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Bridge Officers being re-assigned

foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
edited October 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
The game, for whatever reason seems to enjoy swapping my selected Bridge officers out of their Department head slots.

This happens any time I (Or others I've been told) transition to their ship interiors or change characters.

On more than one occasion my bridge crew has also completely abandoned their stations and left my ship with no bridge crew at all.

THis has also happened to a fleetmate.
Post edited by foundrelic on


  • freakiumfreakium Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This happens to me as well. Every time I switch characters or log in, not sure which, some of my department heads will be absent. It almost seems like it's tied in with the bug where one of your bridge officers are displayed as a ship in the status menu until you click on them.
  • davidmcnavaradavidmcnavara Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Same issue. Department heads are changed each time I change avatar/ship view. No problems with changing instances, I have to change type of view (ship to avatar or avatar to ship) to start this bug.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    freakium wrote: »
    This happens to me as well. Every time I switch characters or log in, not sure which, some of my department heads will be absent. It almost seems like it's tied in with the bug where one of your bridge officers are displayed as a ship in the status menu until you click on them.

    Same issues here. Sigh.

    I think much has to do with the game being buggy having added your default shuttle into the overview mix: it having only 1 (or maybe 2) boff stations, as a result the game just fills your starship bridge with random bridge officers. And that seems to tie in with Department heads as well somehow.
  • domvinadomvina Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here's what I've notice with both my Klingon and Romulan characters with this issue. If one of my Boffs is the one that has the bug where they appear as a ship in the Boff list and I have that Boff assigned as a Department Head when I go to one of the hubs or switch to Bridge view it will scramble my Department Heads.

    On my Federation character I've yet to experience the bug with a Boff showing up as a ship and I never have an issue with Department Heads getting scrambled.
  • talon2000uktalon2000uk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Posted a work around at the end of this thread.

  • gidiangidian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    domvina wrote: »
    Here's what I've notice with both my Klingon and Romulan characters with this issue. If one of my Boffs is the one that has the bug where they appear as a ship in the Boff list and I have that Boff assigned as a Department Head when I go to one of the hubs or switch to Bridge view it will scramble my Department Heads.

    On my Federation character I've yet to experience the bug with a Boff showing up as a ship and I never have an issue with Department Heads getting scrambled.

    I don't see the ship thing but my federation bridge officers keep getting replaced on my bridge by random crew and my department heads keep scrambling. Yes i know if you don't have anough bridge officers you get randoms buti bought the extra slots and have had no issue till the Romulus patch. :(
  • autumnturningautumnturning Member Posts: 743 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Actually, the problem happens ANY TIME you zone into a Ground Zone where the Captain does not spawn in with ALL of their Bridge Officers. That means:
    • Earth Space Dock
    • Starfleet Academy
    • First City
    • Klingon Academy
    • Qo'nos Starbase in orbit
    • Romulan Command Center
    • New Romulus (outside)
    • Fleet Starbase
    • Fleet Embassy
    • Fleet Mine Holdings (surface)
    • Vlugta Dilithium Mine
    • Deep Space Station K7
    • Starbase 39
    • Drozana Station
    • Deep Space 9
    • Planet Risa
    • Planet Vulcan
    • Planet Andoria
    • Starship Interiors
    ... and on and on and on and on (ie. this list is NOT exhaustive and all inclusive!). What do all of these locations share in common? They are Ground Zones where you are not supposed to have a FULL complement of Bridge Officers accompanying you. Consequently, the game fails to load information concerning your Bridge Officer Stations when zoning in because that information IS NOT RELEVANT to the location you're going to.

    Basically, at some point in the development cycle, a Programmer decided that this was a corner that could be "cut" without impacting gameplay (and I'm sure that at the time, it didn't) but which would reduce server load and therefore be advantageous in terms of resource management. Unfortunately, this particular corner got "cut" in such a way that it sheared off support for anything else that might wind up referencing the Bridge Officer Station Assignments list ... which we all now know the Duty Officer Heads system relies upon.

    Since this is essentially a GLOBAL PROBLEM caused when entering a Ground Zone that does not require all 4 Bridge Officer assignments, the obvious conclusion would be for a Developer to go investigate the "global" Zone To Ground Zone coding to find the fault ... and then formulate a fix to kill this *BUG*. Because computers are supposed to be able to REMEMBER THINGS ... particularly if they're using Databases to store information in. When a computer program/game starts behaving in a way that can only be charitably described as "FORGETFUL" ... YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. :mad:
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