I've ran and tested the "new pve que" missions.. while it is nice to have a ground mission with more Nukara Mark, the development or process at which it happened was... disappointing.
The Planet its self was pretty live and active... with this new broken system I am to wonder if the popularity of going to Nukara will slowly die down till its as empty as the Defera Planet with nothing on it vs Deferi Invasion Zone.
I've had so many fund Memories on Nuk, me and Fleet Mates, making new friends there. It was a nice social area. It was fun kicking Tholian butt with an army of people, KDF and StarFleet alike.
After trying the Exterior version of the PvQ Que... I was like.. well, that was short and boring. And then I tried the Interior. That was buggy and the mission failed the 2 times I did try it. Some didnt have EV Suits and left.. other got stuck in the wall due to the inklosed spawn area. It was a mess.
To that end I would have to wonder... why didnt they just make a FRESH PvE Tholian Ground Battle... smarter.. funner and would have left the Planet as added kontent, not taken away or numb'd down kontent and less bugs to deal with. A map that puts your team in an area and your squad make its way down tunnels, mayb taking a few lifts... planting bombs on Tholian Data, killing off the hordes till you finally reach the Boss to give him his justice. A 15min battle with optionals & a decent set of Mark and an Elite version.
I would say this death of a Planet would be just as bad as removing the Hard rewards from Defera. Alas, my heart is still broken, as I pause to gather my self.
For there is more. If you do happen to goto Nukara and go in either Hard area you will find you're either kicked into space or simply not rewarded for finishing the ghost of the mission that once was.
I slumber at the Fact of my voice... the peoples voice every being heard on this issue or the Dev actually getting a klue on what they did or what they kould have done better. I simply chop it up to
laziness for what other word would fit this horrific turn in player base indulgence. I leave you all with a la-sigh >_> #Fin
Their should be a transwarp to all adventure zones so it is not as much a hassle to get their. If they had such transwarps more people would of went to them before and might go their now if they want the atmosphere of the zone.
What? Actually GO to the location a mission takes place? Thats just crazy talk now.
Why I can be sitting comfortably at Quarks, and be instantly transported to a cave on Nukara Prime, do battle with the Tholians, and be be whooshed back to Quarks before the next call on the Dabo Wheel. Heck, my drink is still cold. Only to be whisked off to Gamma Orionis to do battle with the borg... and magically back in my seat before my dinner arrives. I can zip off to Alpha Centari to fight the CE before desert and coffee gets cold...
/sarcasm off
Its been coming for a while, I haven't liked the queues since they moved the STF's there. Today, I literally had 0 reason to ever leave K7 or DS9 (only reason I went to BU was to see the mine map... once we unlock that tranwarp... Guess I don't actualyl have to leave the fleetbase/embassy/mine...
Think about it, when was the last time you actually flew to a mission start point? Battle Group Omega? I went when a new toon got the Assimilated accolade... but yeah thats been it since ... well since F2P launched.
Oh on Episode reruns, sure... but... then again for 500 EC, I can just transwarp there, and then (thanks to Diplomacy) can transwarp back to my base of choice... skipping everything in between...
lol... I really didn't think it would hit me this hard... but I am really not liking this direction. The queues kill any sense of story...
Hell the STF's are still a disjointed mess... that has never improved since the queues started... and now Nukara is just the lastest casualty... Sir, we need to fight the Project Leader... no no... no need to beam up, we can now beam you across sectors right into the same room with him... Yeah... no problem... when your done, we can bring you right back...
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
but then just pushing a button and having you beam in is kind of lame. it cuts out half of the game.
they did a good job making flying in sector space faster.. maybe if they bumped it up a tad bit more.. then remove the auto beam in from pve queue..
[12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
come on people this is Star Trek 101 think out side the box
Also, think of the amount of time, money and manpower which was wasted doing it, time money and man hours which could have gone into fixing bugs. Does anyone else agree with this?
Cryptic, if you need, I can pass you details of someone who can improve the current efficiency of your management by a thousand percent.
He's called Mr Bean.
There is, at least for Nukara.
For Nukara Prime just use the K-7 transwarp.
STO becomes more and more a job and Cryptic makes it easier for us to do our job.
No one will play any longer on Nukara Prime, only in the HARD instances.
That is only on the Fed side and you need a high enough diplomatic rank and you will still need to travel a little to beam down to do the missions if I am not mistaken. A direct transwarp to the exact location regardless of what side your on and available without having to do anything special would be nice.
And, since the endgame is almost entirely group content... I'd likely not be playing at all.
*sigh* is guess STO has just about become my second job
Huh? Defera is more popular than it has ever been. There are always a few full instances and pretty much everyone I know goes there to grind fleet marks (Unless they do no-win instead) so I don't buy this for a second.
Kirk's Protege.
i sort of like the queues, it makes it nice and quick no matter where you are but they need to pace a big warning that you need a suit.
i think you can still do the hards on nakura if you want. the task cames up as a sort of zone wide thing?
You know how you are unable to que for the shuttle pve's if you donot have a shuttle? It should be like that, meaning you cannot que unless you are wearing a EV suit.
All six of me agree with you.
It is nice and easy to queue a team for an event now, which means no one has to move and can continue what they're doing after whatever PvE/PvP queue they've joined but on the other hand adventure zones and other places will not get explored as much because of this.
Personally I could deal with having to travel to specific place to start a PvE queue but I enjoy exploring, that to me is a big part of Trek. It's not like the universe takes that long to get around, you can do a full tour round the universe in 30mins or less, if it were a 5 year tour to get from one end to the other I could understand putting everything in a queue system, and also I can understand some people who play this are pressed for time, they may only get an hour or so of play time a day and so for them the queue system is a life saver but again, to me Trek is mostly about exploring, if we could move just that bit further away from the grind it would be nice, maybe have marks for each faction you face, even if it doesn't have a rep' system yet so for every ship you destroy of that faction you get x marks for that faction's rep' that way even when doing episodes/foundry missions or any battle you will get rep' marks, easing off the 'need' to go through the PvE queue to hunt down these marks every time you log on. Obviously if this idea were implemented it could be abused, maybe a cap of 1000 marks a day or something could solve that, again as with most of my posts it's just an idea.
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
You DO still have the option of meeting up with your own team and traveling to the site of the mission if you want. Then queue the team to start it. Of course, your teammates may question whats the point of such an exercise when you could queue from anywhere, and its up to you to convince them to go along with it.
Hah! You and me both. Except in my case I was a DRG with my flag up for about oh...maybe 4-5 hours a day chilling by the AH in Lower Jeuno. Once went 2 full weeks without an invite. Then of course it was always fun when we would get out to the camp site and 20 mins later the RDM had to leave for some random reason and the PT would break since "Oh no more refresh and we can't find a replace, sorry dudes." It was always a RDM though since BRDs were mythical creatures that only existed in HNMLS's. That was during the Zilart era before CoP was around. I swear getting that job to 75 during the "loldrg" phase was an accomplishment in it's own right. Altana knows I can go without that for the rest of my life.
Mine Trap Supporter
More marks...less fun...
Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
This 100%.
I have a engineer fed captain that was perfectly made for Nukara. I had a great time running the missions on Nukara, both for Fleet Marks and for the requisition packs.
When I saw the Nukara Strike Force rep system, I was like this is cool.
But, then I found out that fleet marks were removed, with no warning or explanation. I was and still AM upset that the fleet marks have been removed.
My engineer could get hundreds of marks in a couple of hours, and you know what... I was happy doing to do it. I did not mind it one bit doing the same missions over. I had a nice little system and pattern in place, and everything worked rather nicely.
Loved helping folks, and teaming up with them, one of the few places I did team up with people, except for the Borg Red Alerts. Normally I'm a solo player and do my own thing, but there I felt a much stronger bond with other players.
I still can not grasp the decision to remove them. Fleet marks do not impact the money aspect of the game. You can't use dilithium to purchase them. They can only be earned through in game missions. So what's the big deal? Why remove them if they weren't really causing anything to break.
This is the one commodity and fleet input that, for me at least, is the hardest to get. Now the only way I normally get fleet marks is by running my tac captain in the Defera invasion zone, which I do not like too much. Never really cared about fighting the borg. They seem rather straight forward.
At least the tholians moved around, and tried to outflank, making you constantly think of positioning and tactics. the borg just slowly walk at you, and what adapt. Big deal. just hit your little refrequency modulator and pull out a melee weapon.
If I wanted to fight with swords, and stuff, I'll play Neverwinter.
Tholians were cool to fight, and funny sometimes... have you ever used a weapon with knock back on tholians?
When they get it with he knowback, they start flying around looking like calamari... First time I saw that happen I was laughing so hard, that a couple of tholians snuck around and blew me away. But I couldn't stop laughing.
I really, really REALLY, would like them to put the fleet marks back. Nothing extravagant, just what the amounts were before LoR released, that's all I ask. Nothing needs to be buffed, nerfed or whatever else. Just please put the fleet marks back as a reward.
Does suck if you don't like the change tho.
Very wisely worded. Immersion, great word to sum it up. As another poster said; Faster Marks, less fun.
And I think you read that part wrong friend. It's two areas once you enter the Deferi System, Invasion Zone & the home planet its self. If you ever goto the planet area & not the Invadion Zone you will find it quite empty. I'm not sure why they didn't put a trading post on it with a Bank & Exchange area and so on. Would make that System space even more handy