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alabuck48alabuck48 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
I purchased $50 zen last night while the shard was down. I've gotten 10 emails saying, "Thank you for your purchase" but it still says the purchase is under review and I can't get my zen? Why send emails saying thank you for your purchase if it hasn't been approved? And 10 emails???:confused:
Post edited by alabuck48 on


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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2013
    alabuck48 wrote: »
    I purchased $50 zen last night while the shard was down. I've gotten 10 emails saying, "Thank you for your purchase" but it still says the purchase is under review and I can't get my zen? Why send emails saying thank you for your purchase if it hasn't been approved? And 10 emails???:confused:

    The 10 emails sounds like a bug -- if you can let me know the payment gateway you used, I'll let our billing team know. But "reviewing" of ZEN purchases can be normal as your transaction is being finalized -- here is some information about it: https://billing.perfectworld.com/wheresmyzen

    (Also, moving this to the right subforum :))


    Brandon =/\=
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    alabuck48alabuck48 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
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    f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    alabuck48 wrote: »
    using google wallet

    Yeah ... I get the same ... at least until it leaves the "review" process which seems to last quite some time.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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    mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The 10 emails sounds like a bug -- if you can let me know the payment gateway you used, I'll let our billing team know. But "reviewing" of ZEN purchases can be normal as your transaction is being finalized -- here is some information about it: https://billing.perfectworld.com/wheresmyzen

    (Also, moving this to the right subforum :))


    Brandon =/\=
    I have the same experience. It is all of us using google wallet. Your billing team says we have no eta on a fix. I have to be "patient" yet again with your company. You ask for a LOT of that lately. I am fresh out.

    Funny, my money had no problem being hoovered out. No more.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2013
    alabuck48 wrote: »
    using google wallet

    Okay, thanks. I will pass this along.

    As always, if you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our billing team at http://support.perfectworld.com ('Contact Us' tab, 'Billing' for the category drop down). If you are not able to reach the support site, please email directly to customerservice@perfectworld.com and put "billing" in the subject line and as many details in the message as possible. Filing a ticket is always the preferred method to contact us as you can ensure your ticket is in the right queue via the category dropdown.


    Brandon =/\=
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    mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have reached out and spoken with them. No ETA, no advice or redress other than "patience." This is getting very very tired out.
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    starscrub#7282 starscrub Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am in the same situation. I purchased ZEN through Google wallet and it's being reviewed since yesterday. I have sent two tickets and not even a courtesy "go blank yourself and be patient". They sure didn't waste any time taking my money. They must be reviewing more ways to TRIBBLE us?
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    chrisc85chrisc85 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Funny, my money had no problem being hoovered out. No more.

    I am having the same issue. The money was removed instantly... yet there's a problem? DURING A ZEN PROMOTION?!?!?!?!?

    You know.. There are reasons why companies go out of business. PWE has committed so many of these mistakes, if they didn't have the brand and experience of Star Trek, I'd have been gone on day two.

    I wonder when this MMO will go the way of SWG... and SWG didn't have a shoddy, skeezy, slime-bag way of charging out the A$$ for "perks"
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    rollabobrollabob Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So if people have been stating they have had issues for the better part of a week http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=10801871&postcount=11 getting a transaction to complete using Google Wallet why has that option not been disabled until a fix is found? Why are they not refunding our transactions so we can place them through a source that they know is working?

    Between this and the launcher/patch issues I am starting to wonder why I subscribe to this game at all.
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    buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not just Google wallet, PAY PAL isn't working either.
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    mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    google still messed up.
    and by last count, 13 emails from PWE saying thanks for my money....I mean purchase.
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