Can anyone tell me if the turrets and drones for romulan engineers use plasma weapons, or if they got stuck with the old federation phaser turrets/drones?
I know that a while back, the KDF's engineers got their own unique turrets and drones that use disruptors and look different than the federation's phaser variants. Hoping the romulans got some uniqueness in that regard too, but I havent gotten a kit for my romulan engie yet.
I believe they primarily use the same phasers (or at least they appear to be), One bonus though, the romulan turret also uses an effective plasma flamethrower.
Never bothered to check on them once I deployed the turrets. Let me check.
From what I've heard [on the RUMOR mill], a kit revamp was scheduled with LoR that wasn't able to make it. However, if/when a kit revamp comes into play, it's likely we can see the turrets issue changed. Orb Strike and the Drone that Engineers get as a class skill should really get updated independent though.
Personally, I wish Orbital Strike used a graphic/damage type randomly selected from your primary ship instead of just fixed. But bleh, doubt that would happen.
I believe they primarily use the same phasers (or at least they appear to be), One bonus though, the romulan turret also uses an effective plasma flamethrower.
Never bothered to check on them once I deployed the turrets. Let me check.
Update: Yes, they are phasers.
The one with the Plasma Flamethrower is Turret Fabrication IV, and that is only available from the Romulan Embassy Engineering Kit. Meaning anybody can use it, provided their fleet is built up to access it. Your Romulan ENG BOFFs cannot build it.
Never bothered to check on them once I deployed the turrets. Let me check.
Update: Yes, they are phasers.
Interestingly enough, your [Rom] boffs get Disruptors regardless. Fed boffs will have phaser [and I presume KDF will have Disruptor].
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
Personally, I wish Orbital Strike used a graphic/damage type randomly selected from your primary ship instead of just fixed. But bleh, doubt that would happen.
The one with the Plasma Flamethrower is Turret Fabrication IV, and that is only available from the Romulan Embassy Engineering Kit. Meaning anybody can use it, provided their fleet is built up to access it. Your Romulan ENG BOFFs cannot build it.