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taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 48 Arc User
edited July 2013 in The Academy
If I don't click on anything in time, which of those 3 does it default to? (often I am too busy trying not to die to spend time reading up an item's stats trying to figure out if I need it or not)

Also, how does need v greed work? It seems rather stupid to have such a system with drops that bind on equip rather than bind on loot, since bind on equip items can be sold for ec to buy the items you DO need. So in effect everyone "needs" every single item.

So far I just have been quick selecting greed for everything
Post edited by taltamir on


  • oldkirkfanoldkirkfan Member Posts: 1,263 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hopefully,someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

    If you do not choose, it defaults to pass.

    As for the pass v greed, pass is self explanatory. Big surprise, huh...?

    Greed is only good if everyone chooses it, or pass. Need will trump greed in the selection. If 4 choose greed, and one chooses need, the need gets it.
  • georgedpgeorgedp Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It says at the end: "If everyone declares greed, then everyone rolls for the item; if one or more people declare need, only they roll on the item"

    It may also say it is polite not to press "need" if you dont intend of using the item but from my experience everybody presses "need" except the too common and cheap things....:rolleyes:

    If you dont press something I think it considers as "pass"...

    The item can be sold whatever you press
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The idea is that "Need" means you "need" it for that character specifically (the turret/cannon/beam you need to complete your build just right) and that you do not intend to just sell it. If everyone clicks "Need" it is a dice roll as to who gets it.

    "Greed" is just what it says. You do not "need" the item but would like it so you can sell it for EC, or possibly put it on an alt. If everyone clicks "Greed" it is a dice roll as before. If all but one click "Greed" and one clicks "Need" it goes to the one clicking "Need". Again, if more than one clicks "Need" it is a dice roll for them and "Greed" doesn't get a look in.

    "Pass" means "I do not wish to touch this with YOUR bargepole" and is commonly used for low end items and lockboxes :D Clicking "Pass" on an item will remove you from any dice roll to determine who gets it.

    Sadly, the whole need/greed system is a bit of a farce with whole groups clicking "Need" for every item. There are very few (and they tend to be honest people who will only "Need" on an item they genuinely need) who use the system properly.
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You basically hit "Need" for everything. That is what everyone else does because they "Need" the money even if they don't "Need" the item itself.
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The idea is that "Need" means you "need" it for that character specifically (the turret/cannon/beam you need to complete your build just right) and that you do not intend to just sell it.

    Yes, I knew that already.

    It is utterly without merit in a game where items do not bind on pickup.
    It made sense in wow, where it was first introduced, for specific ultra rare items that bind on pickup.

    This right there is why the "need v greed" system exists. The STO exchange renders such a system moot.

    If I get a 30,000 credit console and its not the one I want I can sell it and then use the 30,000ec to buy the one I do want.

    As it is the system is rewarding greed and dishonesty, and very strongly encouraging people to be dishonest and roll need for everything.
    georgedp wrote: »
    It may also say it is polite not to press "need" if you dont intend of using the item but from my experience everybody presses "need" except the too common and cheap things....:rolleyes:

    If you dont press something I think it considers as "pass"...

    Thank you.
    I guess I better get used to clicking every time.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This system is a silly legacy. I click on Need every single time and feel no shame whatsoever.
    It should be abolished and replaced with automatic loot deposits to inventory.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
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  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    taltamir wrote: »
    Also, how does need v greed work? It seems rather stupid to have such a system with drops that bind on equip rather than bind on loot, since bind on equip items can be sold for ec to buy the items you DO need. So in effect everyone "needs" every single item.

    So far I just have been quick selecting greed for everything
    taltamir wrote: »
    Yes, I knew that already.

    It is utterly without merit in a game where items do not bind on pickup.
    It made sense in wow, where it was first introduced, for specific ultra rare items that bind on pickup.

    You asked how it worked, I explained, you complain that you knew already?! :confused:

    Many of us agree the system is stupid and without true merit in this game as almost nothing is bind-on pickup, but it does exist so you have a choice...
    a) be honest and only need what you will use immediately, greed to earn EC and buy what you want and pass on all other TRIBBLE;
    b) do what a significant number of people do (for various reasons including wanton greed, lack of knowledge of how the system works, laziness, accident, etc.) and just click NEED.
    c) ignore the whole thing and fill up a portion of your screen with timers :P
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Unfortunately, in STO ... there is little honor left... especially in pug matches. As navius above me shows.

    Channel matches are different... the more traditional Need/Greed/Pass rules apply, just make sure you declare the rule before the match starts). Be prepared to /ignore the needers....

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You asked how it worked, I explained, you complain that you knew already?! :confused:

    Ah I see. I meant that I wanted to know the specific mechanics.
    That is, does choosing need provide a bonus to the roll, or is everyone who chooses greed is considered to have passed on it.

    You explained that "need" means "The idea is that "Need" means you "need" it for that character specifically (the turret/cannon/beam you need to complete your build just right) and that you do not intend to just sell it."

    That is what I already knew (since I am familiar with MMOs)
    Unfortunately, in STO ... there is little honor left... especially in pug matches. As navius above me shows.

    Channel matches are different... the more traditional Need/Greed/Pass rules apply, just make sure you declare the rule before the match starts). Be prepared to /ignore the needers....

    I am all for honor when it makes sense. It doesn't make sense for items that don't soulbind on pickup
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "Need" means you want the item.
    Anything else means you don't want it.

    It's not dishonest or greedy, its just a stupid question. The drops are vendor trash, they exist to be sold. And everyone needs money.
  • jessiecoltjessiecolt Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Need/Greed/Pass is great for groups that face a group, then have a pause before they have to actively look for and face the next group.

    Need/Greed/Pass is not good for heavy action looting, like most of the space combat, that most of us pug.

    When you have 20 ships all firing at your group of 5 and you stop try to determine if the item that just dropped is one you can use, then you run a risk of dying.

    If you ignore the loot drop to continue fighting, then you run the risk of the internal timer running out and defaulting to passing.

    The only real choice is to choose Need and then review what you got at the end of the match when you leave the map.

    The only way ST:O can fix the issue is to kill all individual loot drops during the run, and only permit a single drop at the end. Everyone can then Need/Greed/Pass based on that final loot drop once all combat is over and the match is finished.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Need/Greed is for Fleet runs (IE your Fleet leaders decide on the Need/Greed etiquette when doing Fleet only STFs, or queued events.) If you're in a PUG, always hit 'Need' and let the random number generator sort it out.

    In every MMO I've ever played, if you're in a PUG and 'nice/honest' about only hitting 'Need' if you need the item; someone else will ALWAYS hit 'Need' regardless - so again, instead of agonizing over it, just assume everyone does; and if you want a shot at the item in a PUG, hit 'Need'.

    And if you're trying to maximize DPS or using other powers effectively, it saves you the headache of trying to evaluate the item (and if you really want to need or greed it) while y9ou're in combat. (Although, to be honest, aside from PvP - none of the PvE content, including Elite STFs ) doesn't require all that much attention compared to say, most of the Boss MOB fights in vanilla WoW's "Molten Core" raid zone did back in the day ;))
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In a game where every class has the potential to use any item as effectively as any other class, having a need/greed/pass system is stupid. Cryptic devs basically aped WOW's loot system without understanding why WoW implemented it in the first place(WoW's original loot system was roll or pass).
  • insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Furthermore, in an elite STF, there should be extremely rare cases where anything is an upgrade. Mk XI/XII purple consoles are the only things that should EVER be an upgrade in elite. Everything else is Exchange/vendor trash.

    If you honestly "need" an item that drops in an eSTF (except the consoles above), then you need to go back to normals.
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Furthermore, in an elite STF, there should be extremely rare cases where anything is an upgrade. Mk XI/XII purple consoles are the only things that should EVER be an upgrade in elite. Everything else is Exchange/vendor trash.

    If you honestly "need" an item that drops in an eSTF (except the consoles above), then you need to go back to normals.

    I constantly get "need/greed/pass" dialog in normal too and it is all vendor trash.

    I spent under 500k ec to fully kit my ship with everything as mk XI blue (for some reason XII greens cost a lot more even though the rarity bonus counts for another rank) when I hit level 50, I now have 1.5 mil in the bank (that is with always passing on stuff) and already got a few better items from (especially good XI purps from mission rewards). Rather than grinding best items in the game (which will come later) I am focusing on dilithium now to expand the bank and later maybe to buy a ship upgrade.

    If I ever get that far. Although I might end up getting top gear in exchange just because I am gonna run up to the ec limit in under a week in this rate
  • dashuk2381dashuk2381 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Either need or pass, the greed option in this game is completely pointless unless you are in a pre-arranged group with your friends or fleet and everyone follows the system. The best is when I see a group of lvl 50s in a Fleet Action needing on green or blue gear that isn't even close to their level, like Mk II or some TRIBBLE. The community in this game is kind of hilarious in that way, most STO players think me me me rather than think that someone else might need that item, like say the level 20 person running the fleet action. *shrug* Half the players in STO wouldn't survive raids or looting in MMOs because after a few "needs" that you don't really need you are pretty much black-balled by a lot of people from raiding groups.
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dashuk2381 wrote: »
    most STO players think me me me rather than think that someone else might need that item, like say the level 20 person running the fleet action. *shrug* Half the players in STO wouldn't survive raids or looting in MMOs because after a few "needs" that you don't really need you are pretty much black-balled by a lot of people from raiding groups.

    I disagree. It isn't an act of selfishness but dealing with a broken system that doesn't suit this game. And most of those people choosing need for everything are not going to do the same in a game like wow where such a system is appropriate.

    Also, I tried looking at items before deciding. All I get for that is death or at the very least being a non contributing member for many battles (too busy looking at item stats to focus on killing the enemy).

    9/10 times the level 20 is going to sell the item to buy something actually useful for their build.
  • grandmasterpeezgrandmasterpeez Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    taltamir wrote: »
    If I don't click on anything in time, which of those 3 does it default to? (often I am too busy trying not to die to spend time reading up an item's stats trying to figure out if I need it or not)

    Also, how does need v greed work? It seems rather stupid to have such a system with drops that bind on equip rather than bind on loot, since bind on equip items can be sold for ec to buy the items you DO need. So in effect everyone "needs" every single item.

    So far I just have been quick selecting greed for everything
    i was wondering the same thing I saw it yesterday when I was playing but like you said when your getting hammered you dont notice it till late and that didn't come up in tutor. so go figure and I think it does pass they need to fix that thank god I played dcuo before this game so I have a idea of what to do lol ok I dont but hell I guess that comes with the fun huh lol
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If everyone clicks "Need" it is a dice roll as to who gets it.

    If everyone clicks "Greed" it is a dice roll as before. If all but one click "Greed" and one clicks "Need" it goes to the one clicking "Need". Again, if more than one clicks "Need" it is a dice roll for them and "Greed" doesn't get a look in.

    "Pass" means "I do not wish to touch this with YOUR bargepole" and is commonly used for low end items and lockboxes :D Clicking "Pass" on an item will remove you from any dice roll to determine who gets it.
    taltamir wrote: »
    Ah I see. I meant that I wanted to know the specific mechanics.
    That is, does choosing need provide a bonus to the roll, or is everyone who chooses greed is considered to have passed on it.

    You explained that "need" means "The idea is that "Need" means you "need" it for that character specifically (the turret/cannon/beam you need to complete your build just right) and that you do not intend to just sell it."

    That is what I already knew (since I am familiar with MMOs)
    i was wondering the same thing I saw it yesterday when I was playing but like you said when your getting hammered you dont notice it till late and that didn't come up in tutor. so go figure and I think it does pass they need to fix that thank god I played dcuo before this game so I have a idea of what to do lol ok I dont but hell I guess that comes with the fun huh lol

    And I did explain what mechanic is used :D the almighty RNG with highest roll winning. Do nothing and you are saying PASS by abstention. Hope it is clearer this time.
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i say this like i say to all threads like this one

    unless your group is a fleet group or a whole group of friends you need on every thing for their will always be a ninja in the group
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    i say this like i say to all threads like this one

    unless your group is a fleet group or a whole group of friends you need on every thing for their will always be a ninja in the group

    And if you do not see him... the ninja is you! :eek:
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And I did explain what mechanic is used :D the almighty RNG with highest roll winning. Do nothing and you are saying PASS by abstention. Hope it is clearer this time.

    Yes, thank you.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    unless your group is a fleet group or a whole group of friends you need on every thing for their will always be a ninja in the group
    Even if you ARE in a group of your friends, the reflex to just push Need is locked in anyway. Loot first, sort later.
    And if you do not see him... the ninja is you! :eek:
    If you can see the ninja, the ninja can see you. If you can't see the ninja, you may have only seconds left to live.
  • chaosnexus#5539 chaosnexus Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anyone know how to move the Need/Greed/Pass window. I tried using the Rearrange UI option and nothing happens. I even clicked on it, right clicked it and nothing happens.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In WoW if a BoE blue or purple was being rolled for you could Greed roll it, and if you won, you could resell the BoE on the auction house. But if someone needed it, the BoE became BoP and they could use it for their own uses, but couldn't resell it for a profit. Seemed like a decent enough system.
  • insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sonnikku wrote: »
    In WoW if a BoE blue or purple was being rolled for you could Greed roll it, and if you won, you could resell the BoE on the auction house. But if someone needed it, the BoE became BoP and they could use it for their own uses, but couldn't resell it for a profit. Seemed like a decent enough system.

    Unless this was introduced in the last 5 months, this isn't true. Greed vs. Need has no effect on BoE vs. BoP, in WoW.

    In STO, I "Need" everything that drops, even though there is a near-zero chance its an actual upgrade. A couple of points:

    Nothing that drops in an STF should be an upgrade, with the very rare exception of a Very Rare Mk XI+ consoles. If an engine, or weapon, or even warp core is an upgrade, and you are in an elite STF, you need to farm up more gear in normals or whatever before playing with the big boys. At a minimum, the AEGIS set (or Breen/Jem'Hadar) with Mk XI very rare weapons for eSTF's. The Nanite disprutors are a good place to start, you can get a full set for around 2 million EC.

    Even if I won't be equipping what I get, I *do* however still need drops from STF's, because I can sell them for EC. My need for EC is equal to your need for a gear upgrade. Anything else is presumptuous and selfish.

    The cold truth is that if you want a chance to get an item that has dropped, you need to roll Need on it.
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