us were on KDF characters, rest where FED, and we mixed it up.

    The war, as of the 2800, seems to be at some sort of truce, but Cryptic won't end it as its too good of an excuse to do an episode or three around, so they are going to hold on to it for a future content release when they figiure they can sell something with it.

    And I bet it was fun.

    I think Cryptic could easily make it a PvP Q - people have been asking for new PvP stuff forever.

    And It would take some of the pressure off of long Q's for KDF - as what often happens is Fed players will Q for FvF and FvK - but the FvF will trip first and take all those Fed players with it.
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They shouldn't have had a war in the first place. The only reason why it was done was because Cryptic wanted to copy WoW's two-sided Humans vs. Orcs dynamic. Heck, the way the Klingons are written in STO, they might as well be space orcs.

    You could still have PvP even without a war considering the untapped potential of one of Star Trek's iconic technology: the holodeck. PvE grinds could've revolved around holodeck simulations, too. It'd make more sense if saving the IKS Kang from the borg would be a simulation of a past event rather than actually occuring over and over and over. All of this would enhance the immersion by quite a bit.
  • apersont1apersont1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have made 2 posts today regarding this issue:

    In the Risa event - No-one has given a Plausible reason that the KDF is on a Federation Resort world during Wartime. Q event was different as it was a made up world that he had to transport you to. My KDF won't be attending unless they have a very plausible reason.

    There are not enough facepalms in the world to describe how annoying this type of post is
    MTV Cribs eat your heart out
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Its worth a facepalm, but only because he is taking the game more seriously than the devs are and has ended up trolling himself because of it
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    Its worth a facepalm, but only because he is taking the game more seriously than the devs are and has ended up trolling himself because of it

    Is it now bad that the players take the game more seriously then the developers?
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Is it now bad that the players take the game more seriously then the developers?
    Not bad by itself, but you end up trolling yourself which is bad
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The lack of real view or events on the KDF vs. Fed war we are experiencing is due to....well I'll be nice and say a lack of resources. ;)

    The thing is, having opposing factions in an MMO brings up flavour to the game. Before LoR was officialy described to have Romulans joining KDF and Fed. as allies I had high hopes that the Romulans would somehow become involved in the conflict and we could get a 3-way PvP. There is always that certain level of excitement a game has when you have an opposing faction of real human players, even if you're not very fond of PvP. Whenever you decide to break the routine and have a little PvP fun, the experience will be better against an actual human player with different ship and setup from yours.
    Now having everyone being friends in the MMO environment to me is in all honesty very lame. And also any PvP that would fall under "Wargames" would be incredibly lame and it won't interest me enough to participate. That's the reason I don't do FvF of KvK, the real thing is to fight your enemy in the game.

    The real question here is why are people asking to end the war, rather than asking and pushing Cryptic to do something about it that would make it more plausible, vibrant and fun part of STO? :confused:
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    Not bad by itself, but you end up trolling yourself which is bad

    Well whatever - it's a game - and I will do what I feel is best/most realistic for my KDF toons.

    I'm not telling other KDF players what they should or should not do.
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited June 2013
    I dont care for the KDF/Fed war as it is and dont see the reason for having it. Just because other MMO's have chosen to divide players up against each other does not mean it is the only or even the best formula for an MMO. It is ofcourse the most costly for the developer as they have to create content for both sides and spend allot of time and energy balancing said content. And considering at the end of all the TNG era series fed and KDF were not at war, even in All Good Things they were not at war. Klingons closed the borders they did not declare war.

    The private match system where KDF/Fed can be on the same team works fine, there is no good reason to divide PVE between factions especialy considering the enemies are a common one for the omega/nukara grind.

    Even the episodes pitting players against the other faction didnt feel like any kind of war but some border disputes and prisoner rescues.

    As for PVP that does not have to be the same faction setup as PvE, the PvP could be faction aligned in some and mixed in others and after everyone goes to the same planet for a few drinks before qeueing up together for the everlasting marks grind.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Before LoR was officialy described to have Romulans joining KDF and Fed. as allies I had high hopes that the Romulans would somehow become involved in the conflict and we could get a 3-way PvP. There is always that certain level of excitement a game has when you have an opposing faction of real human players, even if you're not very fond of PvP. Whenever you decide to break the routine and have a little PvP fun, the experience will be better against an actual human player with different ship and setup from yours.

    Now having everyone being friends in the MMO environment to me is in all honesty very lame. And also any PvP that would fall under "Wargames" would be incredibly lame and it won't interest me enough to participate. That's the reason I don't do FvF of KvK, the real thing is to fight your enemy in the game.

    The real question here is why are people asking to end the war, rather than asking and pushing Cryptic to do something about it that would make it more plausible, vibrant and fun part of STO? :confused:

    Cryptic cant afford to make it interesting, that's why we dont have three-way PVP with Romulans, because they didnt see sufficient return on the (cost+time) required to make it work.

    And anyway PVP is fundamentally broken with the OP items leading Cryptic's sales strategy.

    And even apart from that, we cant have involuntary PVP like ~"dont go to Tau Dewa or you'll get attacked" because this game's playerbase would not tolerate it.

    So all of that combined ... its not possible to implement anything substantitve with the limited resources (devs, tech, and playerbase total). Pushing them to do it is not going to make magic happen, its going to make the bad situation worse. Just turn it off, make it a PVE game, mix the queues, ... dial the game down to the available competency level and play to the game's strengths
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    WHAT KDF/Fed war? ;)

    We're all just one big happy extended family hunting epohhs and borg together! ;)
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    WHAT KDF/Fed war? ;)

    We're all just one big happy extended family hunting epohhs and borg together! ;)

    ya!!!! space bunnies for the win!!!!!! :D
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,443 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In the wise words of Commander Kang, "Only a fool fights in a burning house."

    The Alpha Quadrant is under attack by the Borg, the Undine, the Tal'Shiar, one faction of Jem'Hadar, the True Way, the Breen, the Elachi, and above it all and coordinating the whole thing, the Iconians. Once the Feds and KDF realize what's really going on (somewhere around lvl 10-20 for the Fed player, around 30 for the KDF), they'd be idiots not to at least declare a cease-fire until the quadrant's safe enough to hold a war in.
  • o1derfull1o1derfull1 Member Posts: 294
    edited June 2013
    Once the Feds and KDF realize what's really going on (somewhere around lvl 10-20 for the Fed player, around 30 for the KDF), they'd be idiots not to at least declare a cease-fire until the quadrant's safe enough to hold a war in.

    We need to stop all this fighting so we can continue fighting. Once we end that fighting, we can go back to fighting.

    ::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    o1derfull1 wrote: »
    We need to stop all this fighting so we can continue fighting. Once we end that fighting, we can go back to fighting.

    YES!! Now you finally understand. =)
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    been asked many times.

    Cryptic answer: They have plans. When will they be implemented? No date has been released.

    Real reason: More powerful ships/items are useless for PVE. PVP is where the EPEEN is. once they implement a good pvp system (and the only way to have that work is in a KDF/FED war) it will all makes sence.

    Lol, this is very close to accurate, a better way of puting it though:

    More powerful ships and items are not as useful in PvE as there are in the competetive nature that is PvP. This is what keeps driving the Free to Play buisness model, as players are eager to spend the money so they have the latest and greatest (and advantage over thier fellow players). As PvP becomes more evolved, the use of bigger and better ships will spark an arms race of sorts that will continue to drive the economy.

    This is exactly what you said, just more tactful. lol ;)
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Cryptic cant afford to make it interesting, that's why we dont have three-way PVP with Romulans, because they didnt see sufficient return on the (cost+time) required to make it work.

    Well, I hope that they'll figure how to afford it eventually, if they really care about the longetivity and the stability of the game. (Not talking about 3-way PvP btw, that train has left the station. I'm talking about enhancing the current PvP experience.)
    And anyway PVP is fundamentally broken with the OP items leading Cryptic's sales strategy.

    You won't get any arguments from me about this.
    And even apart from that, we cant have involuntary PVP like ~"dont go to Tau Dewa or you'll get attacked" because this game's playerbase would not tolerate it.

    I was not talking about forcing anything on anyone. But there can be a new sector block created that would be PvP open zone with territory control that gives the faction that controls it access to some special Doff chains, or a Starbase with unique services that are not gamebreaking. Just off the top of my head, there are many things that can be made to have a real and fun PvP experience without forcing it on anyone and breaking the game for the ones that do not wish to participate in PvP.
    So all of that combined ... its not possible to implement anything substantitve with the limited resources (devs, tech, and playerbase total). Pushing them to do it is not going to make magic happen, its going to make the bad situation worse. Just turn it off, make it a PVE game, mix the queues, ... dial the game down to the available competency level and play to the game's strengths

    Well, I definitely can't agree with this. I guess I have a different point of view of this. I don't agree with dumbing the game down because that's the best they can do. At least we as players and customers should ask for more quality, so the game can become a better overall experience.
    jonsills wrote: »
    In the wise words of Commander Kang, "Only a fool fights in a burning house."

    The Alpha Quadrant is under attack by the Borg, the Undine, the Tal'Shiar, one faction of Jem'Hadar, the True Way, the Breen, the Elachi, and above it all and coordinating the whole thing, the Iconians. Once the Feds and KDF realize what's really going on (somewhere around lvl 10-20 for the Fed player, around 30 for the KDF), they'd be idiots not to at least declare a cease-fire until the quadrant's safe enough to hold a war in.

    This is not going to make the PvP in STO a better experience. It will make it very lame and without any real substance, we'll be pigeonholed into so called 'war games' if we want PvP.

    But, that aside, if the situation is so dire as you say so everyone needs to join forces, don't we at least need some kind of conclusion to the war?
    Like a FEs where as a Starfleet officer you discover Undine through the ranks of Starfleet and uncover their plot, while as a Klingon you strike on suspected ships/stations that are suposed to be under Undine infiltrators' command and purge the Federation of the Undine.

    I mean, why would the Klingons want to join forces with the Federation against the, let's say - Iconians if the Federation is ran by Undine infiltrators?? They could very much ally with the Borg to counter the Iconians then. If the war is to be over, we need some kind of conclusion that is not - well we woke up this morning and there was peace. ;)
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    In the wise words of Commander Kang, "Only a fool fights in a burning house."

    The Alpha Quadrant is under attack by the Borg, the Undine, the Tal'Shiar, one faction of Jem'Hadar, the True Way, the Breen, the Elachi, and above it all and coordinating the whole thing, the Iconians. Once the Feds and KDF realize what's really going on (somewhere around lvl 10-20 for the Fed player, around 30 for the KDF), they'd be idiots not to at least declare a cease-fire until the quadrant's safe enough to hold a war in.

    I agree with this set up. It just makes 3000 % more sense than how the game now unfolds, with the KDF/War as a forgotten footnote, except for awkward moments on New Romulus.

    It could also tie in with some elements that feel far more Star Trek than "everyone is at war with everyone." It would be a story about two rivals coming together to cooperate in the face of a joint threat.

    Shared content and queues would make far more sense. So would Roms choosing allies when those allies are allies.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    vegie0 wrote: »
    Lol, this is very close to accurate, a better way of puting it though:

    More powerful ships and items are not as useful in PvE as there are in the competetive nature that is PvP. This is what keeps driving the Free to Play buisness model, as players are eager to spend the money so they have the latest and greatest (and advantage over thier fellow players). As PvP becomes more evolved, the use of bigger and better ships will spark an arms race of sorts that will continue to drive the economy.

    This is exactly what you said, just more tactful. lol ;)

    Yeah, this is why I just don't understand why Cryptic isn't more invested in updating PvP to be really, really good. Half the C-store goodies aren't even truly needed in PvE, their main uses are in PvP. You don't need Graviton Pulse to fight NPCs, nor do you really need Aceton Assimilators, or many of the universal consoles out there. You don't need most of the ship types to really succeed in PvE, since it's so easy. They exist to allow fine-tuned customization for PvP purposes.

    I would not be surprised if the per-capita 'revenue' from regular PvPers was considerably higher than the revenue from a casual PvE freeper, the kind of gamer Cryptic seems to be trying to attract. Only reason there aren't more PvPers is because the PvP system is rudimentary and underutilized.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited June 2013
    PvP and PvE does not mix people, some of you are suggesting that they be mixed. No there should be no open PvP zones with special DOFF chains. That is asking for PvE players to enter the zone to do those assignments so you can gank them because you think that sort of TRIBBLE is funny.

    Better ships and gear is as important to PvE just as it is to PvP since Cryptic added a leaderboard for loot in ESTF's. Everyone wants that Purple MK XII reward and the only way to do that is to have the best gear so you get to the top of the leaderboard. No way you will get there with the gear the ship came with and white consoles off the exchange.

    The fed KDF war should end simply because it does not work for PvE that is oriented towards fighting a common enemy. Simple as that. As for PvP simple border skirmishes and factions inside the KDF attemtping to take over a planet and feds trying to stop them works fine without an all out war.

    Scenario, House IpewPewu is attempting to take planet Shootemup for themselves, and Starfleet has assigned you to stop them. Many KDF houses join them believing that it will help the empire and bring back some honor. PvP in space around the planet Fed verses KDF. Open world PvP on the planet Fed verses KDF.

    Scenario, Border Skirmish. Federation has made contact and started attemting to gain the alegiance of a KDF world. You are assigned to stop them and ensure the planet remains under the authority of the empire. Again PvP in space and on the ground.

    neither of those scenarios require a war between the factions and provide story where a story is not even required. All that is required for PvP is an arena to fight in!
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jetwtf wrote: »
    PvP and PvE does not mix people, some of you are suggesting that they be mixed. No there should be no open PvP zones with special DOFF chains. That is asking for PvE players to enter the zone to do those assignments so you can gank them because you think that sort of TRIBBLE is funny.

    Why not? Make a zone for PvP players based on teritorry control that will open up Doff chains or vendors that grant items that only work against other players. So the PvP crowd will be interested in this and have fun making the efforts to obtain them, while the PvE only crowd can completely disregard the existence of that zones as it won't change anything for them if they don't intend to go against other players.

    I only ocassionaly PvP to break the routine and am more of a PvE player myself. I have no intention on ganking anyone or making availible for others so do so. I'm just saying what's best for the long term health of the game. Having a healthy PvP community with quality PvP content based on consent could work wonders for the health of a game and it's longetivity.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree this was needs to end not to mention they are both trying to stop the borg.There is a lot more cooperation between both empires.It cost both of them a great deal to fuel it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
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  • aurelias1aurelias1 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jetwtf wrote: »
    Scenario, House IpewPewu is attempting to take planet Shootemup for themselves, and Starfleet has assigned you to stop them. Many KDF houses join them believing that it will help the empire and bring back some honor. PvP in space around the planet Fed verses KDF. Open world PvP on the planet Fed verses KDF.

    Scenario, Border Skirmish. Federation has made contact and started attemting to gain the alegiance of a KDF world. You are assigned to stop them and ensure the planet remains under the authority of the empire. Again PvP in space and on the ground.

    neither of those scenarios require a war between the factions and provide story where a story is not even required. All that is required for PvP is an arena to fight in!

    Neither of them requires a pretense of Klingons vs. Feds either. They should just stop trying to pretend that PVP or "the war" are even vaguely relevant to the actual storyline of the game. At this point the Klingon/Federation Alliance is de facto in place again, PVP is basically an unrelated minigame. They could invoke shared queues and just treat it as 'war games' between the allies. People who want to do Fed vs. Klink can still do premades.
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